8 research outputs found

    Striking divergences in Earth Observation products may limit their use for REDD+

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    Countries are required to generate baselines of carbon emissions, or Forest Reference Emission Levels, for implementing REDD+ under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and to access results-based payments. Developing these baselines requires accurate maps of carbon stocks and historical deforestation. Global remote sensing products provide low-cost solutions for this information, but there has been little validation of these products at national scales. This study compares the ability of currently available products obtained from remote sensing data to deliver estimates of deforestation and associated carbon emissions in Guinea-Bissau, a West African country encompassing the climate and vegetation gradients that are typical of sub-Saharan Africa. We show that disagreements in estimates of deforestation are striking, and this variation leads to high uncertainty in derived emissions. For Guinea-Bissau, we suggest that higher temporal resolution of remote sensing products is required to reduce this uncertainty by overcoming current limitations in differentiating deforestation from seasonality. In contrast, existing datasets of carbon stocks show better agreement, and contribute much less to the variation in estimated emissions. We conclude that using global datasets based on Earth Observation data is a cost-effective solution to make REDD+ operational, but deforestation maps in particular should be derived carefully and their uncertainty assessed

    Efeito da luz e da temperatura na germinação de sementes de quatro espécies de Xyris L. (Xyridaceae) ocorrentes na Serra do Cipó, MG, Brasil Light and temperature effect on germination of four species of Xyris L. (Xyridaceae) seeds occurring at the Serra do Cipó, MG, Brazil

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    As espĂ©cies do gĂȘnero Xyris sĂŁo tĂ­picas de solos brejosos ou Ășmidos, sendo bastante freqĂŒentes nos campos rupestres de Minas Gerais. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o comportamento germinativo de sementes de X. cipoensis Smith & Downs, X. longiscapa A. Nilsson, X. platystachia A. Nilsson e X. trachyphylla Mart. sob diferentes condiçÔes de luz e temperatura. Os experimentos de germinação foram realizados em cĂąmaras de germinação nas temperaturas constantes de 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40ÂșC, sob luz e escuro contĂ­nuos, e nas alternĂąncias de 25-15, 30-15, 30-20, 35-15, 35-20 e 35-25ÂșC, onde as temperaturas mais altas referem-se ao perĂ­odo de luz, sob fotoperĂ­odo de 12 horas. As quatro espĂ©cies de Xyris apresentam sementes pequenas e sensĂ­veis Ă  luz, com resposta nula de germinação no escuro. As sementes de X. cipoensis germinaram em faixa mais estreita de temperatura (20 a 30ÂșC), apresentando alta porcentagem de germinação na temperatura constante de 20ÂșC. A faixa de 15 a 30ÂșC foi favorĂĄvel Ă  germinação das sementes de X. longiscapa, X. platystachia e X. trachyphylla, apresentando baixo percentual de germinação a 15ÂșC. As temperaturas alternantes nĂŁo favoreceram a germinação em relação Ă s temperaturas constantes.<br>The Xyris genus species are typical from marshy or wet soils, being quite common on Minas Gerais rocky fields. The objective of this study was to investigate the germinative behavior of X. cipoensis Smith & Downs, X. longiscapa A. Nilsson, X. platystachia A. Nilsson and X. trachyphylla Mart. under different light and temperatures conditions. The germination experiments took place in germination chambers at constant temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40ÂșC, under continuous white light and darkness, and on the alternating temperatures of 25-15, 30-15, 30-20, 35-15, 35-20 and 35-25ÂșC, the higher temperature being in light at a 12 hours photoperiod. The four species of Xyris have small and light sensitive seeds, with no germination on darkness. The seeds of X. cipoensis germinated in a strict temperature (20 to 30ÂșC), presenting higher percentage of germination at the constant temperature of 20ÂșC. The 15 to 30ÂșC range were favorable to the germination of X. longiscapa, X. platystachia and X. trachyphylla seeds. These species presented low percentage of germination at 15ÂșC. The alternating temperature did not favor the germination when compared to the constant temperatures

    Profundidade de semeadura e presença de palha afetam a emergĂȘncia de plĂąntulas de Vernonia ferruginea Sowing depth and presence of straw affect emergence of Vernonia ferruginea seedling

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    A compreensĂŁo sobre a biologia de plantas daninhas pode contribuir significativamente no estabelecimento de estratĂ©gias adequadas para seu manejo, alĂ©m de possibilitar o desenvolvimento de ferramentas de controle nĂŁo quĂ­mico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de profundidade de semeadura, tipo de solo, tipo e quantidade de palha na emergĂȘncia de plĂąntulas de Vernonia ferruginea (assa-peixe). No primeiro experimento, sementes da espĂ©cie foram colocadas em dois substratos (terra e areia) e em sete profundidades (0; 0,0025; 0,005; 0,01; 0,02; 0,04; e 0,08 m). No segundo experimento, determinou-se o efeito de palha de cana-de-açĂșcar, capim-braquiĂĄria e milho em cinco quantidades (0,0; 1,5; 3,0; 6,0; e 9,0 t ha-1) na emergĂȘncia de V. ferruginea. Maior emergĂȘncia foi obtida na superfĂ­cie e em 0,0025 m em ambos os substratos. A palha de milho foi a que mais inibiu a emergĂȘncia de V. ferruginea, em todas as quantidades testadas.<br>Basic information on the biology of weeds can contribute significantly to building appropriate strategies for their management, and developing non-chemical control tools. The aim of this work was to study the effect of sowing depth, soil type, and litter type and amount on the emergence of Vernonia ferruginea seedlings. In the first experiment, seeds of this species were placed in two substrates (soil and sand) at seven depths (0, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04 and 0.08 m). In the second experiment, the effect of sugarcane straw, signal grass and maize was determined in five amounts (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 9.0 t ha-1) on the emergence of V. ferruginea. The highest emergence was observed on the surface and at 0.0025 m in both substrates. Corn straw inhibited emergence of V. ferruginea the most, in all the amounts tested