1,222 research outputs found

    Survey of fishes and water properties of south San Francisco Bay, California, 1973-82

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    The objective of this study was to describe the physical and ichthyological changes occurring seasonally and annually in the south San Francisco Bay, based on the results of 2,561 otter trawl and water samples obtained between February 1973 and June 1982. Temperature varied predictably among seasons in a pattern that varied little between years. Salinity also underwent predictable seasonal changes but the pattern varied substantially between years. The most abundant species of fish were northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), English sole (Parophrys vetulus), and shiner surfperch (Cymatogaster aggregata). The majority of the common fish species were most abundant during wet years and least abundant in dry years. Numeric diversity was highest during the spring and early summer, with no detectable interannual trends. Species composition changed extensively between seasons and between years, particularly years with extremely high or extremely low freshwater inflows. All the common species exhibited clustered spatial distributions. Such spatial clustering could affect the interpretation of data from estuarine sampling programs. Gobies (Family Gobiidae) were more abundant during flood tides than during ebb tides. English sole were significantly more abundant in shallower areas. Shiner surfperch showed significant differences in abundance between sample areas.(PDF file contains 28 pages.

    Age, Growth, Life History, and Fisheries of the Sand Sole, Psettichthys melanostictus

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    Sand sole, Psettichthys melanostictus, is a small but important part of the west coast groundfish fishery. It has never been assessed and there is a limited amount of biological data for the species. We provide the first estimates of age and growth for California populations and compare them with studies from other areas. We found that sand sole is a rapidly growing species which may show a strong latitudinal gradient in growth rate. We also found evidence of a recent, strong cohortrelated shift in the sex ratio of the population towards fewer females. In addition we examined data from the Washington, Oregon, and California commercial fishery to make an initial determination of population status. We found that catch per unit of effort in commercial trawls experienced a decline over time but has rebounded in recent years, except central California (the southern part of its commercial range), where the decline has not reversed

    Comparison of Standard Length, Fork Length, and Total Length for Measuring West Coast Marine Fishes

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    Measurements of adult marine fishes on the U.S. west coast are usually made using one of three methods: standard length, fork length, or total length. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. In this paper we attempt to determine whether one method is faster and/or more reliable than the other methods. We found that all three methods were comparable. There was no appreciable difference in the time it took to measure fish using the different methods. Fork length had the most reproducible results; however, it had the highest level of bias between researchers. We therefore suggest that selection of measurement type be based on what other researchers have used for the species under study. The best improvement in measurement reliability probably occurs by adequate training of personnel and not type of measurement used

    Sources of age determination errors for sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria)

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    This study was undertaken to resolve problems in age determination of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria). Aging of this species has been hampered by poor agreement (averaging less than 45%) among age readers and by differences in assigned ages of as much as 15 years. Otoliths from fish that had been injected with oxytetracycline (OTC) and that had been at liberty for known durations were used to determine why age determinations were so difficult and to help determine the correct aging procedure. All fish were sampled from Oregon southwards, which represents the southern part of their range. The otoliths were examined with the aid of image processing. Some fish showed little or no growth on the otolith after eight months at liberty, whereas otoliths from other fish grew substantially. Some fish lay down two prominent hyaline zones within a single year, one in the summer and one in the winter. We classified the otoliths by morphological type and found that certain types are more likely to lay down multiple hyaline zones and other types are likely to lay down little or no zones. This finding suggests that some improvement could be achieved by detailed knowledge of the growth characteristics of the different types. This study suggests that it may not be possible to obtain reliable ages from sablefish otoliths. At the very least, more studies will be required to under-stand the growth of sablefish otoliths

    A Visualization of the Internet

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    Recent advances in event-driven information and real-time configurations have paved the way for evolutionary programming. In fact, few system administrators would disagree with the robust unification of 802.11 mesh networks and write-ahead logging, which embodies the appropriate principles of hardware and architecture. In this paper we introduce an analysis of the UNIVAC computer (YUX), arguing that Lamport clocks and DHCP are rarely incompatible

    A taxonomic review of the genus Zosterops in East Africa, with a revised list of species occurring in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania

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    Species limits among East African white-eyes Zosterops are reviewed. Recent  molecular studies have revealed that arrangements such as those of Britton (1980), with just three species, and Fry (2000), with four species, are unsatisfactory. Most of the isolated highland forms which have been grouped under Z. poliogaster evolved independently and warrant treatment as full endemic species. Forms hitherto treated as subspecies of Z. senegalensis have been recovered within two divergent African clades. Within a northern clade Z. stuhlmanni appears best split pro tempore from Z. senegalensis (sensu stricto). Within a southern clade, stierlingi and anderssoni may be treated as subspecies of Z. anderssoni. The pale yellow-bellied forms, included until now within Z. abyssinicus, were found in a different lineage from northeast African grey-bellied forms, and must be treated under Z. flavilateralis. With the inclusion of Z. vaughani of Pemba Island this results in a total of eleven East African species. These are listed with details of all constituent subspecies, distributions and synonyms. Occurrence within Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda is summarized in an appendix

    Photosynthesis in Aspen Bark During Winter Months

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    Age and growth of blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus) from central and northern California

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    Otoliths from blue rockfish (Sebastes mystinus), were aged by using a combination of surface and break-and-burn methods. The samples were collected between 1978 and 1998 off central and northern California. Annual growth increments in the otoliths were validated by using edge analysis for females up to age 23 and for males to age 25.The first annual growth increment was identified by comparing the diameter of the otolith from fish known to be one year old collected in May (when translucent zone formation was completed) to the mean diameter of the first translucent zone in the otoliths from older fish. Our estimated maxi-mum ages of 44 years for males and 41 years for females were much older than those reported in previous studies. Von Bertalanffy growth models were developed for each sex. Females grew faster and reached larger maximum length than males. The growth models were similar to those generated in other studies of this species in southern and central California. Fish from northern and central California had similar maximum sizes, maximum ages, and growth model parameters

    Ecosystem Studies at Cedar Creek Natural History Area

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