1,004 research outputs found

    Large Surveys in Cosmology: The Changing Sociology

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    Galaxy redshift surveys and Cosmic Microwave Background experiments are undertaken with larger and larger teams, in a fashion reminiscent of particle physics experiments and the human genome projects. We discuss the role of young researchers, the issue of multiple authorship, and ways to communicate effectively in teams of tens to hundreds of collaborators.Comment: Invited article for "Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy II", ed. A. Heck, Kluwer Acad. Publ., in press (7 pages, no figures

    Probing Density Fluctuations using the FIRST Radio Survey

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    We use results of angular clustering measurements in 3000 sq. deg's of the FIRST radio survey to infer information on spatial clustering. Measurements are compared with CDM-model predictions. Clustering of FIRST sources with optical ID's in the APM catalog are also investigated. Finally, we outline a preliminary search for a weak lensing signal in the survey.Comment: 6 pages latex, 2 figures, to appear in Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys (Kluwer

    Power Spectrum of Velocity Fluctuations in the Universe

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    We investigate the power spectrum of velocity fluctuations in the universe, V2(k)V^2(k), starting from four different measures of velocity: (1) the power spectrum of velocity fluctuations from peculiar velocities of galaxies; (2) the rms peculiar velocity of galaxy clusters; (3) the power spectrum of velocity fluctuations from the power spectrum of density fluctuations in the galaxy distribution; (4) and the bulk velocity from peculiar velocities of galaxies. We show that measures (1) and (2) are not consistent with each other and either the power spectrum from peculiar velocities of galaxies is overestimated or the rms cluster peculiar velocity is underestimated. The amplitude of velocity fluctuations derived from the galaxy distribution (measure 3) depends on the parameter β\beta. We estimate the parameter β\beta on the basis of measures (2) and (4). The power spectrum of velocity fluctuations from the galaxy distribution in the Stromlo-APM redshift survey is consistent with the observed rms cluster velocity and with the observed large-scale bulk flow when the parameter β\beta is in the range 0.4-0.5. In this case the value of the function V(k)V(k) at wavelength λ=120h1\lambda=120h^{-1}Mpc is 350\sim 350 km s1^{-1} and the rms amplitude of the bulk flow at the radius r=60h1r=60h^{-1} Mpc is 340\sim 340 km s1^{-1}. The velocity dispersion of galaxy systems originates mostly from the large-scale velocity fluctuations with wavelengths λ>100h1\lambda >100h^{-1} Mpc.Comment: Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 493, in press: 23 pages, uses AAS Latex, and 14 separate postscript figure

    Analytical Approximations to Galaxy Clustering

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    We discuss some recent progress in constructing analytic approximations to the galaxy clustering. We show that successful models can be constructed for the clustering of both dark matter and dark matter haloes. Our understanding of galaxy clustering and galaxy biasing can be greatly enhanced by these models.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, crckapb.sty, figure included, to appear in the proceedings of Ringberg Workshop on Large-Scale Structure (ed. D. Hamilton; Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Non-BBN Constraints On The Key Cosmological Parameters

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    Since the baryon-to-photon ratio "eta" is in some doubt at present, we ignore the constraints on eta from big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and fit the three key cosmological parameters (h, Omega_M, eta) to four other observational constraints: Hubble parameter, age of the universe, cluster gas (baryon) fraction, and effective shape parameter "Gamma". We consider open and flat CDM models and flat "Lambda"-CDM models, testing goodness of fit and drawing confidence regions by the Delta-chi^2 method. CDM models with Omega_M = 1 (SCDM models) are accepted only because we allow a large error on h, permitting h < 0.5. Open CDM models are accepted only for Omega_M \gsim 0.4. Lambda-CDM models give similar results. In all of these models, large eta (\gsim 6) is favored strongly over small eta, supporting reports of low deuterium abundances on some QSO lines of sight, and suggesting that observational determinations of primordial 4He may be contaminated by systematic errors. Only if we drop the crucial Gamma constraint are much lower values of Omega_M and eta permitted.Comment: 12 pages, Kluwer Latex, 2 Postscript figures, to appear in the proceedings of the ISSI Workshop, "The Primordial Nuclei and Their Galactic Evolution" (Bern, May 6-10, 1997), ed. N. Prantzos, M. Tosi, and R. von Steiger (Kluwer, Dordrecht

    Measuring our universe from galaxy redshift surveys

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    Galaxy redshift surveys have achieved significant progress over the last couple of decades. Those surveys tell us in the most straightforward way what our local universe looks like. While the galaxy distribution traces the bright side of the universe, detailed quantitative analyses of the data have even revealed the dark side of the universe dominated by non-baryonic dark matter as well as more mysterious dark energy (or Einstein's cosmological constant). We describe several methodologies of using galaxy redshift surveys as cosmological probes, and then summarize the recent results from the existing surveys. Finally we present our views on the future of redshift surveys in the era of Precision Cosmology.Comment: 82 pages, 31 figures, invited review article published in Living Reviews in Relativity, http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2004-

    Detection of weak gravitational lensing distortions of distant galaxies by cosmic dark matter at large scales

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    Most of the matter in the universe is not luminous and can be observed directly only through its gravitational effect. An emerging technique called weak gravitational lensing uses background galaxies to reveal the foreground dark matter distribution on large scales. Light from very distant galaxies travels to us through many intervening overdensities which gravitationally distort their apparent shapes. The observed ellipticity pattern of these distant galaxies thus encodes information about the large-scale structure of the universe, but attempts to measure this effect have been inconclusive due to systematic errors. We report the first detection of this ``cosmic shear'' using 145,000 background galaxies to reveal the dark matter distribution on angular scales up to half a degree in three separate lines of sight. The observed angular dependence of this effect is consistent with that predicted by two leading cosmological models, providing new and independent support for these models.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures: To appear in Nature. (This replacement fixes tex errors and typos.

    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): Redshift Space Distortions from the Clipped Galaxy Field

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    We present the first cosmological measurement derived from a galaxy density field subject to a `clipping' transformation. By enforcing an upper bound on the galaxy number density field in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly survey (GAMA), contributions from the nonlinear processes of virialisation and galaxy bias are greatly reduced. This leads to a galaxy power spectrum which is easier to model, without calibration from numerical simulations. We develop a theoretical model for the power spectrum of a clipped field in redshift space, which is exact for the case of anisotropic Gaussian fields. Clipping is found to extend the applicability of the conventional Kaiser prescription by more than a factor of three in wavenumber, or a factor of thirty in terms of the number of Fourier modes. By modelling the galaxy power spectrum on scales k < 0.3 h/Mpc and density fluctuations δg<4\delta_g < 4 we measure the normalised growth rate fσ8(z=0.18)=0.29±0.10f\sigma_8(z = 0.18) = 0.29 \pm 0.10

    The Evolution of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies

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    Considerable progress has been made over the last decade in the study of the evolutionary trends of the population of galaxy clusters in the Universe. In this review we focus on observations in the X-ray band. X-ray surveys with the ROSAT satellite, supplemented by follow-up studies with ASCA and Beppo-SAX, have allowed an assessment of the evolution of the space density of clusters out to z~1, and the evolution of the physical properties of the intra-cluster medium out to z~0.5. With the advent of Chandra and Newton-XMM, and their unprecedented sensitivity and angular resolution, these studies have been extended beyond redshift unity and have revealed the complexity of the thermodynamical structure of clusters. The properties of the intra-cluster gas are significantly affected by non-gravitational processes including star formation and Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) activity. Convincing evidence has emerged for modest evolution of both the bulk of the X-ray cluster population and their thermodynamical properties since redshift unity. Such an observational scenario is consistent with hierarchical models of structure formation in a flat low density universe with Omega_m=0.3 and sigma_8=0.7-0.8 for the normalization of the power spectrum. Basic methodologies for construction of X-ray-selected cluster samples are reviewed and implications of cluster evolution for cosmological models are discussed.Comment: 40 pages, 15 figures. Full resolution figures can be downloaded from http://www.eso.org/~prosati/ARAA