703 research outputs found

    Dvije vrste vodenih grinja (Acari: Hydrachnidia) iz krŔkih izvora, novih u fauni Hrvatske, s osvrtom na rasprostranjenost i okoliŔne sklonosti

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    One fifth of all described water mite species show clear preferences to spring ecosystems. The main goal of this research was to contribute to the knowledge of water mite assemblages, species richness and abundance in karst springs, with a special emphasis on comparing rheocrene and limnocrene spring ecosystems. The limnocrene spring Modro Oko in the Southern Dalmatia had only one water mite species recorded in the studied period, showing very low abundances, whereas the rheocrene spring of Jadro River in the Central Dalmatia showed both higher species richness (ten taxa recorded) and abundance. First records of two water mite species of the family Hygrobatidae from karst springs situated in the coastline area of Croatia are provided and discussed: Hygrobates setosus Besseling, 1942 and Atractides distans (K. Viets, 1914). Including these two additional records, a total number of 88 water mite species are recorded from Croatia so far.Čak petina svih opisanih vrsta vodengrinja pokazuje izrazitu povezanost s izvorskim ekosustavima. Glavni cilj ovog rada bio je doprinijeti poznavanju zajednica, bogatstva vrsta i gustoće populacija vodengrinja u krÅ”kim izvorima, s posebnim naglaskom na usporedbu limnokrenih i reokrenih ekosustava. U limnokrenom izvoru Modro Oko u južnoj Dalmaciji zabilježena je samo jedna vrsta vodengrinja koja je u istraživanom razdoblju zabilježena s relativno malom gustoćom populacija, dok je u reokrenom izvoru rijeke Jadro u srednjoj Dalmaciji nađeno veće bogatstvo vrsta (10 zabilježenih svojti) kao i veća gustoća populacija. Literaturnim pregledom u fauni Hrvatske je do sada ustanovljeno 86 vrsta vodengrinja. U ovom radu prikazani su prvi nalazi dviju vrsta vodengrinja porodice Hygrobatidae iz krÅ”kih izvora priobalne Hrvatske: Hygrobates setosus Besseling, 1942 i Atractides distans (K. Viets, 1914). S dva dodatna nalaza, u Hrvatskoj je zabilježeno ukupno 88 vrsta vodengrinja

    Montenegrospeum PeÅ”ić et Glƶer, 2013 : a representative of Moitessieriidae?

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    The paper deals with phylogenetic relationships of recently described Montenegrospeum bogici PeÅ”ić et Glƶer, 2012 from central Bosnia. The female reproductive system was found to bear two receptacula seminis. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I and nuclear 18S rRNA gene partial sequences were used for the maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference. Morphological and molecular data are congruent: Montenegrospeum does not belong to the Moitessieriidae, and is phylogenetically remote from Bythiospeum; it belongs to the Hydrobiidae, subfamily Sadlerianinae, and its sister taxon is Dalmatinella Radoman, 1973 (bootstrap support 87%)

    The impact of migration crisis on local communities in Serbia and the possibilities for integration of the migrant population

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    Tekst predstavlja nalaze istraživanja građana, predstavnika civilnog sektora i predstavnika lokalne samouprave u sedam općina u Srbiji (na jugu i sjeveru), u čijem se fokusu nalaze stavovi prema migrantskoj populaciji i mogućnostima njihove integracije u slučaju trajnog naseljavanja. Pri odabiru općina uključenih u istraživanje, osnovni kriterij je bio da se radi o onim lokalnim sredinama koje su bile pogođene ā€œmigrantskom krizomā€, odnosno koje su se nalazile na tzv. Balkanskoj migrantskoj ruti. Osnovna istraživačka metoda koja je koriÅ”tena jest ispitivanje stavova i miÅ”ljenja u okviru fokus grupa. Dimenzije koje su nas posebno interesirale bile su: opći stavovi o migrantima, razlike koje se mogu izdvojiti u stavovima prema migrantima s obzirom na specifična obilježja, stavovi o mogućnostima ekonomske, kulturne i socijalne integracije migranata i percepcija razvojnih potencijala koje bi donijelo naseljavanje migranata. U fokusu su bile dvije poredbene dimenzije: južne naspram sjevernih općina i građanstvo naspram predstavnika lokalnih vlasti i administracije.This paper brings the results of the research of the citizens, representatives of civil sector and representatives of local authorities in seven Serbian municipalities (northern and southern), focusing on the statements and attitudes towards migrant population and possibilities of their integration in the case of their permanent settlement in Serbia. The main criterum for choosing respondents from specific municipalities was that they belong to local communities affected by the latest ā€œmigration crisisā€, i.d. that they were at the so called ā€˜ā€™Balkan routeā€. The main research method was group interview within focus groups. In this paper, the focus of the analysis is on the following dimensions: general attitudes towards migrants, differences in perceptions of migrants, perceptions of differences among migrants, cultural, social and economic integration of migrant population and perceptions of development potentials of migrant settlement in Serbia. We were specifically interested to explore differences between respondents on two dimensions: southern vs. northern municipalities and citizens vs. representatives of local authorities and administration

    Construction of Road Safety Composite Indicator Using Grey Relational Analysis

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    Aggregation of different variables into one road safety performance index is a popular concept in evaluating road safety and comparing the performance of territories/entities. This paper presents the development of a novel and innovative weighting methodology using grey relational analysis. Based on the proposed model, ten hierarchical road safety indicators were selected in terms of a two-layered model with three categories related to behaviour, safety and system. Grey weights are assigned to the categorized indicators in each layer, and the grey road safety composite indicator for each entity (21 selected territories) is calculated by the weighted sum approach. With relatively high weights, this systematic methodology can serve the policy makers in targeting the risk domains where improvements are needed. The results clearly illustrate effectiveness in addressing a large number of indicators with hierarchical structures

    Kardiorespiratorni fitnes i njegov značaj u reakcijama kortizola i laktata prilikom zimskih i letnjih marŔeva

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    Background: The influence of homeostatically regulated physiological processes, including cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max), on the response to physical stressors such as acclimatisation and marching, remains understudied. We aimed to investigate the effects of summer and winter acclimatisation and marching on cortisol levels and blood lactate, to gain insight into the role of these physiological processes in the stress response. Methods: Two groups of young Europeans, classified as poor (PCF; n=9) and good physical condition (GCF; n=21), based on a VO2max threshold of 40 mL O2/ kg/min, underwent 2-h march (6ā€“7 km/h) in winter (5 āˆ˜C) and summer (32 āˆ˜C). Commercial tests, UniCel DxI Access Cortisol assay and EKF Biosen Clinic/GP assay were used for cortisol and lactate blood measurements (morning samples and those taken immediately after marches), respectively. Results: Basal cortisol levels were significantly higher at 5 Ā°C than at 32 Ā°C (PCF group: P=0.0079; cortisol dropped after the march at 5 Ā°C in both groups, but increased at 32 Ā°C only in PCF. Basal lactate levels were higher at 32 Ā°C only in the GCF group (compared to PCF, P=0.0014) and post-marching (compared to basal values, P=0.0002). Conclusion: Cold exposure elicits a more significant stress response, based on higher basal cortisol levels, in individuals with worse physical fitness. Anaerobe metabolism prevails in participants with better physical fitness exposed to high ambient temperature based on increased basal and post-marching lactate levels. The study is significant for individual training/performance optimisation as it indicates the association between physiological stress responses and individual physical fitness levels.Uvod: Uticaj homeostatski regulisanih fiziolo{kih procesa, uklju~uju}i kardiorespiratornu kondiciju (VO2max), na odgovor na fizi~ke stresore poput aklimatizacije i mar{i- ranja, ostaje nedovoljno prou~en. Cilj istra`ivanja je bio i da se ispita uticaj aklimatizacije i mar{iranja tokom leta i zime na nivoe kortizola i laktoze u krvi, pru`aju}i uvid u ulogu ovih fiziolo{kih procesa u odgovoru na stres. Metode: Dve grupe mladih Evropljana, klasifikovane kao osobe sa slabom (PCF; n=9) i dobrom fizi~kom kondicijom (GCF; n=21), na osnovu praga VO2max od 40 mL O 2/kg/min, su bile izlo`ene dvosatnom mar{u (6ā€“7 km/h) u dva navrata, zimi na 5 Ā°C i leti, na 32 Ā°C. U uzorcima krvi (jutarnji i neposredno nakon mar{a) su odre|ivani nivoi kortizola i laktata komercijalnim testovima, UniCel DxI Access Cortisol i EKF Biosen Clinic/GP. Rezultati: Bazalni nivoi kortizola su bili zna~ajno vi{i na 5 Ā°C nego na 32 Ā°C (u PCF grupi: P=0,0079); nakon mar{i- ranja na 5 Ā°C kortizol opada u obe grupe a pove}an je na 32 Ā°C samo u PCF grupi. Bazalni nivoi laktoze bili su vi{i na 32 Ā°C samo u GCF grupi (porede}i sa PCF grupom, P=0,0014) i nakon mar{iranja (porede}i sa bazalnim vred- nostima, P=0,0002)


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    Fauna of dragonflies (Odonata) of the Morača River (Montenegro) was studied during 2007 and 2008. Samples were collected in five localities along the river. Examined sites provide specific living conditions of differently adopted species of dragonflies. During the study 934 individuals classified into 35 species were collected. One of them, Trithemis annulata (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805), was collected for the first time and thereby confirmed the record of this species for fauna of Odonata in Montenegro
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