4 research outputs found

    Speculative futures on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI): a collective reflection from the educational landscape

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    While ChatGPT has recently become very popular, AI has a long history and philosophy. This paper intends to explore the promises and pitfalls of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) AI and potentially future technologies by adopting a speculative methodology. Speculative future narratives with a specific focus on educational contexts are provided in an attempt to identify emerging themes and discuss their implications for education in the 21st century. Affordances of (using) AI in Education (AIEd)and possible adverse effects are identified and discussed which emerge from the narratives. It is argued that now is the best of times to define human vs AI contribution to education because AI can accomplish more and more educational activities that used to be the prerogative of human educators. Therefore, it is imperative to rethink the respective roles of technology and human educators in education with a future-oriented mindse

    Speculative futures on ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI): a collective reflection from the educational landscape

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    While ChatGPT has recently become very popular, AI has a long history and philosophy. This paper intends to explore the promises and pitfalls of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) AI and potentially future technologies by adopting a speculative methodology. Speculative future narratives with a specific focus on educational contexts are provided in an attempt to identify emerging themes and discuss their implications for education in the 21st century. Affordances of (using) AI in Education (AIEd) and possible adverse effects are identified and discussed which emerge from the narratives. It is argued that now is the best of times to define human vs AI contribution to education because AI can accomplish more and more educational activities that used to be the prerogative of human educators. Therefore, it is imperative to rethink the respective roles of technology and human educators in education with a future-oriented mindset

    Supporting Pre-service Science Teachers’ Beliefs, Self-confidence, and Attitudes Towards Technology Integration

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    This study explored the beliefs, self-confidence, and attitudes of pre-service science teachers who enrolled in a teacher licensure course that focused on technology-integrated instruction. This course made explicit use of the RAT framework (Hughes, Thomas, & Scharber, 2006) by immersing teacher candidates in technology-integrated learning activities that replaced, amplified, or transformed the learning experience. Findings reveal positive changes in teacher candidates’ beliefs, self-confidence, and attitudes regarding technology-integrated instruction, even over the relatively short timespan of a semester-long instructional technology course. Their participation in course activities enabled candidates to develop a more sophisticated view of the role of technology integration in a science classroom, increase their self-confidence with bringing technology-integrated activities to their future students, and shift their attitudes toward a view of technology that included the potential for transformative learning

    A global outlook to the interruption of education due to COVID-19 pandemic: Navigating in a time of uncertainty and crisis

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    Uncertain times require prompt reflexes to survive and this study is a collaborative reflex to better understand uncertainty and navigate through it. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic hit hard and interrupted many dimensions of our lives, particularly education. As a response to interruption of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this study is a collaborative reaction that narrates the overall view, reflections from the K12 and higher educational landscape, lessons learned and suggestions from a total of 31 countries across the world with a representation of 62.7% of the whole world population. In addition to the value of each case by country, the synthesis of this research suggests that the current practices can be defined as emergency remote education and this practice is different from planned practices such as distance education, online learning or other derivations. Above all, this study points out how social injustice, inequity and the digital divide have been exacerbated during the pandemic and need unique and targeted measures if they are to be addressed. While there are support communities and mechanisms, parents are overburdened between regular daily/professional duties and emerging educational roles, and all parties are experiencing trauma, psychological pressure and anxiety to various degrees, which necessitates a pedagogy of care, affection and empathy. In terms of educational processes, the interruption of education signifies the importance of openness in education and highlights issues that should be taken into consideration such as using alternative assessment and evaluation methods as well as concerns about surveillance, ethics, and data privacy resulting from nearly exclusive dependency on online solutions