80 research outputs found

    Mejora de competencias en másteres universitarios: Nuevas experiencias con profesionales y empresas de artesanía

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    Acknowledgment This work was supported by Teaching Innovation Project “Laboratorio de estudios previos e informes sobre patrimonio histórico edificado” of the Master in Science and Technology in Heritage Architectural (CiTPA-Ugr) and University Master’s Degree in Architectural Rehabilitation (MARA-Ugr) was carried out under the auspices of Research Groups RNM 0179 and HUM 629 of the Junta de Andalucía. Also the author want to thank to the Unidad de Calidad, Innovación y Prospectiva de la Universidad de Granada, WARMEST and RRRMAKER Projects H2020-MSCA-RISE (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange).This research evaluates the improvements that the use of Active Teaching and Learning Methodologies entails regarding the acquisition of professional skills of future graduates of the Masters dealing with intervention in Architectural Heritage, including product and resource improvements. The objectives address students’ training, oriented toward professional activity, determining the effectiveness of innovation. The real problems were exposed to be faced at a professional level and were solved through different parts, which were developed in different phases. The results obtained allowed us to conclude that teaching and performing practical tasks related to professional competencies are verified as an advance in the subject.Esta investigación evalúa las mejoras que supone el uso de Metodologías Activas de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje en la adquisición de competencias profesionales de los futuros egresados de los Másteres que aborden la intervención en el Patrimonio Arquitectónico, las cuales incluyen la mejora de productos y recursos. Los objetivos se centran en la formación del alumno, orientado a la actividad profesional, el cual determina la eficacia de la innovación. Se expusieron los problemas reales a afrontar y se desarrollaron en diferentes fases. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que enseñar y realizar tareas prácticas relacionadas con las competencias profesionales ofrece buenos avances.Teaching Innovation Project “Laboratorio de estudios previos e informes sobre patrimonio histórico edificado” of the Master in Science and Technology in Heritage Architectural (CiTPA-Ugr)University Master’s Degree in Architectural Rehabilitation (MARA-Ugr)Research Groups RNM 0179 and HUM 629 of the Junta de AndalucíaUnidad de Calidad, Innovación y Prospectiva de la Universidad de GranadaWARMEST and RRRMAKER Projects H2020-MSCA-RISE (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange

    Comparative Analysis of the Thermal Conductivity of Handmade and Mechanical Bricks Used in the Cultural Heritage

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    During interventions to improve the energy efficiency of cultural heritage, it is common to use methodologies that are used for current buildings with different thermal behaviour. For this reason, research has been carried out on the thermal behaviour of old brick walls by carrying out thermal flow tests in the laboratory on brickwork specimens, in order to compare the behaviour of handmade bricks and mechanical bricks from more than a century ago, and to analyse the relationship between the values of thermal conductivity, humidity, density and porosity, as well as to compare these results with those obtained by applying the procedure of the EN-1745 standard. It was concluded that bricks behave thermally differently, depending on the manufacturing process: handmade or mechanical, in both types of brick it was found that the higher the moisture content and density were, the higher the brick’s thermal conductivity value. It has also been concluded that old bricks have thermal conductivity values different from those indicated in EN-1745 as a function of density, and that the ratio detected in these specimens in the dry state and in the wet state does not conform to the processes indicated in the standard. With regard to porosity, it is important to note that the greater the closed porosity, the lower the conductivity. It has been concluded that in order to intervene in cultural heritage buildings, it is necessary to carry out a specific study of the behaviour of the systems with which they were constructed.Spanish Government BIA2015-68449European Commission BIA2015-68449Universidad de Valladoli

    Peer evaluation and co-evaluation applied to professionalizing degrees: Application in the building engineering degree

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    The acquisition of the competences of a subject established in the study plan en- courages the search for new methods that improve the teaching-learning process, especially in the qualifications that enable the exercise of a profession with legal attributions. Through this text, the results of the application of the peer evaluation system and the co-evaluation of the subject Valuations of Real Estate and Expert reports of the Degree in Building Engineering are explained throughout 5 academic years, allow- ing to conclude the benefits on the acquisition of skills and improvement of success rates, as well as the implementation of professional powers.La adquisición de competencias de las asignaturas favorece la búsqueda de nuevos métodos que mejoren el sistema de enseñanza-aprendizaje, principalmente en las titulaciones que tienen asignadas competencias reguladas que habilitan para el desarrollo de las profesiones. A través de este texto se explican los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del sistema de evaluación denominado entre iguales y la coevaluación en la asignatura de Valoraciones, Tasaciones y Peritaciones durante 5 cursos académicos, permitiendo concluir que son destacados los beneficios obtenidos en relación con la adquisición de competencias y la mejora de las tasas de éxito, así como la implementación de las atribuciones profesionales.Teaching Innovation Project “Laboratory of previous studies and reports on built historical heritage”, belonging to the Unit and Quality, Innovation and Prospective of the University of GranadaTeaching Innovation Projects and Good Practices of the FIDO UGR 2018-2020 Plan and was carried out under the auspices of Research Groups RNM 0179 and HUM 629 of the Junta de Andalucí

    Materialidade e tipologia do património funerário. O Cemitério de Jesus em Múrcia, Espanha

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    The cemetery of Jesus of Murcia (Spain) has more than 600 pantheons, which converts it in a small funerary city, whose buildings show a large spectrum of architectural samples. This paper presents an exhaustive study of the typologies and materials used in those little buildings. In addition, this investigation addresses the study of the evolution and the distribution of the typologies and materials detected, drawing conclusions about both of these aspects.O cemitério de Jesus de Múrcia (Espanha) tem mais de 600 panteões, o que faz dele uma pequena cidade funerária, cujos edifícios exibem um grande espectro de amostras arquitetónicas. Este artigo apresenta um estudo exaustivo das tipologias e materiais utilizados nesses pequenos edifícios. Além disso, esta investigação aborda o estudo da evolução e distribuição das tipologias e materiais identificados, procurando tirar conclusões sobre ambos os aspetos

    Design of a Support Tool to Improve Accessibility in Heritage Buildings—Application in Case Study for Public Use

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    The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and efforts towards improving our manuscript. This work was supported by the project PP2022.PP.27 belonging to the Research and Transfer Plan of the University of Granada, Research Group RNM 0179 of the Junta de Andalucia and the projects REMINE Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, WARMEST Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017, RRRMAKER H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange and Scientific Unit of excellence "Ciencia en la Alhambra", ref. UCE-PP2018-01, University of Granada).The existing literature shows the interest in the study of accessibility within heritage architecture, particularly in the context of repurposing these structures to extend their lifespan. Published examples primarily focus on barrier identification or intervention within specific buildings, without the development of methods that facilitate their widespread application for barrier removal. The proposed methodology entails the division of the building into analytical zones, the identification of existing barriers, the proposal of feasible solutions, and the establishment of various action plans based on the building’s priorities. The results reveal a significant percentage of removable architectural barriers within the analysed buildings, all in harmony with the preservation of the heritage. Among the conclusions, it is noteworthy that the method’s applicability extends to heritage and non-heritage buildings of varying uses and typologies, showcasing the substantial accessibility potential within heritage architecture.Research and Transfer Plan of the University of Granada PP2022.PP.27Junta de Andalucía RNM 0179Project REMINE Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie ActionsProject WARMEST Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017Project RRRMAKER H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange and Scientific Unit of excellence "Ciencia en la Alhambra") UCE-PP2018-01University of Granad

    Study and Characterization of Special Gypsum-Based Pastes for Their Use as a Replacement Material in Architectural Restoration and Construction

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    Within the construction sector, the use of gypsum-based pastes features in the majority of monuments, giving this material significant relevance in conservation and restoration projects affecting the world’s cultural heritage. In this research, we evaluated special gypsum-based colored pastes mixed with air lime, hydraulic lime and sodium silicate, and eight different pigments for their use as replacement materials in architectural restoration and construction. We analyzed the suitability of their physical and chemical properties and their hydric characteristics, mechanics and colorimetric implications in two different studies after 28 days and 120 days. The characterization of the products has mainly confirmed the suitability of the pastes containing pigments for use in the most common applications for these kinds of mixes, highlighting that their specific capacities are worth leveraging. The crystallization of gypsum minerals, observed in all of the mixes, helps to consolidate the shrinkage cracks which appear inside the pastes, improving their mechanical strength values. Another observation of the pastes is related to the amorphous silica precipitates in the mixes which contained sodium silicate: the latter provided to them good mechanical behavior. The improvement observed in the pastes containing the green earth pigment is substantial, due to the inclusion of aluminum silicates and Mg, which is partly responsible for the increased compressive strength of the pastes. Finally, the colorimetric analysis is of vital importance in determining the loss of intensity of the colors of the pastes used, since subjective observation leads to serious errors of interpretation.REMINE Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions WARMEST H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange)Junta de Andalucia RNM 0179 HUM 62

    Improving the Behaviour of Green Concrete Geopolymers Using Different HEMP Preservation Conditions (Fresh and Wet)

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    This paper evaluates a type of geopolymer concrete that uses hemp fibres as a natural aggregate due to the various advantages offered by these woody materials. These advantages include ease of cultivation and processing and their use in the essential structure of concretes used for green construction purposes. The sampling study was prepared using an environmentally friendly inorganic binder, based on geopolymerization reactions (Si-Na). The improvement in the hemp aggregate using two different preservation methods (fresh and wet) was assessed. The type of conservation enables anaerobic reactions to take place in the structure of the hemp, in such a way as to modify the proportions of the organic compounds contained in the hemp and the morphology of the fibres. It also encourages the proliferation of cellulose nanofibrils (CNC), which enhance the mechanical results, improving plasticity and thixotropy. The hempcrete studied in this paper could be a good alternative material for sustainable, environmentally friendly construction, as much less CO2 is emitted during the production process in comparison with conventional concrete. Using wet-preserved hemp means that less water must be added to the mix during preparation of the concrete. This also helps reduce production costs, and by extension, the cost of the final product.REMINE Project Programme for Researchand Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Horizon 2020, WARMEST Project Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017RRRMaker project Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff ExchangeNational Plan for Scientific Research, Development, Technological Innovation (Ministry of Science and Technology) MAT2016-75889-RScientific Unit of excellence "Ciencia en la Alhambra",University of Granada UCE-PP2018-01 Junta de Andalucia RNM 0179 HUM62

    Characterization and chromatic evaluation of gypsum-based pastes for construction and heritage restoration

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    The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments and efforts towards improving our manuscript.This work was supported by the REMINE Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions and RRRMAKER H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange and was carried out under the auspices of Research Groups RNM 0179 and HUM 629 of the Junta de Andalucia. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAThis research evaluates the chromatic behavior of gypsum-based pastes containing added pigments which enable their use in both new construction projects as well as in restoration interventions for built heritage. Furthermore, the impact of adding pigments to the aforementioned material after twenty-eight and ninety days has also been studied. This was confirmed by carrying out compositional, mineralogical and physical studies of the raw materials and the pastes. The results indicate that all of the pastes studied have suitable mechanical strength values for the type of pastes studied, thereby confirming their suitability for on-site use based on their characteristics and behavior. Colorimetric analysis showed color variations that were clearly perceptible to the human eye, related to increases in luminosity which significantly exceeded 100%, and also to saturation losses featuring percentage variations of more than 100% on assessment after ninety days. This colorimetric analysis by means of quantitative spectrophotometry is of vital importance when determining the loss of color intensity of the pastes used, since subjective observation results in serious errors of interpretation. This type of study reflects the use of instrumental color measurements for this type of materials and mixtures.REMINE Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie ActionsRRRMAKER H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020 (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff ExchangeJunta de Andalucia RNM 0179 HUM 629Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Proposal for the enhancement of Marzamemi's underwater heritage through the use of digital methodologies

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    WARMEST MSC-RISE-H2020 project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie, grant agreement #777981.This article discusses the importance of technology in the enhancement of underwater heritage, using the Wreck of the Church in the coastal area of Marzamemi (Italy) as a case study. This heritage site is under study in the framework of the European research and knowledge transfer project, WARMEST. There is an increasing variety of digital tools that promise to improve people's experience with heritage sites, to enhance the value of heritage and contribute to the socio-economic development of the territories. A strategy is proposed for Marzamemi underwater heritage site, where communication efforts give potential visitors a sense of the destination that motivates them to choose it and encourage them to talk widely about their experience. To this end, digital tools are a great asset in establishing such a communication strategy to increase information about this heritage on the various websites and social networks related to Marzameni, so that knowledge of Marzameni's underwater heritage would undoubtedly be enhanced.European Commission 77798