114 research outputs found

    The historical mines of Almadén

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    The historical mines of AlmadĂ©n, which were actively functioning for over two millennia, produced a third of the world’s mercury — a total of 7,500,000 flasks (HernĂĄndez, 1995). After mining and metallurgical production ceased in 2003, the mines were turned into a museum. Efforts are currently underway to have the mines declared a World Heritage Site

    Moslem Mining in the Iberian Peninsula (Part I)

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    In 711 AD, Muslims from North Africa crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and conquered most of Christian Visigothic Spain. Confrontations between Muslims and Berbers allowed Abd Al-Rahman I to come to the throne of the Ommiad dynasty in 756 and gain political independence of Al-Andalus from Baghdad. In 929, religious independence was also achieved when Abd Al-Rahman III proclaimed himself the Caliph of Cordova. With this victory, the Ommiads sought to consolidate the commercial routes in the western Mediterranean, thus securing the gold supply from North Africa. Cordova, the capital city of Caliphate, reached 100,000 inhabitants and became the most important metropolis at that time. It became a great cultural, industrial, and mining centre, especially when Caliph Al- Hakam II ascended the throne in 96

    The VIII International Geology Congress, Paris 1900.

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    France wanted to be the world centre of science and culture at the time of the Universal World Exhibition in 1900 and therefore welcomed several international congresses to Paris that year, including the VIII International Geological Congress. Some of the participants and organisers of this meeting are described and the participants and contributions are analysed by country. Topics in physical geography, tectonics and mineral deposits attracted particular attention. The main Congress themes are described and details of the numerous field excursions are also provided. No major scientific advances occurred as a result of the Congress but it provided the opportunity for valuable exchanges of information and ideas and impetus to several field

    Moslem Mining in the Iberian Peninsula (Part II)

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    Gold was obtained in the alluvial deposits of rivers scattered through the Iberian Peninsula. Rivers like Segre (Lerida), Darro (Granada), and Tajo (near Lisbon), as mentioned by the chronicler Ahmed Arrazi, the geographer Al Edrisi, and the poet Ibn Hazim. Surface mining was also found in the area of Elvira (Granada) and probably in the village of Navas de Ricomalillo (Toledo), as can be inferred from its closeness to the Muslim mining area of Los Vascos where mining tools were discovered. In addition, gold was imported from Africa and was shipped to Malaga, which was the commercial centre of gold. According to a book on Lapidary, translated from Arabic to Spanish at the time of Alfonso X, we know that borax was used as flux in gold metallurgy. The metal obtained was employed in jewelry, gilding, and textiles, as well as to mint the so-called “dinares” in the Spanish Muslim period. According to Ibn Hawqual, minting—by virtue of its monopoly—was one of the main sources of income for the Stat

    Use of chromatin stability assay, mitochondrial stain JC-1, and fluorometric assessment of plasma membrane to evaluate frozen-thawed ram semen

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    P. 121-133Cryopreservation of semen imposes deleterious effects on spermatozoa, either killing a certain proportion of cells or causing subtle damages on sperm function in the surviving population, changes not easily revealed by conventional assays. We have tested three functional assessment techniques in frozen-thawed ram semen from six adult rams, cryopreserved following eight different protocols (four extenders, and glycerol being added at two temperatures). Semen samples were thawed and the following analyses were carried out: motility (CASA), membrane integrity (Hoescht 33258 and fluorometry), chromatin status (chromatin stability test and fluorescence-assisted cell sorting, FACS) and mitochondrial activity (JC-1 and FACS). Fluorometry outcome did not correlate with the other parameters and showed large variation, albeit discriminating among cryopreservation techniques (P<0.01). Mitochondrial activity correlated, but with low values, with total and progressive motility. However, good sperm motility and high velocity values were associated to high mitochondrial membrane potential. The chromatin stability assay was also successfully carried out, and had a good relationship with male factor (%COMP αt and SD αt parameters). In conclusion, fluorometric assessment of membrane integrity albeit rendering poor results, merits improvement, being a low-cost and handy technique, especially for work in the field. On the other hand, both assessments of chromatin stability and mitochondrial status (JC-1 staining), combined with FACS, are reliable techniques that can be used for the functional assessment of frozen-thawed ram semen.S

    Sperm Subpopulations in Iberian Red Deer Epididymal Sperm and Their Changes Through the Cryopreservation Process

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    P. 316–327We have applied a statistical protocol based on principal component analysis, clustering methods, and discriminant analysis for the identification of sperm subpopulations in computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) data. Samples were obtained from the cauda epididymis of 11 Iberian red deer and cryopreserved following a standard protocol. Motility by CASA was analyzed just after sperm recovery, just before freezing, and after thawing, and eight motility descriptors for each individual spermatozoon were recorded. Sperm viability and acrosomal status were also assessed. Subpopulation analysis was performed in four sequential steps: principal component analysis using the eight motility descriptors; nonhierarchical clustering analysis (k-means) using the first two principal components; hierarchical clustering analysis (UPGMA); and selection of the final number of clusters. Three clusters were obtained for each motility analysis: slow and nonlinear; rapid and linear; and rapid, high ALH, nonlinear. We detected variations in the clusters between treatments (initial, prefreezing and postthawed). Indeed, motility increased and linearity decreased in the prefreezing analysis. A discriminant analysis isolated three descriptors that were used again in the same statistical analysis, giving four clusters that resembled the pattern found in the first classification. We also performed a clustering analysis of the males according to prefreezing/postthawed variation of total motility, viability, and acrosomal status. The proportion of the linear subpopulations in the prefreezing treatment, in both clustering analyses, correlated positively with postthawed viability recovery. Our results show that clustering analysis of CASA data gives useful and practical information that is not obtained by conventional sperm analysis.S

    Post mortem time and season alter subpopulation characteristics of Iberian red deer epididymal sperm

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    P. 958-974We have studied the effect of post mortem time and season on sperm subpopulation pattern and characteristics. We used epididymal samples from free-ranging Iberian red deers harvested during the hunting season. We studied samples at different moments of the year (rut, transition period and post-rut), and at different times post mortem (up to 4 days). Sperm were extracted from the cauda epididymis and their motility was evaluated by means of a CASA system. A principal component and clustering analysis were carried out to identify subpopulations. Post mortem time caused a significant decrease in motility quality, and a general deterioration in subpopulation characteristics. We found three subpopulations the first day, and the one indicating good sperm quality decreased with post mortem time until it disappeared on the fourth day. This may indicate considerable impairment of the samples after 72 h post mortem, which could compromise their use in AI programs. With regard to season, subpopulation pattern and characteristics were better in the transition and post-rut periods. Moreover, we found one subpopulation formed by mature spermatozoa, which increased from rut to post-rut. This might be a negative fact, because samples collected after the rut may undergo hypermaturation, which possibly impairs fertility. Our results are of interest for the management of wildlife germplasm banks based on post mortem sperm recovery.S

    The antioxidant effects of soybean lecithin- or low-density lipoprotein-based extenders for the cryopreservation of brown-bear (Ursus arctos) spermatozoa

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    P. 1185-1193Egg yolk low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and soybean lecithin were evaluated as replacements for egg yolk in extenders used for the cryopreservation of brown-bear spermatozoa. The motility, viability and acrosomal status of post-thawed spermatozoa were analysed, and an egg-yolk extender was used as a control. The total antioxidant capacity of these extenders was tested. Soybean lecithin showed an effect that was dependent on the soybean concentration (2%, 3.5% and 5%) and source (Type A: 24% l-α-phosphatidylcholine, and Type B: 14–23% l-α-phosphatidylcholine). Only semen cryopreserved with 5% Type A soybean exhibited a sperm motility similar to that of semen cryopreserved in egg-yolk-based extender after thawing, although the sperm viability and acrosome status were not as high. Semen frozen in an extender containing LDL (10–15%) exhibited improved sperm viability in comparison with the control, but sperm motility was lower. The LDL-based extender exhibited a higher anti-oxidant activity than the egg-yolk extender and soy lecithin-based extenders. The extenders with higher anti-oxidant activity showed improvements in frozen sperm viability but lower semen motility. These results indicate that soybean lecithin did not have the same protective effect as egg yolk during the freezing of brown-bear spermatozoa but suggest that LDL (10–15%) could be a useful substitute for egg yolk in these extenders

    Evaluation of ram semen quality using polyacrylamide gel instead of cervical mucus in the sperm penetration test

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    P. 1575-1586Fertility is a very complex biological function that depends on several properties of the spermatozoa, including sperm motility. Two objectives are analyzed in this study: (1) Replace the cervical mucus by a synthetic medium in a sperm penetration test, and (2) evaluating the results of this test objectively analyzing the sperm number that migrates. In experiment 1, we have tested eight concentrations of acrylamide (1%–2%). Rheological properties of media were analyzed. The plastic straws, loaded with acrylamide, were placed vertically on the semen sample tube for 15 min at 39 °C. After, the acrylamides were placed, by segments of 5 mm, into wells of a 24-well plate, dyed with Hoechst 33342 and the number of spermatozoa were calculated by automated microscopy analysis. The 1.55% and 1.6% acrylamide gel showed a number of spermatozoa emigrating closer to that seen with natural mucus. In experiment 2, we applied the sperm penetration in acrylamide 1.6% and 1.55% using fresh semen and cooled semen at 15 °C and 5 °C. The spermatozoa counts were performed for each segment of 10 mm. Semen chilled at 15 °C presented intermediate values of sperm counts in comparison with fresh semen (higher) and 5 °C chilled semen. The sperm counts do not differ between acrylamides but the rheological properties of acrylamide 1.6% were more similar to those of the natural cervical mucus. In experiment 3, we have observed significant correlations between the number of spermatozoa and several sperm quality parameters (positive: progressive motility and velocity according to the straight path; negative: damaged acrosomes and apoptotic cells) in 1.6% acrylamide media. We conclude that the size of the cell subpopulation, objectively calculated, that migrate beyond 20 mm in 0.5-mL straws filled with acrylamide is a useful parameter in ram sperm quality assessment and further studies are needed to evaluate its relationship with field fertility.S

    Season effect on genitalia and epididymal sperm from Iberian red deer, roe deer and Cantabrian chamois

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    P. 1857-1875Seasonality deeply affects the physiology and behavior of many species, and must be taken into account when biological resource banks (BRBs) are established. We have studied the effect of seasonality on many reproductive parameters of free-ranging Iberian red deer, roe deer and Cantabrian chamois, living in Spain. Testicles from hunted animals were collected and sent to our laboratory at different times during the year. We recorded the weight and volume of testis, the weight of the epididymis and its separate parts (caput, corpus, and cauda), the weight of the sperm sample collected from the cauda epididymis, and several sperm parameters (sperm concentration, spermatozoa recovered, motility, HOS test reactivity, acrosomal status, and viability). We studied the data according to several periods, defined accordingly to each species. For red deer, we defined rut (mid-September to mid-October), post-rut (mid-October to mid-December), and non-breeding season (February). For roe deer, they were pre-rut (June), rut (July), post-rut (first fortnight of August), and non-breeding season (September). For chamois: non-breeding season (June to mid-September) and breeding season (October–November). The rut/breeding season yielded significantly higher numbers for almost all parameters. However, in the case of red deer, sperm quality was higher in the post-rut. For roe deer, testicular weight was similar in the pre-rut and in the rut, and sperm quality did not differ significantly between these two periods, although we noticed higher values in the rut. In the case of chamois, sperm quality did not differ significantly from the breeding season, but data distribution suggested that in the non-breeding season there are less males with sperm of good quality. On the whole, we find these results of interest for BRB planning. The best season to collect sperm in this species would be the breeding season. However, post-rut in red deer, pre-rut in roe deer, and non-breeding season in chamois could be used too, because of the acceptable sperm quality, despite the lower quantity salvaged. More in-depth research needs to be carried out on the quality of sperm salvaged at different times of the year in order to confirm these findings.S
