14 research outputs found

    The spatio-relational nature of urban innovation systems: Universities, knowledge intensive business service firms, and collaborative networks

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    The need to better identify the spatio-relational nature of urban innovation systems and spaces is increasingly acknowledged. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to provide an enhanced understanding of the knowledge networks existing between urban Knowledge Intensive Business Services firms (KIBS) and universities, which are often key components of such systems and spaces. Drawing on an analysis of urban KIBS firms and universities in the UK, it is found that the nature of firms, the location in which they are based, and the research intensity of their university partners are important determinants of the spatiality and localisation of the networks they form. The results show that the smallest urban KIBS firms have the highest propensity to engage in local links with universities, suggesting that they rely most significantly on their own urban innovation system for collaborative network ties. Keywords : innovation systems; urban innovation spaces; knowledge-based development; proximity; networks; KIBS; universities

    Knowledge networks and universities : locational and organisational aspects of knowledge transfer interactions

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    This paper explores the nature of the significant knowledge networks universities form with external organisations through knowledge transfer activities. Focussing on the UK higher education system, the analysis focuses on examining the extent to which organisational and locational characteristics are associated with the nature of these networks, finding that the nature of the networks universities form through knowledge transfer are related to both characteristics. In particular, we find that the institution’s status is important with more established universities are likely to have a more diverse range of organisations with which they interact, as well as a higher number of non-local interactions. In terms of geographic location, we find that universities within lagging regions tend to have more locally focused networks than universities in more leading regions. Overall, the knowledge transfer networking capacity of universities is found to be associated with the regional business environment within which they are situated, with the results going someway to confirming the importance of the role of universities in regional innovation systems, However, it also the case that more established, research focussed, universities are more likely to form part of wider , and possibly even more globalised, knowledge networks. Therefore, both the flow and stock of knowledge within regions is likely to be influenced by the networks formed by its universities, which has implications for both regional innovation capability and regional competitiveness

    Urban Governance Structure and Wage Disparities across US Metropolitan Areas

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    This paper analyses the determinants of spatial wage disparities in the US context for the period 1980-2000. Agglomeration benefits are estimated based on city productivity premia which are computed after controlling for the skills distribution among metropolitan areas as well as industry fixed effects. The drivers of productivity differentials that are taken into consideration are the size of the local economy, the spatial interactions among local autonomous economic systems and the structure of urban governance as well as the policy responses to the fragmentation issue. A metropolitan area with ten percentage more administrative units than another of the same size, experiences wages that are between 2.0% and 3.0% lower. The presence of a voluntary governance body is found to mitigate the problem of fragmentation only marginally, while the existence of special purpose districts have a negative impact on regional productivity. The implementation of a metropolitan government with a regional tax system is expected to increase productivity by around 6%