13,324 research outputs found

    Fabrication and evaluation of advanced titanium and composite structural panels

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    Advanced manufacturing methods for titanium and composite material structures are being developed and evaluated. The focus for the manufacturing effort is the fabrication of full-scale structural panels which replace an existing shear panel on the upper wing surface of the NASA YF-12 aircraft. The program involves design, fabrication, ground testing, and Mach 3 flight service of full-scale structural panels and laboratory testing of representative structural element specimens

    Operation of Faddeev-Kernel in Configuration Space

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    We present a practical method to solve Faddeev three-body equations at energies above three-body breakup threshold as integral equations in coordinate space. This is an extension of previously used method for bound states and scattering states below three-body breakup threshold energy. We show that breakup components in three-body reactions produce long-range effects on Faddeev integral kernels in coordinate space, and propose numerical procedures to treat these effects. Using these techniques, we solve Faddeev equations for neutron-deuteron scattering to compare with benchmark solutions.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Few-Body System

    Validation of the inverted adsorption structure for free-base tetraphenyl porphyrin on Cu(111)

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    Utilising normal incidence X-ray standing waves we rigourously scrutinise the “inverted model” as the adsorption structure of free-base tetraphenyl porphyrin on Cu(111). We demonstrate that the iminic N atoms are anchored at near-bridge adsorption sites on the surface displaced laterally by 1.1 ± 0.2 Å in excellent agreement with previously published calculations

    Towards a protocol for the attachment of metadata to service descriptions and its use in semantic discovery

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    Service discovery in large scale, open distributed systems is difficult because of te need to filter out services suitable to the task at hand from a potentially huge pool of possibilities. Semantic descriptions have been advocated as the key to expressive service discovery, but the most commonly used service descriptions and registry protocol, its implementation and as API for registering semantic service descriptions and other task/user-specific metadata, and for discovering services according to these. Our approach is based on a mechanism for attaching structured and unstructured metadata, which we show to be applicable to multiple registry technologies. The result is an extremely flexible service registry that can be the basis of a sophisticated semantically-enhanced service discovery engine, an essential component of a Semantic Grid

    A novel multigrid method for electronic structure calculations

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    A general real-space multigrid algorithm for the self-consistent solution of the Kohn-Sham equations appearing in the state-of-the-art electronic-structure calculations is described. The most important part of the method is the multigrid solver for the Schroedinger equation. Our choice is the Rayleigh quotient multigrid method (RQMG), which applies directly to the minimization of the Rayleigh quotient on the finest level. Very coarse correction grids can be used, because there is no need to be able to represent the states on the coarse levels. The RQMG method is generalized for the simultaneous solution of all the states of the system using a penalty functional to keep the states orthogonal. The performance of the scheme is demonstrated by applying it in a few molecular and solid-state systems described by non-local norm-conserving pseudopotentials.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure


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    The global transitional justice tool kit—involving the use of criminal prosecutions, amnesties, and other mechanisms to address past human rights abuse—has become a primary means for thwarting future human rights violations and consolidating democracy. Nevertheless, evidence on the consequences of transitional justice remains mixed and amenable to contradictory interpretations. Existing studies fail to adequately address issues of selection, the difference between short- and long-term effects of transitional justice mechanisms, and qualitative and quantitative differences in state practices. This article uses a new database of transitional justice mechanisms to address these concerns and test propositions from realist, constructivist, and holistic approaches to this set of policy issues. We find, among other things, that prosecutions increase physical integrity protections, while amnesties increase the protection of civil and political rights. Our analysis suggests that different transnational justice policies each play a potentially positive, but distinct, role in new democracies and in decreasing violations of human rights

    Radio-Continuum study of the Nearby Sculptor Group Galaxies. Part 1: NGC 300 at lambda = 20 cm

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    A series of new radio-continuum (lambda=20 cm) mosaic images focused on the NGC 300 galactic system were produced using archived observational data from the VLA and/or ATCA. These new images are both very sensitive (rms=60 microJy) and feature high angular resolution (<10"). The most prominent new feature is the galaxy's extended radio-continuum emission, which does not match its optical appearance. Using these newly created images a number of previously unidentified discrete sources have been discovered. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a joint deconvolution approach to imaging this complete data-set is inferior when compared to an immerge approach.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted to APSS, new version to correct the missing reference

    Analysis of a threshold model of social contagion on degree-correlated networks

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    We analytically determine when a range of abstract social contagion models permit global spreading from a single seed on degree-correlated random networks. We deduce the expected size of the largest vulnerable component, a network's tinderbox-like critical mass, as well as the probability that infecting a randomly chosen individual seed will trigger global spreading. In the appropriate limits, our results naturally reduce to standard ones for models of disease spreading and to the condition for the existence of a giant component. Recent advances in the distributed, infinite seed case allow us to further determine the final size of global spreading events, when they occur. To provide support for our results, we derive exact expressions for key spreading quantities for a simple yet rich family of random networks with bimodal degree distributions.Comment: 7 Pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ensemble density-functional theory for ab-initio molecular dynamics of metals and finite-temperature insulators

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    A new method is presented for performing first-principles molecular-dynamics simulations of systems with variable occupancies. We adopt a matrix representation for the one-particle statistical operator Gamma, to introduce a ``projected'' free energy functional G that depends on the Kohn-Sham orbitals only and that is invariant under their unitary transformations. The Liouville equation [ Gamma , H ] = 0 is always satisfied, guaranteeing a very efficient and stable variational minimization algorithm that can be extended to non-conventional entropic formulations or fictitious thermal distributions.Comment: 5 pages, two-column style with 2 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#nm_meta
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