782 research outputs found

    Decline across different domains of cognitive function in normal ageing: Results of a longitudinal population-based study using CAMCOG

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    ABSTRACT Dementia is an important cause of disability in the elderly[ There is evidence that cognitive impairment in dementia is on a continuum with cognitive impairment in the non!demented elderly[ In order to investigate this possibility\ we need detailed knowledge about the population distribution of cognitive function and change in cognitive function[ The aim of this study is to describe the change in di}erent domains of cognitive function over 3 years in a population! based sample of non!demented elderly people\ and to investigate the e}ect of sociodemographic variables and baseline cognitive function on change in each of the cognitive domains[ Respondents from two group general practice lists "n 492# were interviewed using the Cambridge Cognitive Examination "CAMCOG# at the incidence wave of the Cambridge City Over!64 Cohort Study and after a mean time period of 2[8 years[ One hundred and thirty _ve of 101 non!demented subjects seen at follow!up completed the CAMCOG at both interviews[ The annual rate of change in total CAMCOG score was −0[5 points per year "p ³ 9[990#[ There was statistically signi_cant decline in all of the CAMCOG subscales[ Greater decline in the Memory subscale was associated with less education "p 9[92#[ Greater decline in the Attention:Calculation subscale was associated with manual social class "p 9[94#[ Greater decline in the Perception subscale was associated with older age "p 9[92#[ Decline in speci_c cognitive domains may indicate a reversible phase of cognitive impairment and deserves further investigation

    Evaluation of a system of structured, pro-active care for chronic depression in primary care: a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: People with chronic depression are frequently lost from effective care, with resulting psychological, physical and social morbidity and considerable social and financial societal costs. This randomised controlled trial will evaluate whether regular structured practice nurse reviews lead to better mental health and social outcomes for these patients and will assess the cost-effectiveness of the structured reviews compared to usual care. The hypothesis is that structured, pro-active care of patients with chronic depression in primary care will lead to a cost-effective improvement in medical and social outcomes when compared with usual general practitioner (GP) care.Methods/Design: Participants were recruited from 42 general practices throughout the United Kingdom. Eligible participants had to have a history of chronic major depression, recurrent major depression or chronic dsythymia confirmed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). They also needed to score 14 or above on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) at recruitment.Once consented, participants were randomised to treatment as usual from their general practice (controls) or the practice nurse led intervention. The intervention includes a specially prepared education booklet and a comprehensive baseline assessment of participants' mood and any associated physical and psycho-social factors, followed by regular 3 monthly reviews by the nurse over the 2 year study period. At these appointments intervention participants' mood will be reviewed, together with their current pharmacological and psychological treatments and any relevant social factors, with the nurse suggesting possible amendments according to evidence based guidelines. This is a chronic disease management model, similar to that used for other long-term conditions in primary care. The primary outcome is the BDI-II, measured at baseline and 6 monthly by self-complete postal questionnaire. Secondary outcomes collected by self-complete questionnaire at baseline and 2 years include social functioning, quality of life and data for the economic analyses. Health service data will be collected from GP notes for the 24 months before recruitment and the 24 months of the study.Discussion: 558 participants were recruited, 282 to the intervention and 276 to the control arm. The majority were recruited via practice database searches using relevant READ codes

    The effects of cognitive-behavioural therapy on mood-related ruminative response style in depressed adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A mood-related ruminative response style increases the risk of onset and persistence of depression. This preliminary study investigated whether, in depressed adolescents, cognitive-behaviour therapy reduces mood-related ruminative response style. Whether specific factors within the rumination scale were differentially affected by CBT is also reported.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>26 depressed adolescents were randomised to receiving serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitor antidepressants (SSRI) plus psychosocial treatment as usual or SSRI and psychosocial treatment as usual plus CBT. Ruminative response style and depressive symptoms were measured at baseline and after 30 weeks of treatment, with the Responses to Depression Questionnaire and Mood and Feelings Questionnaire.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were significantly greater reductions in ruminations in the CBT group compared to the non-CBT group (<it>p </it>= .002). There was no significant difference in the reduction in self-reported depressive symptoms between the groups. Rumination was reduced to levels of never-depressed controls in adolescents who had recovered from depression and received CBT. There were greater falls in the CBT group in the more pathological 'brooding' factor of rumination.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that adding CBT to SSRI medication in the presence of active clinical care causes a greater reduction in mood-related ruminative response style in depressed adolescents. This may reduce the risk of future relapse.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCNT83809224.</p

    Family doctors' problems and motivating factors in management of depression

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is a frequent psychiatric disorder, and depressive patient may be more problematic for the family doctors (FD) than a patient suffering from a somatic disease. Treatment of patients with depressive disorders is a relatively new task for Estonian FDs. The aim of our study was to find out the family doctors' attitudes to depression related problems, their readiness, motivating factors and problems in the treatment of depressive patients as well as the existence of relevant knowledge. METHODS: In 2002, altogether 500 FDs in Estonia were invited to take part in a tailor-made questionnaire survey, of which 205 agreed to participate. RESULTS: Of the respondents 185(90%) considered management of depressive patients and their treatment to be the task of FDs. One hundred and eighty FDs (88%) were themselves ready to deal with depressed patients, and 200(98%) of them actually treated such patients. Commitment to the interests of the patients, better cooperation with successfully treated patients, the patients' higher confidence in FDs and disappearance of somatic complaints during the treatment of depression were the motivating factors for FDs. FDs listed several important problems interfering with their work with depressive patients: limited time for one patient, patients' attitudes towards the diagnosis of depression, doctors' difficulties to change the underlying causes of depression, discontinuation of the treatment due to high expenses and length. Although 115(56%) respondents maintained that they had sufficient knowledge for diagnostics and treatment of depression, 181(88%) were of the opinion that they needed additional training. CONCLUSION: FDs are ready to manage patients who might suffer from depression and are motivated by good doctor-patient relationship. However, majority of them feel that they need additional training

    Does a self-referral counselling program reach doctors in need of help? A comparison with the general Norwegian doctor workforce

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    BACKGROUND: Doctors have a relatively high degree of emotional distress, but seek help to a lesser degree and at a later stage than other academic groups. This can be deleterious for themselves and for their patients. Prevention programs have therefore been developed but it is unclear to what extent they reach doctors in need of help. This study describes doctors who participated in a self-referrral, easily accessible, stress relieving, counselling program in Norway, and compares them with a nationwide sample of Norwegian doctors. METHODS: Two hundred and twenty seven (94%) of the doctors, 117 women and 110 men, who came to the resort centre Villa Sana, Modum, Norway, between August 2003 and July 2005, agreed to participate in the study. Socio-demographic data, reasons for and ways of help-seeking, sick-leave, symptoms of depression and anxiety, job stress and burnout were assessed by self-reporting questionnaires. RESULTS: Forty-nine percent of the Sana doctors were emotionally exhausted (Maslach) compared with 25% of all Norwegian doctors. However, they did not differ on empathy and working capacity, the other two dimensions in Maslach's burnout inventory. Seventy-three percent of the Sana doctors could be in need of treatment for depression or anxiety based on their symptom distress scores, compared with 14% of men and 18% of women doctors in Norway. Twenty-one percent of the Sana doctors had a history of suicidal thoughts, including how to commit the act, as compared to 10% of Norwegian doctors in general. CONCLUSION: Sana doctors displayed a higher degree of emotional exhaustion, symptoms of depression and anxiety as well as job related stress, compared with all Norwegian doctors. This may indicate that the program at Villa Sana to a large extent reaches doctors in need of help. The counselling intervention can help doctors to evaluate their professional and private situation, and, when necessary, enhance motivation for seeking adequate treatment

    Is the prevalence of psychiatric disorders associated with urbanization?

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    Objectives In many countries, the total rate of psychiatric disorders tends to be higher in urban areas than in rural areas. The relevance of this phenomenon is that it may help in identifying environmental factors that are important in the pathogenesis of mental disorders. Moreover, urban preponderance suggests that the allocation of funds and services should take urbanization levels into account. Method The Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS) used the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) to determine the prevalence of DSM-III-R disorders in a sample of 7,076 people aged 18–64. The sample was representative of the population as a whole. The study population was assigned to five urbanization categories defined at the level of municipalities. The association between urbanization and 12-month prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders was studied using logistic regression taking several confounders into account. Results The prevalence of psychiatric disorders gradually increased over five levels of urbanization. This pattern remained after adjustment for a range of confounders. Comorbidity rates also increased with level of urbanization. Conclusion This study confirms that psychiatric disorders are more common and more complex in more urbanized areas. This should be reflected in service allocation and may help in identifying environmental factors of importance for the aetiology of mental disorders. j Key words population survey – psychiatric epidemiology – mental disorders – urbanizatio

    General practitioners' conceptions about treatment of depression and factors that may influence their practice in this area. A postal survey

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    BACKGROUND: The way GPs work does not appear to be adapted to the needs of depressive patients. Therefore we wanted to examine Swedish GPs' conceptions of depressive disorders and their treatment and GPs' ideas of factors that may influence their manner of work with depressive patients. METHODS: A postal questionnaire to a stratified sample of 617 Swedish GPs. RESULTS: Most respondents assumed antidepressive drugs effective and did not assume that psychotherapy can replace drugs in depression treatment though many of them looked at psychotherapy as an essential complement. Nearly all respondents thought that clinical experiences had great importance in decision situations, but patients' own preferences and official clinical guidelines were also regarded as essential. As influences on their work, almost all surveyed GPs regarded experiences from general practice very important, and a majority also emphasised experiences from private life. Courses arranged by pharmaceutical companies were seen as essential sources of knowledge. A majority thought that psychiatrists did not provide sufficient help, while most respondents perceived they were well backed up by colleagues. CONCLUSION: GPs tend to emphasize experiences, both from clinical work and private life, and overlook influences of collegial dealings and ongoing CME as well as the effects of the pharmaceutical companies' marketing activities. Many GPs appear to need more evidence based knowledge about depressive disorders. Interventions to improve depression management have to be supporting and interactive, and should be combined with organisational reforms to improve co-operation with psychiatrists
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