617 research outputs found

    Measuring the Relative Profitability of Mid-South Cotton Production from an Alternative Gin Seed Rebate Model

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    The purpose of this paper is to assess the opportunity returns forgone to cotton producers in the lower Mid-South region of the United States for growing cotton, compared to alternative commodities. We calculate the actual net returns per acre for selected cotton-producing counties in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. In addition, we calculate the opportunity returns per acre if the acres planted in cotton were planted in the highest net return commodity per acre between corn and soybeans during the period 1997 through 2008. Our results find that producers in these cotton producing-counties faced sizeable opportunity revenues foregone averaging 43% between 2003 and 2008. Most observers of the cotton industry would argue that these foregone revenues are a function of historical cotton producers not planting a higher proportion of their acreage in the more-profitable corn enterprise in 2007 and 2008. However, opportunity revenues per acre foregone averaged 37% in the 2007-08 period. This finding suggests that cotton producers recognized a few years prior to the corn price spike in 2007 that alternative commodities, such as corn and soybeans, would generate greater returns on their land. Our research suggests that the higher corn price helped push cotton producers over the edge into planting a greater percentage of their acreage in alternative commodities.cotton ginning, returns above variable costs, cotton, corn, soybeans, Production Economics, Q10,

    Understanding the Interaction Between Cotton Ginning and Rural Economics in the Mid-South Under A Changing Cotton Environment

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    This study estimates economic impact of ginning on Mid-South states applying input-output analysis to gin cost data. Results indicated that cotton ginning activity in the Mid-South generated over 258millionindirectoutputeffectsduring2007and258 million in direct output effects during 2007 and 438 million in total effects with a multiplier of 2.39.cotton, cotton ginning, economic impact, multiplier, Mid-South, input-output, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, R15,

    Identifying a Role for Tbx2 in Heart Development

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    Functional domains were identified within the Tbx2 protein. We have identified a couple of proteins that interact with Tbx2. Knowledge of how Tbx2 interacts with other proteins is essential in understanding how it inhibits gene expression during heart development

    Oral Bioavailability and Disposition of Phytochemicals

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    Advancing DFI Transparency: The rationale and roadmap for better impact, accountability and markets

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    This report is the culmination of two years of in-depth and collaborative research assessing the disclosure practices of the world's leading multilateral and bilateral Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).As this report explains, the research has demonstrated:The current lack of DFI transparency makes it difficult to see what DFIs are doing, what impact their investments are making, whether they are adhering to their accountability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities, and to what extent they are successfully crowding in the private sector.Enhanced transparency is necessary to understand whether DFIs are fulfilling their mandates including developmental impact, market building, and accountability.Claims of commercial confidentiality need to be challenged. While there are valid claims of sensitivity that preclude disclosure, much purportedly confidential information is found in the public domain. Investees have shown a willingness to disclose more information and we found examples where some DFIs are providing information that others claim is confidential.DFIs are open to adopting a new harmonised approach to data disclosure to improve the availability, timeliness and comparability of investment and policy information. The DFI Transparency Tool can contribute to this approach.

    General Mathematical Ability Predicts PASAT Performance in MS Patients: Implications for Clinical Interpretation and Cognitive Reserve

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    Objectives: The Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) is used to assess cognitive status in multiple sclerosis (MS). Although the mathematical demands of the PASAT seem minor (single-digit arithmetic), cognitive psychology research links greater mathematical ability (e.g., algebra, calculus) to more rapid retrieval of single-digit math facts (e.g., 5+6=11). The present study evaluated the hypotheses that (a) mathematical ability is related to PASAT performance and (b) both the relationship between intelligence and PASAT performance as well as the relationship between education and PASAT performance are both mediated by mathematical ability. Methods: Forty-five MS patients were assessed using the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading, PASAT and Calculation Subtest of the Woodcock-Johnson-III. Regression based path analysis and bootstrapping were used to compute 95% confidence intervals and test for mediation. Results: Mathematical ability (a) was related to PASAT (β=.61; p\u3c.001) and (b) fully mediated the relationship between Intelligence and PASAT (β=.76; 95% confidence interval (CI95)=.28, 1.45; direct effect of Intelligence, β=.42; CI95=−.39, 1.23) as well as the relationship between Education and PASAT (β=2.43, CI95=.81, 5.16, direct effect of Education, β=.83, CI95=−1.95, 3.61). Discussion: Mathematical ability represents a source of error in the clinical interpretation of cognitive decline using the PASAT. Domain-specific cognitive reserve is discussed. (JINS, 2016, 22, 375–378)

    A Systematic Review of Complications from Pediatric Intraosseous Cannulation

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    “A Systematic Review of Complications from Pediatric Intraosseous Cannulation” Bouhamdan J, Polsinelli G, Akers KG, Paxton JH. Department of Emergency Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine (Detroit, MI) Introduction Intraosseous (IO) infusion is a commonly-used method for obtaining vascular access in emergency situations. It involves insertion of a needle into the marrow cavity of long bones, with subsequent infusion of medications and fluids to achieve resuscitation. This procedure is known to be associated with certain complications. Despite the widespread continued use of IO cannulation for pediatric subjects, a high-quality systematic review of the literature on pediatric IO complications remains lacking. Materials & Methods Several databases were searched for studies relating to IO infusion. Inclusion criteria included: English-language, original reports on the clinical treatment of human pediatric (old) patients, which reported the presence or absence of complications identified during the clinical care of the patient. Studies with IO cannulation performed under sterile operative settings were excluded. These studies were further processed on Covidence (www.covidence.org) systematic review software. Complications identified include, but are not limited to, pain, extravasation, compartment syndrome, local infections, osteomyelitis, embolism, fractures, and device failure. We are also collecting data on patient demographics, medications infused, injection site, and indication for cannulation. Results In total, 1,647 studies were imported for screening, with 762 duplicates removed. The remaining 885 studies were individually screened by abstract review, resulting in exclusion of 462 studies due to irrelevance. The remaining 423 studies are undergoing full-text review. Fifty-one studies have already been identified that appear to be suitable for inclusion and data extraction. Conclusions We anticipate this review to contribute to an improved understanding of complications associated with IO cannulation use in the pediatric population