2,503 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Investigation of the Performance of a Short-length Turbojet Combustor Using Vaporized Hydrocarbon Fuels

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    Two short turbojet combustors designed for use with vaporized hydrocarbon fuels were tested in a one-quarter annular duct. The experimental combustors consisted of many small "swirl-can" combustor elements manifolded together. This design approach allowed the secondary mixing zone to be considerably reduced over that of conventional combustors. The over-all combustion lengths, for the two configurations were 13.5 and 11.0 inches, approximately one-half the length of the shortest conventional combustors. These short combustors did not provide combustion efficiencies as high as those for conventional combustors at low pressures. However, over the range of combustor-inlet total-pressures expected in aircraft capable of flight at Mach numbers of 2.5 and above, these short combustors gave very high efficiencies. A combustion efficiency of 97 percent was obtained at a combustor-inlet total-pressure of 25.0 inches of mercury absolute, reference velocity of 120 feet per second, and inlet-air total temperature of 1160 deg R. By proportioning the fuel flow between the manifold rows of can combustor elements, control of the combustor-outlet radial total-temperature profile was demonstrated. Combustor totalpressure loss varied from 0.75 percent of the inlet total pressure at isothermal conditions and a reference velocity of 75 feet per second to 5.5 percent at a total-temperature ratio of 1.8 and a reference velocity of 180 feet per second

    Chemical defenses of the Caribbean sponges Agelas wiedenmayeri and Agelas conifera

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    Previous studies have determined that Caribbean reef sponges of the genus Agelas are chemically defended from fish predation by brominated pyrrole alkaloids, and that the compounds responsible for this defense have been elucidated for one species, Agelas clathrodes. In this study, we expand our understanding of chemical defense in this common sponge genus to include the characterization of defensive metabolites in the tissues of Agelas wiedenmayeri and Agelas conifera. Bioassay-directed isolation of defensive metabolites was undertaken using fish feeding assays carried out in laboratory aquaria and in the field. Agelas wiedenmayeri contained the same two major metabolites as Agelas clathrodes, 4,5-dibromopyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (1), and oroidin (2), in addition to a small amount of bromoageliferin (7). The two major metabolites were present at higher concentrations in samples of Agelas wiedenmayeri than in Agelas clathrodes, and their relative concentrations were reversed, with Agelas wiedenmayeri on average containing more 4,5-dibromopyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (1) (2.0 mg/mL) than oroidin (2) (0.8 mg/mL). Agelas conifera contained a mixture of dimeric bromopyrrole alkaloids dominated by sceptrin (3), with <10% each of dibromosceptrin (5), bromoageliferin (7), dibromoageliferin (8), ageliferin (6), and bromosceptrin (4). Mean concentration of sceptrin (3) in sponge tissue was 5.3 mg/mL; this compound deterred feeding of reef fish in aquarium assays at 1.0 mg/mL, the lowest concentration assayed. Sceptrin (3) concentrations were higher in sponges collected in the southern Bahama Islands than those collected in the middle Bahamas, but reasons for this variation remain unclear. The structure-activity relationship of the pyrrole group was investigated by assaying derivatives of the active metabolites. Feeding deterrent activity of the molecule was enhanced by the addition of bromine to the pyrrole group, but not affected by exchange of the heteroatom from N to O or S. Combining an understanding of the structure-activity relationship of Agelas metabolites with an understanding of the variation in these metabolites across the genus may provide insight into the evolution of defensive chemistry in this highly successful taxa of pan-tropical sponges

    Preliminary investigations of ion thruster cathodes

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    Mercury vapor fed hollow cathodes for electron bombardment ion thruster


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    The aim of this study is to check whether a novel bicycle drive allows a higher power output. In order to be able to judge the efficiency of this drive the power output during use of this specific drive was matched with the one of a traditional bicycle drive. Both maximal power output tests and endurance tests with lactate determination where carried out. During the maximal power output tests a power output increase of 5.2% could be measured. During the endurance tests the anaerobe threshold (4 mmol lactate / l blood) at 80 rpm could be raised by 4.17 W, this is equivalent to 2.4%. At four time trials of an amateur cycling club the test riders were 5.3% faster with the new drive over the distance of 14.62 km (with a hairpin bend). This corresponds to a power output increase of 15.9%

    Apparatus for Hot Impact Testing of Material Specimens

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    An apparatus for positioning and holding material specimens is a major subsystem of a system for impact testing of the specimens at temperatures up to 1,500 C. This apparatus and the rest of the system are designed especially for hot impact testing of advanced ceramics, composites, and coating materials. The apparatus includes a retaining fixture on a rotating stage on a vertically movable cross support driven by a linear actuator. These components are located below a furnace wherein the hot impact tests are performed (see Figure 1). In preparation for a test, a specimen is mounted on the retaining fixture, then the cross support is moved upward to raise the specimen, through an opening in the bottom of the furnace, to the test position inside the furnace. On one side of the furnace there is another, relatively small opening on a direct line to the specimen. Once the specimen has become heated to the test temperature, the test is performed by using an instrumented external pressurized-gas-driven gun to shoot a projectile through the side opening at the specimen

    Black Hole Feedback On The First Galaxies

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    We study how the first galaxies were assembled under feedback from the accretion onto a central black hole (BH) that is left behind by the first generation of metal-free stars through self-consistent, cosmological simulations. X-ray radiation from the accretion of gas onto BH remnants of Population III (Pop III) stars, or from high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), again involving Pop III stars, influences the mode of second generation star formation. We track the evolution of the black hole accretion rate and the associated X-ray feedback starting with the death of the Pop III progenitor star inside a minihalo and following the subsequent evolution of the black hole as the minihalo grows to become an atomically cooling galaxy. We find that X-ray photoionization heating from a stellar-mass BH is able to quench further star formation in the host halo at all times before the halo enters the atomic cooling phase. X-ray radiation from a HMXB, assuming a luminosity close to the Eddington value, exerts an even stronger, and more diverse, feedback on star formation. It photoheats the gas inside the host halo, but also promotes the formation of molecular hydrogen and cooling of gas in the intergalactic medium and in nearby minihalos, leading to a net increase in the number of stars formed at early times. Our simulations further show that the radiative feedback from the first BHs may strongly suppress early BH growth, thus constraining models for the formation of supermassive BHs.Astronom

    Young's Moduli of Cold and Vacuum Plasma Sprayed Metallic Coatings

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    Monolithic metallic copper alloy and NiCrAlY coatings were fabricated by either the cold spray (CS) or the vacuum plasma spray (VPS) deposition processes. Dynamic elastic modulus property measurements were conducted on these monolithic coating specimens between 300 K and 1273 K using the impulse excitation technique. The Young's moduli decreased almost linearly with increasing temperature at all temperatures except in the case of the CS Cu-23%Cr-5%Al and VPS NiCrAlY, where deviations from linearity were observed above a critical temperature. It was observed that the Young's moduli for VPS Cu-8%Cr were larger than literature data compiled for Cu. The addition of 1%Al to Cu- 8%Cr significantly increased its Young's modulus by 12 to 17% presumably due to a solid solution effect. Comparisons of the Young s moduli data between two different measurements on the same CS Cu- 23%Cr-5%Al specimen revealed that the values measured in the first run were about 10% higher than those in the second run. It is suggested that this observation is due to annealing of the initial cold work microstructure resulting form the cold spray deposition process

    Preloading To Accelerate Slow-Crack-Growth Testing

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    An accelerated-testing methodology has been developed for measuring the slow-crack-growth (SCG) behavior of brittle materials. Like the prior methodology, the accelerated-testing methodology involves dynamic fatigue ( constant stress-rate) testing, in which a load or a displacement is applied to a specimen at a constant rate. SCG parameters or life prediction parameters needed for designing components made of the same material as that of the specimen are calculated from the relationship between (1) the strength of the material as measured in the test and (2) the applied stress rate used in the test. Despite its simplicity and convenience, dynamic fatigue testing as practiced heretofore has one major drawback: it is extremely time-consuming, especially at low stress rates. The present accelerated methodology reduces the time needed to test a specimen at a given rate of applied load, stress, or displacement. Instead of starting the test from zero applied load or displacement as in the prior methodology, one preloads the specimen and increases the applied load at the specified rate (see Figure 1). One might expect the preload to alter the results of the test and indeed it does, but fortunately, it is possible to account for the effect of the preload in interpreting the results. The accounting is done by calculating the normalized strength (defined as the strength in the presence of preload the strength in the absence of preload) as a function of (1) the preloading factor (defined as the preload stress the strength in the absence of preload) and (2) a SCG parameter, denoted n, that is used in a power-law crack-speed formulation. Figure 2 presents numerical results from this theoretical calculation

    Monte Carlo study of tunable negative-zero-positive index of refraction in nanosphere dispersed liquid crystals

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    Khoo et al.1, 2 have shown that nanosphere dispersed nematic liquid crystal (NDLC) constitutes a new type of metamaterial with index of refraction tunable from negative to positive values. Recently3 we have combined this approach with Monte Carlo simulations of inhomogeneous molecular order in planar NLC cells. Lebwohl - Lasher effective hamiltonian with Rapini - Papoular term for anchoring forces was used. Electric field and amplitude of anchoring forces are control parameters which determine the profiles of order parameter. In this paper we study, using the same approach, local spatial distribution of refractive index in NDLC planar cell. We show that NDLC material consists of layers with negative-zero-positive index of refraction. The spatial organization of those layers strongly depends on incident light wavelength. The role of spatially modulated external electric field for tuning of refractive index of NDLC is briefly discussed