58 research outputs found

    Vertical transmission of HPV in pregnancy. A prospective clinical study of HPV-positive pregnant women

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    Introduction: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Data reporting vertical transmission of HPV from the mother to the fetus are inconsistent and scant. Vertical transmission may occur by hematogenic route (transplacental), or by ascending contamination, or through the birth canal, which may result in the dreaded and rare laryngeal papillomatosis. Infected sperm at fertilization is a potential route of infection, too. Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the rate of vertical transmission of HPV in HPV-positive pregnant women to their newborn infants, as well as the risk factors of HPV vertical transmission. Material and methods: The clinical material was provided by 136 pregnant women, aged 18-45 years. Out of this group, 30 (22.05%) women with abnormal Pap test and positive DNA HPV test were prospectively observed. Neonatal status, i.e. DNA HPV from the nasopharyngeal smear, was recorded in all infants during the perinatal period. The conventional Pap test was performed with the cervix brush in all women. The Bethesda 2011 classification system was applied. Results: An average C Reactive Protein (CRP) concentration in the studied pregnant women was 11.6083 (Std Dev – 12.93). The most frequent cytological findings in the cervical smears from the examined women were ASCUS, n=13 (43.3%), then – LSIL, n=10 (33.3%), HSIL- n=5 (16.7%) and AGC- n=2 (6.7%). In the neonates, the presence of LR HPV DNA was detected in 9 cases (30.0%) and HR HPV DNA in 7 cases (23.3%). Fourteen neonates (46.7%) tested HPV DNA negative in the perinatal period. Conclusions: HPV infection (incidental or chronic) is observed in approximately 22% of pregnant women from the Małopolska province. Neonatal HPV infection in HPV-positive women was observed in 53.3% of the subjects. CRP concentration > 10 mg/dl in the serum of pregnant women statistically significantly (p 0.001) reduces the risk of vertical transmission of HPV from the mother to the fetus

    Does apoptosis occur in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? TUNEL experience from human Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) tissues

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    The role that apoptosis plays in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is still unclear. From our autopsy samples, we have undertaken an effort to verify if apoptosis in ALS really occurs or if can at least be detected. The study was performed using TUNEL method for screening the apoptotic changes in the autopsy samples from 8 ALS cases compared with 16 control cases. No features of apoptosis (DNA cleavages) were noted in any of the investigated regions of the central nervous system in ALS cases as well as in controls. These preliminary results seem to support the reports, which deny the role of apoptosis in human ALS. The following investigations using additional methods will be performed for detection the apoptotic signals in ALS

    Infections and risk-adjusted length of stay and hospital mortality in Polish Neonatology Intensive Care Units

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    Background: The objectives of this study were to analyze the impact of infections on prolonging hospital stay with consideration of underlying risk factors and determining the mortality rates and its association with infections. Methods: An electronic database developed from a continuous prospective targeted infection surveillance program was used in the study. Data were collected from 2009 to 2012 in five Polish tertiary academic neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The length of stay (LOS) of 2,003 very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates was calculated as the sum of the number of days since birth until death or until reaching a weight of 1,800 g. Results: The median LOS for neonates with infections was twice as high as for neonates without infection. LOS was significantly affected by the overall general condition of the neonate, as expressed by both gestational age and birth weight as well as by the Clinical Risk Index for Babies (CRIB) score; another independent factor was presence of at least one infection. Risk of in-hospital mortality was significantly increased by male sex and vaginal birth and was lower among breastfed neonates. Deaths were significantly more frequent in neonates without infection. Conclusions: The general condition of VLBW infants statistically increase both their risk of mortality and LOS; this is in contrast to the presence of infection, which significantly prolonged LOS only

    Necrotising enterocolitis in preterm infants : epidemiology and antibiotic consumption in the polish neonatology network neonatal intensive care units in 2009

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    The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), antibiotic consumption and the usefulness of microbiological tests in very low birth weight (VLBW) Polish newborns. METHODS: Prospective surveillance was performed in the year 2009 by local infection control teams. The study covered 910 infants hospitalized in six Polish neonatal intensive care units. Two kinds of indicators were used for the description of antibiotic usage: the duration of treatment (days of treatment, DOTs) and the defined daily dose (DDD). RESULTS: NEC incidence was 8.7% and fatality rate was 19%. Chorioamnionitis, late gestational age and low birth weight were identified as risk factors for NEC. Catheterization, mechanical ventilation and other selected procedures were used considerably longer in newborns with NEC than in the remaining neonates. Total usage of antibiotics reached 2.9 DDDs or 1.437 days; the average use of drugs per case of NEC amounted to 0.47 DDD or 23.2 DOTs. The level of antibiotic usage was analysed with correlation to microbiological tests performed and it was non-significantly greater in the group of children with NEC in whom the tests were performed. CONCLUSIONS: A high risk of developing NEC is closely associated with VLBW and with inflammation of the amnion during labour. We observed no relationship between the consumption of antibiotics in neonates with NEC and positive results of microbiological testing indicating sepsis accompanying NEC or gut colonization with pathogens

    Coagulase-negative staphylococci contained in gut microbiota as a primary source of sepsis in low- and very low birth weight neonates

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    Background: There are only a few reports in the literature about translocation of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) as a primary cause of sepsis in neonates, although CoNS are among a short list of “translocating” bacteria when present in abundance. Methods: 468 blood samples, 119 stool samples, and 8 catheter tips, from 311 neonates, were tested for presence of microorganisms. CoNS strains isolated from the blood and stool or from blood and catheter tip of the same newborn at approximately the same time were paired and typed with PFGE (Pulse-Field Gel Electrophoresis) method. The strains were then tested for the presence of adherence genes and biofilm formation. Results: The strains with identical PFGE profiles in comparison to those with non-identical profiles differed in terms of the pattern of the virulence genes and showed a lack of the genes related to adherence, but more often presence of IS256, which is related to virulence. They also were phenotypically unable to adhere to intestinal Caco2 cells. Conclusions: A considerable proportion of CoNS strains isolated from bloodstream of VLBW/LWB neonates was identical to the strains isolated from faeces of the same neonates at the same time. These observations may offer indirect evidence indicating that at least some CoNS can translocate from the gastrointestinal tract of the premature neonates into the bloodstream and thus cause generalized infection

    Ocena przydatności obrazowania dyfuzji metodą rezonansu magnetycznego w diagnostyce różnicowej łagodnych i złośliwych zmian ogniskowych w wątrobie

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    Introduction. Despite the use of multiple diagnostic imaging techniques, a non-invasive differential diagnosis of focal lesions in the liver is still a challenging task. It is even more significant, considering the risk of complications related to liver biopsy. On the other hand, the availability of non-invasive radiological and diagnostic imaging methods has resulted in the increased detectability of incidental hepatic lesions. Therefore, further investigation of newer and more effective methods of differentiating benign from malignant hepatic lesions is extremely useful. The aim of the study was to assess the diagnostic value of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DW MRI) in differentiating benign from malignant focal lesions in the liver.Material and methods. Fifty one patients with hepatic lesions detected by magnetic resonance (MR) examination were enrolled in the study. Each lesion was then verified histopathologically, cytologically, or by observation. Ninety five (71 malignant and 24 benign) hepatic focal lesions were analysed. Apart from a standard MR liver examination, an echo planar imaging spin echo diffusion weighted sequence was performed, with a slice thickness of 5 or 6 mm. The maximal b-value was 1000 s/mm2 and the minimal 0 s/mm2.In the study, the following were assessed: the presence of restricted diffusion, an absolute ADC (apparent diffusion coefficient) value, the decrease of signal intensity in DW MRI with an increase in the b-value.Results. Confirming or ruling out the restricted diffusion is usually the first effective step in differentiating benign from malignant hepatic lesions, as indicated in the study results. In the material analysed, the diffusion restriction occurred statistically significantly more frequently in malignant (87.3 %) compared to benign lesions (12.5%), (p < 0.0001). Using the diffusion restriction as a criterion for malignancy, 87.4% lesions were correctly classified (62 malignant and 21 benign lesions). In the material analysed, the mean minADC value in malignant lesions (0.92 × 10-3 mm2/s) was statistically significantly lower compared to benign lesions (1.48 × 10-3 mm2/s) (p < 0.0001). In clinical practice, it is important to determine the ADC reference values for benign and malignant lesions. The boundary ADC value differentiating benign from malignant lesions estimated when using the ROC curve was 1.04 × 10-3 mm2/s. Considering lesions with an ADC value > 1.04 × 10-3 mm2/s to be benign and lesions with ADC value ≤ 1.04 × 10-3 mm2/s to be malignant, 75.8% lesions were correctly classified.Conclusions. The results obtained indicate that restricted diffusion, as a marker for malignant lesions, has the highest value in DW MRI in differentiating benign from malignant lesions in the liver.Cel pracy. Nieinwazyjna diagnostyka różnicowa zmian ogniskowych w wątrobie — mimo stosowania wielu technik obrazowania — często jest nadal zadaniem trudnym, tym ważniejszym, że biopsja wątroby jest obarczona ryzykiem powikłań. Z drugiej strony upowszechnienie nieinwazyjnych metod radiologii i diagnostyki obrazowej przyczyniło się do wzrostu wykrywalności także przypadkowych zmian ogniskowych w wątrobie. Nie dziwi więc poszukiwanie nowych, bardziej skutecznych metod różnicowania zmian łagodnych i złośliwych w wątrobie. Celem pracy jest ocena wartości diagnostycznej dyfuzji obrazowanej metodą rezonansu magnetycznego (DW MRI — Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging) w różnicowaniu łagodnych i złośliwych zmian ogniskowych w wątrobie.Materiał i metody. Do pracy włączono obrazy uzyskane od 51 chorych, u których w wątrobie stwierdzono w badaniu MR zmiany ogniskowe, a następnie potwierdzono ich charakter (weryfikacja mikroskopowa, obserwacja). Przeanalizowano obrazy 95 zmian ogniskowych w wątrobie (71 zmian złośliwych, 24 łagodne). Oprócz standardowego badania MR wątroby wykonywano obrazowanie dyfuzji metodą EPI SE (Echo Planar Imaging Spin Echo), warstwą grubości 5 lub 6 mm. Maksymalna wartość współczynnika b wynosiła 1000 s/mm2, minimalna 0 s/mm2. W pracy oceniano: występowanie ograniczenia dyfuzji, bezwzględną wartość pozornego współczynnika dyfuzji ADC (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient), spadek IS (intensywność sygnału) w obrazach DW MRI ze wzrostem wartości współczynnika b.Wyniki. Stwierdzenie lub wykluczenie ograniczenia dyfuzji jest zwykle pierwszym, i jak wykazują uzyskane rezultaty, skutecznym krokiem w różnicowaniu zmian łagodnych i złośliwych w wątrobie. W badanym materiale ograniczenie dyfuzji występowało statystyczne istotnie częściej w zmianach złośliwych (87,3%) niż łagodnych (12,5%) (p < 0,0001). Wykorzystując ograniczenie dyfuzji jako kryterium złośliwości, prawidłowo zaklasyfikowano 87,4% zmian (62 złośliwe i 21 łagodnych). W analizowanym materiale średnia min ADC zmian złośliwych (0,92 × 10-3 mm2/s) była statystycznie istotnie niższa niż zmian łagodnych (1,48 × 10-3 mm2/s) (p < 0,0001). W praktyce klinicznej istotnym jest znalezienie wartości współczynnika ADC rozdzielającej zmiany łagodne i złośliwe. Wyznaczona za pomocą krzywej charakterystyki odbiornika (ROC) wartość ADC odcinająca zmiany łagodne i złośliwe wynosiła 1,04 × 10-3 mm2/s. Uznając zmiany o wartości ADC > 1,04 × 10-3 mm2/s za łagodne, a o wartości ADC ≤ 1,04 x 10-3 mm2/s za złośliwe, prawidłowo zakwalifikowano 75,8% zmian.Wnioski. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że w różnicowaniu łagodnych i złośliwych zmian ogniskowych w wątrobie najbardziej przydatnym parametrem obrazowania DWI MR jest ograniczenie dyfuzji — jako marker zmian złośliwych

    Chemical and physical properties of meadowfoam seed oil and extra virgin olive oil: focus on vibrational spectroscopy

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    In food industry, vegetable oils are commonly used as functional ingredients. Cold pressed oils containing fatty acids show a variety of chemical properties, which are mainly dependent on the saturation of fatty acids. In this study, we have analyzed meadowfoam seed oil (MSO), obtained from seeds of Limnanthes alba, and extra virgin olive oil (EVO). Firstly, the fatty acids composition, denoted as Cox value, was determined for the oils that are considered as the most stable. The Cox value for MSO reached 0.032, while that for EVO was 1.780. We have also determined the content of fatty acids in both of the oils using gas chromatography, while the use of mid-infrared (MIR) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy allowed us to assign bands corresponding to the vibrations present in the tested functional groups. Significant differences in the shape and intensity of some bands were observed due to different content of unsaturated fatty acids. Vibrational spectroscopy methods confirmed the presence of long chain fatty acids in MSO.This work was supported through the projects M-ERA-NET/0004/2015-PAIRED and UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund)granted by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foun-dation, Ministry of Science and Education (FCT/MEC),through national funds and cofinanced byFEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020. -e authors also acknowledge the support of the research project Nutraceuticacome supporto nutrizionale nel paziente oncologico, CUP:B83D18000140007.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nanopharmaceuticals for eye administration: sterilization, depyrogenation and clinical applications

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    As an immune-privileged target organ, the eyes have important superficial and internal barriers, protecting them from physical and chemical damage from exogenous and/or endogenous origins that would cause injury to visual acuity or even vision loss. These anatomic, physiological and histologic barriers are thus a challenge for drug access and entry into the eye. Novel therapeutic concepts are highly desirable for eye treatment. The design of an efficient ocular drug delivery system still remains a challenge. Although nanotechnology may offer the ability to detect and treat eye diseases, successful treatment approaches are still in demand. The growing interest in nanopharmaceuticals offers the opportunity to improve ophthalmic treatments. Besides their size, which needs to be critically monitored, nanopharmaceuticals for ophthalmic applications have to be produced under sterilized conditions. In this work, we have revised the different sterilization and depyrogenation methods for ophthalmic nanopharmaceuticals with their merits and drawbacks. The paper also describes clinical sterilization of drugs and the outcomes of inappropriate practices, while recent applications of nanopharmaceuticals for ocular drug delivery are also addressed.The authors acknowledge the sponsorship received from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Science and Education (FCT/MEC) through national funds, co-financed by FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020 for the project UIDB/04469/2020 (strategic fund) granted to EBS, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil, for the project 425271/2016-1 granted to M.V.C., and the Coordenação Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) and Fundação de Ámparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Sergipe (FAPITEC) (88887.159533/2017-00), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq301964/2019-0 Chamada 06/2019, and Chamada CNPq nº 01/2019), granted to P.S.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio