7 research outputs found

    Rola insuliny i wybranych adipocytokin u pacjentek z zespo艂em policystycznych jajnik贸w (PCOS)

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age. It is manifested by hyperandrogenism, polycystic ovaries on ultrasound, oligomenorrhoea and anovulation. PCOS patients are more vulnerable to metabolic disorders: insulin resistance, obesity, endothelium dysfunction, atherosclerosis, and activation of proinflammatory factors. This association shows that PCOS might be an ovarian manifestation of a metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is also strongly correlated with reproductive failure. Approximately 100 factors, secreted in adipose tissue, are responsible for its regulation. Adipocytokines have been found to play an important role in regulating insulin sensitivity. Abnormal levels of adipokines are detected in patients with insulin resistance. Studies indicate that these factors, and their different activity in PCOS women, may affect changes observed in their metabolism and, especially, may participate in the development of insulin resistance. There are several adipokines whose role has been thoroughly investigated and many that we still know very little about, for example apelin and visfatin. Counseling PCOS patients about the possibility of developing metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases should be a standard of care.Zesp贸艂 policystycznych jajnik贸w (PCOS) jest najcz臋stsz膮 endokrynopati膮 w艣r贸d kobiet w wieku rozrodczym. Manifestuje si臋 hiperandrogenizmem, obrazem policystycznych jajnik贸w w ultrasonografii, zaburzeniami miesi膮czkowania o typie rzadkich miesi膮czek lub zaburzeniami owulacji. Pacjentki z PCOS s膮 bardziej nara偶one na zaburzenia metaboliczne: insulinooporno艣膰, oty艂o艣膰, nieprawid艂owo艣ci endothelium, mia偶d偶yc臋 i aktywacj臋 czynnik贸w prozapalnych. Te zale偶no艣ci mog膮 艣wiadczy膰 o tym, 偶e PCOS mo偶e by膰 jajnikow膮 postaci膮 zespo艂u metabolicznego. Insulinooporno艣膰 silnie koreluje r贸wnie偶 z zaburzeniami rozrodu. Istnieje oko艂o 100 czynnik贸w produkowanych przez tkank臋 t艂uszczow膮, odpowiedzialnych za funkcje regulacyjne. Adipocytokiny s膮 wa偶nymi czynnikami reguluj膮cymi wra偶liwo艣膰 organizmu na insulin臋. U pacjentek z insulinooporno艣ci膮 zauwa偶alne s膮 nieprawid艂owe poziomy adipocytokin. Badania pokazuj膮, 偶e te czynniki i ich odmienna aktywno艣膰 u kobiet z PCOS, mo偶e mie膰 wp艂yw na zmiany w ich metabolizmie, a w szczeg贸lno艣ci w rozwoju insulinooporno艣ci. Istnieje wiele adipokin, kt贸rych rola jest dobrze poznana, lecz nadal rola wielu z nich jest niedostatecznie zbadana: mi臋dzy innymi apeliny i wisfatyny. Ocena czynnik贸w ryzyka zaburze艅 metabolicznych, cukrzycy oraz choroby sercowo-naczyniowej powinna by膰 standardem u kobiet z PCOS

    Zastosowanie selektywnych modulator贸w receptora progesteronowego w leczeniu mi臋艣niak贸w macicy oraz ich przysz艂o艣膰 w ginekologii

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    Uterine leiomyomata are benign, monoclonal tumors arising from smooth muscle cells, which belong to one of the most common pathologies of the female genital system. Current pharmacotherapies (oral contraceptives, progestins, GnRH analogs) are ineffective or of limited use for long-term treatment. Although there is still much debate regarding their etiology, it is very likely that progesterone and progesterone receptor play a key role in their development. Profound importance of progesterone in the female reproductive system has led to discovery of synthetic progesterone receptor ligands, which can poses the activity ranging from pure agonist activity, trough mixed agonist/antagonist activity, to pure antagonist activity. Development of selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRM) has created new therapeutic options and has great potential in a number of gynecologic indications. So far, ulipristal acetate has been approved for emergency contraception, mifepristone as a progesterone receptor antagonist because of the unique property of this compound for termination of pregnancy. Recently, the European Commission has authorized ulipristal acetate for the pre-operative treatment of uterine fibroids. Superior efficacy of ulipristal acetate versus placebo, to reduce excessive uterine bleeding and to reduce total fibroid volume prior to surgery was demonstrated. Moreover, non-inferior efficacy of ulipristal acetate versus Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)-agonist to reduce excessive uterine bleeding prior to surgery of uterine fibroids has been documented. Ulipristal acetate is also characterized by a superior side-effect profile in comparison to leuprolide acetate in terms of serum estradiol levels and the proportion of patients with moderate-to-severe hot flashes during treatment. Regarding safety profile, except elevation of liver enzymes after telapristone and onapristone treatment, to date no serious untoward effects of other SPRM have been reported. The issue of endometrial effects of these compounds remains to be resolved, although observation that intrinsic agonist activity of SPRM prevents endometrial proliferation may suggest future use of these agents in prevention of endometrial hyperplasia. Other promising applications, including endometriosis, endometrial cancer, Cushing鈥檚 disease, Alzheimer disease or long-term contraception, are currently in development.Mi臋艣niaki macicy to 艂agodne, monoklonalne guzy wywodz膮ce si臋 z kom贸rek mi臋艣ni g艂adkich nale偶膮ce do najcz臋stszych patologii uk艂adu rozrodczego kobiet. Ich etiologia pozostaje ci膮gle tematem otwartej debaty, jakkolwiek wydaje si臋, i偶 kluczow膮 rol臋 w ich rozwoju odgrywa progesteron oraz receptor progesteronowy. Dotychczasowe zachowawcze metody leczenia mi臋艣niak贸w (doustna antykoncepcja, gestageny lub analogi GnRH) s膮 nieskuteczne b膮d藕 niemo偶liwe do stosowania w d艂ugotrwa艂ej terapii. Pojawienie si臋 selektywnych modulator贸w receptora progesteronowego (SPRM) otworzy艂o nowe mo偶liwo艣ci terapeutyczne. Obecnie preparaty te s膮 zarejestrowane w dora藕nej antykoncepcji, terminacji ci膮偶y i w leczeniu mi臋艣niak贸w. Ponadto na etapie bada艅 klinicznych trwaj膮 pr贸by zastosowania SPRM w leczeniu endometriozy, raka endometrium, choroby Cushinga, choroby Alzheimera czy w d艂ugotrwa艂ej antykoncepcji

    Differentiation of flea communities infesting small mammals across selected habitats of the Baltic coast, central lowlands, and southern mountains of Poland

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    Only a few studies comparing flea composition on the coast and in the mountains have been conducted. We investigated differences in flea communities infesting small mammals in selected habitats in northern, central and southern Poland. We predicted: (1) a greater number of flea species in the southeastern Poland and a lower number in the north; (2) a greater number of flea species in fertile and wet habitats than in poor and arid habitats; (3) a low similarity of flea species between flea communities in western and eastern Poland. We found negative effect of increasing latitude on flea species richness. We suppose that the mountains providing a variety of environments and the limits of the geographic ranges of several flea subspecies in southeastern Poland, result in a higher number of flea species. There was positive effect of increasing wetness of habitat on flea species richness. We found a high diversity in flea species composition between western and eastern Poland (beta diversity = 11) and between central and eastern Poland (beta diversity = 12). Re-colonization of Poland by small mammals and their ectoparasites from different (western and eastern) refugies can affect on this high diversity of flea species.grant no. SFRH/BD/ 31602/2006 from the Science and Technology Foundation (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education); budget of the Department of Systematic Zoology (Faculty of Biology AMU, Pozna艅)Parasitology Researc