11 research outputs found

    Turystyka przemysłowa w Tarnowskich Górach

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    W artykule dokonano analizy rozwoju turystyki przemysłowej i geoturystki w oparciu o istniejące walory znajdujące się na terenie Tarnowskich Gór. Jest to jedno z najciekawszych miast w Polsce, posiadających walory, które stanowią dziedzictwo narodowe związane z rozwojem górnictwa i przemysłu. Zwrócono również uwagę na możliwości rozwoju tych form turystyki, które mogą stać się szansą rozwoju miasta przez turystykę. Powiązania przemysłu, geologii i turystyki są w Tarnowskich Górach aż nadto widoczne. Autorzy artykułu starali się to wyeksponować.//The state of development of attractions, basing on the product of industrial tourism and geotourism in Tarnowskie Góry, has been analysed in the article. Tarnowskie Góry is one of the most fascinating cities in Poland possessing great value that constitute national heritage as far as development of mining and industry is concerned. Considerable attention has been given to the possibility of development of these forms of tourism which can become a chance for the city’s development via tourism. The interrelations between industry, geology and tourism are clearly visible in Tarnowskie Góry. Thus the authors of this paper have aimed at highlighting that very fact

    A Control Strategy for Mechatronic Action of a Pipe Organ Using a VCM Actuator

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    In pipe organs, the oldest and most commonly chosen system for connecting the organist operator to the source of sound (i.e., the pipes to the action) is mechanical action. This article presents a mechatronic action with a voice coil motor (VCM) actuator to reproduce the action of a mechanical action on pipe organ. The mechatronic action makes it feasible to mechanically separate the keyboard from the pipes and to determine the control strategy for the mechatronic action by utilizing sensors, an actuator and a microcontroller. The time response of the organ pipe with mechanical action and the requirements for mechatronic action were outlined. The control strategy was preceded by measurements of the mechanical action and measurements of the behavior of the VCM actuator system, which moves the pneumatic valve pallet. Two control strategies, open-loop and closed-loop, were proposed and analyzed for the mechatronic action with the VCM actuator. According to the results, the suggested control strategies successfully reproduce the mechanical action’s behavior to a good extent

    3D Printing of Composite Material for Electromechanical Energy Harvesters

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    In this paper, a novel, composite material is proposed based on ferromagnetic wires immersed in a polymer that is well suited for 3D printing. The magnetic properties of this material are examined using FEM and compared with the properties of a more traditional composite based on magnetic powder. For a 50% ferromagnetic volume in the material, the proposed composite has a 67% higher value of saturation magnetic flux density and 87% higher value of maximum permeability, compared with the powder-based material. The authors believe that the proposed material could be used in the manufacturing of small electromechanical devices such as energy harvesters, thus vastly widening the possible fields of application related to 3D printing techniques

    Linear Actuators in a Haptic Feedback Joystick System for Electric Vehicles

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    Several strategies for navigation in unfamiliar environments have been explored, notably leveraging advanced sensors and control algorithms for obstacle recognition in autonomous vehicles. This study introduces a novel approach featuring a redesigned joystick equipped with stepper motors and linear drives, facilitating WiFi communication with a four-wheel omnidirectional electric vehicle. The system’s drive units integrated into the joystick and the encompassing control algorithms are thoroughly examined, including analysis of stick deflection measurement and inter-component communication within the joystick assembly. Unlike conventional setups in which the joystick is tilted by the operator, two independent linear drives are employed to generate ample tensile force, effectively “overpowering” the operator’s input. Running on a Raspberry Pi, the software utilizes Python programming to enable joystick tilt control and to transmit orientation and axis deflection data to an Arduino unit. A fundamental haptic effect is achieved by elevating the minimum pressure required to deflect the joystick rod. Test measurements encompass detection of obstacles along the primary directions perpendicular to the electric vehicle’s trajectory, determination of the maximum achievable speed, and evaluation of the joystick’s maximum operational range within an illuminated environment

    3D Printing of Composite Material for Electromechanical Energy Harvesters

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    In this paper, a novel, composite material is proposed based on ferromagnetic wires immersed in a polymer that is well suited for 3D printing. The magnetic properties of this material are examined using FEM and compared with the properties of a more traditional composite based on magnetic powder. For a 50% ferromagnetic volume in the material, the proposed composite has a 67% higher value of saturation magnetic flux density and 87% higher value of maximum permeability, compared with the powder-based material. The authors believe that the proposed material could be used in the manufacturing of small electromechanical devices such as energy harvesters, thus vastly widening the possible fields of application related to 3D printing techniques

    Stand for Measurement of the Magnetorheological Fluid Magnetic Permeability

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    Ciecz magnetoreologiczna jest często stosowanym czynnikiem w układach mechatronicznych. Powodem są jej specyficzne właściwości mechaniczne, które zależą od przyłożonego zewnętrznego pola magnetycznego. Głównie stosowane są tam, gdzie wymagana jest zmienna lepkość wspomnianego medium. Pomiar parametrów magnetycznych cieczy jest zadaniem specyficznym i trudnym. Wynika to zarówno ze stanu skupienia (koloid), jak i nietypowych parametrów magnetycznych. Aby pomiar przenikalności magnetycznej był możliwy, należy zastosować konstrukcję, w której rdzeń będzie w postaci walca wykonanego z cieczy. Wokół walca umieszczone są dwie cewki pomiarowe: jedna bezpośrednio okalająca ciecz oraz druga o odpowiednio większej średnicy. Całość znajduje się w solenoidzie, wymuszającym strumień magnetyczny. Dokładność pomiaru uzależniona jest od konfiguracji układu pomiarowego oraz mechanicznej precyzji wykonania każdego z jego elementów. W pracy przedstawiono model matematyczny, sposób działania oraz realizacja techniczna urządzenia do badania przenikalności magnetycznej cieczy magnetoreologicznej. Dla wykonanego urządzenia dokonano pomiarów, gdy współczynnik przenikalności magnetycznej próbki jest znany i równy jedności. Przeprowadzona analiza pomiarów daje podstawy do oceny wykonanego stanowiska pomiarowego.Magnetorheological fluid is a frequently used element in mechatronic systems. The reason is its specific mechanical properties, which depend on the applied external magnetic field. They are mainly used where variable viscosity of said medium is required. Measurement of magnetic parameters of liquids is a specific and challenging task which is due to both the state of aggregation (colloid) and unusual magnetic parameters. To measure the magnetic permeability, a structure in which the core is in the form of a cylinder made of liquid should be used. There are two measuring coils around the cylinder: one directly surrounding the liquid and the other with a correspondingly larger diameter. Everything is contained in a solenoid that forces the magnetic flux. The accuracy of the measurement depends on the configuration of the measuring system and the mechanical precision of each of its elements. The paper presents a mathematical model, method of operation and technical implementation of a device for studying the magnetic permeability of a magnetorheological liquid. Measurements were made for the manufactured device when the magnetic permeability coefficient of the sample is known and equal to one. The conducted analysis of the measurements provides the basis for the evaluation of the developed measuring stand

    Design of Laboratory Stand for Displacement Measurement of IPMC Actuators

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    The polymer technology based on Electroactive polymers and metal composite ionic polymer has great potential and advantages in many engineering fields. In this paper, a laboratory stand for testing Ionic polymer–metal composites (IPMC) is presented. The laboratory station includes a power supply system and a measuring system for the displacement of IPMC composites. Tests and measurements are carried out using a laser transducer and a camera equipped with image analysis software to determine the IPMC strips displacement. The experimental investigation of IPMCs under different voltage supplies and waveforms, environmental working humidity conditions, temperature, and loading conditions has proved the significant influence of geometric dimension and the effect of increased stress on the displacement value. For materials powered by a higher voltage value, an increased deflection value was noted. In case of displacement, longer is the sample, higher is the displacement value. The length of the sample under load, affects adversely its performance, resulting in an increase in the load on the sample. For samples of a thick size, a more stable movement with and without load can be noticed

    Magazynowanie energii cieplnej i mechanicznej jako szansa dla transformacji energetycznej w Polsce

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    The objective of the European Green Deal is to change Europe into the world’s first climate- -neutral continent by 2050. Therefore, European countries are developing technological solutions to increase the production of energy from renewable sources of energy. In order to universally implement energy production from renewable energy sources, it is necessary to solve the problem of energy storage. The authors discussed the issue of energy storage and renewable energy sources, reviewing applied thermal and mechanical energy storage solutions. They referred to the energy sector in Poland which is based mainly on mining activities. The method that was used in this paper is a review of thermal and mechanical energy storage solutions. In industrial practice, various solutions on energy storage are developed around the world. The authors reviewed those solutions and described the ones which currently function in practice. Hence, the authors presented the good practices of energy storage technology. Additionally, the authors conducted an analysis of statistical data on the energy sector in Poland. The authors presented data on prime energy production in Poland in 2004–2019. They described how the data has changed over time. Subsequently, they presented and interpreted data on renewable energy sources in Poland. They also showed the situation of Poland compared to other European countries in the context of the share of renewables in the final gross energy consumption.Celem Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu jest przekształcenie Europy w pierwszy na świecie kontynent neutralny dla klimatu do 2050 roku. Z tego względu kraje europejskie opracowują rozwiązania technologiczne zwiększające produkcję energii z odnawialnych źródeł. W celu powszechnego wdrożenia produkcji energii z odnawialnych źródeł energii konieczne jest rozwiązanie problemu magazynowania energii. Autorzy omówili problematykę magazynowania energii i odnawialnych źródeł energii, dokonując przeglądu stosowanych rozwiązań magazynowania energii cieplnej i mechanicznej. Odnieśli się do sektora energetycznego w Polsce, który opiera się głównie na działalności górniczej. Metodą, która została zastosowana w pracy, jest przegląd rozwiązań magazynowania energii cieplnej i mechanicznej. W praktyce przemysłowej na całym świecie opracowywane są różne rozwiązania w zakresie magazynowania energii. Autorzy dokonali ich przeglądu i opisali te, które obecnie funkcjonują w praktyce. W artykule przedstawione zostały dobre praktyki techniki magazynowania energii. Dodatkowo autorzy przeprowadzili analizę danych statystycznych dotyczących sektora energetycznego w Polsce. Zaprezentowali dane dotyczące produkcji energii pierwotnej w Polsce w latach 2004–2019 oraz opisali, jak zmieniały się one w czasie. Następnie przedstawili i zinterpretowali dane dotyczące odnawialnych źródeł energii w Polsce, a także sytuację Polski na tle innych krajów europejskich w kontekście udziału OZE w końcowym zużyciu energii brutto

    Technical and Economic Aspects of Electric Energy Storage in a Mine Shaft—Budryk Case Study

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    The transformation of the energy sector towards an increased share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix requires attention in the area of electricity storage. Renewable energy sources (photovoltaics or wind energy) are marked by the intermittency of electricity production and require the construction of energy storage to adapt the energy supply to the demand, providing greater stability. The authors focused on verifying the solution of gravitational energy storage in existing shafts of hard coal mines in Poland. The issue is significant for Poland, as a country with an extensive mining infrastructure, which is searching for new scientific and practical solutions to utilize disused mining shafts for new purposes. In the analysis, the focus was on one shaft located within the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (Górnośląskie Zagłębie Węglowe), maintained for the drainage of the neighboring deposit. The article presents the calculation of energy that can be stored and an analysis of the effectiveness of energy storage in the shaft. The basic assumption of the analysis was 1 cycle of work per day (charging and discharging) in order to use the effect of low prices at night and high prices during peak hours (according to Towarowa Giełda Energii (TGE) quotations). Although energy storage already functions around the world, the studied case is new, because it refers to the usage of existing shafts which makes it a non-investment case. The results of the study showed that the obtained economic effects of the analyzed solution are low, therefore there is no economic justification of activities related to its implementation, taking into account the current price conditions

    Selective Crushing of Run-of-Mine as an Important Part of the Hard Coal Beneficiation Process

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    To obtain commercial product of required quantitative and qualitative parameters, hard coal must be subjected to a number of processing operations. Preliminary stone removal from run-of-mine is one of them. Methods of such removal, including the method of selective crushing are described. Design solutions for a KOMAG-type device for dry stone removal of run-of-mine are presented. The results of laboratory tests for selective crushing susceptibility of steam coal and coke are presented, and a comparative analysis of the tested types of coal is made. Possibilities of increasing the production of commercial products by using a Bradford drum crusher is analyzed from the economical point of view