183 research outputs found

    Opinie studentów polskich uczelni wyższych na temat obowiązkowych szczepień ochronnych zawartych w Programie Szczepień Ochronnych na rok 2018 — badanie ankietowe

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    Introduction: Protective vaccination is an extremely important method of combating dangerous infectious diseases. Its introduction significantly reduced incidence and mortality. Unfortunately, recently one observes increased activity of anti-vaccine movements, which by presenting false opinions try to dissuade society from immunization, postulating that vaccination should be voluntary. Unfortunately, these arguments often reach fertile ground, especially young people who will soon have or already have their children and will decide to vaccinate them or not. The aim of the study is to analyze the opinions of students of Polish universities about the obligation of protective vaccinations contained in the National Immunization Programme (PSO) for 2018. Material and methods: The original questionnaire was addressed to students of Polish universities of both sexes aged 18–35 through Facebook. 1486 responses were obtained, which were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and STATISTICA 10.0 Results: In the survey, the majority of respondents before entering university lived in cities of up to 100,000 inhabitants, they were mainly women, studying at a non-medical university, without their own children. The majority of respondents thought that vaccinations against infectious diseases contained in PSO should be obligatory, however, many of them did not have an opinion, mainly in the case of vaccinations against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), pneumococcus and poliomyelitis. Conclusions: Most of the surveyed students support the obligation of vaccination. However, there is also a large percentage of undecided and opposite people, mainly in the case of vaccinations against pneumococci, Hib and poliomyelits. Strong and urgent action by public authorities is needed to persuade people who are undecided, so that support for mandatory vaccinations will increase significantly.Wstęp: Szczepienia ochronne są niezmiernie istotną metodą walki z groźnymi chorobami zakaźnymi. Ich wprowadzenie znacznie zmniejszyło zapadalność i śmiertelność. Niestety, w ostatnim czasie obserwuje się wzmożoną aktywność ruchów antyszczepionkowych, które prezentując fałszywe opinie starają się odwieść społeczeństwo od szczepień ochronnych, postulując między innymi dobrowolność szczepień. Niestety, często te argumenty trafiają na podatny grunt, do ludzi młodych, którzy niedługo będę mieć lub już mają swoje dzieci i będą decydować o szczepieniu lub nie ich pociech. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest analiza opinii studentów polskich uczelni wyższych na temat obowiązku szczepień ochronnych zawartych w Programie Szczepień Ochronnych (PSO) na rok 2018. Materiał i metody: Autorską ankietę adresowano do studentów polskich uczelni wyższych obojga płci w wieku 18-35 lat za pośrednictwem Facebooka. Uzyskano 1486 odpowiedzi, które analizowano przy pomocy programów Microsoft Excel oraz STATISTICA 10.0 Wyniki: W badaniu większość ankietowanych przed podjęciem studiów zamieszkiwała miasta do 100 000 mieszkańców, były to głównie kobiety, osoby studiujące na uczelni niemedycznej, nieposiadające własnych dzieci. Większość respondentów uważała, że szczepienia przeciwko chorobom zakaźnym zawartym w PSO powinny być obowiązkowe, jednak sporo z nich nie miało zdania, głównie w przypadku szczepień przeciwko Haemophilus influenzae typu B (Hib), pneumokokom i poliomyelitis. Wnioski: Większość ankietowanych studentów popiera obowiązek szczepień. Jednak istnieje również spory odsetek osób niezdecydowanych i przeciwnych, głównie w przypadku szczepień przeciwko pneumokokom, Hib oraz poliomyelits. Konieczne są zdecydowane i pilne działania władz publicznych mające na celu przekonanie osób niezdecydowanych, tak, aby poparcie dla szczepień obowiązkowych znacznie wzrosło

    Rynek obligacji przychodowych w Polsce

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    The article discusses the basic features of a revenue bonds which are established in polish law system. Against such a backdrop, a development of the polish revenue bond market is characterized with an attempt to identify the conditions determining the degree of utilization of revenue bonds in the policy of financing local government units. The paper also includes the analysis and evaluation of the protection mechanisms of bondholders and brings more detailed information about the problem of disclosure obligations of the revenue bond issuer

    Zielone obligacje rządowe

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    The article shows the experience of the Polish government in issuing green bonds. The first part of the paper presents the essence of green bonds and gives an illustration of a polish green government bonds issuance structure. The second part of the paper brings an attempt of evaluation the polish green government bonds issuance program with an identification the opportunities and threats of financing on the green bond market

    Modele dyskryminacyjne w ocenie ryzyka upadłości emitentA OBLIGACJI KORPORACYJNYCH

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    Przedmiotem opracowania jest weryfikacja przydatności wybranych modeli dyskryminacyjnych w ocenie ryzyka upadłości emitenta obligacji korporacyjnych. W artykule omówiono istotę upadłości przedsiębiorstwa jako przedmiotu badań ekonomicznych oraz dokonano charakterystyki wybranych modeli wczesnego ostrzegania. Na podstawie wyselekcjonowanych modeli przeprowadzono badania empiryczne na grupie pięciu celowo dobranych spółek reprezentujących emitentów obligacji korporacyjnych notowanych na rynku Catalyst. Przeprowadzone analizy skłoniły do wniosku, że największą skutecznością w zakresie identyfikacji ryzyka upadłości emitenta obligacji korporacyjnych charakteryzował się model B. Prusaka


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    This article corresponds with the research on the implementation of general sustainable development ideas. Moreover, it addresses the issue of using securitization in financing the solar energy market in the U.S. The aim of the research is to identify the essential characteristics of lease securitization of photovoltaic installations, as well as illustrate the current market development of these instruments. The paper discusses theoretical framework of securitization, identifies essential characteristics of the photovoltaic installation market in the context of its potential regarding the use of the securitization process, and presents the state of the securitization market in the discussed area. The characteristics presented in the article are based on the examples of the United States economy – the birthplace of lease securitization of photovoltaic installations, as well as the only state, where the analysed instrument finds practical application, so far

    Compact extensible authentication protocol for the internet of things : enabling scalable and efficient security commissioning

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    Internet of Things security is one of the most challenging parts of the domain. Combining strong cryptography and lifelong security with highly constrained devices under conditions of limited energy consumption and no maintenance time is extremely difficult task. This paper presents an approach that combines authentication and bootstrapping protocol (TEPANOM) with Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) framework optimized for the IEEE 802.15.4 networks. The solution achieves significant reduction of network resource usage. Additionally, by application of EAP header compacting approach, further network usage savings have been reached. The EAP-TEPANOM solution has achieved substantial reduction of 42% in the number of transferred packets and 35% reduction of the transferred data. By application of EAP header compaction, it has been possible to achieve up to 80% smaller EAP header. That comprises further reduction of transferred data for 3.84% for the EAP-TEPANOM method and 10% for the EAP-TLS-ECDSA based methods. The results have placed the EAP-TEPANOM method as one of the most lightweight EAP methods from ones that have been tested throughout this research, making it feasible for large scale deployments scenarios of IoT

    Giant ovarian tumor – case report and proposal for clinical management

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    Abstract A case report of a woman with 90kg ovarian tumor is presented. Paracentesis and intravenous alimentation was performed before operation. During the surgery, the ovarian tumor was excised and abdominal cavity packing, followed by slow pressure decreasing, was done. Intravenous together with oral alimentation was continued after the operation. The patient was discharged on the 10th postoperative day, without any complications, in a good overall condition

    Ultrawide dark solitons in weakly interacting Bose-Bose droplets

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    We investigate dark solitons in two-component Bose systems with competing interactions in one dimension. Such a system hosts a liquid phase stabilized by the beyond-mean field corrections. Using the generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we reveal the presence of two families of solitonic solutions. The solitons in both of them can be engineered to be arbitrarily wide. One family of solutions, however, has got an anomalous dispersion relation. Grey anomalous solitons are able to exist inside quantum droplets and can be treated as solitonic excitations thereof.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Super-Tonks-Girardeau Quench in the Extended Bose-Hubbard Model

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    We investigate the effect of a quench from a one-dimensional gas with strong and repulsive local interactions to a strongly attractive one, known as the super-Tonks-Girardeau effect. By incorporating both an optical lattice and non-local interactions, we discover a previously unexplored phenomenon: the disruption of the state during the quench, but within a specific range of interactions. Our study employs the extended Bose-Hubbard model across various system sizes, starting with analytical results for two atoms and progressing to few-body systems using exact diagonalization, DMRG and TDVP methods. Finally, we use a numerical implementation of the local density approximation for a macroscopic number of atoms. Consistently, our findings unveil a region where the initially self-bound structure expands due to the super-Tonks-Girardeau quench. The fast evaporation provides a tool to characterize the phase diagram in state-of-art experiments exploring the physics of the extended Bose-Hubbard model.Comment: Comments welcome

    Short-term cracking in BFRP RC beams – experimental and theoretical analysis

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    Basalt fiber-reinforced polymer (BFRP) bars can be a good alternative to traditional reinforcing steel. This type of reinforcement has low modulus of elasticity, hence deflections and cracking in BFRP RC flexural elements are larger than these found in typical RC members. As a result, the design of FRP RC beams is often governed by the serviceability limit states (SLS). This paper presents chosen results of a research programme in which 6 beams have been tested under four-point bending. The beams were varied in terms of the reinforcement ratio and diameter of rebars. The main goal of this paper was to investigate crack spacing and crack width of the beams. The results of experiments were compared with code formulations