1,237 research outputs found

    Short-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Term Neonates Treated with Phenobarbital versus Levetiracetam: A Single-Center Experience

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    BACKGROUND: Phenobarbital (PB) has been traditionally used as the first-line treatment for neonatal seizures. More recently, levetiracetam (LEV) has been increasingly used as a promising newer antiepileptic medication for treatment of seizures in neonates. OBJECTIVES: The aim of our study was to compare the effect of PB vs. LEV on short-term neurodevelopmental outcome in infants treated for neonatal seizures. METHOD: This randomized, one-blind prospective study was conducted on term neonates admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of S. Bambino Hospital, University Hospital "Policlinico-Vittorio Emanuele," Catania, Italy, from February 2016 to February 2018. Thirty term neonates with seizures were randomized to receive PB or LEV; the Hammersmith Neonatal Neurological Examination (HNNE) was used at baseline (T0) and again one month after the initial treatment (T1). RESULTS: We found a significantly positive HNNE score for the developmental outcomes, specifically tone and posture, in neonates treated with LEV. There was no significant improvement in the HNNE score at T1 in the neonates treated with PB. CONCLUSION: This study suggests a positive effect of levetiracetam on tone and posture in term newborns treated for neonatal seizures. If future randomized-controlled studies also show better efficacy of LEV in the treatment of neonatal seizures, LEV might potentially be considered as the first-line anticonvulsant in this age grou

    Concomitant MPZ and MFN2 Gene Variants and Charcot Marie Tooth Disease in a Boy: Clinical and Genetic Analysis-Literature Review

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    : Charcot- Marie- Tooth (CMT) disease includes a group of clinically and genetically heterogeneous neuropathic disorders with an estimated frequency of 1 on 2.500 individuals. CMTs are differently classified according to the age of onset, type of inheritance, and type of inheritance plus clinical features. For these disorders, more than 100 genes have been implicated as causal factors, with mutations in the PMP22 being one of the most common. The demyelinating type (CMT1) affects more than 30% of the CMTs patients and manifests with motor and sensory dysfunctions of the peripheral nervous system mainly starting with slow progressive weakness of the lower extremities. We report here a 12 year- old boy presenting with typical features of CMT1 type, hearing impairment, and inguinal hernia who at the next-generation sequence analysis displayed a concomitant presence of two variants: the c.233 C>T p.Ser 78Leu of the MPZ gene (NM_000530.6) characterized as pathogenetic and the c.1403 G>A p.Arg 468His of the MFN2 gene (NM_014874.3) characterized as VUS. Concomitant variant mutations in CMTs have been uncommonly reported. The role of these gene mutations on the clinical expression and a literature review on this topic is discussed

    Optical mapping of neuronal activity during seizures in zebrafish

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    Mapping neuronal activity during the onset and propagation of epileptic seizures can provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying this pathology and improve our approaches to the development of new drugs. Recently, zebrafish has become an important model for studying epilepsy both in basic research and in drug discovery. Here, we employed a transgenic line with pan-neuronal expression of the genetically-encoded calcium indicator GCaMP6s to measure neuronal activity in zebrafish larvae during seizures induced by pentylenetretrazole (PTZ). With this approach, we mapped neuronal activity in different areas of the larval brain, demonstrating the high sensitivity of this method to different levels of alteration, as induced by increasing PTZ concentrations, and the rescuing effect of an anti-epileptic drug. We also present simultaneous measurements of brain and locomotor activity, as well as a high-throughput assay, demonstrating that GCaMP measurements can complement behavioural assays for the detection of subclinical epileptic seizures, thus enabling future investigations on human hypomorphic mutations and more effective drug screening methods. Notably, the methodology described here can be easily applied to the study of many human neuropathologies modelled in zebrafish, allowing a simple and yet detailed investigation of brain activity alterations associated with the pathological phenotype

    Dynamic Vehicle Routing for Robotic Systems

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    Recent years have witnessed great advancements in the science and technology of autonomy, robotics, and networking. This paper surveys recent concepts and algorithms for dynamic vehicle routing (DVR), that is, for the automatic planning of optimal multivehicle routes to perform tasks that are generated over time by an exogenous process. We consider a rich variety of scenarios relevant for robotic applications. We begin by reviewing the basic DVR problem: demands for service arrive at random locations at random times and a vehicle travels to provide on-site service while minimizing the expected wait time of the demands. Next, we treat different multivehicle scenarios based on different models for demands (e.g., demands with different priority levels and impatient demands), vehicles (e.g., motion constraints, communication, and sensing capabilities), and tasks. The performance criterion used in these scenarios is either the expected wait time of the demands or the fraction of demands serviced successfully. In each specific DVR scenario, we adopt a rigorous technical approach that relies upon methods from queueing theory, combinatorial optimization, and stochastic geometry. First, we establish fundamental limits on the achievable performance, including limits on stability and quality of service. Second, we design algorithms, and provide provable guarantees on their performance with respect to the fundamental limits.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award FA 8650-07-2-3744)United States. Army Research Office. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (Award W911NF-05-1-0219)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award ECCS-0705451)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CMMI-0705453)United States. Army Research Office (Award W911NF-11-1-0092

    Covid-19 and UNIMORE students: how the emergency changes the study and the university experience

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    The research report presents the results of the online survey conducted by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia on the living and study conditions of students in the period 8 April - 2 May 2020. The online survey was answered by 20% of students: an adequate participation rate to capture some significant differences between courses of study. The aim of the survey is to overcome the Covid-19 emergency with greater awareness, analysing the living and study conditions of the students and looking for the most useful tools for inclusive teaching and study that contribute to giving each student the possibility to proceed in their own study and life path in the best possible way. The questionnaire, the survey tools and the results that emerge from the multivariate analysis are presented, both for the closed-answer questions and for the openended questions, on which textual analysis techniques have been applied. The different tools and methods are presented to emphasize the specificity of the dataset, which presents a different level of variability of the answers in the different thematic areas. The report concludes with a series of considerations that we offer to the Unimore community to support the discussion on what we have learned and continue to learn thanks to the voice of the students. It is now clear that the exit from the emergency will be a gradual process. The students' point of view, which we gather from this survey, will be really valuable to plan next year's educational activities and services for students, in order to offer a high quality teaching that responds to different needs and study contexts. Further developments of the analysis may concern other in-depth studies on specific teaching methods (distance and in-presence) and on the evaluation of the living and working conditions of teaching and technical-administrative staff. The basic idea is to read, through the Covid-19 emergency lens, the essential dimensions to improve the quality of teaching highlighted by the empirical survey

    Real-time optical manipulation of cardiac conduction in intact hearts

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    Optogenetics has provided new insights in cardiovascular research, leading to new methods for cardiac pacing, resynchronization therapy and cardioversion. Although these interventions have clearly demonstrated the feasibility of cardiac manipulation, current optical stimulation strategies do not take into account cardiac wave dynamics in real time. Here, we developed an all‐optical platform complemented by integrated, newly developed software to monitor and control electrical activity in intact mouse hearts. The system combined a wide‐field mesoscope with a digital projector for optogenetic activation. Cardiac functionality could be manipulated either in free‐run mode with submillisecond temporal resolution or in a closed‐loop fashion: a tailored hardware and software platform allowed real‐time intervention capable of reacting within 2 ms. The methodology was applied to restore normal electrical activity after atrioventricular block, by triggering the ventricle in response to optically mapped atrial activity with appropriate timing. Real‐time intraventricular manipulation of the propagating electrical wavefront was also demonstrated, opening the prospect for real‐time resynchronization therapy and cardiac defibrillation. Furthermore, the closed‐loop approach was applied to simulate a re‐entrant circuit across the ventricle demonstrating the capability of our system to manipulate heart conduction with high versatility even in arrhythmogenic conditions. The development of this innovative optical methodology provides the first proof‐of‐concept that a real‐time optically based stimulation can control cardiac rhythm in normal and abnormal conditions, promising a new approach for the investigation of the (patho)physiology of the heart

    Towards autonomous adaptive behavior in a bioinspired CNN-controlled robot

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    Abstract-This paper describes a general approach for the unsupervised learning of behaviors in a behavior-based robot. The key idea is to formalize a behavior produced by a Motor Map driven by an adaptive reward function. Aim of the adaptive reward function is to select the most significant sensory inputs and to use them in the best way. The greatest challenge is to keep small the search space. Motor Map learning relies on the classical Kohonen algorithm, while the structure of the reward function is learnt through a non-associative reinforcement learning algorithm. Simulation results on a six legged biologically-inspired robot confirm the suitability of the approach. This methodology allows the human designer to easily embody all the a priori knowledge on the robot controller, while providing at the same time a high degree of adaptability and robustness against the sensory malfunctioning

    Clinical and Experimental Projects on Chemotherapy of Bladder Tumours

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    Our clinical and experimental experience with chemotherapy of bladder tumours is reviewed. The routes of drug administrations, drug dosages and combinations, are presented. Adjuvant radiotherapy and chemoprophylaxis of certain tumours are discussed.S. Afr. Med. J., 48, 631 (1974

    Clinical and experimental projects on chemotherapy of bladder tumours

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