10 research outputs found


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    Yield and nutritional value of maize for silage in dependance on type, rate and application of organic manures were investigated in a field semi-operational experiment established near the biogas station in the location of Kolíňany in the years 2004 and 2005. The trial results confirmed a statistically high significant effect of weather conditions on the maize aboveground phytomass yield. Under the infavourable weather conditions of the year 2004 a lower yield (28.01 t.ha-1) was achieved in comparison with the year 2005 (48.33 t.ha-1). When 50 t.ha-1 of biosludge was applied in autumn, the highest yield as well as the highest energy value of aboveground maize phytomass expressed in terms of net energy of lactation (NEL = 6.45 MJ.kg-1 DM) and net energy of fattening (NEF = 6.47 MJ.kg-1 DM) were achieved. Spring application of biosludge decreased the content of dry matter in maize by 20.7 %, and increased the content of crude protein by 13.7 %, crude fibre by 5.5 % and ash by 26.3 % compared to the values achieved at autumn biosludge application. The value of protein truly digested in the small intestine was the highest in treatment fertilized with farm - yard manure with the rate of 40 t. ha-1 (PDIN = 52.33 g.kg-1 DM, PDIE = 77.37 g.kg-1 DM).V poľnom poloprevádzkovom pokuse založenom v blízkosti bioplynovej stanice v lokalite Kolíňany sa sledovala v rokoch 2004 a 2005 úroda a výživná hodnota nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej v závislosti od druhu, dávky a termínu aplikácie organických hnojív. Kukurica siata odrody ANIOU 450 sa pestovala na piesočnato-hlinitej hnedozemi so slabo kyslou pôdnou reakciou, stredným obsahom fosforu, dobrým obsahom draslíka, veľmi vysokým obsahom horčíka a malým obsahom humusu. Experimentálny pozemok je situovaný v kukuričnej výrobnej oblasti, v miernej klimatickej oblasti B 3 (mierne teplá, mierne vlhká) s nadmorskou výškou 192 m n. m. Dlhodobý úhrn zrážok (1951-1980) bol 561 mm, dlhodobá priemerná ročná teplota vzduchu bola 9,7 0C. Pokus bol založený s piatimi variantmi hnojenia, ktoré boli štvornásobne opakované. Na variantoch hnojených organickými hnojivami sa aplikovalo kombinované priemyselné hnojivo NPK 15-15-15 v dávke 250 kg.ha-1. Varianty hnojenia sú diferencované rozdielnymi dávkami organických hnojív: variant 1: nehnojená kontrola, variant 2: NPK + 25 t.ha-1 maštaľného hnoja (MH 25), variant 3: NPK + 50 t.ha-1 biokalu aplikovaného na jeseň (kal jeseň), variant 4: NPK + 40 t.ha-1 maštaľného hnoja (MH 40), variant 5: NPK + 50 t.ha-1 biokalu aplikovaného na jar (kal jar). Výsledky pokusov potvrdili štatisticky vysoko preukazný vplyv pestovateľského ročníka na úrodu nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej. V poveternostne nepriaznivom roku 2004 sa dosiahla nižšia priemerná úroda fytomasy (28,01 t.ha-1) ako v roku 2005 (48,33 t.ha-1). Aplikáciou biokalu na jeseň v dávke 50 t.ha-1 sa dosiahla najvyššia úroda (40,89 t.ha-1) a najvyššia energetická hodnota nadzemnej fytomasy kukurice siatej, vyjadrená hodnotami netto energie laktácie (NEL = 6,45 MJ.kg- 1suš.) a netto energie výkrmu (NEV = 6,47 MJ.kg-1suš.). Jarná aplikácia biokalu v porovnaní s aplikáciou biokalu na jeseň znížila obsah sušiny o 20,7 %, zvýšila obsah N- látok o 13,7 %, vlákniny o 5,5 % a popola o 26,3 %. Hodnota skutočne stráviteľných dusíkatých látok v tenkom čreve bola najvyššia na variante hnojenom maštaľným hnojom v dávke 40 t.ha-1 (PDIN = 52,33 g.kg- 1 suš., PDIE = 77,37 g.kg-1 suš.). Dusíkaté hodnoty na variantoch hnojených biokalom potvrdzujú, že so vzrastajúcou sušinou celých rastlín klesá koncentrácia dusíkatých látok, zatiaľ čo PDIN sa s narastajúcou sušinou znižuje, PDIE sa zvyšuje. Kľúčové slová: kukurica siata, maštaľný hnoj, biokal, úroda, energetická a dusíkatá hodnot


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    Effect of slowly acting fertilizers on the formation of yield and quality of mature fruits was investigated in the pot experiment with strawberry (variety Darselect). Experiment was established in year 2011 within the areal of Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra and consisted of 6 treatments with the same rate of nitrogen (1.65 g per pot) applied through different fertilizers. The 1st treatment: unfertilized control, 2nd treatment: quickly soluble fertilizer Duslofert Extra (DE), 3rd treatment: slowly acting fertilizer Duslocote (DC), 4th treatment: Duslocote with microelements, 5th treatment: mixture of DE (20%) and DC (80%), 6th treatment: application of urea-formaldehyde condensate. The highest yield of mature strawberry fruits (643,35 g/pot) was harvested from treatment 4 fertilized by Duslocote with microelements. Content of nitrates in fruits fluctuated from 56 to 65 mg.kg-1 of fresh matter. Significantly lower content of NO3- (37,5 mg.kg-1) was found out in treatment fertilized by urea-formaldehyde condensate. With vitamin C as well as with sugar content the best results were achieved in treatment fertilized by mixture DE+DC; and were statistically significant in comparison to other fertilizer treatments

    Effect of nitrogen-sulphur nutrition and inhibitors of nitrification on the yield and quality of maize grain

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    Effect of split application of nitrogen and nitrogen+sulphur nutrition in comparison with one shot application of nitrogen + sulphur + inhibitors of nitrification (dikyandiamid, DCD and 1, 2, 4 triazol,TZ) on the yield and quality of maize grain was examined in three-year small-plot experiment with maize (hybrid ,Chapalu FAO 350) on medium heavy degraded brownsoil. On the average of three experimental years one-shot application of nitrogen-sulphur nutrition in the form of ENSIN fertilizer containing nitrification inhibitors applied before maize seeding at the rate of 160 kg/ha N and 80 kg/ha1 S showed the most considerable effect on all investigated parameters. Yield of grain was increased highly significantly by 1.56 t/ha (+21.8 %) against control treatment. Both parameters TKW (thousand kernel weight) and content of crude protein were elevated by 7.9 % and 8.3 %, respectively. Production of protein per hectare was increased by 253 kg, that is by 31.9 % and natural effectiveness of fertilization achieved the highest value, namely 9.8 kg of grain per 1 kg of applied nitrogen. When fertilizer ENSIN (contains inhibitors of nitrification) was applied in maize nutrition the achieved results were insignificantly better in all examined parameters in comparison with the split application of DASA 26/13 fertilizer under the same rate of both nitrogen and sulphur. There was found out positive tendency of favourable effect on yield and quality of grain of maize and decrease of application costs as a consequence of one shot application in this treatment. Addition of sulphur to nitrogen as well as an addition of inhibitors + sulphur to nitrogen significantly increased only grain yield of maize. Content of crude protein and TKW were increased insignificantly. Natural effectiveness of nitrogen fertilization was increasing in accordance with raising yields of maize grain as follows: nitrogen < nitrogen + sulphur < nitrogen + sulphur + inhibitors


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    Yield and nutritional value of maize for silage in dependance on type, rate and application of organic manures were investigated in a field semi-operational experiment established near the biogas station in the location of Kolíňany in the years 2004 and 2005. The trial results confirmed a statistically high significant effect of weather conditions on the maize aboveground phytomass yield. Under the infavourable weather conditions of the year 2004 a lower yield (28.01 t.ha-1) was achieved in comparison with the year 2005 (48.33 t.ha-1). When 50 t.ha-1 of biosludge was applied in autumn, the highest yield as well as the highest energy value of aboveground maize phytomass expressed in terms of net energy of lactation (NEL = 6.45 MJ.kg-1 DM) and net energy of fattening (NEF = 6.47 MJ.kg-1 DM) were achieved. Spring application of biosludge decreased the content of dry matter in maize by 20.7 %, and increased the content of crude protein by 13.7 %, crude fibre by 5.5 % and ash by 26.3 % compared to the values achieved at autumn biosludge application. The value of protein truly digested in the small intestine was the highest in treatment fertilized with farm - yard manure with the rate of 40 t. ha-1 (PDIN = 52.33 g.kg-1 DM, PDIE = 77.37 g.kg-1 DM)

    Effect of nitrification inhibitors on the content of available nitrogen forms in the soil under maize (Zea mays, L.) growing

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of nitrification inhibitors (dicyandiamide and 1,2,4 triazole) on the content of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in the soil and the effectiveness of nitrogen-sulphur nutrition of maize. The research was conducted in field small-plot experiment with maize on Haplic Luvisol with dominance of clay fraction in experimental years 2012 to 2015. The dose of nitrogen in all experimental treatments was 160 kg*ha-1 and was applied at one shot or split in three partial doses. Soil samples from all examined treatments were taken from three soil depths (0.0-0.3 m, 0.3-0.6 m and 0.6-0.9 m, respectively) by probe rod in 4-5 week intervals. Achieved results indicate that on the average of four years and three depths of the soil profile, application of nitrification inhibitors contained in fertilizer ENSIN considerably reduced portion of nitrate nitrogen from the content of mineral nitrogen in the soil by 7-32 relative %. The application of fertilizer ENSIN considerably increased content of ammonium nitrogen in the soil by 10-59 relative %. A favourable effect on increase of ammonium nitrogen content and reduction of nitrate nitrogen content was found out in spite of the fact that in this treatment the total dose of fertilizer was applied at one shot

    Effectiveness of the Application of Nitrification Inhibitors on the Content of Available Nitrogen Forms in the Soil after Winter Barley Cultivation

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effect of split and one-time application of nitrogen-sulphur fertiliser ENSIN (26% N, 13% S) containing nitrification inhibitors (dicyandiamide and 1,2,4-triazole) on the content of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen in soil. The study was conducted in field small-plot experiment with winter barley on Haplic Luvisol with dominance of clay fraction in experimental station of the Central Testing Institute in Agriculture of Veľké Ripňany in the experimental years 2015 to 2017. The dose of nitrogen in all experimental treatments was 140 kg/ha and was applied at once during regenerative fertilisation or split in three partial doses. Soil samples from all examined treatments were taken from two soil depths (0.0‒0.3 m and 0.3‒0.6 m, respectively) by probe rod in three week intervals. Achieved results indicate that in the year 2015/2016, one-time application of fertiliser ENSIN containing nitrification inhibitors considerably reduced portion of N-NO3 - from the content of Nmin by 32 relative % in soil depth of 0.0-0.3 m and by 36 relative % in soil depth of 0.3‒0.6 m. On the other hand, in the year 2016/2017, split application of fertiliser ENSIN substantially reduced portion of N-NO3 - from the content of Nmin by 38‒62 relative % in soil depth of 0.0‒0.3 m, however increased portion of N-NO3 - by 10‒14 relative % in soil depth of 0.3‒0.6

    The influence of an ecological and a low input system on yield and yield components of spring barley

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    The field trial was conducted over the period 2000-2005 at the RIPP in Piešťany in Western Slovakia. The purpose of the study was to investigate yield and yield components of spring barley undersown with red clover growing in ecological and low input systems. In the six year crop rotation pattern, incorporation of straw, crop residues, catch crops for green manure and farmyard manure was used. The effects of farming systems were assessed by evaluating the yield and yield components of spring barley. Grain yields, calculated from the mean values achieved in the six year study period, were significantly differed between ecological (4.8 t ha-1) and low input (5.02 t ha(-1)) systems. The influence of the cropping systems on grain yield of spring barley, number of kernels per spike, thousand of kernels weight and spike length was remarkable with the exception of straw yield, number of spikes per m-2 and weight of kernels per spike

    Genotypically Identifying Wheat Mesophyll Conductance Regulation under Progressive Drought Stress

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    AbstractPhotosynthesis limitation by CO2 flow constraints from sub-stomatal cavities to carboxylation sites in chloroplasts under drought stress conditions is, at least in some plant species or crops not fully understood, yet. Leaf mesophyll conductance for CO2 (gm) may considerably affect both photosynthesis and water use efficiency in plants under drought conditions. The aim of our study was to detect the responses of gm in leaves of four winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes from different origins under long-term progressive drought. Based on the measurement of gas-exchange parameters the variability of genotypic responses was analyzed at stomatal (stomata closure) and non-stomatal (diffusional and biochemical) limits of net CO2 assimilation rate (AN). In general, progressive drought caused an increasing leaf diffusion resistance against CO2 flow leading to the decrease of AN, gm and stomatal conductance (gs), respectively. Reduction of gm also led to inhibition of carboxylation efficiency (Vcmax). On the basis of achieved results a strong positive relationship between gm and gs was found out indicating a co-regulation and mutual independence of the relationship under the drought conditions. In severely stressed plants, the stomatal limitation of the CO2 assimilation rate was progressively increased, but to a less extent in comparison to gm, while a non-stomatal limitation became more dominant due to the prolonged drought. Mesophyll conductance (gm) seems to be a suitable mechanism and parameter for selection of improved diffusional properties and photosynthetic carbon assimilation in C3 plants, thus explaining their better photosynthetic performance at a whole plant level during periods of drought

    Measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence in different leaf positions may detect nitrogen deficiency in wheat

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    Nitrogen deficiency strongly influences crop photosynthetic performance and biomass production. In this study, we applied rapid, non-invasive records of chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics for evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf photosynthetic performance. Plants were grown during the whole season in big pots filled with the soil substrate and they were supplied by different doses of nitrogen nutrition. The plant nitrogen and leaf chlorophyll content as well as the plant aboveground biomass were analyzed after chlorophyll fluorescence records in three growth stages. Our results confirmed that the maximum quantum yield of photochemistry frequently used in previous studies was almost insensitive to nitrogen treatment, if measured in young, non-senescent leaves. On the contrary, the performance index was much more responsive. The performance index values derived from parallel measurements in the youngest and third leaf from the top were used to calculate performance index leaf ratio, which correlated well with the plant nitrogen content. Moreover, this parameter was not sensitive to midday depression, which significantly affected the values of other chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Although the optimum performance index leaf ratio values decreased continuously in the second part of the growing season, the optimum and critical values for each growth stage can be easily identified. Thus, we suggest performance index leaf ratio as the simple parameter for the rapid evaluation of the wheat photosynthetic performance and an early indicator of insufficient nutrition level. Unlike some other approaches, suggested method seems to be useful also in conditions of a moderate nutrient deficiency.Nitrogen deficiency strongly influences crop photosynthetic performance and biomass production. In this study, we applied rapid, non-invasive records of chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics for evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaf photosynthetic performance. Plants were grown during the whole season in big pots filled with the soil substrate and they were supplied by different doses of nitrogen nutrition. The plant nitrogen and leaf chlorophyll content as well as the plant aboveground biomass were analyzed after chlorophyll fluorescence records in three growth stages. Our results confirmed that the maximum quantum yield of photochemistry frequently used in previous studies was almost insensitive to nitrogen treatment, if measured in young, non-senescent leaves. On the contrary, the performance index was much more responsive. The performance index values derived from parallel measurements in the youngest and third leaf from the top were used to calculate performance index leaf ratio, which correlated well with the plant nitrogen content. Moreover, this parameter was not sensitive to midday depression, which significantly affected the values of other chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Although the optimum performance index leaf ratio values decreased continuously in the second part of the growing season, the optimum and critical values for each growth stage can be easily identified. Thus, we suggest performance index leaf ratio as the simple parameter for the rapid evaluation of the wheat photosynthetic performance and an early indicator of insufficient nutrition level. Unlike some other approaches, suggested method seems to be useful also in conditions of a moderate nutrient deficiency