6 research outputs found

    Poboljšanje izvedbe i kvalitete procesa proizvodnje namještaja primjenom metodologije Six Sigma

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    The main aim of this paper is to illustrate the application of selected methods and procedures in the implementation of the Six Sigma Methodology in the furniture manufacturing processes, specifically in the wood veneer pressing, to verify the application and to evaluate the benefits of using selected methods and procedures through a series of step DMAIC process improvement. The application of selected methods and tools within the Six Sigma Methodology, such as DPMO, efficiency and sigma levels, project charter, histogram of mistakes caused by the application of the adhesive, the SIPOC plot mapping process, reaction plans, Ishikawa diagram and control diagrams bring the system and clarity of measurable results into project management for process improvement and process change. The benefits of their use are the cost savings and performance improvement processes.Glavni je cilj ovog rada prikazati provedbu odabranih metoda i postupaka pri primjeni Six Sigma metodologije u proizvodnji namještaja. To se posebice odnosi na provjeru primjene i procjenu prednosti korištenja odabranih metoda i postupaka pri prešanju furnira unutar niz koraka za poboljšanje DMAIC procesa. Primjena odabranih metoda i alata u sklopu metodologije Six Sigma, kao što su DPMO, učinkovitost i sigma razine, projektna povelja, histogram grešaka uzrokovanih primjenom ljepila, proces mapiranja SIPOC, reakcijski planovi, Ishikawa dijagram i kontrolni dijagrami, uvodi sustav i jasnoću mjerljivih rezultata u upravljanje projektima radi poboljšanja i promjene procesa. Prednosti njihove uporabe jesu smanjenje troškova i poboljšanje proizvodnog procesa

    Implementation of the Six Sigma methodology in increasing the capability of processes in the company of the furniture industry of the Slovak Republic

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    The aim of the article is to present the results of a case study focused on the implementation of the Six Sigma methodology in order to improve the quality and increase the efficiency of furniture production processes. Positive results of implementation after the implementation of corrective measures were achieved in the values of process capability coefficients, reduction of nonconformities and subsequent reduction of DPMO, increase of the values of the level of efficiency and sigma of the critical process.In the processing of the results, classical methods of research work were used such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, descriptive statistics, coefficients Cp a Cpk, DPMO, level of efficienty and sigma,and also graphic methods

    Application of selected methods and approaches for improvement of processes and their use in practice in companies of wood processing industry in Slovakia

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    The aim of the paper is to point out the principles of process management and selected quality management tools, which are aimed at improving the processes of the wood processing industries of the Slovak Republic. The knowledge from these areas is based on the analysis of the theoretical origins from domestic and foreign sources and supported by the results of the research carried out in the first half of the year 2017. In the processing of the results, classical methods of research work were used such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, descriptive statistics, contingency tables, chi-quadrat test and graphic depiction. Based on the analysis of the research results, there was a slight dependence between the process optimization levels in the timber industry and other process improvement methods such as statistical process control methods and graphical analysis and problem solving tools

    Determinants of the implementation of the quality management systems in SMEs

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    The implementation of the quality management systems using quality improvement methods, tools and approaches is considered one of the significant aspects to increase the performance of enterprises in the market environment and growing competition. Most of the authors studied the impact of any of the available quality management tools or philosophies on the performance of enterprises only on a case-by-case basis. The aim of the paper is, however, to examine the effect of implementing a larger scope of tools, approaches or concepts of quality management on the performance of the enterprise more comprehensively from the perspective of their implementation and the assumption of achieving higher enterprise performance. The paper presents the results of the survey, which was carried out from 2020 to 2021. The survey was focused on the implementation of quality management approaches and techniques in small and mediumsized manufacturing enterprises in Slovakia. A total of 313 small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises were addressed through questionnaires. The representativeness of the sample was tested using the chi-squared goodness-of-fit test. Pearson’s chi-squared test and analysis of contingency were implemented to test the established research hypotheses. Through the results of the analyses, it can be claimed that there are significant relationships between the use of quality management approaches and techniques and the performance of enterprises measured through return of costs. At the same time, the most common reasons for implementing quality management approaches were analysed, which confirmed the hypothesis about the reasons for improving product quality and increasing customer satisfaction, which were based on theoretical assumptions verified in practice. The results also show the significant differences between the researched industries, which gives an opportunity for increasing the level of quality in individual segments

    Soft Skills Integration into Business Processes Based on the Requirements of Employers—Approach for Sustainable Education

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    This paper deals with the issue of increasing the quality and sustainability of education at universities regarding the requirements of employers. Employers’ expectations of university graduates in terms of soft skills are analysed and outlined. The employers participating in this study answered a questionnaire survey focused on understanding university graduates’ soft skills. The collected results were subjected to the method of mathematical–statistical analysis by nonparametric testing of significance of the mean value difference. The significance of the difference for individual skills was confirmed, demonstrating that the surveyed enterprises required and anticipated a level of soft skills development on the part of recent graduates that was insufficient. This finding implies the necessity of improving university education to match the expected and real state of soft skill mastery

    Soft Skills Integration into Business Processes Based on the Requirements of Employers—Approach for Sustainable Education

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    This paper deals with the issue of increasing the quality and sustainability of education at universities regarding the requirements of employers. Employers’ expectations of university graduates in terms of soft skills are analysed and outlined. The employers participating in this study answered a questionnaire survey focused on understanding university graduates’ soft skills. The collected results were subjected to the method of mathematical–statistical analysis by nonparametric testing of significance of the mean value difference. The significance of the difference for individual skills was confirmed, demonstrating that the surveyed enterprises required and anticipated a level of soft skills development on the part of recent graduates that was insufficient. This finding implies the necessity of improving university education to match the expected and real state of soft skill mastery