45 research outputs found

    Correlations Between Incidence of Foot Pad Lesions and Body Weight of Broilers in Different Rearing Systems

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    The incidence of foot pad lesions of broilers of moderate growth was investigated in order to establish correlations with body weight. Broilers were reared until the age of 42 days in the floor system in the poultry house and then were divided into two groups. The first group continued growing in the poultry house until the age of 84 days and the second group was growing in the free range system until the same age. Individual measurements of body weight and evaluation of the incidence of foot pad lesions of broilers were carried out at the end of the experiment. In a correlation analysis of previously transformed data on the percentage of broilers with lesions and body weight within each weight group, data were obtained that showed an association between these traits depending on the rearing system. System of rearing had significant impact on the strength and direction of correlation between body weight and the incidence of foot pad lesions, in light of the determined correlation coefficient r = -0.95 at the significance level p=0.01 in the free range system, and r=0.56 (p>0.05) in chickens reared in the poultry house

    The Effect of Raw Soybeans in Mixtures for Laying Hens on Egg Quality and Egg Shell Quality

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    The study was conducted on hens at the age of 49 - 57 weeks to identify opportunities for replacing, with raw grain, thermally processed soybean Lana variety with a reduced level and Lydia variety with a standard level of trypsin inhibitor. The effect of using different levels of participation of both varieties of raw soybean in mixtures for layers on egg quality and eggshell quality was examined. The research was conducted according to the principle of two-factorial experiment (2 varieties x 4 levels of participation of raw soybeans). The average values of properties of the external and internal egg quality were under statistically significant influence of the level of participation of raw soybean in the mixture. Share of 8 % of raw soybeans of both varieties in diets for layers influenced significantly lower eggshape index, albumen height and Haugh's unit in relation to the mixture with a lower level of participation of raw soybeans. Yolk color and eggshell firmness were not significantly influenced by the studied factors

    The Effect of Raw Soybeans in Mixtures for Laying Hens on Egg Quality and Egg Shell Quality

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    The study was conducted on hens at the age of 49 - 57 weeks to identify opportunities for replacing, with raw grain, thermally processed soybean Lana variety with a reduced level and Lydia variety with a standard level of trypsin inhibitor. The effect of using different levels of participation of both varieties of raw soybean in mixtures for layers on egg quality and eggshell quality was examined. The research was conducted according to the principle of two-factorial experiment (2 varieties x 4 levels of participation of raw soybeans). The average values of properties of the external and internal egg quality were under statistically significant influence of the level of participation of raw soybean in the mixture. Share of 8 % of raw soybeans of both varieties in diets for layers influenced significantly lower eggshape index, albumen height and Haugh's unit in relation to the mixture with a lower level of participation of raw soybeans. Yolk color and eggshell firmness were not significantly influenced by the studied factors

    Broiler meat quality: Proteins and lipids of muscle tissue

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    Proteins and lipids of muscle tissue are important meat quality parameters. They contributeĀ substantially to the nutritional characteristics of meat. A number of studies has been conducted on theĀ effect of different factors on the protein and lipid content of broiler meat. Given the above, the subjectmatter of the present paper was to provide a review of latest research results on the said quality traitsĀ as affected by the most commonly tested factors. The results were grouped and presented in terms ofĀ the effect of nutrition, genotype, sex, age and rearing system. The objective of the paper was to reviewĀ major previous studies on the subject in an attempt to define a future research pathway and facilitateĀ the promotion of scientific findings towards wider practical implementation.Keywords: Broilers, meat quality, proteins, lipid

    Effects of rearing system and body weight of Redbro broilers on the frequency and severity of footpad dermatitis

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    High market demand for high-quality chicken paws, as well as their role in the assessment of the welfare of broiler chickens are the main reasons for the research in this area. In order to determine the effects of rearing system and the body weight of moderate growing broilers on the frequency and severity of incidence of footpad dermatitis, experimental research was conducted on a total of 300 Redbro chickens reared in free range and floor system in the production facility until the age of 84 days. Based on an individual weighing of broilers and visual evaluation of the incidence and severity of footpad lesions at the end of the experiment, the frequency of the individual scores for footpad dermatitis was determined, as well as the average score in each of the five weight groups. The effect of body weight on the incidence and severity of footpad dermatitis was not statistically confirmed, but the absence of the most difficult forms of footpad dermatitis in broiler group with the lowest body weight was recorded. Rearing broiler chickens in free range system manifested a positive effect in terms of increased frequency of broilers without lesions and less frequency of moderate and severe lesions in relation to rearing system in the production facility. Also, the effect of rearing system on the frequency of the most severe degree of dermatitis in broilers Redbro was statistically confirmed

    Efekat upotrebe sirove soje u smeŔama za ishranu kokoŔi nosilja na proizvodne rezultate i relativnu masu pankreasa

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    The study was conducted on Isa Brown hybrid hens at the age of 49-57 weeks. The effect of using different levels of share of raw soybean of two varieties in mixtures for feeding hens on egg production, body weight, food consumption, the occurrence of defective eggs, mortality and the relative weight of the pancreas was studied. The possibility of replacing the heat-treated soybean grains, varieties Lana, with reduced trypsin inhibitor (TI) and Lydia with a standard level of TI, with raw soybean grains was examined. The research was conducted on the principle of two factorial experiment 2 x 4 (2 varieties x 4 levels of share of raw grain in the mixture) with a total of 8 diet treatments and 4 replicates per each treatment. In the first 5 weeks of the study, the differences in the number of eggs produced under the influence of tested factors were not significant. Under the influence of soybean varieties, the level of share of raw soybean and interaction of the studied factors showed significant differences (p lt 0.01) after 53 week of age. The use of soy with lower TI in the diet for laying hens resulted in a significantly greater capacity compared to standard variety. The share of raw soybean grains of 8 % in the mixtures significantly reduced the number of eggs laid. The differences in body weights, food consumption, occurrence of defective eggs and the relative weight of the pancreas were not significantly influenced by the studied factors or by their interaction effect.Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispitaju mogućnosti zamene termički obrađenog sojinog zrna, sorte Lana sa smanjenim sadržajem tripsin inhibitora (TI) i sorte Lidija sa standardnim nivoom TI, sirovim zrnom. Ispitan je efekat koriŔćenja različitog nivoa učeŔća sirove soje obe sorte u smeÅ”ama za ishranu kokoÅ”i nosilja hibrida Isa Brown na proizvodnju jaja, telesne mase, konzumaciju hrane, pojavu defektnih jaja, mortalitet i relativnu masu pankreasa. Istraživanje je izvedeno po principu dvofaktorijalnog ogleda 2 x 4 (2 sorte soje x 4 nivoa učeŔća sirovog zrna u smeÅ”i) sa ukupno 8 tretmana ishrane i 4 ponavljanja po tretmanu. U prvih 5 nedelja ispitivanja razlike u broju ukupno sneÅ”enih jaja pod uticajem ispitivanih faktora nisu bile značajne. Pod uticajem sorte soje, nivoa učeŔća sirovog sojinog zrna i interakcije ispitivanih faktora utvrđene su značajne razlike (p lt 0,01) nakon 53. nedelje uzrasta. KoriŔćenje soje sa nižim nivoom TI u ishrani nosilja uticalo je na značajno bolju nosivost u odnosu na standardnu sortu soje. Sa učeŔćem sirovog sojinog zrna od 8 % u smeÅ”ama značajno se smanjio broj ukupno sneÅ”enih jaja. Razlike u ostvarenim telesnim masama, konzumaciji hrane, pojavi defektnih jaja i relativnoj masi pankreasa koje su se javile nisu bile pod značajnim uticajem ispitivanih faktora kao ni pod uticajem njihovog interakcijskog dejstva

    Fungal contamination and natural occurrence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in poultry feed

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    Total fungal count, the presence of potentially toxigenic fungi and natural occurrence of ochratoxin A (OTA) were studied in 30 poultry feed samples (14 samples of feed for chickens and 16 samples of feed for laying hens), which were collected from different farms in Serbia at the beginning of year 2014. The total number of fungi was determined by the method of dilution and OTA was detected using the imunoadsorption enzymatic assay (ELISA). In most of the samples of chickens feed (50%) the total number of fungi was 1 - 3 x 102 CFU g-1, and in feed for laying hens the highest number of samples (37.50%) had the total fungal count from 1.4 to 4.8 x 104 CFU g -1. The species of genera Aspergillus and PĆ©nicillium were identified as producers of OTA in 21.43% and 42.86% of chickens feed samples and in 68.75% and 25% of samples of feed for laying hens. The presence of OTA was detected in 100% of samples of feed for chickens and laying hens, with average concentrations of 34.40 Ī¼g kg-1 (feed for chickens) and 43.89 Ī¼g kg-1 (feed for laying hens). The total fungal count and content of OTA were not above the maximum allowed quantities, even though the presence of Aspergillus and Penicillium species was found in a large number of samples (up to 68.75%). These results indicate that the tested samples of poultry feed were mycologically and mycotoxicologically correct

    Carcass quality of chickens of different conformation

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of conformation of chickens of different genotype on the yield of breast meat. As a typical example of the chickens of very poor conformation pure breed Naked neck chickens were taken, fattened 8 and 10 weeks (groups K8 and K10). As an example of good conformation, an imported hybrid of chickens was taken, known for its broiler qualities and as medium growing hybrid, Red Bro (R). The second experiment included commercial hybrids of fast growth (Ross, Cobb and Hubbard) reared according to all technological standards of intensive fattening until the age of 42 days. The results obtained were contrary to the conclusion obtained a few decades ago, at the beginning of the study the conformation of chicken, by Scots and Darrow (1953), according to which the selection of chickens of heavy type, despite the fact that, to some extent, it had improved meat yield of the breast, did not significantly improve slaughter traits of fattening chickens, confirming that better conformation and higher body weight had a positive impact on improving relative share of breast, i.e. white meat. The results regarding the slaughter traits of chicken genotypes of different conformation suggest that breeding - selection work to improve the conformation of broilers significantly improved slaughter yields and breast meat yield. In this sense, the conformation can be treated as an indicator of the slaughter value of carcasses, rather than an aesthetic category

    Principi razvoja stočarstva u Republici Srbiji

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    Livestock production is an important branch of agriculture in the Republic of Serbia because it provides necessary products (milk, meat, eggs). In addition, livestock production provides raw materials for food industry and leather industry. Livestock production is expected to provide quality products for export, primarily beef and lamb. There is an opportunity for export of cheese (especially sheep and goat milk cheese) with defined origin and standard of quality. However, based on available data, the situation in livestock production is assessed as negative. In the last years, number of heads of all species of domestic animals has decreased continuously. In several years, Serbia will become member of European Union (EU). This means that livestock production should prepare for competition in the single developed market, without any state trade barriers. Serbia's membership in international organizations, liberalization of trade in livestock products, a small possibility of protection from imports, the implementation of quality standards (HACCP, ISO, Global GAP), reduced levels of domestic support, elimination of export subsidies, increase profitability and ability to be competitive on the international market. Based on these circumstances, it is necessary to build efficient livestock production that can compete in the European market contributing to the growth of farmers and national income.Stočarska proizvodnja je važna grana poljoprivrede u Republici Srbiji i posmatrani istorijski, oduvek je igrala vodeću ulogu u održanju egzistencije stanovniÅ”tva. Stočarstvo pruža neophodne proizvode (mleko, meso, jaja), a takođe obezbeđuje sirovine za prehrambenu industriju i industriju kože. Od stočarske proizvodnje se takođe očekuje da obezbedi kvalitetne proizvode za izvoz, pre svega govedine i jagnjetine. Priliku za izvoz imaju sir (posebno od ovčijeg i kozjeg mleka), sa definisanim poreklom i standardom kvaliteta. Međutim, na osnovu raspoloživih podataka, situacija u stočarstvu se ocenjuje kao negativna. U poslednjih nekoliko godina broj grla svih vrsta domaćih životinja kontinuirano se smanjuje. Srbija je dobila kandidaturu za članstvo u Evropskoj uniji (EU). To znači da bi stočarska proizvodnja trebala da se pripremi za konkurenciju na jedinstvenom razvijenom tržiÅ”tu, bez ikakvih državnih trgovinskih barijera. Članstvo Srbije u međunarodnim organizacijama, liberalizacija trgovine stočarskih proizvoda, mala mogućnost zaÅ”tite od uvoza, implementacija standarda kvaliteta (HACCP, ISO, GLOBAL GAP), smanjeni nivo domaće podrÅ”ke, eliminisanje izvoznih subvencija,rast profitabilnosti i sposobnost da budu konkurentna na međunarodnom tržiÅ”tu, su joÅ” dodatni izazovi sa kojima se suočava ili će se suočiti stočarstvo Srbije. Na osnovu ovih okolnosti, neophodno je da se izgrade principi za efikasan razvoj stočarske proizvodnje, koja može da se takmiči na evropskom tržiÅ”tu i doprinosi rastu poljoprivrede i nacionalnog dohotka