51 research outputs found

    Imovinske krivičnopravne mere

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    Property criminal law measures are measures which state, or society use to fight against crime. They are: fine, confiscation of property, dispossession of object, confiscation and seizure of assets derived from criminal act. Comprehensive scientific study concept, characteristics, content, type, elements, legal nature, the basis, methods and limits of prescribing, imposition and enforcement of property criminal law measures are of great importance. The historical development of these measures are shown througt analysis of the most important historical monuments of legal and analysis property criminal law measures in the written legal documents of the Republic of Serbia. Fine and confiscation of property existed in Egipt law and in Mesopotamia law. Other property criminal law measures appeаred later. Comparative analysis indicate the existence of property criminal law measures in many European countries. Defining property criminal law measures in criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia are the most similar to the determination of these measures in the Criminal codes of the states of the former Yugoslavia. Comparative analysis of legal decisions indicate variability in the implementation of various property criminal law measures in modern criminal law. Use of property criminal law measures in the criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia today is analyzed in the third chapter of the doctoral dissertation. Criminal legislation of the Republic of Serbia knows the following property criminal law measures: fine, dispossession of object, confiscation and seizure of assets derived from criminal act. At this point are analyzed solutions of the Criminal Code and the Law on seizure of property acquired through crime. Except in criminal law, property criminal law measures are applied in other branches of criminal law: misdemeanor law, economic offence and international criminal law. And finally, the author analyzed the criminal policy of the courts in the application of property criminal law measures in the fifth chapter of the doctoral dissertation

    Software tools for simultaneous data visualization and T cell epitopes and disorder prediction in proteins

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    We have developed EpDis and MassPred, extendable open source software tools that support bioinformatic research and enable parallel use of different methods for the prediction of T cell epitopes, disorder and disordered binding regions and hydropathy calculation. These tools offer a semi-automated installation of chosen sets of external predictors and an interface allowing for easy application of the prediction methods, which can be applied either to individual proteins or to datasets of a large number of proteins. In addition to access to prediction methods, the tools also provide visualization of the obtained results, calculation of consensus from results of different methods, as well as import of experimental data and their comparison with results obtained with different predictors. The tools also offer a graphical user interface and the possibility to store data and the results obtained using all of the integrated methods in the relational database or flat file for further analysis. The MassPred part enables a massive parallel application of all integrated predictors to the set of proteins. Both tools can be downloaded from http://bioinfo.matf.bg.ac.rs/home/downloads.wafl?cat=Software. Appendix A includes the technical description of the created tools and a list of supported predictors

    Software tools for simultaneous data visualization and T cell epitopes and disorder prediction in proteins

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    We have developed EpDis and MassPred, extendable open source software tools that support bioinformatic research and enable parallel use of different methods for the prediction of T cell epitopes, disorder and disordered binding regions and hydropathy calculation. These tools offer a semi-automated installation of chosen sets of external predictors and an interface allowing for easy application of the prediction methods, which can be applied either to individual proteins or to datasets of a large number of proteins. In addition to access to prediction methods, the tools also provide visualization of the obtained results, calculation of consensus from results of different methods, as well as import of experimental data and their comparison with results obtained with different predictors. The tools also offer a graphical user interface and the possibility to store data and the results obtained using all of the integrated methods in the relational database or flat file for further analysis. The MassPred part enables a massive parallel application of all integrated predictors to the set of proteins. Both tools can be downloaded from http://bioinfo.matf.bg.ac.rs/home/downloads.wafl?cat=Software. Appendix A includes the technical description of the created tools and a list of supported predictors

    Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Angelica archangelica Root Essential Oil

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    Roots of wild growing Angelica archangelica L. from Mt. Ozren (Serbia) were subjected to hydrodistillation and GC-MS analysis. The roots contained 0.10% of essential oil with alpha-pinene (29.7%), delta-3-carene (14.2%), and a mixture of beta-phellandrene and limonene (13.2%) as main compounds. The modified resazurin microtiter-plate assay was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the essential oil against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values were 14.2 mu L/mL for S. aureus and 28.4 mu L/mL for E. coli, while the minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were 56.8 mu L/mL and 113.6 mu L/mL, respectively. According to the obtained results, the angelica root essential oil can be applied as a natural preservative in food and as a natural antibiotic for the treatment of several infectious diseases caused by these two bacteria

    Effects of three types of physical activity on reduction of metabolic parameters involved in cardiovascular risk

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    The aim of present study was to investigate the effects of three different types of physical activity on reduction of the metabolic parameters mainly responsible for cardiovascular diseases. This prospective-intervention study was performed at the 'ČIGOTA' Thyroid Institute on Mt. Zlatibor (Serbia) between August 2004 and June 2006. Sixty-eight overweight/obese patients aged 40-70 years with hyperlipidemia were divided into three groups according to their weight and overall health. The program of physical workout included: group I - fast walking; group II - gymnastic exercises and specially chosen exercises in the swimming pool; and group III - combined physical training of higher intensity and greater length. All patients were also on a special reduced diet of 1000 kcal per day, the AHA step-2 diet. We monitored the body mass index, body composition, glucose, cholesterol (total, LDL-, and HDL-), and triglycerides before, during, and after the intervention. After 2 and particularly 12 weeks of intervention, a significant improvement of all metabolic parameters was achieved in all three groups of patients. Although most patients completed the study with normal values of all parameters, the most desirable results were achieved in group III (combined exercises with an average energy expenditure of 900 kcal per day). Our research indicates that a specially conceived program of physical activity and diet intervention resulted in significant reduction of cardiovascular risk factors

    Efekti antibiotika koji deluju na ćelijske membrane na srce pacova

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    The effect of some membrane active ionophoric antibiotics on the amplitude of contractions of isolated rat heart right ventricle was studied. The effects of polyether nigericin, polyene amphotericin B and peptide antibiotic polymyxin B were examined. Nigericin in a concentration of 1.38 _mol/L exerts a positive inotropic effect with its maximal value (+29%) 15 minutes after application. Amphotericin B in a concentration of 1.08 _mol/L caused a positive inotropic effect, which was maximal in the 30th minute of the experiment (+28%). Polymyxin B in a concentration of 0.84 _mol/L caused a positive inotropic effect, which was maximal (+32%) 20 minutes after application.Amfotericin B, nigericin i polimiksin B pokazuju pozitivni inotropni efekat na izolovanu desnu komoru srca pacova. Imajući u vidu nižu toksičnost jonofornih antibiotika u poređenju sa glikozidnim supstancama koje se u farmakoterapiji koriste kao kardiotonici i visoku selektivnost jonofora prema nekim katjonima, dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na moguću upotrebu ovih supstanci u poboljšanju funkcije insuficijentnog miokarda

    Uticaj masti u obroku na masne kiseline u serumskim fosfolipidima i gojaznost životinja

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    Dietary fat and its relation to obesity has been a controversial issue for many years. Experimental data shows that most, though not all animals, which consume a high fat diet, will become obese. However, the effect of fatty acids on animal obesity has not been studied in detail. In order to evaluate the effects of low versus high fat diet on serum phospholipids fatty acids composition a 4-wk study was conducted on male Wister rats. The rats were fed low-fat (10% energy) and high-fat (46% energy) foods containing constant proportions of fatty acids. Control group C was fed a standard laboratory diet (polyunsaturated/ saturated (P/S) fatty ratio 1.3), group M was fed a standard laboratory diet supplemented with margarine (P/S ratio 0.95), and the diet of the SL group was additionally supplemented with a sunflower oil-lard (1:1) mixture (P/S ratio 1.3). All lipid supplemented hyperenergetic diets caused an increase in the average daily energy intake. Both the final and the daily body weight gain were significantly higher in M and SL groups than in group C. Additionally, serum triglyceride levels, LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol were also significantly higher in M and SL groups when compared to the control group. Serum phospholipids fatty acids varied in response to total dietary fat. A significant decrease in saturated fatty acids (SFA) content (16:0 and 18:0) and an increase in monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content (18:1, n-9) was found in the M group when compared to both C and SL groups. In the SL group, SFA content (18:0) was higher and MUFA content (18:1, n-9) was lower than in group C. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) content showed an increase in both experimental groups. The PUFA/SFA ratio was higher in the M group than in the C and SL groups. Our study suggests that the amount of dietary fat has a greater influence on obesity than the effects of the type of fat consumed. However, depending on the type of fat present in the diet the differences were observed in the composition of serum PL fatty acid suggesting that both total fat and individual fatty acids have to be considered when reaching conclusions about the effect of dietary fat and obesity in animals.Uticaj masnih kiselina u ishrani i njihov efekat na pojavu gojaznosti kod životinja je kontraverzno pitanje već dugi niz godina. Uticaj pojedinačnih masnih kiselina na pojavu gojaznosti kod životinja nije do sada detaljnije proučavan. Sa ciljem da se ispita efekat dijeta sa niskim ili visokim sadržajem masti na pojavu gojaznosti, izvršena su istraživanja na Wister pacovima u trajanju od 4 nedelje. Pacovi su hranjeni eksperimentalnim dijetama koje su sadržale standardan, nizak (10%) ili visok (46%) energetski unos poreklom od masti. Grupa kontrolnih životinja (C) je hranjena standardnom laboratorijskom dijetom (odnos polizasićenih/ zasićenih masnih kiselina/PUFA, P/S 1.3), grupa M sa standardnom dijetom sa dodatkom margarina (P/S 0.95) i grupa SL sa dijetom kojoj je dodata mešavina 1:1 suncokretovog ulja i masti (odnos P/S 1.3). Obe dijete (M i SL) su uzrokovale povećanje u prosečnom dnevnom energetskom unosu. U grupi M i SL, registrovano je značajno povećanje u telesnoj težini kontinuirano tokom eksperimenta. Nivo serumskih triglicerida, LDL kao i ukupnog holesterola su bili značajnije povećani u M i SL grupi u poređenju sa kontrolom. Promene u profilu serumskih masnih kiselina fosfolipida su zavisile od sastava masti u eksperimentalnoj dijeti. Kod eksperimentalnih životinja grupe M primećeno je značajno smanjene serumskih zasićenih masnih kiselina (SFA, 16:0 i 18:0) kao i porast monozasićenih masnih kiselina (MUFA, 18:1, n-9) u poređenju sa SL i C grupom. Odnos PUFA/ SFA je bio veći u M u odnosu na SL i C grupu. Rezultati naših istraživanja ukazuju da količina masti u ishrani životinja ima veći uticaj na porast telesne mase nego vrsta prisutne masnoće. Promene u sastavu serumskih masnih kiselina fosfolipida u odnosu na tip masti u eksperimentalnim dijetama ukazuju na ulogu pojedinačnih masnih kiselina u procesu nastajanja gojaznosti kod životinja i te mehanizme treba dalje istraživati

    Vitamin D Status and Its Correlation With Anthropometric and Biochemical Indicators of Cardiometabolic Risk in Serbian Underground Coal Miners in 2016

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    The status of vitamin D in underground working coal miners and its association with their cardiometabolic health is rarely studied. This study aimed to examine vitamin D (VitD) status in Serbian underground coal miners and to correlate it with anthropometric and laboratory indicators of cardiometabolic risk. Nutritional data (food frequency questionnaire, FFQ, and two times repeated 24 h recall), anthropometric data (including segmental analysis by bio-impedance analyzer TANITA BC-545N), arterial tension, and biochemical and hematological data of 103 coal miners (aged 22–63 years) were correlated with their late summer (early September) serum 25 (OH)D levels (measured by HPLC). 68.9% of the studied coal miners were overweight/obese, and 48.5% had metabolic syndrome. Their mean VitD nutritional intakes were low: 5.3 ± 3.8 μg/day (FFQ) and 4.9 ± 8 μg/day (24 h recalls), but their mean serum 25 (OH)D levels were surprisingly high (143.7 ± 41.4 nmol/L). Only 2.9% of the coal miners had 25(OH)D levels lower than 75 nmol/L (indicating an insufficient/deficient status), while 63.2% had values above 125 nmol/L (upper optimal limit), and even 10.7% had values above 200 nmol/L. There were no statistical differences in 25 (OH)D levels in the coal miners with or without metabolic syndrome (or overweight/obesity). Interestingly, 25(OH)D levels had significant positive correlations with body mass index (BMI), fat mass (FM), fat mass percentage (FM%), limbs FM%, serum triglycerides, GGT, AST, ALT, and ALT/AST ratio, and had significant negative correlations with serum HDL-cholesterol and age. All these correlations were lost after corrections for age, FM, FM%, and legs FM%. In Serbian coal miners, high levels of early September VitD levels were observed, indicating sufficient non-working-hour sun exposure during the summer period. Furthermore, the unexpected positive correlations of VitD levels with anthropometric and biochemical parameters indicative of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and fatty liver disease were found. More research is needed on the VitD status of coal miners (particularly in the winter period) and its relationship with their cardiometabolic status

    Geochemistry of the hydrothermal dickite (nowa ruda, lower silesia, poland): chromium

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    Geochemical analyses for trace Cr have been made on a representative sample of a typical hydrothermal dickite filling vein at Nowa Ruda. The mineralogy of the sample is comparatively simple, dickite being the principal component (ca. 91% of total sample). Geochemical fractionation and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) indicate that most (>96 % of total metal) of Cr reside in the dickite. The combination of geochemical and spectroscopic tools applied on Cr3+ allow one to specify the Eh (>0.4 V, highly oxidizing) and pH (≤4.0, highly acidic) of the solution during the formation of dickite from the Nowa Ruda Basin. We suggest that hot hydrothermal waters leached the surrounding varieties of gabbroids enriched in Cr for the dickite-forming solution

    Geochemistry of the cretaceous-tertiary boundary (Fish clay) at Stevns Klint (Denmark): Ir, Ni and Zn in kerogen

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    Geochemical analyses of trace metals (Ir, Ni and Zn) in the kerogen of the black marl of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary succession (Fish Clay) at Stevns Klint (Hojerup Church) were undertaken. The data for this kerogen were in accordance with a previous hypothesis(1) that this (insoluble) geoorganic polymer was derived from humic substances (mainly humic acids) of a nearshore soil. Substantial proportions of Ir, Ni and Zn within the kerogen structure were probably contained in these substances arriving at the sedimentary site. It is proposed that these humics were probably transported by acid surface waters (induced by the KT asteroid impact) into the shallow marine basin of Stevns Klint. It is also suggested that local leaching/weathering of the asteroidal impact fallout oil the land near these waters played an important role in providing Ir, Ni and Zn for these substances. Apparently, Ir, Ni and Zn of the kerogen were created by the chondritic component of the impact ejecta fallout