102 research outputs found

    Demographic endangerment of the rural settlements of Rogozna mountain and possibilities for their revitalization

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    The study of the rural areas of Serbia is in the narrowest sphere of interest of the economic policy makers, with the aim of creating more balanced regional development. The economic underdevelopment of rural areas is a burden on the state as a whole, and one of the most important development issue. Based on the results of the 2002 and 2011 census, it can be concluded that the number of inhabitants in Serbia is reduced by 30,000 annually. Particularly worrying is the fact that the balance between rural and urban areas has been disturbed, at the expense of rural areas. The data show that out of 4,709 villages in Serbia, 700 of them have no demographic future. Abandoned houses, collapsed cooperative homes, shops, empty schools, closed ambulances - all of these are indicators of the seriousness of the problems that the mountain villages of Serbia, and therefore Rogozne, are facing. The situation in rural areas in Serbia may be best illustrated by the following: 1,200 villages are in a phase of disappearance, 50,000 houses are empty, and in another 150,000 no one currently lives, more than 1000 villages have fewer than 100 inhabitants. However, the most important problem is the average age of people living in the villages of Serbia - 43.6 years, while the average age of citizens in cities is 41.3 years. The residents of rural areas on Rogozna mountain consider that, should the economic situation improve, it should encourage positive demographic changes in these villages. This is only possible through ensuring a secure existence and sustainable agricultaral production (secure placement of agricultural products)

    Real demographic losses of Montenegro caused by wars in the 20th century

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    The aim of this paper is to research demographic losses of Montenegro during the wars of the 20th century: Balkan Wars, First World War and the Second World War. Authors have analysed available data on demographic losses of Montenegro and have made critical research in which they pointed out to all deficiencies and oversights in war victims Censuses which were carried out after the end of the Second World War

    The probability of flooding wave occurrence and the vulnerability of the Kosovo territory settlements

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    The work displays the presumed laws of flooding waves which would occur if the 1976 situation when the great floods in Kosovo happened reoccurred again. On a 1:300000 multilayer map of Kosovo and Metohia, there are areas which would have been flooded in case of a maximum flooding wave, and what is also shown is the areas which were covered in water as the average was measured, including the areas used as projects of minimal flooding wave value. There is a layer showing the points with regular flood defense, including the places where protection needs to establish. The map includes the ratio of 1:300000, whilst the areas are calculated with the help of processing their dynamic static’s, as well as using the formulae Gumbel Distribution and Weibull Formula. The data have been calculated with their maximum value, including the average and the minimum of flooding period embracing the time of 40 years. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III44006 i br. 176019

    The probability of flooding wave occurrence and the vulnerability of the Kosovo territory settlements

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    The work displays the presumed laws of flooding waves which would occur if the 1976 situation when the great floods in Kosovo happened reoccurred again. On a 1:300000 multilayer map of Kosovo and Metohia, there are areas which would have been flooded in case of a maximum flooding wave, and what is also shown is the areas which were covered in water as the average was measured, including the areas used as projects of minimal flooding wave value. There is a layer showing the points with regular flood defense, including the places where protection needs to establish. The map includes the ratio of 1:300000, whilst the areas are calculated with the help of processing their dynamic static's, as well as using the formulae Gumbel Distribution and Weibull Formula. The data have been calculated with their maximum value, including the average and the minimum of flooding period embracing the time of 40 years

    Comparison and assessment of electricity generation capacity for different types of photovoltaic solar plants of 1MW in Sokobanja, Serbia

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    This paper gives the results of the electricity generated by the fixed, one-axis and dual-axis tracking photovoltaic solar plant of 1 MW with flat panels made of monocrystalline silicon which is to be built in the area of Sokobanja (spa in Serbia). Further on follows a description of the functioning of the fixed and one-axis and dual-axis tracking solar plants. For the calculation of the electricity generated by these plants PVGIS program was used. Calculations have shown that fixed photovoltaic solar plant power of 1 MW, solar modules of mono-crystalline silicon yield 1130000 kWh power output, one-axis tracking solar plant yields 1420000 kWh, and dual-axis tracking solar plant yields 1450000 kWh of electricity. Electricity generated by the fixed photovoltaic solar plant could satisfy 86% of the annual needs for the electricity of the 'Zdravljak' hotel and the special 'Novi stacionar' hospital in Sokobanja

    Influence of natural factors on the position of settlements and their morphological characteristics in the example of the municipality of Irig

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    Settlements on the territory of the municipality of Irig were mostly formed under the influence of physical geographic elements. Except physical geographic elements, other elements, socio-geographic for example, which are used for the settlement formation are of secondary importance and they are not excluded. Springs with a lot of water along each brook valley were very important for their formation. Every settlement in the municipality either very small, the type of Prnjavor (Velika Remeta) or the larger one such as the seat of the municipality (Irig) is connected to the springs of an area of Fruška gora. This was of crucial importance for choosing a place for the original construction of the settlements on the territory of the municipality of Irig. The settlements of the municipality of Irig are: Irig, Vrdnik, Mala Remeta, Jazak, Rivica, Velika Remeta, Grgeteg, Krušedol - Prnjavor, Krušedol - Selo, Neredin, Šatrinci and Dobrodol. The position of settlements and their morphology considerably depend on natural conditions, and in the example of the municipality of Irig, they especially depend on the relief and hydro-geographic conditions

    Evropska unija - hronološki osvrt na kontinuitet ideje zajedništva kao dominantne vrednosti evropskih naroda

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    This paper deals with basic concepts, problems, and perspectives of idea of community with the aspect of science. This paper explains those trends of this idea in science during history until Second World War, and new trends in new conceptual base of European future.U radu su analizirane osnovne koncepcije, problemi i perspektive razvoja ideje zajedništva posmatrane sa naučnog stanovišta. Rad objašnjava trendove razvoja ove ideje kroz istoriju do Drugog svetskog rata, a potom i nove trendove u konceptualnom pristupu toj ideji i perspektivama u Evropi

    The influence of solar activities on occurrence of the forest fires in south Europe

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    In mid-July 2012, hundreds of fires spread over forest stands in the south of Europe. Considering available satellite and meteorological data we have tried to determine a method using analogy, whether these fires were preceded by the intensified solar activity. The justification of this approach lies in the belief that it is impossible by direct or indirect activity of man to set fire at the same time to the sites that are geographically separated. In this paper we have tried to test the hypothesis claiming that charged particles coming to us from the Sun may be responsible for the number of forest fires. Unlike some other situations when the potential explanation could be a sudden influx of the protons of different energy ranges, in our study, there are electrons as carriers of the potential explanation. Many previous studies results have shown that there is statistically significant relationship between the processes on the Sun and certain movements of air masses in the atmosphere our planet. The presented results in this paper of the correlation relationships between the mean hourly flows of electrons and the mean hourly air temperatures in Belgrade and Rome and the analysis of the synoptic situation as a function of the suggested model so far, indicate that the number of fires that were occurring more than a week, from July 15, 2012, in the south of Europe, were caused by electrons coming from the Sun

    Neka geografska obeležja naselja u slivu Belocrkvanske reke u funkciji ravnomernog regionalnog razvoja opštine Krupanj

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    In this paper we analyze influence of natural and socio-economical factors (demographic, historical, cultural, etc) on the genesis and overal development of the settlements in the Bela Crkva Valley in the context of regional development of the commune of Krupanj. We analyzed aspects of morpho-phisionomic, demographic, ethno-cultural, and functional characteristics of settlements in the Valley and the strategies of development.U radu je analiziran uticaj prirodnih i socioekonomskih faktora (demografskih, istorijskih, kulturnih i dr.) na nastanak i razvoj naselja u slivu Belocrkvanske reke u kontekstu ravnomernog razvoja opštine Krupanj. Objašnjeni su aspekti morfo-fizionomskih, demografskih, etnokulturnih i funkcionalnih promena u strukturi naselja ovog sliva i ukazano na strategije razvoja

    Promene u funkcionalnim tipovima naselja opštine Sokobanja

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    The settlements of Sokobanja municipality underwent intensive changes in the second half of the 20th century. These changes were manifested on all components of demographic development and caused the alterations of the functional type of settlements .This work discusses the functional transformation of the settlements of Sokobanja municipality in the period from 1953-2002. Applying the quantitative methods ,it has been established that these changes led to the decrease in the share of purely agrarian settlements and the increase in the share of agrarian -service-providing and purely service-providing settlements. .U drugoj polovini XX veka u naseljima opštine Sokobanja došlo je do intenzivnih promena. Promene su se odrazile na sve komponente u demografskom razvoju, ali takođe je došlo i do određenih izmena u funkcionalnim tipovima naselja. U radu je predstavljena funkcionalna transformacija naselja opštine Sokobanja u periodu 1953-2002. godina. Određenim kvantitativnim metodama utvrđeno je da su promene išle pravcem smanjenja učešća čisto agrarnih naselja i povećanju udela agrarno-uslužnih i čisto uslužnih naselja.