896 research outputs found
Genotoxic effects of sevoflurane and isoflurane on kidney cells in Swiss albino mice
U radu je istraživano oštećenje DNA stanica bubrega miša Swiss albino nakon višestrukog izlaganja inhalacijskim anesteticima sevofluranu i izofluranu. Za procjenu oštećenja DNA upotrijebljen je alkalni komet test, a praćena su 3 parametra: duljina repa (TL), repni moment (TM) i intenzitet repa (TI). Stupanj oštećenja DNA određivan je neposredno nakon izlaganja sevofluranu, odnosno izofluranu, te nakon 2 h, 6 h i 24 h. Srednje vrijednosti sva 3 parametra bile su statistički značajno više u eksperimentalnim skupinama u odnosu na kontrolne skupine, s tim da je kod miševa izloženih sevofluranu utvrđen kontinuiran porast oštećenja DNA unutar 24 h nakon izlaganja, dok je kod izoflurana najveće oštećenje opaženo 2 sata nakon izlaganja, nakon čega je došlo do popravka.DNA damage of kidney cells in Swiss Albino mice after repeated exposure to inhalation anesthetics sevoflurane and isoflurane has been investigated. For evaluation of DNA damage alkaline comet assay has been used. Three parameters have been measured – tail length (TL), tail moment (TM) and tail intensity (TI), immediately after exposure to sevoflurane and isoflurane, as well as 2 h, 6 h and 24 h after exposure. Mean values of all three parameters have been significantly higher in experimental groups compared to the control groups. DNA damage in mice exposed to sevoflurane increased continuously within 24 h after exposure, while isoflurane induced highest DNA damage 2 h after exposure and afterwards DNA repair was observed
Impact of the film industry on tourism development - case studies of Split and Dubrovnik
Filmska industrija je jedan od važnijih suvremenih oblika kreativne industrije koja uvelike utječe na ekonomski razvoj, a i na turizam stvarajući materijalne i nematerijalne resurse za filmski turizam. Filmovi imaju pozitivan utjecaj na turizam, prvenstveno jer se lokacije snimanja filmova brendiraju kao turističke destinacije, organiziraju se različite ture, snimaju se reklame te se otvaraju tematska mjesta zabavnog i kulturnog sadržaja. Turisti imaju mogućnost uz pomoć filma unaprijed vidjeti i upoznati se s glavninom onoga što mogu susresti na turističkim destinacijama. Predmet rada je utjecaj filmske industrije na razvoj turizma, s naglaskom na Split i Dubrovnik kao lokacije snimanja poznatih filmova i serija.Film industry is one of the main contemporary versions of creative industry which has a huge impact on both economic development and tourism while producing material and immaterial resources for the film tourism. Films have a positive effect on tourism mainly because the shooting locations are becoming tourist destinations, there is a variety of organised tours, commercials are shown all over the world and many thematic sites with entertaining and cultural character are being opened. Through films, tourists have possibility of having a deep insight of the main tourist sites in a destination. The object of this thesis is affection of the film industry on tourism development with emphasis on Split and Dubrovnik as popular shooting locations of TV series and films. The subject of the paper is the impact of the film industry on the development of tourism, with an emphasis on Split and Dubrovnik as shooting locations of famous films and TV series
The increasingly pronounced global ties, which affect social, economic, political, technological and cultural fields, have left a large imprint on the tourism market. There is growing competitiveness between tourism destinations, which try to find the best development strategy under the newly-arisen conditions. Under contemporary tourism development conditions, a destination must be observed as a basic functional unit that can respond to the demands of the modern tourism market by using its uniqueness and individuality for the creation of new, diversified products based on specific features of certain tourism destinations. The paper analyzes and researches the cognitive determinants that have an influence on the formation of a destination’s positive image, using the case of the Dubrovnik tourism destination. The objective and the purpose of the research is to determine the importance of stimulus factors and sociodemographic characteristics of tourists visiting a holiday destination on image formation, which is a deciding factor in the creation of tourism policies. Empirical research was employed using a questionnaire survey on a sampling of 355 randomly-chosen tourists visiting the Dubrovnik tourism destination. The results obtained by this research indicate a lack of importance of cognitive determinants for an image destination formation
Ethnocentrism is a very sophisticated and complex phenomenon that attracts the attention of many scholars who study it from different angles. One specific approach, undoubtedly from the perspective of behavioural economics, is consumer ethnocentrism. Consumer ethnocentrism as a special phenomenon was created to study the link between marketing and consumer behaviour with the concept of ethnocentrism. This concept has been shown to have a greater impact on purchase intent than some traditional marketing approaches. Ethnocentrism has a significant impact on consumer attitudes towards foreign brands, purchase intentions and purchase decisions for products from Croatia and abroad. The main purpose of this paper is therefore to investigate the relationship between the ethnocentrism of different generations (Baby Boomers and Generation Z) and their purchase intention for domestic and foreign products. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire. 218 members of Generation Z and 223 members of Baby Boomers in the Republic of Croatia were included in the survey. The results showed that the high level of ethnocentrism among baby boomers is positively associated with the intention to purchase domestic products and negatively associated with the baby boomers’ intention to purchase foreign products from China and the former Yugoslavia. In addition, the likelihood of buying domestic products is higher where the level of ethnocentrism is higher. There is no correlation between the ethnocentrism of Generation Z and purchase intentions in general
Choosing the Right One for Sea Transport — Incoterms® 2020
The paper presents the main features of Incoterms® 2020, i.e., the International Chamber of Commerce
rules for the use of domestic and international trade terms, which came into force on January 1,
2020. The International Chamber of Commerce revises the current Incoterms® rules every few
years to eliminate vague and/or imprecise interpretations of the obligations of parties involved in
the international trade. The revisions result in changes to existing terms and/or the introduction of
new terms that help facilitate the flow of goods both domestically and internationally. Therefore, this
paper aims to present the main features of the latest Incoterms® terms that are in force and are used
in international trade. In addition, changes to previous Incoterms® terms are examined and presented
in order to highlight key differences that may influence the choice of the relevant term. Particular
attention has been paid to Incoterms® terms used in sea transport, as sea transport remains the dominant
transport sector in the world trade
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