36 research outputs found

    Changes in the functional condition of the masticatory muscles with increased teeth abrasion

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    OBJECTIVE: Introduction: The term "pathological abrasion" (increased abrasion) can be described as a loss of tooth hard tissue on the occlusal, oral, vestibular surfaces of teeth or in the occlusal area. Treatment of increased abrasion of teeth is a difficult task for the practical work of a dentist. The choice of the optimal treatment plan provides the greatest likelihood of long-term success and minimal probability of complication appearance. The aim of our work was to study the functional activity of the masticatory muscles in the pathogenesis of the development of increased abrasion of tooth hard tissues. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: In order to achieve the goal of the study, an examination of patients aged between 19 and 69 years old was carried out in order to identify the number of persons with increased abrasion of teeth. During the examination of all patients one control and one researched group were formed. The patients of the control group (30 patients aged from 18 to 60 years) which had intact dental rows with any signs of increased tooth wear. The investigated group consisted of 25 patients, aged from 18 to 60 years. Depending on the complex treatment, the patients of the second group were divided into two subgroups. Subgroup 2A - (10 patients) with increased abrasion of tooth hard tissues with planned complex treatment of the disease without additional use of mouthguards after the end of treatment. For the patients from the 2B subgroup (15 people with increased abrasion of tooth hard tissues) a mouthguard was prescribed after the end of the complex treatment. In order to study some peculiarities of the muscular activity of the maxillofacial region an electromyogram was taken from all participants before treatment and repeated in a six- and twelve-months term. RESULTS: Results and conclusions: In our opinion, all manifestations of increased tooth abrasion are associated with changes in the muscular system, the motor apparatus and the nervous activity of the body. Regarding to this, the study of the propria muscular system and the related bone system can justify the usage of one or another prevention or treatment of the pathology. Based on the results of our research, we can conclude that the study of the functional state of the muscle complex is a fairly reliable prognostic sign in the study of such a disease as an increased tooth abrasion

    Vlasov-Maxwell, self-consistent electromagnetic wave emission simulations in the solar corona

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    1.5D Vlasov-Maxwell simulations are employed to model electromagnetic emission generation in a fully self-consistent plasma kinetic model for the first time in the solar physics context. The simulations mimic the plasma emission mechanism and Larmor drift instability in a plasma thread that connects the Sun to Earth with the spatial scales compressed appropriately. The effects of spatial density gradients on the generation of electromagnetic radiation are investigated. It is shown that 1.5D inhomogeneous plasma with a uniform background magnetic field directed transverse to the density gradient is aperiodically unstable to Larmor-drift instability. The latter results in a novel effect of generation of electromagnetic emission at plasma frequency. When density gradient is removed (i.e. when plasma becomes stable to Larmor-drift instability) and a lowlow density, super-thermal, hot beam is injected along the domain, in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, plasma emission mechanism generates non-escaping Langmuir type oscillations which in turn generate escaping electromagnetic radiation. It is found that in the spatial location where the beam is injected, the standing waves, oscillating at the plasma frequency, are excited. These can be used to interpret the horizontal strips observed in some dynamical spectra. Quasilinear theory predictions: (i) the electron free streaming and (ii) the beam long relaxation time, in accord with the analytic expressions, are corroborated via direct, fully-kinetic simulation. Finally, the interplay of Larmor-drift instability and plasma emission mechanism is studied by considering densedense electron beam in the Larmor-drift unstable (inhomogeneous) plasma. http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie1.mpg * http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie2.mpg * http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~tsiklauri/movie3.mpgComment: Solar Physics (in press, the final, accepted version

    Designing a Confortable Educational Environment

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    The problem of preserving the physical health of teachers in educational institutions is considered in the context of prevention of professional “burnout” and conflict. Research methodology. As part of the study of the content and essence of a comfortable educational environment, we were interested in the works, which determine the understanding of the nature of human interaction and reflect the interdependence and style of communication of people who are in direct contact with each other. Research results. The most important factor of the external and internal order, determining the content, direction and intensity of labor activity, has always been a special atmosphere in the team, for which various terms were used in scientific and public discourse: “microclimate”, “moral and psychological microclimate”, “sociological microclimate”, “comfortable educational environment”. Discussion. The design belongs to the category of innovative and creative activities, as at first it implies a deliberate transformation of reality, the need for which arises every time when there is the awareness of the need to transition to a predictive model of the upbrining or the educational system, and the main point of such “educational change” in the fact that man himself was able to learn and change during his whole life, to apply knowledge in solving professional problems. Conclusion. The concept of “comfortable educational environment” is used to denote a special atmosphere in the team, which determines the content, direction and intensity of work and manifests itself in such group effects as the mood and opinion of the team, individual well-being, assessment of living and working conditions of the individual in the team and considered as a result of joint activities of people, their interpersonal interaction

    Метод часткових областей в задачі прийому звуку резонатором Гельмгольця

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    У роботі розглянуто задачу формування акустичного поля в порожнинах резонатора Гельмгольця із застосуванням метода часткових областей. Поставлено і розв'язано краєві задачі акустики щодо описання акустичних полів в порожнинах резонатора із залученням традиційних граничних умов та граничних умов на ребрі (і за його відсутністю), яке характеризується відомими акустичними властивостями. Для певних розмірів резонатора в умовах повітряного наповнювача обчислено, проаналізовано та порівняно з експериментальними даними основні характеристики поля в резонаторі. Оцінено вплив на результати формування поля залученої умови на ребрі з акустичо жорсткими гранямиповерхнями. У зв'язку з вищенаведеним, метою роботи є постановка та розв'язок хвильової задачі формування акустичного поля в кубічному резонаторі Гельмгольця з врахуванням класичних граничних умов, умов спряження та умов на кутових точках елементів конструкції, які утворені при обранні часткових областей відповідно до однойменного методу.The study explores the problem of forming an acoustic field in the Helmholtz resonator cavity using the mode-matching method. Acoustic boundary value problems for the description of acoustic fields in resonator cavities under traditional boundary conditions and boundary conditions at the edge (and in its absence), which is characterized by the known acoustic properties, are set and solved. For certain dimensions of an air-filled resonator, the basic field characteristics in the resonator are calculated, analyzed and compared with experimental data. The influence on the results of field formation of the involved condition at the edge with acoustically rigid boundaries-surfaces is estimated. In view of the foregoing, the research aims to formulate and solve the wave problem of acoustic field formation in the cubic Helmholtz resonator taking into account classical boundary conditions, conjugation conditions, and conditions at angular points of structural elements formed by the mode-matching and applying the eponymous method


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    У статті при розробці формалізованого опису процесу відбору джерел вогневих засобів Повітряних Сил вирішуються наступні задачі: розробка формалізованого опису знань про процес визначення напрямку головного удару повітряного противника; розробка моделі знань про процес установлення черговості знищення засобів повітряного нападу противника.В статье при разработке формализированного описания процесса отбора источников огневых средств Воздушных Сил решаются следующие задачи: разработка формализированного описания знаний о процессе определения направления главного удара воздушного противника; разработка модели знаний о процессе установки очередности уничтожения средств воздушного нападения противника.In the article the followings tasks decide at development of the formalized description of process of selection of sources of weapons of fires of Aircrafts: development of the formalized description of knowledges about the process of determination of direction of brunt of air opponent; development of model of knowledges about the process of setting of order of destroying facilities of air attack of opponent