4 research outputs found

    Процедури моделювання логістичних транспортних систем у середовищі мереж Петрі

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    The article presents the methodology of the logistic system simulation into the Petri Nets environment on the example of agro-products delivery from Ukraine to the Netherlands, as well as a set of case-studies that can be used as didactic means for course “The modeling of transport processes” to teach the future transport industry specialists. The content, features and capabilities of the Petri Nets in the logistics systems simulation have been analyzed. A structural logistic system model of agro-products delivery, which takes into account the operation sequence, the combination peculiarities and the use resources in each subsystem, has been constructed into the Petri Nets. A time criterion has been proposed to determine the effective option for agro-products delivery. According to the results of the logistics system simulation into the Petri Nets environment, a statistical analysis of the parameters has been carried out. It has been made a choice of a suitable option of the delivery scheme allowing for the time spent and the magnitude of the possible costs associated with the use of certain transport modes. It has been made conclusion about feasibility of creating the case-study set, which is based on real facts and being solved into the Petri Nets environment, in order to organize the future transport industry specialists’ study and research activities.У статті представлена ​​методологія моделювання логістичної системи в середовищі Петрі-Мережі на прикладі доставки агропродукції з України до Нідерландів, а також набір тематичних досліджень, які можна використовувати як дидактичний засіб курсу «Моделювання транспортних процесів »для навчання майбутніх фахівців транспортної галузі. Проаналізовано зміст, особливості та можливості мереж Петрі у моделюванні логістичних систем. Модель структурної логістичної системи доставки агропродукції, яка враховує послідовність операцій, особливості поєднання та використання ресурсів у кожній підсистемі, була вбудована в мережі Петрі. Запропоновано критерій часу для визначення ефективного варіанту доставки агропродукції. За результатами моделювання логістичної системи в середовищі мереж Петрі було проведено статистичний аналіз параметрів. Було зроблено вибір відповідного варіанту схеми доставки, що враховує витрачений час та величину можливих витрат, пов'язаних із використанням певних видів транспорту. Було зроблено висновок про доцільність створення набору тематичних досліджень, який ґрунтується на реальних фактах і втілюється в середовище мереж Петрі, з метою організації навчально-дослідницької діяльності майбутніх фахівців транспортної галузі

    Methodological approach to estimating the efficiency of the stock complex facing of transport and logistic centers in Ukraine

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    The aim of this paper is to present a methodological approach to estimating technological process in the warehouse complex of the transport and logistics centers with respect to their efficiency. It was determined that one of the main directions of modern transport policy is the transition to transport logistics in the transport and logistics system, which allows us to provide comprehensive services to consumers of transport services, creating conditions for the development of combined transport, reducing the harmful influence on the environment. It is established that in order to carry out the successful implementation of the entire complex of works and reduce the cost of operations in the transport and logistics centers, as an important component of it, it is necessary to implement transport and technological processes, which must be based on progressive techniques and advanced methods. While constructing a mathematical model of an object, it was taken into account that the value of the general criterion of effectiveness depends on the values of the characteristics of the criteria of the effectiveness of the active elements of the system. The technological process of functioning of the warehouse complex of the transport and logistics centers, which is proposed in this paper, allows us to see the whole chain of operations from the moment of arrival of the vehicle with the load to the warehouse until the moment the consignment is shipped to the recipient. The approach to determine the efficient organization of the work of the warehouse complex of the transport and logistics center, according to the criterion, includes the total costs affected by: the intensity of the types cargo flows, the cost of one unit work and one hour work of one worker, the time of execution of the operation, and the amount of resources involved to perform each operation. The analytical models of determination of the estimation parameter are developed. In order to obtain the most reliable data on changes in the parameters of the warehouse process it has been determined the required number of observations be established . Based on the analysis of the order flow parameters of most transport and logistics centers of Ukraine, it has been found that the intensity of the input, internal and output flow of cargo is distributed according to the exponential law. This conclusion was confirmed by an appropriate level of confidence. The experiment, conducted in accordance with the principle of constructing a full-factor plan for the experiment, obtained the results of research on the proposed criterion for determining the efficient organization of the transport and logistics centers warehouse complex for three variants. Relying on the basic data regression models (linear and power) were constructed. An analysis of these models shows that the regression model in linear form with non-zero coefficients is the most adequate one, since the value of the indicator R² is the largest and it is equal to unity. On the received models the values of the criterion of efficiency are defined as total costs, for each variant. On the basis of the received changes in total costs for the organization of the warehouse complex, significant influence of the intensity of the incoming flow of goods has been identified, which in turn requires higher expenses of resources in the zone of acceptance of goods

    Realization of the Logistic Approach in the International Cargo Delivery System

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    Fierce rivalry in the transport market raises serious reassessment and implementation of new approaches to logistics companies and trade enterprises in marketing of goods. To maintain the volume of domestic sales and output to the external one, producers and trading firms are forced to expand their trade and economic relations that occur in other regions. The integration of the world economy and policy orientation of foreign trade to free trade greatly simplify the task of setting up the free trade and economic connections, but the question is how quickly and efficiently, with the least costs, it is necessary to put the goods in the right region to the customer.In modern market conditions, international container transportation of goods between Ukraine and the European Union countries has a prospect of development, as each year the number of orders in transport and logistics enterprises increases. After analyzing the status of orders, the problem has been detected and widely connected with the method of organization of container cargo delivery in international communication and the formation of rational technology of serviced. To solve this problem a method of logistic approach to the system of containers transportation has been proposed based on the cybernetic model "white box". The initial stage of its implementation involves formation of the limitation system of input parameters and factors that are consistent with the needs of the customer firm and the company performing transportation. Ten alternative order services schemes, each of which takes into account the possible combinations of operations, has been proposed.Based on the company "Inter Trans Logistic", which serviced the order of the company "Agricultural Holding August" for the transportation of rape seeds, 10 tons of corn on demand and a portion of sunflower oil 20,000 liters, according to their applications for transportation, a logistic approach using a cybernetic model "white box" has been implemented. Based on the mathematical models of changes in the total costs of the international container cargo shipping company of the customer, it has been shown that the maximum expenses are occurring in the implementation of the scheme 1 service order. In that case, the costs have been in the range of 848.72 to 7455.41 US $, according to a certain series of experiments. Based on the condition of the minimum cost function for container transportation, scheme 1 has been chosen as limiting scheme of service order against which the assessment carried out changes of the total costs in the implementation of other schemes. In percentage display according to Scheme 1, the following percentage intervals have been deducted for the reduction of sales costs: Scheme 2 - 12.70 to 34.98%; Scheme 3 - 2.93 to 12.00%; Scheme 4 - 2.06 to 10.88%; Scheme 5 - 1.69 to 4.25%; Scheme 6 - 0.87 to 3.28%; scheme7 - 0.97 to 2.58%; Scheme 8 - 1.64 to 4.45%; Scheme 9 - 2.66 to 11.77%; scheme 10 - 2.33 to 9.94%.The results of experimental studies indicate that when the proposed methodology of the logistic approach, using the "white box" based on the company "Inter Trans Logistic" to international container transportation of goods in relation to the application of the company "Agricultural Holding August" for transportation, the scheme 2 sequence