11 research outputs found

    Models and scenarios of the Neolithic in Central Europe

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    The Neolithic in Central Europe can no longer be characterised as comprising a compact population of a single society in which organisations and subsistence strategies were homogeneous. Despite the apparent uniformity of the pottery, the period was characterised by a mosaic of small communities that differed in both economic and social organisation for almost two millennia. These genetically diverse communities inhabited geographical spaces of varying size, from regions to micro-regions to single settlements. The polymorphous modes of exploiting natural resources ensured successful long-term survival, even when the results of the emerging farming economy were uncertain and unreliable in some groups.Srednjeevropskega neolitika ni več mogoče povezovati z enovito populacijo in homogeno organizirano družbo z enotno strategijo preživetja. Kljub navidezni uniformnosti lončarskih produkcij, so se v času skoraj dveh tisočletji oblikovale majhne skupnostih, ki so se razlikovale tako v družbeni ureditvi kot gospodarskih strategijah. Genetsko različne skupine so bile naseljene v prostorih različnih velikosti, od regije in mikro regije do posameznega naselja. Mnogolična izraba naravnih virov je zagotavljala dolgoročno preživetje, tudi takrat, ko so bili učinki razvijajočega se kmetovanja negotovi

    Neolithic subsistance based on the study of the grinding stones

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    Contribution speaks about neolithic subsistance based on the study of the grinding stones

    Development of the neolithic settlement in the Bylany microregion

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    Contribution on the development of the neolithic settlement in the Bylany microregion

    Models and scenarios of the Neolithic in Central Europe

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    The Neolithic in Central Europe can no longer be characterised as comprising a compact population of a single society in which organisations and subsistence strategies were homogeneous. Despite the apparent uniformity of the pottery, the period was characterised by a mosaic of small communities that differed in both economic and social organisation for almost two millennia. These genetically diverse communities inhabited geographical spaces of varying size, from regions to micro-regions to single settlements. The polymorphous modes of exploiting natural resources ensured successful long-term survival, even when the results of the emerging farming economy were uncertain and unreliable in some groups

    Linear Pottery Houses and Their Inhabitants

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    Neolithic houses can be classified into different types according to their construction; therefore, we tried to find whether the inhabitants of different types of Neolithic houses engaged in different economic activities. The existing interpretation of the function of individual parts of Neolithic houses was broadened to include a hypothesis based on an exceptional case from the Harta settlement in Hungary. We used the revised analysis of animal bones from the Bylany settlement as a starting point to assess the means of subsistence of the inhabitants of Neolithic houses. The way that food was handled and consumed was observed in the distribution of formal functional types of pottery according to the number and the lipid compounds. Based on current results, we can prove that inhabitants of different types of Neolithic houses used different means of subsistence. Food was shared similarly in all types of houses; however, the processing and preparation of food differed. Therefore, we can support the hypothesis that the inhabitants of a single settlement were of different genetic and historical origins

    Examination of the Influence of Hot Surface Area on the Process of Methane-Air Mixture Initiation

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    Import 04/07/2011Práce se zabývá problematikou iniciace výbušné směsi horkými povrchy. Skládá se ze dvou hlavních částí. První část obsahuje zejména teoretický rozbor problematiky výbušných reakcí a procesu iniciace výbušných směsí horkým povrchem. Druhá část se týká experimentálního stanovování vlivu velikosti horkého povrchu na rozsah výbušnosti metanu ve směsi se vzduchem a následnému zkoumání vlivu velikosti energie pouţitých velikostí horkého povrchů na proces iniciace. Kromě toho práce obsahuje poznatky z měření teploty ţhavených vodičů. Výsledky práce je v praxi moţno pouţít jako podklad při stanovování bezpečnostních opatření v průmyslu a jiných odvětvích, kde se pracuje s výbušnou atmosférou. Můţe rovněţ slouţit jako podklad při hledání optimálních druhů iniciačních zdrojů pro experimentální stanovování technicko-bezpečnostních parametrů hořlavých plynů.The thesis deals with the ignition of an explosive mixture by hot surfaces. It consists of two main parts. The first part includes mainly the theoretical analysis of explosive reaction and ignition process by hot surfaces. The second part concerns the experimental determination of the influence of hot surface area size on explosion range of methane-air mixture and subsequent investigation of the energy size effect of used sizes of the hot surface on ignition process. In addition the work includes determination of temperature of used wires. Results of work can be used as a basis for determining the safety measures in industry and other branches where is used an explosive atmosphere. It can also serve as a basis for finding the optimum type of ignition source for the experimental determination of safety characteristics of flammable gases.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochranyvýborn

    Tactics for Searching Unknown Rooms in the Course of Intervention

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    Import 01/09/2009PAVLŮ, I. Taktika prohledávání neznámých místností při zásahu. Bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB-TU, 2009. 66 stran. Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou prohledávání neznámých místností jednotkami požární ochrany za účelem vyhledání osob v objektech postižených požárem. V první části vyhodnocuje, jaký podíl má tato činnost na zásahové činnosti jednotek požární ochrany a ve kterých typech prostorů se nejčastěji provádí. Autor dále popisuje vlastnosti typů objektů a jejich částí při požárech. Rozebrána jsou i nebezpečí, která v objektech hasičům při zásazích hrozí. Na základě těchto skutečností navrhuje zásady bezpečného a systematického postupu při prohledávání neznámých místností a dalších činnostech, které s vyhledáváním a záchranou osob při požárech souvisí.PAVLŮ, I. Tactics for Searching Unknown Rooms in the Course of Intervention. Bachelor thesis. Ostrava: VSB-TU, 2009, 66 pages. Bachelor essay engages in the dilemma of searching unknown rooms in the course of intervention in order to find potential victims in burning structures. First part analyze what portion of this proceeding takes share in overall fire brigades’ activity and what types of structures are most involved in. Author further describes characteristics of types of structures and their parts in case of fire. Dangers threatening to firefighters are also analyzed. Base on these facts author suggests fundamentals of safety and systematic procedure of searching unknown rooms and other activities connected with searching potential victims in burning structures.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvavelmi dobř

    13C and 15N Isotopic Data on Grinding Stones from the Güvercinkayası Site, Turkey

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    Pavlů Ivan, Gülçur Sevil, Jačkova I., Buzek F. 13C and 15N Isotopic Data on Grinding Stones from the Güvercinkayası Site, Turkey. In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 17, 2009. pp. 19-30

    Grinding stones and handstones from the chalcolithic site of Güvercinkayası (1996-2004)

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    Pavlů Ivan, Řídký Jaroslav, Wawruschka Céline, Gülçur Sevil. Grinding stones and handstones from the chalcolithic site of Güvercinkayası (1996-2004). In: Anatolia Antiqua, Tome 15, 2007. pp. 17-48