9 research outputs found

    Changes in wedding customs in Gornja Poljica in the hinterland of Split, Croatia, in the last hundred years

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    Aim: To examine how wedding customs have acquired unwritten rules over time and how much they have changed in the last hundred years. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with three respondents from Gornja Poljica (Split city hinterland) and a secondary analysis of sources with the aim of analyzing the course and customs of weddings over three generations in Gornja Poljica. Results: As in the past, there is a wedding procedure consisting of the gathering of wedding guests, the pick-up of the bride at her home, the wedding ceremony, the celebration, and the visit of the brideā€™s family to her new home. The new customs are a bachelorette party, a garter toss, a wedding cake and wearing a wedding dress all night. Of 28 customs from 100 years ago, nine (one-third) have disappeared, the wedding day has been changed from Monday to Saturday, the ceremony has been shortened from three days to one, the number of wedding guests has been increased, and the bachelorette party has been introduced. Conclusion: From the narratives, it appears that the wedding ceremony is primarily a personal event, one of the most important in the life of the bride and groom, especially for the woman, for whom it represents a permanent change in family and social status. Until the 1950s, women were more passive in the role of bride than they are today. Through the process of womenā€™s emancipation, globalization and the possibility of free choice, the values and practice of marriage itself have changed

    Rhtym and repetition as a principle of educational work in Waldorf kindergarten

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    Cilj waldorfske pedagogije je pomoći harmoničnom razvoju tjelesnih, duÅ”evnih i duhovnih snaga, uvažavajući djetetovu prirodu i individualnost. Dijete svoju osobnost najbolje ostvaruje kroz slobodnu igru u kojoj može nesmetano uživati samo ukoliko se osjeća sigurno i zaÅ”tićeno. Sigurnost i zaÅ”tićenost dijete ostvaruje putem ritmova. U waldorfskim vrtićima se uvažavaju godiÅ”nji, mjesečni, tjedni i dnevni ritmovi. Cilj ovog rada je bio prikazati ritmičku vremensku organizaciju života u dječjem vrtiću Iskrica, opisati tjedni i dnevni ritam aktivnosti te interpretirati odgojnu vrijednost zajedničkih aktivnosti koje se ponavljaju svakog dana. Koristeći metodu analize dokumenata analiziran je godiÅ”nji i mjesečni ritam. Metodom sudjelujućeg promatranja i razgovora opisane i interpretirane su ritmički organizirane tjedne i dnevne aktivnosti u waldorfskom vrtiću Iskrica(Split).The goal of Waldorf education is to help the harmonic development of physical, mental and spiritual strengths, acknowledging the child's nature and individuality. The child's personality is best achieved through uninterrupted free play, which the child can enjoy only if he or she feels protected and secure. The child achieves security and protection through the rhythm. Waldorf kindergartens take into account annual, monthly, weekly and daily rhythm. The goal of this paper is to present rhythmic time management in the "Iskrica" kindergarten, describe weekly and daily rhythm of activities and interpret the educational value of common activities which are being repeated every day. Yearly and monthly activites are described and interpreted through the methode of document analysis. Weekly and daily activities of the Waldorf kindergarten "Iskrica" in Split are described and interpreted through the methods participating observation and conversation

    Contribution to the research of Croatia wedding customs : wedding customs in Poljica

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    Svadbeni običaji kroz vrijeme su postali nepisana pravila kojih se pridržava određena druÅ”tvena zajednica. Ipak, pod utjecajem povijesnih i životnih prilika, svadbeni običaji se mijenjaju i prilagođavanju, a neki od njih izgubili su se ili stopili s nekim novim običajima. DanaÅ”nji svadbeni običaji djelomice su uvjetovani lokalnom tradicijom, a dijelom modernom kulturom najčeŔće prezentiranom kroz filmska ili književna ostvarenja te u novije vrijeme kroz Internet i druÅ”tvene mreže. Temeljem navedenog, u radu se kroz analizu odgovora triju kazivačica iz Gornjih Poljica kroz formu polustrukturiranog intervjua i analizu sekundarnih izvora utvrđuje kako su se tijek i običaji poljičke svadbe pod utjecajem navedenih čimbenika promijenili kroz tri generacije.Over time, wedding traditions have become an unwritten rule which adheres to a certain community. However, under the influence of historical and living circumstances, wedding customs are changing and adapting, with some of them being lost or merged with some new traditions. Today's wedding customs are partly influenced by local tradition, partly by modern culture, most often presented through film or literary works and more recently through the Internet and social networks. According to that, through the form of semi-structured interviews and analysis of the secondary sources, this paper presents an analysis of the responses from the three narrators from Upper Poljica and determines how the course and customs of Poljica weddings changed through three generations under the influence of these factors

    Contribution to the research of Croatia wedding customs : wedding customs in Poljica

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    Svadbeni običaji kroz vrijeme su postali nepisana pravila kojih se pridržava određena druÅ”tvena zajednica. Ipak, pod utjecajem povijesnih i životnih prilika, svadbeni običaji se mijenjaju i prilagođavanju, a neki od njih izgubili su se ili stopili s nekim novim običajima. DanaÅ”nji svadbeni običaji djelomice su uvjetovani lokalnom tradicijom, a dijelom modernom kulturom najčeŔće prezentiranom kroz filmska ili književna ostvarenja te u novije vrijeme kroz Internet i druÅ”tvene mreže. Temeljem navedenog, u radu se kroz analizu odgovora triju kazivačica iz Gornjih Poljica kroz formu polustrukturiranog intervjua i analizu sekundarnih izvora utvrđuje kako su se tijek i običaji poljičke svadbe pod utjecajem navedenih čimbenika promijenili kroz tri generacije.Over time, wedding traditions have become an unwritten rule which adheres to a certain community. However, under the influence of historical and living circumstances, wedding customs are changing and adapting, with some of them being lost or merged with some new traditions. Today's wedding customs are partly influenced by local tradition, partly by modern culture, most often presented through film or literary works and more recently through the Internet and social networks. According to that, through the form of semi-structured interviews and analysis of the secondary sources, this paper presents an analysis of the responses from the three narrators from Upper Poljica and determines how the course and customs of Poljica weddings changed through three generations under the influence of these factors

    Rhtym and repetition as a principle of educational work in Waldorf kindergarten

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    Cilj waldorfske pedagogije je pomoći harmoničnom razvoju tjelesnih, duÅ”evnih i duhovnih snaga, uvažavajući djetetovu prirodu i individualnost. Dijete svoju osobnost najbolje ostvaruje kroz slobodnu igru u kojoj može nesmetano uživati samo ukoliko se osjeća sigurno i zaÅ”tićeno. Sigurnost i zaÅ”tićenost dijete ostvaruje putem ritmova. U waldorfskim vrtićima se uvažavaju godiÅ”nji, mjesečni, tjedni i dnevni ritmovi. Cilj ovog rada je bio prikazati ritmičku vremensku organizaciju života u dječjem vrtiću Iskrica, opisati tjedni i dnevni ritam aktivnosti te interpretirati odgojnu vrijednost zajedničkih aktivnosti koje se ponavljaju svakog dana. Koristeći metodu analize dokumenata analiziran je godiÅ”nji i mjesečni ritam. Metodom sudjelujućeg promatranja i razgovora opisane i interpretirane su ritmički organizirane tjedne i dnevne aktivnosti u waldorfskom vrtiću Iskrica(Split).The goal of Waldorf education is to help the harmonic development of physical, mental and spiritual strengths, acknowledging the child's nature and individuality. The child's personality is best achieved through uninterrupted free play, which the child can enjoy only if he or she feels protected and secure. The child achieves security and protection through the rhythm. Waldorf kindergartens take into account annual, monthly, weekly and daily rhythm. The goal of this paper is to present rhythmic time management in the "Iskrica" kindergarten, describe weekly and daily rhythm of activities and interpret the educational value of common activities which are being repeated every day. Yearly and monthly activites are described and interpreted through the methode of document analysis. Weekly and daily activities of the Waldorf kindergarten "Iskrica" in Split are described and interpreted through the methods participating observation and conversation

    Improved Performances of Polyacrylamide Gel by Addition of a New Type of Polymer: Detection of Allelic Losses

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    The aim of this study was to improve detection of heterozygous samples and loss of heterozygosity using a new type of gel polymer. A total of 60 samples of normal and tumor colon tissue were tested. Elctrophoresis of amplified loci was performed on a standard acrylamide / N,Nmethylenebisacrylamide gel, and the same gel containing Spreadex polymer, NAB (native acrylamide- bis). Standard gel displayed 36 samples of normal tissue as homozygous. Electrophoresis of the same samples on gel with addition of polymer revealed 12/36 heterozygous samples. Five of 12 matched tumor samples displayed loss of heterozygosity that could not be detected on standard gel, because of its lower resolving power. Electrophoresis on a new polymer presents a simple, inexpensive, reproducible and non-radioactive method for loss of heterozygosity detection, with improved performances such as increased sensitivity, decreased amount of a sample and improved separation of closely spaced bands. Application of the polymer may contribute to a vide variety of diagnostic procedures

    K-Ras and Dpc4 Mutations in Chronic Pancreatitis: Case Series

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    Aim: To assess whether alterations in the K-ras, p53, and DPC4 genes are present in pancreatitis, a potential precancerous condition that can progress to pancreatic adenocarcinoma. To investigate the alterations occurring at hot spots of K-ras (exon 1), p53 (exons 5 and 7), and DPC4 (exons 8, 10 and 11). Methods: In 10 patients with acute and 22 with chronic pancreatitis, without pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), DNA was isolated from paraffin embedded tissue samples. The extracted DNA was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, and DNA sequencing. Results: In acute pancreatitis samples no mutations were found in any of the investigated genes. In 7 out of 22 samples of chronic pancreatitis nucleotide substitution at exon 1 of K-ras (five at codon 12 and two at codon 13) were found. No mutations in p53 (exons 5 and 7) were detected. Two samples had nucleotide substitutions at exons 8 and 11 of DPC4, introducing STOP signal and change in the amino acid sequence, respectively. One chronic pancreatitis sample displayed simultaneous mutations in K-ras (exon 1, codon 12) and DPC4 (exon 8, codon 358). Conclusion: Mutations of K-ras and Dpc4 genes can accumulate already in non-malignant, inflammatory pancreatic tissue, suggesting its applicability in monitoring of further destruction of pancreatic tissue and progression into malignancy

    K-Ras and Dpc4 Mutations in Chronic Pancreatitis: Case Series Clinical Science Clinical Science

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    Aim To assess whether alterations in the K-ras, p53, and DPC4 genes are present in pancreatitis, a potential precancerous condition that can progress to pancreatic adenocarcinoma. To investigate the alterations occurring at hot spots of K-ras (exon 1), p53 (exons 5 and 7), and DPC4 (exons 8, 10 and 11). Methods In 10 patients with acute and 22 with chronic pancreatitis, without pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN), DNA was isolated from paraffin embedded tissue samples. The extracted DNA was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis, and DNA sequencing. Results In acute pancreatitis samples no mutations were found in any of the investigated genes. In 7 out of 22 samples of chronic pancreatitis nucleotide substitution at exon 1 of K-ras (five at codon 12 and two at codon 13) were found. No mutations in p53 (exons 5 and 7) were detected. Two samples had nucleotide substitutions at exons 8 and 11 of DPC4, introducing STOP signal and change in the amino acid sequence, respectively. One chronic pancreatitis sample displayed simultaneous mutations in K-ras (exon 1, codon 12) and DPC4 (exon 8, codon 358). Conclusion Mutations of K-ras and Dpc4 genes can accumulate already in non-malignant, inflammatory pancreatic tissue, suggesting its applicability in monitoring of further destruction of pancreatic tissue and progression into malignancy