17 research outputs found
U radu je analiziran odnos koncepta rizika i mladosti kao životnog doba koje rizik uključuje kao inherentno svojstvo. Proces sazrijevanja podrazumijeva rizik, a on je na različite načine u odnosu s društvenim i kulturnim konceptom rizika koji je svojstven, kako stvarnosti kasnog kapitalizma, tako i političkim i ideološkim ekspertizma koje teže njime upravljati. Diskurs rizika često se pojavljuje u javnosti kao negativan, uznemirujući i opominjući stav prema mladima označavajući ih kao kategoriju u nevolji. Istaknute su sličnosti i razlike koje postoje u društvima razvijenog Zapada i postsocijalističkim društvima. Analiza rizičnog ponašanja i koncepta rizika uključuje i kulturnu kriminologiju koja antisocijalna ponašanja i kaznene prakse sagledava u kontekstu identitetskih promjena i kulturnih simbola koji su simptom dubokih društvenih promjena u postmodernom društvu.This paper analyses the relation between the risk concept and youth as a stage of life for which risk is an inherent property. The process of maturing implies risk, and this risk relates to the social and cultural concept of risk, as is characteristic for the reality of late capitalism. It also relates to the political and ideological expertise striving to manage it. Risk discourse often appears in public as a negative, disturbing and cautionary attitude towards young people, marking them as a category that is in peril, trouble. Similarities and differences that exist in the developed Western and post-socialist societies are stressed. The analysis of risk behaviour and the concept of risk include cultural criminology that views anti-social behaviour and criminal practice in the context of identity changes and cultural symbols which are the symptom of deep social changes in the post-modern society
Relation between crime and moral foundations of social order
Odnos legaliteta i legitimiteta bi trebalo da kao svoj finalni ishod
ima povećavanje inkluzivnosti društvene interakcije i moralni
progres. Namera autorki ovog rada je da prikažu određene
aspekte odnosa legaliteta i legitimiteta koji imaju pravno–filozofski
i širi društveno teorijski značaj, kao i da naznače najznačajnije
tačke u kojima se ovi uvidi razmimoilaze sa razumevanjem
društvene stvarnosti u okvirima moralnih temelja. U društvenoj
praksi se slabljenje konvergencije legaliteta i legitimiteta
manifestuje na različite načine, a usko je povezano sa fenomenom
kriminala i njegove političke i društvene percepcije.
Autorke u radu izlažu nekoliko ključnih problema koji stoje na
putu procesa dekriminalizacije srpskog društva sagledavajući ih,
u jednoj perspektivi, kao nedostatak kapaciteta prevazilaženja
političkog koncepta prijatelj–neprijatelj na širokom društvenom
nivou, a u drugoj, kao istrajnost u političkoj manipulaciji
fenomenom kriminala i odustvo stabilnog institucionalnog
balansa. Polazeći od razumevanja uloge kriminološke teorije i kao
traganja za odgovorom na pitanje "šta sve proizvodi surovost", kao
antipod solidarnosti koja predstavlja vezivo zajednice, autorke u
radu daju argumente u prilog zabrinutosti zbog moralnog cinizma i
apatije kao preovlađujućeg emocionalnog stanja savremenog nekontrolisano nasilje.
The ratio of legality and legitimacy should have as its final outcome
enhancement of inclusiveness of social interactions as well as moral progress.
The ambition of the authors was to illustrate in this paper certain aspects of
the legality and legitimacy that have legal and theoretical broader social
significance, as well as to highlight the most important aspects in which
these insights disagree with the understanding of social reality in terms of
moral foundations. In social practice, the weakening of the convergence of
legality and legitimacy are manifested in different ways and is closely related
to the phenomenon of crime and its political and social perception.
The authors underlined some key issues that stand in the way of the of capacity to overcome "friend–enemy" political concept in a broad social
context, and, endurence in political manipulation of the crime phenomenon
and the absence of a stable institutional balance. Starting from the
understanding of the function of criminological theory also as a search for the
answer to the question "What creates cruelty?" as the antipode to solidarity
being 'the social glue', the authors provide arguments in support of concerns
over raising moral cynicism and apathy as the predominant emotional
feature of contemporary Serbian society by focusing its potential for
transmutation into uncontrolled violence
Approaches and methods in the quality of prison life assessing - measuring social and moral climate in prisons
One of the most important topics in contemporary criminology refers to the functioning of penitentiary systems. Special emphasis is on the role of environment and the impact that environmental factors have on the behaviour of convicts and successfulness of their social reintegration, as the imprisonment purpose. Within this framework, one possible approach involves exploring the concepts of both the quality of prison life and social and moral climate in prisons with the introduction of standard methods for assessing or measuring them. Concept of the quality of prison life, as a multidimensional construct, and the effect of social and moral climate on the overall and future behaviour of prisoners are discussed in this study Definitions and operationalizations are presented, followed by the presentation of Measuring the Quality of Prison Life survey as a valid tool for understanding the contemporary experience of imprisonment. The systematization of knowledge on the about the interdependence of these concepts was conducted through a review of available literature. This study might encourage the initiation of further exploration of the dynamics of prison life in Serbia. That way, by promoting an expanded and systematical research focus on the quality of prison life, it would be possible to improve both prisoner treatment and superintendence
Some aspects of popularization of a social antihero
The paper analyses the development and social significance of social heroes with particular view of those conditions in a social system which enables and facilitates mutual approximation, and symbolic and functional alternation of diverse categories: hero and antihero. The situation in Serbia during the last two decades was a particular object of attention in an attempt to strengthen the assumption that extreme turbulent processes inside a society, followed by willing and substantial antisocial activity of certain favorably positioned groups, as well as by specific elaboration of social reality by those unfavorably positioned, "ordinary" people, enable conversion of classic antiheroes into social heroes
Positive and negative aspects of social capital: The case of postcommunist societies
The paper analyzes social capital's properties in relation with the level at which it is generated, as a type of social capital. The second part of the paper is dedicated to examining of possibilities for implementation of the concept of social capital in various social and political circumstances. Analysis of the Putnam's concept of social capital in reviewing of the process of democratization of post-communist societies has shown that assessment of the social capital’s role in democratic transition of these societies must take into account specific social and political circumstances which influenced social capital's trends and forms. In contrast to economically developed societies with long democratic traditions, it turned out that social capital in former communist societies developed and moved in almost opposite directions. It is characterized by competitiveness, non-community spirit and exclusivity. This may be explained by predominant informal associating forms as a survival strategy in conditions of deprivation and ideological mobilization at the time of communist party states which during transition turned into suspicious conversions of various capital types. It is an open issue how much the social capital concept is applicable in post-communist societies of Eastern and Central Europe and how it should be designed for the purpose of adequate implementation in creating of social policies
Koncept terapeutske jurisprudencije kao model formalnog društvenog reagovanja na kriminalitet
Institucionalna reakcija na kriminal je zasnovana na formalnopravnom
normiranju i primeni normi. Terapeutska jurisprudencija
menja tradicionalnu krivičnopravnu perspektivu na krivično delo,
zasnivajući je novu perspektivu na analiziranju interakcija među
akterima u pravnim procedurama i posledicama koje nastaju tim
interakcijama. Polazeći od razumevanja prava kao regulatora
društvenih odnosa koji omogućava njihovo unapređivanje, u centru
koncepta terapeutske jurisprudencije su posledice normiranja i
primene normi koje su usmerene na čoveka, emocije i psihološku
dimenziju funkcionisanja pravnog poretka.
Autorke u radu ukazuju na mogućnosti terapeutske jurisprudencije
da utiče na konvergenciju subjektivne i objektivne dobrobiti kao
rezultata optimizacije društvenih odnosa u kontekstu kompletne,
realne slike vrednosti u društvu. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na
perspektivu primene terapeutske jurisprudencije i njen potencijal da
intenzivira traženje boljih načina i puteva da se problemi koji se
tradicionalnom krivičnopravnom represijom ne mogu rešiti, rešavaju
na jedan drugi, adekvatniji način.
Institutional reaction to crime is based on formal norms and their implementation.
Therapeutic jurisprudence alters traditional perspective on crime as it is outlined
by criminal procedure. The new perspective is founded on analysis of interactions
between actors in proceedings and consequences of those proceedings. Law is
being understood as a regulator of social relations that supports their
advancement. In the center of the concept of therapeutic jurisprudence,
consequences of legal norms applications are placed as they are directed towards
emotions and psychological dimension of functioning of legal system.
In the article, authors highlight therapeutic jurisprudence capacity to influence
convergence of subjective and objective well–being as a result of optimisation
of social relations within a wider framework set by social values. The aim of
this article is to point towards perspective of implementation of therapeutic
justice to intensify a quest for the better ways and approaches to confronting
problems in a way that is more appropriate than the one of traditional
criminal procedure
Crna ekonomija i crno društvo
Ova monografija je podeljena u osam celina u kojima se prikazuje analitički tok postavljenih
polaznih pretpostavki o kriminalnom preduzetništvu kao nastavku legitimnog poslovanja
nelegalnim sredstvima. Polazeći od karakteristika funkcionisanja entiteta organizovanog
kriminala u 21. veku, u knjizi se bliže sagledava tržišna podloga nastanka organizovanog
kriminala koja se zasniva na disfunkcionalnim javnim institucijama. Kada država efikasno nudi
usluge koje u slabim državam nudi organizovani kriminal (naplata dugova, zaštita od nasilja i
iznude, efektivne transakcije u novcu i dobrima itd.), prostor za tržišni plasman „proizvoda“ se
znatno sužava. Pošto dobro upravljanje smanjuje tržište za organizovani kriminal, on evoluira u
transnacionalne forme. Zbog toga se autorke u knjizi detaljno bave pitanjima adekvatnog
represivnog odgovora na nove vidove transnacionalnog organizovanog kriminaliteta. Zaključna
razmatranja su posvećena kontrolnim strategijama, a razmatran je i procenjivan realistički
doseg povoljnih posledica koje politika suprotstavljanaj organizovanom kriminalu proizvodi u
sferi zaštite korupuisa ljudskih i građanskih prava zahvaćenih kroz kategorije i institucije
demokratskog političkog sistema
Feminist criticisms of the concept of resilience: Transformation of the subversive into the normative
Koncept otpornosti je relativno nov teorijski i praktični pristup u društvenim naukama, preuzet iz inženjerskih i sistemskih teorija, a jezgrovito se opisuje kao suočavanje sa izazovima i rizicima. U fokusu kritičke diskusije ovog koncepta su njegova teorijska fluidnost, otežana empirijska proverljivost i ideološka ukorenjenost u neoliberalni globalni kapitalistički poredak. Autorke u radu predstavljaju odnos feminističke kritike prema konceptu otpornosti koja ga sagledava kao teorijsku instancu neoliberalne hegemonije sa temeljima u deregulaciji tržišta. Ideja o svakovrsnoj deregulaciji, koja je tipična za neoliberalizam, legitimiše otpornost kao koncept koji negira politike identiteta i na njima zasnovane isključenosti. Međutim, u praksi se otpornost pokazuje kao važna strategija za apsorbovanje štete koju proizvode neoliberalna ekonomska i socijalna restrukturacija. Otpornost reciklira štetu koju neoliberalni procesi proizvode i tokom tog procesa se kreiraju novi identitetski okviri i estetika. Zbog toga se rodni status više ne povezuje sa polnim i vidljivim performansima roda, već se pojavljuje kao efekat ili ishod ekonomske i socijalne pozadine. Tako otpornost postaje novi neoliberalni ženski ideal koji omogućava jačanje vitalnosti belog supermačističkog patrijarhata.The concept of resilience originated in engineering and environmental systems theories. Resilience entered humanities relatively recently as a new theoretical and practical approach to addressing challenges and risks in both macro and micro-communities. The concept of resilience is being criticized for theoretical fluidity behind it, difficulties related to its empirical verification and for being ideologically embedded in the neoliberal framework of global capitalism. Subject of this paper is an overview of a sharper critique of the concept that is coming from feminist perspective. In perspective of feminist criticism, the concept of resilience is perceived as an element of hegemony in neoliberal theory that purports deregulation and in particular market deregulation. While at first glance the concept of resistance denies identity policies and social exclusion deriving from it, in fact it absorbs harm inflicted by neoliberal economic and social restructuring. Resilience allows induced damage to be recycled given that new identity frames and aesthetics become created. Gender status is no longer associated with visible gender manifestation ― it rather appears as it is shaped by economic and social background. Resilience becomes new neoliberal female ideal feature that only enhances vitality of white supremacist patriarchy
Resilience, Well-being and Social Capital – Between Colaboration and Collision
Људско деловање усмерава заједничке вредности и процене сврсисходности деловања, тј. просуђивање у духу тих вредности, а у сржи његове мотивације је добробит као квалитет живота. Индивидуална и друштвена добробит формирају се под утицајем бројних фактора чији међусобни однос формира широки дијапазон — од природних околности до друштвено конструисаних норми.
Концепт отпорности је блиско повезан са концептима добробити и друштвеног капитала. У овом раду се представљају начини на који су наведени концепти повезани и њихови заједнички предиктори. Циљ рада је да разматрањем различитих аспеката отпорности укаже на могућности интервенције путем креирања социјалних политика које би биле засниване на бољем разумевању начина на који отпорност, добробит и друштвени капитал универзално функционишу — на нивоу појединца и на нивоу заједнице.Human activities are guided by values and sense of purpose that stand also not only as guidelines but the core elements for evaluation of these actiities. Well–being is at the core of human motivation as quality of life and it is influenced by a myriad of factors spanning from natural circumstances to socially constructed norms.
The concept of resilience is closely related to concepts of well–being and social capital. This paper presents the way in which these concepts are related as well as their common predictors. The aim of the paper is to highlight various aspects of resilience in order to point towards possibilities to intervene via social policy that is embeded in profound understanding of the universial way in which resilience, well–being and social capital function, both at the individual and at the community level
Žene u organizovanom kriminalu
Društveno okruženje definiše spremnost pojedinca na određeni društveni i preduzetnički rizik, pa se o dimenzijama pasivnog i aktivnog učešća u organizovanom kriminalu može rasuđivati na osnovu odnosa moći koje organizovani kriminal reflektuje unutar političke i ekonomske sfere. Iako rodni odnosi imaju različite društvene profile i unutrašnju dinamiku u zemljama sa različitim tradicijama društvenog upravljanja, statistički podaci o kriminalu ukazuju na to da je uključivanje žena u organizovane kriminalne aktivnosti globalni fenomen. Transideološki kapacitet organizovanog kriminala, kao i stepen procesa transnacionalnog povezivanja, značajno utiču na promene rodnih relacija unutar organizovanog kriminala, a time i na postojanje nove dinamike unutar rodnih odnosa u organizovanom kriminalu.
Autorke u radu nastoje da daju prilog produbljenom razumevanju pomeranja rodnih granica u sferi organizovanog kriminaliteta postavljajući ih u prostor u kome se ove granice prožimaju u interaktivnom odnosu socio-kulturnih procesa unutar i izvan organizovanog kriminala. U radu se sagledavaju uticaj i društvene, ekonomske i psihološke posledice pomeranja rodnih granica u sferi delovanja organizovanog kriminala, sa ciljem da se identifikuju, osvetle i utvrde uporišne tačke procene mesta i uloga žena u savremenom organizovanom kriminalitetu.The social setting defines individual readiness to take certain social and entrepreneurial risk. Hence, power relations offer a view over dimensions of active and passive participation in organized crime as it is being reflected in the political and economic arena. Although gender relations have a different social profile and internal dynamics in different countries with different traditions of social management, statistical data on crime indicate involvement of women in organized crime to be a global phenomenon. The trans-ideological capacity of organized crime and degree of transnational interconnectidness, significantly affect changes in gender relations within the organized crime and generates new related dynamics. Gender boundaries transformation in organized crime sphere places those boundaries in the space of their interconnection in socio-cultural processes in and out of organized crime as a phenomenon. In this article, authors present the place and role of women in contemporary organized crime. The aim of the article is to highlight lines of influence and consequences of gender boundaries transformation within the framework of organized crime activities