34 research outputs found

    FunGeneNet: a web tool to estimate enrichment of functional interactions in experimental gene sets

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    Abstract Background Estimation of functional connectivity in gene sets derived from genome-wide or other biological experiments is one of the essential tasks of bioinformatics. A promising approach for solving this problem is to compare gene networks built using experimental gene sets with random networks. One of the resources that make such an analysis possible is CrossTalkZ, which uses the FunCoup database. However, existing methods, including CrossTalkZ, do not take into account individual types of interactions, such as protein/protein interactions, expression regulation, transport regulation, catalytic reactions, etc., but rather work with generalized types characterizing the existence of any connection between network members. Results We developed the online tool FunGeneNet, which utilizes the ANDSystem and STRING to reconstruct gene networks using experimental gene sets and to estimate their difference from random networks. To compare the reconstructed networks with random ones, the node permutation algorithm implemented in CrossTalkZ was taken as a basis. To study the FunGeneNet applicability, the functional connectivity analysis of networks constructed for gene sets involved in the Gene Ontology biological processes was conducted. We showed that the method sensitivity exceeds 0.8 at a specificity of 0.95. We found that the significance level of the difference between gene networks of biological processes and random networks is determined by the type of connections considered between objects. At the same time, the highest reliability is achieved for the generalized form of connections that takes into account all the individual types of connections. By taking examples of the thyroid cancer networks and the apoptosis network, it is demonstrated that key participants in these processes are involved in the interactions of those types by which these networks differ from random ones. Conclusions FunGeneNet is a web tool aimed at proving the functionality of networks in a wide range of sizes of experimental gene sets, both for different global networks and for different types of interactions. Using examples of thyroid cancer and apoptosis networks, we have shown that the links over-represented in the analyzed network in comparison with the random ones make possible a biological interpretation of the original gene/protein sets. The FunGeneNet web tool for assessment of the functional enrichment of networks is available at http://www-bionet.sscc.ru/fungenenet/

    The New Version of the ANDDigest Tool with Improved AI-Based Short Names Recognition

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    The body of scientific literature continues to grow annually. Over 1.5 million abstracts of biomedical publications were added to the PubMed database in 2021. Therefore, developing cognitive systems that provide a specialized search for information in scientific publications based on subject area ontology and modern artificial intelligence methods is urgently needed. We previously developed a web-based information retrieval system, ANDDigest, designed to search and analyze information in the PubMed database using a customized domain ontology. This paper presents an improved ANDDigest version that uses fine-tuned PubMedBERT classifiers to enhance the quality of short name recognition for molecular-genetics entities in PubMed abstracts on eight biological object types: cell components, diseases, side effects, genes, proteins, pathways, drugs, and metabolites. This approach increased average short name recognition accuracy by 13%

    A new version of the ANDSystem tool for automatic extraction of knowledge from scientific publications with expanded functionality for reconstruction of associative gene networks by considering tissue-specific gene expression

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    Abstract Background Consideration of tissue-specific gene expression in reconstruction and analysis of molecular genetic networks is necessary for a proper description of the processes occurring in a specified tissue. Currently, there are a number of computer systems that allow the user to reconstruct molecular-genetic networks using the data automatically extracted from the texts of scientific publications. Examples of such systems are STRING, Pathway Commons, MetaCore and Ingenuity. The MetaCore and Ingenuity systems permit taking into account tissue-specific gene expression during the reconstruction of gene networks. Previously, we developed the ANDSystem tool, which also provides an automated extraction of knowledge from scientific texts and allows the reconstruction of gene networks. The main difference between our system and other tools is in the different types of interactions between objects, which makes the ANDSystem complementary to existing well-known systems. However, previous versions of the ANDSystem did not contain any information on tissue-specific expression. Results A new version of the ANDSystem has been developed. It offers the reconstruction of associative gene networks while taking into account the tissue-specific gene expression. The ANDSystem knowledge base features information on tissue-specific expression for 272 tissues. The system allows the reconstruction of combined gene networks, as well as performing the filtering of genes from such networks using the information on their tissue-specific expression. As an example of the application of such filtering, the gene network of the extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway was analyzed. It was shown that considering different tissues can lead to changes in gene network structure, including changes in such indicators as betweenness centrality of vertices, clustering coefficient, network centralization, network density, etc. Conclusions The consideration of tissue specificity can play an important role in the analysis of gene networks, in particular solving the problem of finding the most significant central genes. Thus, the new version of ANDSystem can be employed for a wide range of tasks related to biomedical studies of individual tissues. It is available at http://www-bionet.sscc.ru/and/cell/

    Prioritization of genes involved in endothelial cell apoptosis by their implication in lymphedema using an analysis of associative gene networks with ANDSystem

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    Abstract Background Currently, more than 150 million people worldwide suffer from lymphedema. It is a chronic progressive disease characterized by high-protein edema of various parts of the body due to defects in lymphatic drainage. Molecular-genetic mechanisms of the disease are still poorly understood. Beginning of a clinical manifestation of primary lymphedema in middle age and the development of secondary lymphedema after treatment of breast cancer can be genetically determined. Disruption of endothelial cell apoptosis can be considered as one of the factors contributing to the development of lymphedema. However, a study of the relationship between genes associated with lymphedema and genes involved in endothelial apoptosis, in the associative gene network was not previously conducted. Methods In the current work, we used well-known methods (ToppGene and Endeavour), as well as methods previously developed by us, to prioritize genes involved in endothelial apoptosis and to find potential participants of molecular-genetic mechanisms of lymphedema among them. Original methods of prioritization took into account the overrepresented Gene Ontology biological processes, the centrality of vertices in the associative gene network, describing the interactions of endothelial apoptosis genes with genes associated with lymphedema, and the association of the analyzed genes with diseases that are comorbid to lymphedema. Results An assessment of the quality of prioritization was performed using criteria, which involved an analysis of the enrichment of the top-most priority genes by genes, which are known to have simultaneous interactions with lymphedema and endothelial cell apoptosis, as well as by genes differentially expressed in murine model of lymphedema. In particular, among genes involved in endothelial apoptosis, KDR, TNF, TEK, BMPR2, SERPINE1, IL10, CD40LG, CCL2, FASLG and ABL1 had the highest priority. The identified priority genes can be considered as candidates for genotyping in the studies involving the search for associations with lymphedema. Conclusions Analysis of interactions of these genes in the associative gene network of lymphedema can improve understanding of mechanisms of interaction between endothelial apoptosis and lymphangiogenesis, and shed light on the role of disturbance of these processes in the development of edema, chronic inflammation and connective tissue transformation during the progression of the disease

    Sputum Microbiota in Coal Workers Diagnosed with Pneumoconiosis as Revealed by 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing

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    Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP) is an occupationally induced progressive fibrotic lung disease. This irreversible but preventable disease currently affects millions across the world, mainly in countries with developed coal mining industries. Here, we report a pilot study that explores the sputum microbiome as a potential non-invasive bacterial biomarker of CWP status. Sputum samples were collected from 35 former and active coal miners diagnosed with CWP and 35 healthy controls. Sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes was used to study the taxonomic composition of the respiratory microbiome. There was no difference in alpha diversity between CWP and controls. The structure of bacterial communities in sputum samples (β diversity) differed significantly between cases and controls (pseudo-F = 3.61; p = 0.004). A significant increase in the abundance of Streptococcus (25.12 ± 11.37 vs. 16.85 ± 11.35%; p = 0.0003) was detected in samples from CWP subjects as compared to controls. The increased representation of Streptococcus in sputum from CWP patients was associated only with the presence of occupational pulmonary fibrosis, but did not depend on age, and did not differ between former and current miners. The study shows, for the first time, that the sputum microbiota of CWP subjects differs from that of controls. The results of our present exploratory study warrant further investigations on a larger cohort

    Subcellular localization charts: a new visual methodology for the semi-automatic localization of protein-related data sets

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    Sommer B, Kormeier B, Demenkov PS, et al. Subcellular localization charts: a new visual methodology for the semi-automatic localization of protein-related data sets. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 2013;11(01): 1340005.The CELLmicrocosmos PathwayIntegration (CmPI) was developed to support and visualize the subcellular localization prediction of protein-related data such as protein-interaction networks. From the start it was possible to manually analyze the localizations by using an interactive table. It was, however, quite complicated to compare and analyze the different localization results derived from data integration as well as text-mining-based databases. The current software release provides a new interactive visual workflow, the Subcellular Localization Charts. As an application case, a MUPP1-related protein-protein interaction network is localized and semi-automatically analyzed. It will be shown that the workflow was dramatically improved and simplified. In addition, it is now possible to use custom protein-related data by using the SBML format and get a view of predicted protein localizations mapped onto a virtual cell model

    Preoperative Typing of Thyroid and Parathyroid Tumors with a Combined Molecular Classifier

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    In previous studies, we described a method for detecting and typing malignant tumors of the thyroid gland in fine-needle aspiration biopsy samples via analysis of a molecular marker panel (normalized HMGA2 mRNA level; normalized microRNA-146b, -221, and -375 levels; mitochondrial-to-nuclear DNA ratio; and BRAFV600E mutation) in cytological preparations by quantitative PCR. In the present study, we aimed to estimate the specificity of the typing of different thyroid tumors by the proposed method. Fine-needle aspiration cytological preparations from 278 patients were used. The histological diagnosis was known for each sample. The positive and negative predictive values of the method assessed in this study were, respectively, 100% and 98% for papillary thyroid carcinoma (n = 63), 100% and 100% for medullary thyroid carcinoma (n = 19), 43.5% and 98% for follicular carcinoma (n = 15), and 86% and 100% for Hürthle cell carcinoma (n = 6). Thus, we demonstrate that the diagnostic panel, including the analysis of microRNA expression, mRNA expression, the BRAFV600E mutation, and the mitochondrial-to-nuclear DNA ratio, allows the highly accurate identification of papillary thyroid carcinoma, medullary thyroid carcinoma, and Hürthle cell carcinoma but not malignant follicular tumors (positive predictive value was below 50%)