20 research outputs found

    Legal Status of the Komsomol at 1920-1930s

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    The article analyzes the legal status of the young Communist League in the USSR in the 1920-1930s. There are two of the historical period when the Komsomol during the Civil war is directly involved in the system of state management in the conditions of absence of normative legal base and the second period, when to 1930s, the Komsomol representation in government is declining, its activities were increasingly defined as law the traditional plan and the direct orders of the governing bodies of the ruling Communist party

    The Komsomol Struggle against Other Public Organizations the Impact on Youth in the 1920s

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    The article analyzes the main directions of the struggle of Komsomol with a number of other youth organizations in our country in 1920s, the young Communist League was formed as one of the Communist organizations among diverse youth who were engaged in addressing social challenges facing the young generation in the first decade after the revolution. Komsomol acted, along with political, peasant, national, sports and youth organizations. Under the leadership of the CPSU(b) Communist League fights for the displacement and elimination of alter native organizations. Originally from the system of youth organizations in the course of a fierce struggle disappear all the non-socialist enterprises, and then comes the turn of anarchists and other Communist organizations. The Komsomol actively participated in the defeat of the scout movement, in part by accepting some of its functions on the organisation of youth sports. The young Communist League is struggling with national youth organizations, seeking their dissolution, as in the case of the Communist Union of Jewish youth (Еcomol). Simultaneously, the young Communist League is working with other Pro-government public organizations such as the OSOAVIAKHIM. In the process of developing its policy, the Komsomol moving closer to such public authorities as the OGPU, in this case actively uses the possibilities of the security organs to achieve exceptional situation among young people

    The All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and Komsomol in the 1920-1930 th years

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    The article analyzes the relationship between the Communist party and the Komsomol in the 1920-1930s. Highlighted the stages of development of relations, analyzed their specificity, the mechanisms of management of the Komsomol

    State Youth Policy: to the Question of the Categorical Conceptual Framework of Research of the Problem

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    The article proves the need to clarify the conceptual apparatus of study of the state youth policy in Russia which according to the author will identify the individual elements of the state (effective and negative) impact on young people as a specifi c socia l group in Russian society. In this context, the author offers his own interpretation of the content of the concepts of «youth», «policy», «public policy», «state youth policy», «negative youth policy», «social class youth policy»

    Youth Organizations of the RSFSR the Beginning of the 1920s

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    The article analyzes the role and composition of youth organizations of Russia at the beginning of the 1920s. Examines the anarchist, social democratic, Orthodox, Zionist and scouting organizations of youth. The conclusion is that the elimination of the diversity of types of youth organizations throughout the 1920s and the introduction of a monopoly of the young Communist League has reduced the variation in youth socialization

    Youth Politics of Scotland in the Context of the Problem of the Regionalization of the British Statehood

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    In the article features of formation and essential features of youth policy in Scotland are considered in the context of the problem of regionalization of British statehood. The authors show that the Scottish youth policy in its development shares much of the English experience. Nevertheless, according to the authors, Scotland, in its approaches to the solution of most sociopolitical tasks (including work with young people), differs from England (meaningfully even more than sometimes can be seen in outward manifestations). In the article, the authors analyzed the differences that characterize the Scottish experience of youth policy, and which are the specific contribution of Scotland specifically to the tradition of working with young people. The authors’ conclusion is that the combination of youth work with adult education, as well as with the tasks of developing opportunities for socially vulnerable groups of the population, allowed to form their own national practice within the framework of the youth policy of Scotland. In addition, the authors conclude that the constant stability of the Scottish electoral system with its left bias and the steady political agenda on social inequality contributed to the specificity of Scotland’s youth policy. In the opinion of the authors, when the obvious disintegration of the system of working with young people began in England, the Scottish government supports all social institutions aimed at implementing the youth policy, which promotes the popularity of the ideas of Scotland’s national self-determination and independence in the ranks of young Scots

    Development of Public Administration in Russia through System of Training

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    In the article the main problems of development of public administration in modern Russia are designated. The purposes and priorities of the state management in the conditions of carrying out administrative reform are designated. The main priorities and prospects of development of public administration in new conditions of the present are staticized. Effective mechanisms of training for public service are revealed. The system of preparation of administrative shots has to be complex, perspective and practice-focused. The authors reasoned optimum measures of professional development of the public and municipal servants on an educational platform of a RANEPA

    Constitutional and Legal Nature of Law-making Activity of Local Governments

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    In the article the essence of law-making activity of local governments is considered, its basic principles are opened. Implementation of law-making activity of local governments on the basis of the considered principles promotes ensuring legitimacy of their decisions

    One-dimensional Chern-Simons theory

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    We study a one-dimensional toy version of the Chern-Simons theory. We construct its simplicial version which comprises features of a low-energy effective gauge theory and of a topological quantum field theory in the sense of Atiyah.Comment: 37 page

    Search for Chelyabinsk Meteorite Fragments in Chebarkul Lake Bottom (GPR and Magnetic Data), Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2017, nr 3

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    The paper summarizes experimental efforts of the Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN) undertaken in search of the biggest part of Chelyabinsk meteorite in the bottom of lake Chebarkul, South Ural, Russia, and to estimate the ecological effects of its subsequent excavation