57 research outputs found

    What Made Russia Indifferent to the Revolution in Armenia

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    Russia's reaction to the dramatic collapse of the firmly entrenched regime in Armenia, which is one of its few formal and real allies, was subtle and demonstratively neutral. Contact with the opposition was minimal, but the idiosyncratic counter-revolutionary stance was abandoned. This unusual self-restraint may be the result of Russia's entrapment in Syria, and it may also be due to a mistake caused by the overload of rigidly centralized leadership

    Russia in 2015. Could the former super-power turn into a battle-ground?

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    Russia in 2015. Could the former super-power turn into a battle-ground?

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    Pavel K. Baev describes a Russia that appears as both politically stable and economicallydynamic, compared to a world in crisis and recession. Butwill it continue that way also in the future? Baev points out the weaknesses in the present situation and discusses several scenarios for the Russian future

    Russia’s Ambivalent Status-Quo/Revisionist Policies in the Arctic

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    Russia has been following an Arctic policy that is highly heterogeneous, combining efforts at preserving cooperation with Western neighbors with commitment to building up its own strength. Three distinct policy modes can be identified: realist/militaristic, institutional/cooperative, and diplomatic management. Each mode is based on a particular interpretation of Russia’s various interests in the High North/Arctic: nuclear/strategic, geopolitical, economic/energy-related, and symbolic. Examination of policy modes and interests shows that each combination contains some elements that focus on preserving the status quo in the Arctic, while other elements push for changes in Russia’s favor. This article finds that revisionist elements have been gaining in strength, but that current policy still attaches high value to sustaining traditional patterns, even if they demand more resources and provide fewer advantages and revenues

    Russland rüstet seine Marinekräfte auf und streicht sie zusammen

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    Die russische Führung hegt Ansprüche auf den Status einer »maritimen Großmacht«, doch sieht das Staatliche Rüstungsprogramm bis 2027 beträchtliche Kürzungen bei der Finanzierung von Schiffsbauten vor. Oberste Priorität wird der Vollendung der Serie von acht strategischen U-Booten der »Borej«-Klasse gegeben. Dem neuen Plan zur Entwicklung atomgetriebener U-Boote wird viel politische Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. U-Boote unterschiedlicher Typen werden die Hauptstreitmacht der russischen Kriegsmarine stellen, doch sind viele Fähigkeiten (amphibische Operationen, Kriegsführung gegen U-Boote) im Niedergang begriffen. Die konstanten strategischen Anforderungen, um den wahrgenommenen Bedrohungen auf den vier potentiellen Kriegsschauplätzen (Nordpolarmeer, Ostsee, Schwarzes Meer und Pazifik) zu begegnen, verlangen hohe Risikobereitschaft und erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Unfällen

    The Supply Chain Process Management Methodology within the Strategic Space and Considering the Leasing For Market Development

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    Abstract— The development of supply chain relations implies a methodological basis for assessing the supply chain process effectiveness that is adequate to the market development. The study contains a description of the methodology for assessing and managing the supply chain process from the perspective of the interests of the lessee and the external and internal environment factors. The study is based on the methodology for modeling cash flows of the recipient enterprise and the method of discounting its cash flows generated with the participation of the industrial enterprise in the supply chain process. The proposed methodology is a universal tool for assessing and managing the supply chain process, which includes the strengths of advanced methods for assessing the effectiveness of the supply chain scheme for financing industrial investments accumulated in scientific works devoted to supply chain. The proposed structure of strategic features based on the totality of the methods for assessing the supply chain activity, market development, and leasing process allows an industrial enterprise to generate the supply chain process management strategies based on the analysis of the performance indicators. A number of definitions have been introduced into the scientific discourse and a methodology for assessing the supply chain activity, market development, and leasing process has been developed. The assessment and management methodology is of practical value for a wide range of organizations considering the possibility of technological re-equipment of industrial production in a business network

    Zwischen alter und neuer Weltordnung: die Logik der Russischen AuĂźen- und Sicherheitspolitik

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    Politische Entscheidungen im System von Präsident Wladimir Putin folgen einer militärisch-technischen Logik und militärische Stärke ist ein Hauptinstrument russischer Außenpolitik. Die Modernisierung des nuklearen Potentials wird als Faustpfand in der Abschreckung vor allem gegenüber den USA gesehen, das Russland zugleich auf Augenhöhe mit dem Gegner bringt. Ebenso legitim ist für den Kreml die hybride Kriegsführung mit Desinformation, Cyber-Angriffen, Fake-News und von Russland gesteuerten Auslandsmedien
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