19 research outputs found

    Análise epidemiológica das comorbidades de pacientes acometidos por COVID-19 sob o prognóstico no estado do Paraná

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    A pandemia da COVID-19 impactou em diversos aspectos da sociedade, em especial a área da saúde, em que diversos centros de saúde. Além disso, estudos prévios mostram que os fatores de risco apresentados por pacientes que foram infectados pelo COVID-19, se mostraram muito relevantes no curso e prognóstico da doença. Esse estudo, então, deve como objetivo analisar a interferência das comorbidades reconhecidas como fatores de risco no prognóstico dos pacientes acometidos por COVID-19 no estado do Paraná, bem como a incidência de doenças crônicas relacionadas. Além disso, pode-se identificar, dentre as comorbidades analisadas, a que mais impactou de forma negativa no curso da doença. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo do tipo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, realizado através de coleta de dados provenientes da base disponibilizada pelo Ministério da Saúde – DATASUS (Tecnologia da Informação a Serviço do SUS). Os dados colhidos são referentes ao período de 2021. Foi identificado associações da presença de comorbidades, principalmente, cardiovasculares, cardiopatias, pneumopatias, diabetes e obesidade a altas taxas de óbito, evidenciando que os fatores quando em conjunto são mais potentes e letais

    Promoção da saúde física e mental por estudantes de medicina em escolas de ensino fundamental: um relato de experiência

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    Na formação acadêmica de estudantes de medicina, disciplinas como Interação Comunitária são um elo entre a teoria e a prática. Assim, objetiva-se relatar, do ponto de vista dos acadêmicos, práticas realizadas em promoção da saúde, realizada dentro da disciplina. Nas prática, foram realizadas duas visitas: uma diagnóstica e outra de aplicação da atividade. Foram, então, averiguados dois tipos de problemas: em uma escola, dificuldades cognitivas; em outra, crianças com sobrepeso e obesidade. Sendo assim, cada grupo de acadêmicos planejou uma ação conforme a necessidade de cada escola. Desse modo, observou-se que em ambas as escolas foram realizadas atividades lúdicas e que permitiram a interação dos acadêmicos com as crianças. Por isso, é possível concluir que as práticas foram bastante significativas para todos os participantes e, assim, contribui para uma formação médica mais completa e humanizada

    Moderate Physical Training Ameliorates Cardiovascular Dysfunction Induced by High Fat Diet After Cessation of Training in Adult Rats

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    We aimed to test whether moderate physical training can induce long-lasting protection against cardiovascular risk factors induced by high fat diet (HFD) intake, even after cessation of training. 90-days-old Wistar rats were submitted to a sedentary lifestyle or moderate physical training, three times a week, for 30 days. Following this, at 120 days-of age, sedentary and trained rats received a hypercaloric diet (HFD) or a commercial diet normal fat diet (NFD) for 30 days. Body weight (BW) and food intake were evaluated weekly. At 150 days-of age, hemodynamic measures (systolic, diastolic, mean blood pressure, pulse pressure, pulse interval and heart rate) were made via an indwelling femoral artery catheter. Beat-to-beat data were analyzed to calculate power spectra of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and pulse interval. After euthanasia, mesenteric fat pads were removed and weighted and total blood was stored for later analysis of lipid profile. Consumption of a HFD increased blood pressure (BP), pulse pressure, low frequency BP variability, BW gain, fat pad stores and induced dyslipidemia. Interestingly, prior physical training was able to partially protect against this rise in BP and body fat stores. Prior physical training did not totally protect against the effects of HFD consumption but previously trained animals did demonstrate resistance to the development of cardiometabolic alterations, which illustrate that the benefits of physical training may be partially maintained even after 30 days of detraining period

    A high fat diet during adolescence in male rats negatively programs reproductive and metabolic function which is partially ameliorated by exercise

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    An interaction between obesity, impaired glucose metabolism and sperm function in adults has been observed but it is not known whether exposure to a diet high in fat during the peri-pubertal period can have longstanding programmed effects on reproductive function and gonadal structure. This study examined metabolic and reproductive function in obese rats programmed by exposure to a high fat (HF) diet during adolescence. The effect of physical training (Ex) in ameliorating this phenotype was also assessed. Thirty-day-old male Wistar rats were fed a HF diet (35% lard w/w) for 30 days then subsequently fed a normal fat diet (NF) for a 40-day recovery period. Control animals were fed a NF diet throughout life. At 70 days of life, animals started a low frequency moderate exercise training that lasted 30 days. Control animals remained sedentary (Se). At 100 days of life, biometric, metabolic and reproductive parameters were evaluated. Animals exposed to HF diet showed greater body weight, glucose intolerance, increased fat tissue deposition, reduced VO 2max and reduced energy expenditure. Consumption of the HF diet led to an increase in the number of abnormal seminiferous tubule and a reduction in seminiferous epithelium height and seminiferous tubular diameter, which was reversed by moderate exercise. Compared with the NF-Se group, a high fat diet decreased the number of seminiferous tubules in stages VII-VIII and the NF-Ex group showed an increase in stages XI-XIII. HF-Se and NF-Ex animals showed a decreased number of spermatozoa in the cauda epididymis compared with animals from the NF-Se group. Animals exposed to both treatments (HF and Ex) were similar to all the other groups, thus these alterations induced by HF or Ex alone were partially prevented. Physical training reduced fat pad deposition and restored altered reproductive parameters. HF diet consumption during the peri-pubertal period induces long-term changes on metabolism and the reproductive system, but moderate and low frequency physical training is able to recover adipose tissue deposition and reproductive system alterations induced by high fat diet. This study highlights the importance of a balanced diet and continued physical activity during adolescence, with regard to metabolic and reproductive health

    Programação fetal e microbiota intestinal: uma revisão de literatura

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    Janela de programação é um conceito criado nas últimas décadas, nele é descrito que hábitos maternos durante a gestação causam influência na vida da prole a longo prazo, devido a este período apresentar grande plasticidade neuronal fetal. Vários fatores como desnutrição, obesidade, tabagismo, etilismo, atividades físicas, via de parto e amamentação causam grande impacto, além disso, dentro desse conceito é elucidado que dependendo do período gestacional em que ocorreu os maus hábitos, diferentes repercussões podem ocorrer posteriormente na vida adulta do indivíduo que estava sendo gestado. Alusivo a isto, temos a microbiota como um fator de grande influência sob as janelas de programação. Esta é caracterizada como microrganismos benéficos que habitam o trato gastrointestinal humano e criam uma barreira protetora íntegra por meio das junções intestinais contra antígenos lesivos e possíveis patologias.  Uma microbiota falha pode ocasionar uma barreira alterada, que não consegue impedir que patógenos entrem na circulação humana, funcionando como porta de entrada para novas infecções. Sua influência na criação da microbiota fetal é de suma importância, dado que ela irá se assemelhar ao bioma materno, seja ela íntegra ou não, influenciando este sistema imunológico. Com isso, é possível relacionar a importância do planejamento familiar, visto que ao planejar o momento da concepção é possível remodelar hábitos de vida, iniciando práticas mais saudáveis, induzindo um melhor desenvolvimento e diminuindo o risco de doenças futuras para a progênie. O propósito deste artigo é, por meio de uma revisão de literatura, elucidar o conceito de janelas de programação, com foco no período intrauterino e lactação, e a influência da microbiota materna sob este momento e na iniciação deste bioma gastrointestinal fetal

    Physiological responses of anti-predation in prey fish to the threat of piscivorous fish in different underwater visibility conditions

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    ABSTRACT Considering that the anti-predation behaviour of prey fishes may vary with predator hunting strategy, we experimentally investigated the physiological responses of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758) shoals to the presence of two piscivorous fish species with different hunting modes: sit-and-wait and active pursuit. In addition, we evaluated the influence of underwater visibility conditions on the interaction between predator and prey. We tested the hypotheses that: (i) prey plasma cortisol and glucose levels vary according to piscivore hunting strategy, and (ii) no reduction in plasma glucose and cortisol levels takes place in turbid environments due to the inability of prey to accurately recognise predators by non-visual signals. The results revealed that the presence of piscivorous fish increased plasma cortisol levels in prey, with no significant difference recorded between the two hunting strategy treatments. We also observed no significant change in plasma glucose levels in different water transparency conditions. Thus, we conclude that physiological changes in the selected prey fish do not vary with predator hunting mode, and it is therefore necessary to consider the ability of the prey to recognise and evaluate danger, regardless of piscivore hunting strategy

    Early Overfeed-Induced Obesity Leads to Brown Adipose Tissue Hypoactivity in Rats

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    Background/Aims: Brown adipose tissue activation has been considered a potential anti-obesity mechanism because it is able to expend energy through thermogenesis. In contrast, white adipose tissue stores energy, contributing to obesity. We investigated whether the early programming of obesity by overfeeding during lactation changes structure of interscapular brown adipose tissue in adulthood and its effects on thermogenesis. Methods: Birth of litters was considered day 0. On day 2, litter size was adjusted to normal (9 pups) and small (3 pups) litters. On day 21, the litters were weaned. A temperature transponder was implanted underneath interscapular brown adipose tissue pads of 81-day-old animals; local temperature was measured during light and dark periods between days 87 and 90. The animals were euthanized, and tissue and blood samples were collected for further analysis. The vagus and retroperitoneal sympathetic nerve activity was recorded. Results: Small litter rats presented significant lower interscapular brown adipose tissue temperature during the light (NL 37.6°C vs. SL 37.2°C) and dark (NL 38°C vs. SL 37.6°C) periods compared to controls. Morphology of small litter brown adipose tissue showed fewer lipid droplets in the tissue center and more and larger in the periphery. The activity of vagus nerve was 19,9% greater in the small litter than in control (pConclusion: Early overfeeding programming of obesity changes the interscapular brown adipose tissue structure in adulthood, leading to local thermogenesis hypoactivity, which may contribute to obesity in adults

    Maternal Diet Supplementation with n-6/n-3 Essential Fatty Acids in a 1.2 : 1.0 Ratio Attenuates Metabolic Dysfunction in MSG-Induced Obese Mice

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    Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) prevent cardiometabolic diseases. We aimed to study whether a diet supplemented with a mixture of n-6/n-3 PUFAs, during perinatal life, attenuates outcomes of long-term metabolic dysfunction in prediabetic and obese mice. Seventy-day-old virgin female mice were mated. From the conception day, dams were fed a diet supplemented with sunflower oil and flaxseed powder (containing an n-6/n-3 PUFAs ratio of 1.2 : 1.0) throughout pregnancy and lactation, while control dams received a commercial diet. Newborn mice were treated with monosodium L-glutamate (MSG, 4 mg g−1 body weight per day) for the first 5 days of age. A batch of weaned pups was sacrificed to quantify the brain and pancreas total lipids; another batch were fed a commercial diet until 90 days of age, where glucose homeostasis and glucose-induced insulin secretion (GIIS) as well as retroperitoneal fat and Lee index were assessed. MSG-treated mice developed obesity, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, pancreatic islet dysfunction, and higher fat stores. Maternal flaxseed diet-supplementation decreased n-6/n-3 PUFAs ratio in the brain and pancreas and blocked glucose intolerance, insulin resistance, GIIS impairment, and obesity development. The n-6/n-3 essential PUFAs in a ratio of 1.2 : 1.0 supplemented in maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation prevent metabolic dysfunction in MSG-obesity model

    Cross-fostering reduces obesity induced by early exposure to monosodium glutamate in male rats

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    Maternal obesity programmes a range of metabolic disturbances for the offspring later in life. Moreover, environmental changes during the suckling period can influence offspring development. Because both periods significantly affect long-term metabolism, we aimed to study whether cross-fostering during the lactation period was sufficient to rescue a programmed obese phenotype in offspring induced by maternal obesity following monosodium L-glutamate (MSG) treatment. Obesity was induced in female Wistar rats by administering subcutaneous MSG (4 mg/g body weight) for the first 5 days of postnatal life. Control and obese female rats were mated in adulthood. The resultant pups were divided into control second generation (F2) (CTLF2), MSG-treated second generation (F2) (MSGF2), which suckled from their CTL and MSG biological dams, respectively, or CTLF2-CR, control offspring suckled by MSG dams and MSGF2-CR, MSG offspring suckled by CTL dams. At 120 days of age, fat tissue accumulation, lipid profile, hypothalamic leptin signalling, glucose tolerance, glucose-induced, and adrenergic inhibition of insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic islets were analysed. Maternal MSG-induced obesity led to an obese phenotype in male offspring, characterized by hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglycaemia, hyperleptinaemia, dyslipidaemia, and impaired leptin signalling, suggesting central leptin resistance, glucose intolerance, impaired glucose-stimulated, and adrenergic inhibition of insulin secretion. Cross-fostering normalized body weight, food intake, leptin signalling, lipid profiles, and insulinaemia, but not glucose homeostasis or insulin secretion from isolated pancreatic islets. Our findings suggest that alterations during the lactation period can mitigate the development of obesity and prevent the programming of adult diseases