133 research outputs found

    Partial regularity of almost minimizing rectifiable G chains in Hilbert space

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    We adapt to an infinite dimensional ambient space E.R. Reifenberg's epiperimetric inequality and a quantitative version of D. Preiss' second moments computations to establish that the set of regular points of an almost mass minimizing rectifiable GG chain in ℓ2\ell_2 is dense in its support, whenever the group GG of coefficients is so that {∥g∥:g∈G}\{\|g\| : g \in G \} is discrete and closed.Comment: 96 page

    The Gauss–Green theorem and removable sets for PDEs in divergence form

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    AbstractApplying a very general Gauss–Green theorem established for the generalized Riemann integral, we obtain simple proofs of new results about removable sets of singularities for the Laplace and minimal surface equations. We treat simultaneously singularities with respect to differentiability and continuity

    Density estimate from below in relation to a conjecture of A. Zygmund on Lipschitz differentiation

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    Letting A⊂RnA \subset \mathbb{R}^n be Borel measurable and W0:A→G(n,m)W_0 : A \to \mathbb{G}(n,m) Lipschitzian, we establish that \begin{equation*} \limsup_{r \to 0^+} \frac{\mathcal{H}^m \left[ A \cap B(x,r) \cap (x+ W_0(x))\right]}{\alpha(m)r^m} \geq \frac{1}{2^n}, \end{equation*} for Ln\mathcal{L}^n-almost every x∈Ax \in A. In particular, it follows that AA is Ln\mathcal{L}^n-negligible if and only if Hm(A∩(x+W0(x))=0\mathcal{H}^m(A \cap (x+W_0(x))=0, for Ln\mathcal{L}^n-almost every x∈Ax \in A.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1904.1227
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