172 research outputs found

    Human Rights Through the ATS After Kiobel: Partial Extraterritoriality, Misconceptions, and Elusive and Problematic Judicially-Created Criteria

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    The purpose of this study has been to examine what approach and experience pedagogues at pre-schools, with a limited amount of nationalities, have regarding cultural promoting work in pre-schools. The concept ”cultural promoting” mainly regards the children's cultural backgrounds. The first question formulation focussed on the what the concepts ”cultural promoting” and ”cultural diversity” meant to the pedagogues. The second question focussed on the interpretation and knowledge of what the syllabus says about cultural promoting work.Earlier research has shown that there exists an insecurity among the pedagogues regarding how they should work in a culturally promoting way, however, Swedish research in this area is very limited. The method used in this study has been qualitative interviews and a total of six pedagogues from four different pre-schools have been interviewed. The result gave a varied view regarding what can be looked upon as cultural promoting work. All the pedagogues agreed that working with other native languages than Swedish was considered cultural promoting. The knowledge about the contents of the syllabus varied greatly among the pedagogues.The conclusion shows a positive attitude among the pedagogues towards cultural promoting work, however, they were insecure about how to shape, develop and perform the actual work, which can be linked back to their amount of knowledge about the syllabus

    International Law, Dignity, Democracy, and the Arab Spring

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    Constitutionality of U.S. Participation in the United Nations-Authorized War in Libya

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    In March 2011, President Barack Obama decided that the United States would participate with other members of North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) in the use of military force in Libya authorized by the United Nations ( UN ) Security Council in Resolution 1973, which [a]uthorizes Member States . . . to take all necessary measures . . . to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in Libya

    U.N. Peace and Security Powers and Related Presidential Powers

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    Sanctions Against Non-State Actors For Violations of International Law

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    Numerous forms of non-state actor conduct in violation of treaty- based and customary international law have been subject to criminal and civil sanctions in various international and domestic fora for centuries

    More Revelations About Mayaguez (and its Secret Cargo)

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    The Human Rights to Food, Medicine and Medical Supplies, and Freedom from Arbitrary and Inhumane Detention and Controls in Sri Lanka

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    This Essay identifies the denial of adequate and available food and the denials of adequate medicine and medical supplies in Sri Lanka as serious human rights violations. Additionally, the Author cites customary international law and international agreements to support his conclusion that the government\u27s denial of these necessities in Sri Lanka constitute war crimes. The Author discusses the human rights violations with respect to: (1) the right to adequate food; (2) the right to adequate medicine and medical supplies; and (3) the right to freedom from arbitrary and inhumane detention and controls. The Author concludes by urging that the U.S. State Department Country Reports, and the international community generally, expose the denials of food, medicine, and medical supplies as serious violations of humanitarian law, and that countries treat food as neutral property during armed conflicts