9,684 research outputs found

    The psoriatic epidermal lesion and anagen hair growth may share the same "switch-on" mechanism.

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    Based on striking parallels between the cell kinetics in the epidermal lesion of psoriasis and the proliferation of hair matrix keratinocytes during the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle, the hypothesis is proposed that both phenomena may share the same "switch-on" mechanism. Particular emphasis is placed on a comparison between the Koebner phenomenon in psoriasis and wounding-induced anagen hair growth. In discussing alternative theoretical models for the proposed common "switch-on" mechanism, some useful experimental tools are suggested. Research into the mechanisms which control epithelial proliferation in psoriasis and hair growth may provide new insights into other growth processes, such as embryonic organogenesis and neoplasia, in which similar epithelial-mesenchymal interactions play a pivotal role

    The Effect of the Use of Blended Learning-Assisted Learning Module on Learning Outcomes

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    The  burden  of  Education  Law  No.  20/2003  article  1  paragraph  1 education  forms  students  to actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble  character,  and  the  skills  needed  by  themselves,  society,  nation,  and  country.  To  achieve  this  goal the teachermust be professional to create a conducive learning atmosphere for the creation of maximum learning.  For  the  social  studies  field  of  junior  high  school,  the  study  load  to  be  achieved  by  students  is very dense so the teacher feels overwhelmed in conveying all the material. For this reason, a way must be found so that all existing material can be conveyed in full. And the Blended Learning learning model with the help of E-Modules is very appropriate. With the E-module that uses IT, students can learn repeatedly until they can understand and understand.Keywords:Blended Learning, E Module, Learning Outcome

    Strategi Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasantriwati

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    This study aims to investigate the efforts of Ma'had Al-Jami'ah of AIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo in exploring and developing mahasantriwati's competencies. This field research employed descriptive qualitative methods through primary and secondary data sources. The data collection techniques employed in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the study showed that the effort in developing mahasantriwati's competencies was manifested in such superior programs, namely curriculum and learning method development program; human resources, syllabus, and institutional development program; academic potential development program; language competency development program; and skills development program

    Distinct mechanisms underlie pattern formation in the skin and skin appendages

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    Patterns form with the break of homogeneity and lead to the emergence of new structure or arrangement. There are different physiological and pathological mechanisms that lead to the formation of patterns. Here, we first introduce the basics of pattern formation and their possible biological basis. We then discuss different categories of skin patterns and their potential underlying molecular mechanisms. Some patterns, such as the lines of Blaschko and Naevus, are based on cell lineage and genetic mosaicism. Other patterns, such as regionally specific skin appendages, can be set by distinct combinatorial molecular codes, which in turn may be set by morphogenetic gradients. There are also some patterns, such as the arrangement of hair follicles (hair whorls) and fingerprints, which involve genetics as well as stochastic epigenetic events based on physiochemical principles. Many appendage primordia are laid out in developmental waves. In the adult, some patterns, such as those involving cycling hair follicles, may appear as traveling waves in mice. Since skin appendages can renew themselves in regeneration, their size and shape can still change in the adult via regulation by hormones and the environment. Some lesion patterns are based on pathological changes involving the above processes and can be used as diagnostic criteria in medicine. Understanding the different mechanisms that lead to patterns in the skin will help us appreciate their full significance in morphogenesis and medical research. Much remains to be learned about complex pattern formation, if we are to bridge the gap between molecular biology and organism phenotypes. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 78:280-291, 2006. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc

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    Neural mechanisms of resistance to peer influence in early adolescence

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    During the shift from a parent-dependent child to a fully autonomous adult, peers take on a significant role in shaping the adolescent’s behaviour. Peer-derived influences are not always positive, however. Here we explore neural correlates of inter-individual differences in the probability of resisting peer influence in early adolescence. Using functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI), we found striking differences between 10-year old children with high and low resistance to peer influence in their brain activity during observation of angry hand-movements and angry facial expressions: compared with subjects with low resistance to peer influence, individuals with high resistance showed a highly coordinated brain activity in neural systems underlying perception of action and decision making. These findings suggest that the probability of resisting peer influence depends on neural interactions during observation of emotion-laden actions

    Is alopecia areata an autoimmune-response against melanogenesis-related proteins, exposed by abnormal MHC class I expression in the anagen hair bulb?

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    The etiology of alopecia areata (AA), a putative autoimmune disease characterized by sudden hair loss, has remained obscure. It is not understood, how the characteristic inflammatory infiltrate that selectively attacks anagen hair follicles in AA is generated. We hypothesize that this reflects an unexplored form of autoimmunity, a cytotoxic T cell attack on rhythmically synthesized autoantigens normally sequestered by a lack or very low level of MHC class I (MHC I)-expression, and suggest the following mechanism of AA pathogenesis: Microtrauma, neurogenic inflammation, or microbial antigens cause a localized breakdown of MHC I-"negativity" in the proximal anagen hair bulb via proinflammatory cytokines. This exposes autoantigens derived from melanogenesis-related proteins (MRP-DP), which are only generated during anagen, and triggers two successive waves of autoimmune responses: CD8+ cytotoxic T cells initiate AA after recognizing MRP-DP abnormally presented by MHC I molecules on hair matrix melanocytes and/or keratinocytes; a secondary attack, carried by CD4+ T cells and antigen presenting cells, is then mounted against MHC class II--presented additional autoantigens exposed by damaged melanocytes and keratinocytes. The latter causes most of the follicular damage, and extrafollicular disease, and depends greatly on the immunogenetic background of affected individuals. This unifying hypothesis explains the clinical heterogeneity and all salient features of AA, and argues that only the unlikely coincidence of multiple predisposing events triggers AA. The suppression of MHC I--expression and synthesis of MRP in the hair bulb, and the "tolerization" of MRP-DP autoreactive CD8+ T cells may be promising strategies for treating AA


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    Marriage counseling is counseling held as an educational method, a method of reducing emotional tension, a method of helping married partners to solve problems and how to determine a better problem solving pattern. The problem of family relations needs to be dealt with properly and effectively, through therapeutic models and techniques. One therapy effort that can be done with marriage counseling. Divorcement is a very unwanted event for every couple and family. Divorcement that occurred caused a lot of unpleasant things and pain that was felt by all parties, including both partners, children, and the two extended families of the couple. There are many factors that require couples to separate or divorce. One reason for divorced couples is a communication problem. The writing of this paper uses a social psychology approach with qualitative data analysis techniques. &nbsp

    A practical guide for the study of human and murine sebaceous glands in situ

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    The skin of most mammals is characterised by the presence of sebaceous glands (SGs), whose predominant constituent cell population is sebocytes, that is, lipid-producing epithelial cells, which develop from the hair follicle. Besides holocrine sebum production (which contributes 90% of skin surface lipids), multiple additional SG functions have emerged. These range from antimicrobial peptide production and immunomodulation, via lipid and hormone synthesis/metabolism, to the provision of an epithelial progenitor cell reservoir. Therefore, in addition to its involvement in common skin diseases (e.g. acne vulgaris), the unfolding diversity of SG functions, both in skin health and disease, has raised interest in this integral component of the pilosebaceous unit. This practical guide provides an introduction to SG biology and to relevant SG histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, with emphasis placed on in situ evaluation methods that can be easily employed. We propose a range of simple, established markers, which are particularly instructive when addressing specific SG research questions in the two most commonly investigated species in SG research, humans and mice. To facilitate the development of reproducible analysis techniques for the in situ evaluation of SGs, this methods review concludes by suggesting quantitative (immuno-)histomorphometric methods for standardised SG evaluation
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