2,206 research outputs found

    The Role of Remotely Sensed and Relayed Data in the Delaware River Basin

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    The planned integration of the existing water quality monitoring and data processing systems in the Delaware River Basin with a data relay experiment proposed for the ERTS-1 is discussed. The experiment is designed to use ERTS-1 as a data relay link for a maximum of 20 hydrologic stations in the basin, including stream gaging, reservoir level, ground water level, and water quality monitoring stations. This experiment has the potential for reducing the time lag between data collection and dissemination to less than 12 hours. The experiment will also provide impetus to develop an operational system of real time data processing and dissemination to handle the large quantity of data that will be obtained from the stations in the basin. The results of this experiment will demonstrate the relative merits of satellite relay of data versus conventional means of data telemetry and will provide a basis for the development of operational satellite relay of hydrologic data

    The use of the LANDSAT Data Collection Systems (DCS) for relaying hydrologic data

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Postshutdown cooling requirements of tungsten water-moderated nuclear rocket

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    Postshutdown cooling requirements of tungsten water moderated nuclear rocket engine

    Preliminary analysis of ERTS-relayed water resources data in the Delaware River Basin

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    Preliminary analysis of ERTS-DCS data from water-resources stations in the Delaware River Basin indicates that the Data-Collection System is performing well. Data-Collections Platforms have been successfully interfaced with five stream-gaging station and three ground-water observation wells and are being interfaced with 12 water-quality monitors in the basin. Data are being relayed during four or five ERTS orbital passes per day, which is within the design specifications of the ERTS-DCS

    Preliminary remote sensing of the Delaware Estuary

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    Aerial photography and infrared imagery of Delaware Estuary hydrolog

    Near real time water resources data for river basin management

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    The Delaware River Basin Landsat-Data Collection System Experiment

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    The author has identified the following significant results. This experiment successfully demonstrated that standard U.S. Geological Survey field instrumentation could be easily interfaced with the LANDSAT-DCS and the data made to flow smoothly to water resources management agencies. The experiment was conducted in the Delaware River basin. A truly operational system could not be deployed

    The Odonata of Kosrae, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia

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    A recent collection of 69 specimens together with survey counts and incidental observations during June-July 2002 provide new information on the odonate fauna of Kosrae, Micronesia. The fauna comprises one zygopteran (Ischnura aurora) and six anisopterans. It appears to have remained stable with no known extinctions or colonizations over the past half century. The fauna is nearly a subset of that of Pohnpei and the islands to the west, and it comprises six widespread weedy species and one endemic, Hemicordulia erico. Upland aquatic habitats appear largely unexploited or underutilized by odonates, and the absence of any Teinobasis species on Kosrae is in marked contrast to the presence of six species on the nearest high island, Pohnpei

    CuIn1-xAlxSe2 Thin Films and Solar Cells

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    CuIn[sub 1-x]Al[sub x]Se[sub 2] thin films are investigated for their application as the absorber layer material for high efficiency solar cells. Single-phase CuIn[sub 1-x]Al[sub x]Se[sub 2] films were deposited by four source elemental evaporation with a composition range of 0≤x≤0.6. All these films demonstrate a normalized subband gap transmission \u3e85% with 2 µm film thickness. Band gaps obtained from spectroscopic ellipsometry show an increase with the Al content in the CuIn[sub 1-x]Al[sub x]Se[sub 2] film with a bowing parameter of 0.62. The structural properties investigated using x-ray diffraction measurements show a decrease in lattice spacing as the Al content increases. Devices with efficiencies greater than 10% are fabricated on CuIn[sub 1-x]Al[sub x]Se[sub 2] material over a wide range of Al composition. The best device demonstrated 11% efficiency, and the open circuit voltage increases to 0.73 V