4,136 research outputs found

    ppmlhdfe: Fast Poisson Estimation with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects

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    In this paper we present ppmlhdfe, a new Stata command for estimation of (pseudo) Poisson regression models with multiple high-dimensional fixed effects (HDFE). Estimation is implemented using a modified version of the iteratively reweighted least-squares (IRLS) algorithm that allows for fast estimation in the presence of HDFE. Because the code is built around the reghdfe package, it has similar syntax, supports many of the same functionalities, and benefits from reghdfe's fast convergence properties for computing high-dimensional least squares problems. Performance is further enhanced by some new techniques we introduce for accelerating HDFE-IRLS estimation specifically. ppmlhdfe also implements a novel and more robust approach to check for the existence of (pseudo) maximum likelihood estimates.Comment: For associated code and data repository, see https://github.com/sergiocorreia/ppmlhdf

    Social mobility in Portugal (1860–1960): operative issues and trends

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    This article presents the results of a study of social mobility in Portugal from the 1860s to the 1960s. Four distinct social contexts were examined by reference to selected criteria, and marriage records were used as the source for data collection and analysis. The HISCO coding scheme was followed to allow comparisons of intergenerational mobility, stratification, and social change. We present the methodological and operative issues inherent in the hermeneutics of the sources used, identifying difficulties in the process of coding arising from the use of a common language to locate individuals in society. We shall offer an opinion on the pace of Portuguese social mobility during the period. La mobilité sociale au Portugal (1860–1960): résultats et tendances Nous présentons ici les résultats d'une enquête sur la mobilité sociale au Portugal des années 1860 aux années 1960. Nous avons enquêté sur quatre contextes sociaux différents, selon des critères que nous avons choisis; nous avons aussi recouru aux registres de mariage comme sources de données et d'analyses. Nous avons adopté le code HISCO qui nous permet une étude comparative de la mobilité intergénérationnelle, de la stratification et des changements sociaux. Nous présentons les problèmes tant méthodologiques qu'opératoires liés à l'herméneutique des sources utilisées, tout en relevant les difficultés provenant de la procédure de codage qui utilise un langage généraliste pour situer des individus au sein de la société. Nous donnerons notre point de vue sur le rythme de la mobilité sociale au Portugal durant cette période. Soziale Mobilität in Portugal (1860–1960): operative Fragen und Trends In dieser Aufsatz werden die Ergebnisse einer Studie zur sozialen Mobilität in Portugal von den 1860er zu den 1960er Jahren mitgeteilt. Mit Hilfe ausgewählter Kriterien wurden vier unterschiedliche soziale Kontexte untersucht, wobei als Quelle für die Datenerhebung und -analyse Heiratsakten benutzt wurden. Um Vergleiche der intergenerationalen Mobilität, der sozialen Schichtung und des sozialen Wandels zu ermöglichen, wurde das HISCO-Kodierungsschema verwendet. Wir legen die methodologischen und operativen Probleme offen, die der Hermeneutik der benutzten Quellen innewohnen, und benennen die Schwierigkeiten bei der Kodierung, die aus der Verwendung einer gemeinsamen Sprache erwachsen, um Individuen in der Gesellschaft zu lokalisieren. Wir äußern auch eine Einschätzung zum Tempo der sozialen Mobilität in Portugal im Untersuchungszeitraum

    The state of Portuguese research in economics : an analysis based on publications in international journals

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    Publicado em “Portuguese Economics Journal”. 1 (2002) 3-25.In this paper I analyze the state of Portuguese research in Economics based on publications in international journals for the period of 1986 to 2000. I find that scientific production is increasing but productivity remains low. I also provide a revealing characterization of the production habits of Portuguese researchers by answering the following questions: where do Portuguese researchers publish? who are the most active publishers? how often do they publish? how much do they collaborate? what is their background? Finally, I analyze the impact of that research based on citation counts.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Measuring the Localization of Economic Activity: A Random Utility Approach

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    The recent index proposed by Ellison & Glaeser (1997) is now well established as the preferred method for measuring the localization of economic activity. We build on McFadden's Random Utility (Profit) Maximization framework, to develop a parametric version of this measure that is more consistent with the theory originally proposed by Ellison and Glaeser (EG). Given that our method is regression based, it goes beyond the descriptive nature of the EG index, allowing us to evaluate how the localization measure behaves with changes in the determinants that drive firms' location decisions.

    Vertical Disintegration in Marshallian Industrial Districts

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    This paper uses a novel measure and detailed plant-level Portuguese data to reexamine the Marshallian hypothesis that specialization and the vertical disintegration of firms should be greater in areas where an industry concentrates. Our measure of firm specialization and vertical disintegration employs a Herfindhal index constructed with occupational shares for all workers within the firm. Controlling for firm size and sector of activity, we find that vertical disintegration is around three percent higher in areas where industries agglomerate. Sensitivity tests reveal that this positive relation is remarkably robust across different specifications.Vertical Disintegration of Firms; Agglomeration; Localization Economies

    Location Modelling and the Localization of Portuguese Manufacturing Industries

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    The recent index proposed in Ellison & Glaeser (1997) is now well established as the preferred method for measuring localization of economic activity. We critically review this index and build on the McFadden’s Random Utility (Profit) Maximization framework to develop an alternative measure that is more consistent with the theoretical construct underlying the original work of Ellison and Glaeser. Given that our method is regression based it goes beyond the descriptive nature of the EG index and allows us to evaluate how the localization measure behaves with changes in the systematic forces that drive firms’ location decisions. JEL classification: C25, R12, R39

    Estatística Industrial

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    Neste texto analisa-se criticamente as estatísticas industriais produzidas em Portugal desde finais do século XIX e durante a Primeira República. O texto salienta o esforço administrativo desenvolvido na área da administração industrial pelo Estado republicano, bem como os limitados meios que dispunha para a fiscalização e controlo da actividade industrial, facto que se reflectiu na qualidade dos dados que foram publicados. = In this text we analize criticaly the industrial surveys and data produced in Portugal since the end of the 19th century and during the First Republic (1911-1926). The text emphasizes the effort made by the republican administration to supervise and promote the industrial growth, and the limited means they had for that task with is reflected in the quality of the data available today

    Elites e Indústria no Alentejo (1890-1960): Um estudo sobre o comportamento económico de grupos de elite em contexto regional no Portugal contemporâneo

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    Este livro analisa o comportamento económico das elites face à actividade industrial no Alentejo entre os finais do século XIX e meados do século XX. Apesar de se afirmar, neste período, a vocação agrária desta região, diferentes actores foram responsáveis pelo seu desenvolvimento industrial, integrando a economia alentejana no espaço nacional e mundial. A par das empresas de média e de grande dimensão, orientadas para a exportação de matérias-primas ou de produtos semi-preparados para a indústria moderna, persiste uma multidão de oficinas que viviam ancoradas em bens de consumo regional. Na actividade mineira, na exploração de pedreiras, na indústria corticeira, moageira ou têxtil participaram grupos com diferentes interesses e ligações ao Alentejo, entre os quais as próprias elites agrárias e comerciais aqui radicadas. O seu papel no desenvolvimento da actividade bancária e seguradora é realçado, bem como o comportamento destas instituições. A grande exploração agrícola do sul, extensiva e latifundiária, quer pelas matérias-primas que fornecia às indústrias, quer pelos seus consumos, estruturou esse tecido e definiu os limites do crescimento industrial. No século XX criaram-se novas oportunidades de negócio e, durante o Estado Novo, novos actores aparecem. Os industriais afirmam-se então como um grupo social distinto. ------- This book analyses the economic behaviour of the agrarian elites towards the industrial business in Alentejo (South Portugal) between the end of the 19th century and the middle of the 20th century. Although Alentejo was defined as an agrarian region, different actors promoted industrial development, integrating the regional economy in the national and global market economy. Besides the middle and large firms that produced raw materials and semi-processed goods for the industrialized economies, there was a multitude of small firms producing consumer goods for local and regional markets. In the mining and quarry industries, in the cork and food processing industries or in the textile business, there were different groups having different relations with the regional agrarian and commercial elite. His role in banking and insurance business is emphasized as their strategic behaviour. The large capitalist farming of the South Mediterranean structured that economy providing raw materials to the industry and defined the limits of the regional economic growth. In the 20th century, new business opportunities and actors appeared. Te industrialista became a distinctive social group. This book is written in Portuguese and is based on the author's PhD. thesis

    Crédito Agrícola

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    A institucionalização das caixas de crédito agrícola, a par do ensino agrícola, foi considerada uma das medidas mais importantes do período republicano por aqueles que pugnavam pelo desenvolvimento da agricultura portuguesa. Nesta nota apresenta-se a criação e o alcance desta instituição em Portugal continental, nas ilhas adjacentes e nas suas antigas colónias. = The creation of "Caixas de Crédito Agrícola", the agricultural banking system supported by the republicans, was considered one of the most important initiatives of the republican government to promote the agricultural development in the country. In this historical note, we describe the creation and the evolution and the achievements of this institution in Portugal and in his former colonies

    Serviços Industriais Oficiais

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    Breve nota histórica sobre a administração industrial em Portugal desde os finais do século XIX, com especial ênfase para a organização dos serviços industriais durante a Primeira República. = Brief historical note about the industrial administration in Portugal since the end of the 19th century with special concern on the industrial policies during the First Republic