9 research outputs found

    Observational study on efficacy of negative expiratory pressure test proposed as screening for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome among commercial interstate bus drivers - protocol study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a respiratory disease characterized by the collapse of the extrathoracic airway and has important social implications related to accidents and cardiovascular risk. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether the drop in expiratory flow and the volume expired in 0.2 s during the application of negative expiratory pressure (NEP) are associated with the presence and severity of OSA in a population of professional interstate bus drivers who travel medium and long distances.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>An observational, analytic study will be carried out involving adult male subjects of an interstate bus company. Those who agree to participate will undergo a detailed patient history, physical examination involving determination of blood pressure, anthropometric data, circumference measurements (hips, waist and neck), tonsils and Mallampati index. Moreover, specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea and excessive daytime sleepiness will be administered. Data acquisition will be completely anonymous. Following the medical examination, the participants will perform a spirometry, NEP test and standard overnight polysomnography. The NEP test is performed through the administration of negative pressure at the mouth during expiration. This is a practical test performed while awake and requires little cooperation from the subject. In the absence of expiratory flow limitation, the increase in the pressure gradient between the alveoli and open upper airway caused by NEP results in an increase in expiratory flow.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Despite the abundance of scientific evidence, OSA is still underdiagnosed in the general population. In addition, diagnostic procedures are expensive, and predictive criteria are still unsatisfactory. Because increased upper airway collapsibility is one of the main determinants of OSA, the response to the application of NEP could be a predictor of this disorder. With the enrollment of this study protocol, the expectation is to encounter predictive NEP values for different degrees of OSA in order to contribute toward an early diagnosis of this condition and reduce its impact and complications among commercial interstate bus drivers.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p><it>Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clinicos </it>(local acronym RBEC) [Internet]: Rio de Janeiro (RJ): <it>Instituto de Informaçao Cientifica e Tecnologica em Saude </it>(Brazil); 2010 - Identifier RBR-7dq5xx. Cross-sectional study on efficacy of negative expiratory pressure test proposed as screening for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome among commercial interstate bus drivers; 2011 May 31 [7 pages]. Available from <url>http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/rg/RBR-7dq5xx/</url>.</p

    Crescimento vegetativo e produção de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) recepados em duas épocas, conduzidos em espaçamentos crescentes Vegetative growth and yield of coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) in two different pruning times, conducted at different spacings

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    O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Experimental da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais - EPAMIG em Machado, Sul de Minas Gerais, em 1992, com o objetivo de avaliar as conseqüências da redução dos espaçamentos entre as linhas e entre as plantas na linha de plantio sobre a produção e a fenologia do cafeeiro(Coffea arabica L.). O delineamento experimental foi o blocos casualizados - DBC, em um arranjo fatorial 4 x 3 com parcela subdividida, sendo quatro distâncias entre as linhas (2,0; 2,5; 3,0 e 3,5 m) e três distâncias entre as plantas na linha de plantio (0,5; 0,75; 1,0 m), e duas épocas de poda (uma precoce feita logo após a colheita em de julho 2002 e a outra tardia em de janeiro de 2003), totalizando 24 tratamentos com três repetições. Em julho de 2002 e em janeiro de 2003 foi realizada a poda tipo "recepa", na qual foram conduzidas duas brotações por planta. Em agosto de 2004, avaliou-se o crescimento dos componentes vegetativos e a produção das parcelas. Os espaçamentos adotados não influenciaram o crescimento de nenhum dos componentes vegetativos das brotações no período avaliado. Todas as características vegetativas foram influenciadas positivamente pela adoção da poda precoce, assim como a produtividade da primeira colheita realizada após a poda, que foi também influenciada positivamente pela adoção de espaçamentos mais adensados. Os cafeeiros que foram submetidos à poda tardia não produziram, em julho de 2004, como aqueles podados precocemente.<br>The experiment was established in the Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais - Epamig Experiment Station, located in the city of Machado, south of the Minas Gerais state, Brazil, in the year of 1992, with the objective of evaluating the consequences of the reduction on planting spaces among rows and among plants, upon beans yield and plant phenology (Coffea arabica L.). The experimental design used was a 4x 3 factorial with split plot at four distances between planting rows (2,0; 2,5; 3,0 e 3,5 m) and three distances among plants in the row (0,5; 0,75 e 1,0 m), and two different pruning times (one precociously conducted just after the harvest, on july 2002, and the other latter on january 2003), making a total 24 treatments arranged in randomized blocks with three replicates. In july 2002 and january 2003 a drastic pruning was clone and conducing two sprouts per plant. Vegetative growth and beans yield were evaluated in august 2004. Coffee plant spacing did not affected growth of any of the vegetative components of sprouting, during the evaluated period. All the vegetative characteristics were positively affected by the early pruning procedure, as well as the beans yield of the first harvest after pruning, which also showed to be positively influenced by the adoption of a narrower spacing plant. The coffee plants which were submitted to late prunning, had lancer bean yield in july 2004 as those precociously prunned

    CSES Module 1-3 Harmonized Trend File

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    Für weitere Informationen zur Variablenliste siehe die Dokumentation (Codebook) des CSES Module 1-3 Harmonized Trend File. Informationen zum Inhalt können den Studiennummern ZA5179 CSES Module 1 Full Release, ZA5180 CSES Module 2 Full Release, und ZA5181 CSES Module 3 Full Release entnommen werden