564 research outputs found

    Curva de absorção de água em sementes de Jatropha curcas L. com dois tamanhos.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2014-04-24T22:35:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 OSCAR.pdf: 348705 bytes, checksum: ae6fb1f556bc155cc06959d56fecc655 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-2

    Macromineral requirements by beef cattle under pasture supplementation.

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    The objective of this work was to determine macromineral requirements by Zebu steers grazing Brachiaria decumbens supplemented with concentrate. It was used 24 non-castrated steers, at an average age of 7 months and at initial average weight 180 kg. Eight control animals were slaughtered for determining initial body composition. The 16 remaining animals were divided in four four-animal plots, in a complete random design. Each plot received mineral mixture or supplements at the levels 0.75; 1.50 or 2.25 kg/animal/day. The right half-carcass of eight animals, two per group, was dissected in muscle, fat and bones and all body constituents were weighted for determination of empty body weight and body composition. Net requirements of calcium and phosphorus for an animal at 400 kg body weight were 11.13 g and 5.40 g, respectively. To estimate dietary requirements of maintenance and after, sum them to dietary requirements for gain in order to obtain total dietary requirements, it was adopted endogenous losses and bioavailability present in literature for each mineral macroelement. Total dietary requirement for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and potassium for a 400-kg BW animal with 1.0-kg daily weight gain were 34.59; 17.36; 7.82; 5.19 and 41.11 g/day, respectively. Macromineral requirements by beef cattle under pasture supplementation are similar to those recommended by BR-Corte for beef cattle in feedlots

    Escolha de trajet?rias profissionais por acad?micos de medicina: um estudo de seus principais fatores, motiva??es e processos

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    Este estudo se situa na linha de pesquisa Ensino, Sa?de e Cultura do Programa de P?s- Gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. Seu objetivo central ? caracterizar os principais fatores que influenciam na escolha da trajet?ria profissional a ser seguida por acad?micos de medicina ap?s a conclus?o da gradua??o. Diante deste cen?rio, os objetivos secund?rios s?o entender a rela??o dos fatores sociodemogr?ficos com as escolhas, identificar qual o momento da gradua??o o acad?mico define essa trajet?ria e as principais oportunidades oferecidas pelo mercado de trabalho na regi?o de realiza??o do estudo. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal, explorat?rio e com abordagem qualitativa. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com acad?micos do 9? ao 11? per?odo da institui??o de ensino superior UNIFIPMoc que est?o estagiando no Hospital Santa Casa de Montes Claros, abordando todo o processo envolvido na escolha das suas trajet?rias profissionais. Estas abordagens favoreceram uma compreens?o mais ampla de fatores influenciadores intr?nsecos e extr?nsecos que foram organizados no campo da pr?tica profissional, no campo da forma??o, no campo das rela??es interpessoais e no campo social, embasados no conhecimento de todo processo estrutural da forma??o m?dica e do contexto sociocultural regional. Conclui-se que s?o v?rios os aspectos internos e externos que se atualizam enquanto processos percebidos na escolha das trajet?rias que, analiticamente, foram trabalhados como categorias. Estas categorias operam sempre de maneira associada e foram organizadas em campos para melhor an?lise. Apesar que no contexto do estudo o campo social obteve um maior destaque, em cada contexto concreto esses processos ganhar?o caracter?sticas espec?ficas. Dessa forma, se o mesmo estudo for realizado com outros estudantes, diferen?as ser?o encontradas.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2022.This study is part of the Teaching, Health and Culture research line of the Graduate Program in Health Education at the Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. Its main objective is to characterize the main factors that influence the choice of professional path to be followed by medical students after graduation. In view of this scenario, the secondary objectives are to understand the relationship between sociodemographic factors and choices, to identify which moment of graduation the academic defines this trajectory and the main opportunities offered by the labor market in the region where the study was carried out. This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with academics from the 9th to the 11th period of the higher education institution UNIFIPMoc who are interning at the Hospital Santa Casa de Montes Claros, addressing the entire process involved in choosing their professional paths. These approaches favored a broader understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic influencing factors that were organized in the field of professional practice, in the field of training, in the field of interpersonal relationships and in the social field, based on knowledge of the entire structural process of medical training and the context regional sociocultural. It is concluded that there are several internal and external aspects that are updated as processes perceived in the choice of trajectories that, analytically, were worked as categories. These categories always operate in an associated manner and were organized into fields for better analysis. Although in the context of the study the social field gained greater prominence, in each concrete context these processes will gain specific characteristics. Thus, if the same study is carried out with other students, differences will be found