23 research outputs found

    Tardigrada in Svalbard lichens : diversity, densities and habitat heterogeneity

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    Tardigrades in lichens have been poorly studied with few papers published on their ecology and diversity so far. The aims of our study are to determine the (1) influence of habitat heterogeneity on the densities and species diversity of tardigrade communities in lichens as well as the (2) effect of nutrient enrichment by seabirds on tardigrade densities in lichens. Forty-five lichen samples were collected from Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet, Prins Karls Forland, Danskøya, Fuglesongen, Phippsøya and Parrøya in the Svalbard archipelago. In 26 samples, 23 taxa of Tardigrada (17 identified to species level) were found. Twelve samples consisted of more than one lichen species per sample (with up to five species). Tardigrade densities and taxa diversity were not correlated with the number of lichen species in a single sample. Moreover, the densities of tardigrades was not significantly higher in lichens collected from areas enriched with nutrients by seabirds in comparison to those not enriched. The incorporation of previously published data on the tardigrades of Spitsbergen into the analysis showed that tardigrade densities was significantly higher in moss than it was in lichen samples. We propose that one of the most important factors influencing tardigrade densities is the cortex layer, which is a barrier for food sources, such as live photosynthetic algal cells in lichens. Finally, the new records of Tardigrada and the first and new records of lichens in Svalbard archipelago are presented

    Does morphine administration affect ticagrelor conversion to its active metabolite in patients with acute myocardial infarction? A sub-analysis of the randomized, double-blind, placebo- -controlled IMPRESSION trial

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    Background. Therapy with aspirin and one of the platelet P2Y12 receptor inhibitors, preferably ticagrelor or prasugrel, is the mainstay of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) treatment. Morphine is the most commonly used analgesic in AMI patients. The IMPRESSION study was the first randomized trial to confirm that morphine use in this clinical setting leads to a delayed and attenuated exposure to ticagrelor and its active metabolite (AR-C124910XX). The mechanism underlying this drug-drug interaction remains hypothetical. Material and methods. A post hoc sub-analysis of the IMPRESSION study, a phase IV, single center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, was performed to examine whether morphine administration interferes with the proportion of AR-C124910XX produced from ticagrelor in AMI patients. Pharmacokinetic results of all subjects pretreated with placebo (n = 35) and morphine (n = 35) were analyzed. The ratio of total exposure to AR-C124910XX to total exposure to ticagrelor for 12 h was used to illustrate the rate of ticagrelor metabolism. Total exposure to investigated compounds was measured as the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC). Results. The ratios of AUC(0–12) for AR-C124910XX to AUC(0–12) for ticagrelor were comparable between morphine and placebo pretreated patients (20.9 [13.9–34.6] v. 24.7 [18.1–29.6] %; p = 0.58). Importantly, visual inspection of the relationship between AUC(0–12) for AR-C124910XX and AUC(0–12) for ticagrelor revealed that regression lines for the morphine and placebo groups were located closely to each other, with a tendency for superimposing. Additionally, we observed similar values of slope coefficients for both study arms in the linear regression equations illustrating the relationship between AUC(0–12) for AR-C124910XX and AUC(0–12) for ticagrelor (0.19 [± 0.03] v. 0.21 [± 0.04]; p for the statistical significance of both slope coefficients < 0.0001). Conclusions. In the IMPRESSION study, conversion of ticagrelor to AR-C124910XX in AMI patients was not affected by morphine administration

    Aberrant promoter methylation may be responsible for the control of CD146 (MCAM) gene expression during breast cancer progression

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    The CD146 (also known as MCAM, MUC-18, Mel-CAM) was initially reported on in 1987, as a protein crucial for melanoma invasion. Recently, it has been confirmed that CD146 is involved in progression and poor overall survival of many other cancers, including breast cancer. Importantly, in independent studies, CD146 was reported to be a trigger of epithelial to mesenchymal transition in breast cancer cells. The goal of our current study was to verify possible involvement of an epigenetic mechanism behind regulation of the CD146 expression in breast cancer cells, as it has been previously reported for prostate cancer. First, we analysed the response of breast cancer cells, varying in the initial CD146 mRNA and protein content, to an epigenetic modifier, 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine, and subsequently the methylation status of CD146 gene promoter was investigated, using direct bisulfite sequencing. We observed that treatment with a demethylating agent led to induction of CD146 expression in all analysed breast cancer cell lines, both at the mRNA and protein levels, which was accompanied by an elevated expression of selected mesenchymal markers. Importantly, CD146 gene promoter analysis showed aberrant CpG island methylation in 2 out of 3 studied breast cancer cells lines, indicating epigenetic regulation of the CD146 gene expression. In conclusion, our study revealed for the first time that aberrant methylation may be involved in expression control of CD146, a very potent EMT inducer in breast cancer cells. Altogether, the data obtained may provide basis for novel therapies, as well as diagnostic approaches enabling sensitive and very accurate detection of breast cancer cells.

    6-Acetyl-5-hydroxy-4,7-dimethylcoumarin derivatives : design, synthesis, modeling studies, 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A and D2 receptors affinity

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    Molecular docking studies using appropriate 5-HT1A_{1A}, 5-HT2A_{2A} and D2_{2} receptors models were used to design sixteen new 5-hydroxycoumarin derivatives with piperazine moiety (3–18). The microwave radiation have been used to synthesize them and their structures have been confirmed using mass spectrometry, 1^{1}H and 13^{13}C NMR. All newly prepared derivatives were evaluated for their 5-HT1A_{1A}, 5-HT2A_{2A} and D2_{2} receptor affinity. Seven of the synthesized derivatives showed very high affinities to 5-HT1A_{1A} receptor (3–4.0 nM, 6–4.0 nM, 7–1.0 nM, 9–6.0 nM, 15–4.3 nM, 16–1.0 nM, 18–3.0 nM) and one of them showed high affinities to 5-HT2A_{2A} receptor (16–8.0 nM). In the case of the D2_{2} receptor none of the tested derivatives showed high affinity. Compounds 7 and 16 were identified as potent antagonists of the 5-HT1A_{1A} receptor as shown by the [35S]GTPcS binding assay but they didn’t show any antidepressant effect at the single dose tested (10 mg/kg) in the tail suspension tests

    Clinical Significance of Peritoneal Fluid Examination for Free Cancer Cells in Patients Qualified for Surgery for Gastric Cancer

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    Background: Peritoneal lavage cytology in patients with gastric cancer may correlate with an unfavorable prognosis. This study evaluated the presence of free cancer cells in the peritoneal lavage of a population of patients with gastric cancer and its correlation with the outcome of surgical treatment.Methods: One hundred patients diagnosed with gastric or gastrointestinal junction adenocarcinoma underwent surgery. In all patients, a cytological and immunohistochemical analysis of peritoneal lavage was performed. Based on the presence of free cancer cells (fcc) at the cytological and immunohistochemical examination of peritoneal lavage, patients undergoing surgery for gastric cancer were divided into two groups: fcc (+) and fcc (–).Results: A total of 100 patients, 37 women, and 63 men with a median age of 65 years were included in the study. In the entire study group, 16 (16%) patients were positive for the presence of free cancer cells (fcc +) at peritoneal lavage examination. However, in the group of patients who underwent gastrectomy, fcc (+) was found in 10 out of 77 (13%) patients. The presence of cancer cells in peritoneal lavage was a strong predictive factor in an unfavorable outcome after surgery, and 1-year and 2-year patient survival was 34 and 0% in fcc (+) patients and 79 and 59% in fcc (–), respectively. Moreover, the presence of free cancer cells was associated with a five-fold increased risk of death within 2 years after surgery. When analyzing the group of patients undergoing R0/R1 surgery, this difference was even more significant (p < 0.0001).Conclusions: The presence of free cancer cells in peritoneal lavage may significantly affect the outcome of patients with gastric cancer. Radical surgery in patients with free cancer cells in the peritoneal lavage did not result in a survival advantage. Identification of free cancer cells could help for a better stratification of gastric cancer patients, identifying those patients who could better benefit from a radical surgical treatment, finally improving long-term survival

    Evaluation of the Effect of SPIDER System Therapy on Weight Shifting Symmetry in Chronic Stroke Patients—A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    (1) Background: The Strengthening Program for Intensive Developmental Exercises and Activities for Reaching Health Capability (SPIDER) system is dedicated to patients with motor deficits resulting from damage to the peripheral or central nervous system (including post-stroke patients). It enables the conduct of forced-weight-bearing therapy to the lower limb affected by the paresis. In this study, the TYMO® measuring platform was used to quantify the impact of therapy using the SPIDER system and therapy that did not use this system. The TYMO® device is a portable posturography platform that monitors the tilting of the body’s center of mass and reports the results of the rehabilitation process. (2) Objective: To evaluate the effect of therapy based on neurophysiological methods (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), neurodevelopmental treatment according to the Bobath concept (NDT-Bobath)) and the SPIDER system on body weight transfer shifting, in post-stroke patients in the chronic phase, compared to therapy based on neurophysiological methods (PNF, NDT-Bobath), without the use of the SPIDER system. (3) Methods: This is a randomized controlled trial in which patients (n = 120; adults, post-ischemic stroke—first stroke episode, in chronic phase—up to 5 years after the stroke incident) were assigned to one of two groups: study, n = 60 (with therapy using PNF, NDT-Bobath methods and the SPIDER system); and control, n = 60 (with therapy using PNF and NDT-Bobath methods, without the SPIDER system). In patients in both groups, before and after the training (2 weeks of therapy), body weight distribution was measured on the TYMO® platform. (4) Results and Conclusions: The results of the statistical analysis demonstrated a greater reduction in the tilt of the body’s center of mass in therapy using the SPIDER system, compared to therapy in which the system was not used

    Pandemia COVID-19 a sytuacja makroekonomiczna Polski

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    The research objective was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the macroeconomic situation in Poland. The research employed critical analysis of scientific literature and an analysis of statistical data. The first part of the article describes the channels through which the COVID-19 pandemic affects economy. The second part contains an analysis of changes in the mood of entrepreneurs, using monthly fluctuations of the indices measuring economic situation and consumer confidence, followed by an evaluation of Poland’s macroeconomic situation in the context of the developing COVID-19 pandemic. This evaluation was based on an analysis of quarterly data concerning changes in the GDP and its component parts, the labour market situation and changes in price indices from the first quarter of 2018 to the second quarter of 2021. The research results showed that the COVID -19 pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the Polish government caused negative consequences in the Polish economy. This is evidenced by the worse mood prevalent among entrepreneurs and consumers. Over the time period analysed, the macroeconomic situation of Poland was observed to have deteriorated as well, with the decreased rate of economic growth, higher unemployment rate and accelerated inflation processes.  Celem badawczym była ocena wpływu pandemii COVID-19 na sytuację makroekonomiczną w Polsce. W badaniach wykorzystano krytyczną analizę literatury naukowej oraz analizę danych statystycznych. W pierwszej części artykułu opisano kanały, którymi pandemia COVID-19 wpływa na gospodarkę. Druga część zawiera analizę zmian nastrojów przedsiębiorców i konsumentów z wykorzystaniem miesięcznych wahań wskaźników mierzących sytuację gospodarczą i zaufanie konsumentów, a następnie ocena sytuacji makroekonomicznej Polski w kontekście rozwijającej się pandemii COVID-19. Ocena ta została oparta na analizie danych kwartalnych dotyczących zmian PKB i jego składowych, sytuacji na rynku pracy oraz zmian wskaźników cen od I kwartału 2018 r. do II kwartału 2021 r. Wyniki badań pokazały, że pandemia COVID-19 oraz ograniczenia nałożone przez rząd spowodowały negatywne konsekwencje w polskiej gospodarce. Świadczą o tym gorsze nastroje wśród przedsiębiorców i konsumentów. W analizowanym okresie zaobserwowano również pogorszenie sytuacji makroekonomicznej Polski poprzez obniżenie tempa wzrostu gospodarczego, wyższej stopy bezrobocia i przyspieszenie procesów inflacyjnych

    Metabolic fate of pregnene-based steroids in the lactonization pathway of multifunctional strain Penicillium lanosocoeruleum

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    Abstract Background Metabolic activities of microorganisms to modify the chemical structures of organic compounds became an effective tool for the production of high-valued steroidal drugs or their precursors. Currently research efforts in production of steroids of pharmaceutical interest are focused on either optimization of existing processes or identification of novel potentially useful bioconversions. Previous studies demonstrated that P. lanosocoeruleum KCH 3012 metabolizes androstanes to the corresponding lactones with high yield. In order to explore more thoroughly the factors determining steroid metabolism by this organism, the current study was initiated to delineate the specificity of this fungus with respect to the cleavage of steroid side chain of progesterone and pregnenolone The effect of substituents at C-16 in 16-dehydropregnenolone, 16α,17α-epoxy-pregnenolone and 16α-methoxy-pregnenolone on the pattern of metabolic processing of these steroids was also investigated. Results and discussion All of the analogues tested (except the last of the listed) in multi-step transformations underwent the Baeyer–Villiger oxidation to their δ-d-lactones. The activity of 3β-HSD was a factor affecting the composition of the product mixtures. 16α,17α-epoxy-pregnenolone underwent a rare epoxide opening with retention stereochemistry to give four 16α-hydroxy-lactones. Apart from oxidative transformations, a reductive pathway was revealed with the unique hydrogenation of 5-ene double bond leading to the formation of 3β,16α-dihydroxy-17a-oxa-d-homo-5α-androstan-17-one. 16α-Methoxy-pregnenolone was transformed to the 20(R)-alcohol with no further conversion. Conclusions This work clearly demonstrated that P. lanosocoeruleum KCH 3012 has great multi-functional catalytic properties towards the pregnane-type steroids. Studies have highlighted that a slight modification of the d-ring of substrates may control metabolic fate either into the lactonization or reductive and oxidative pathways. Possibility of epoxide opening by enzymes from this microorganism affords a unique opportunity for generation of novel bioactive steroids

    A frequency dictionary of Oold English prose for learners of Old English and historical linguists

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    A Frequency Dictionary of Old English Prose is a list of Old English words arranged according to their frequency, covering the whole York–Toronto–Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose (Taylor et al. 2003), i.e. an electronic collection of all prose texts written in Old English. Thus, if you want to get a quick insight into a prose text written in Old English, you should start your study with the first entries. The dictionary includes all the words which occur at least 25 times in the corpus (over 2,700 entries altogether). Each lexical item is accompanied by its part of speech classification, translation into Modem English, an authentic example from the corpus (carefully handpicked to include the most basic words and thus be understandable even to beginners), the absolute frequency of the word in the corpus and the number of texts where it appears at least onceFundator badań: Fundator badań: Optional.empt