4 research outputs found

    Nucleobase and Nucleoside Analogues: Resistance and Re-Sensitisation at the Level of Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Metabolism

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    Antimetabolites, in particular nucleobase and nucleoside analogues, are cytotoxic drugs that, starting from the small field of paediatric oncology, in combination with other chemotherapeutics, have revolutionised clinical oncology and transformed cancer into a curable disease. However, even though combination chemotherapy, together with radiation, surgery and immunotherapy, can nowadays cure almost all types of cancer, we still fail to achieve this for a substantial proportion of patients. The understanding of differences in metabolism, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and tumour biology between patients that can be cured and patients that cannot, builds the scientific basis for rational therapy improvements. Here, we summarise current knowledge of how tumour-specific and patient-specific factors can dictate resistance to nucleobase/nucleoside analogues, and which strategies of re-sensitisation exist. We revisit well-established hurdles to treatment efficacy, like the blood-brain barrier and reduced deoxycytidine kinase activity, but will also discuss the role of novel resistance factors, such as SAMHD1. A comprehensive appreciation of the complex mechanisms that underpin the failure of chemotherapy will hopefully inform future strategies of personalised medicine

    Pharmacological targeting of MTHFD2 suppresses acute myeloid leukemia by inducing thymidine depletion and replication stress

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    The folate metabolism enzyme MTHFD2 (methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase) is consistently overexpressed in cancer but its roles are not fully characterized, and current candidate inhibitors have limited potency for clinical development. In the present study, we demonstrate a role for MTHFD2 in DNA replication and genomic stability in cancer cells, and perform a drug screen to identify potent and selective nanomolar MTHFD2 inhibitors; protein cocrystal structures demonstrated binding to the active site of MTHFD2 and target engagement. MTHFD2 inhibitors reduced replication fork speed and induced replication stress followed by S-phase arrest and apoptosis of acute myeloid leukemia cells in vitro and in vivo, with a therapeutic window spanning four orders of magnitude compared with nontumorigenic cells. Mechanistically, MTHFD2 inhibitors prevented thymidine production leading to misincorporation of uracil into DNA and replication stress. Overall, these results demonstrate a functional link between MTHFD2-dependent cancer metabolism and replication stress that can be exploited therapeutically with this new class of inhibitors. Helleday and colleagues describe a nanomolar MTHFD2 inhibitor that causes replication stress and DNA damage accumulation in cancer cells via thymidine depletion, demonstrating a potential therapeutic strategy in AML tumors in vivo