2,905 research outputs found

    The Post-Newtonian Limit of f(R)-gravity in the Harmonic Gauge

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    A general analytic procedure is developed for the post-Newtonian limit of f(R)f(R)-gravity with metric approach in the Jordan frame by using the harmonic gauge condition. In a pure perturbative framework and by using the Green function method a general scheme of solutions up to (v/c)4(v/c)^4 order is shown. Considering the Taylor expansion of a generic function ff it is possible to parameterize the solutions by derivatives of ff. At Newtonian order, (v/c)2(v/c)^2, all more important topics about the Gauss and Birkhoff theorem are discussed. The corrections to "standard" gravitational potential (tttt-component of metric tensor) generated by an extended uniform mass ball-like source are calculated up to (v/c)4(v/c)^4 order. The corrections, Yukawa and oscillating-like, are found inside and outside the mass distribution. At last when the limit fRf\rightarrow R is considered the f(R)f(R)-gravity converges in General Relativity at level of Lagrangian, field equations and their solutions.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Tube Model for Light-Front QCD

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    We propose the tube model as a first step in solving the bound state problem in light-front QCD. In this approach we neglect transverse variations of the fields, producing a model with 1+1 dimensional dynamics. We then solve the two, three, and four particle sectors of the model for the case of pure glue SU(3). We study convergence to the continuum limit and various properties of the spectrum.Comment: 29 page

    Melting of hexagonal skyrmion states in chiral magnets

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    Skyrmions are spiral structures observed in thin films of certain magnetic materials (Uchida et al 2006 Science 311 359–61). Of the phases allowed by the crystalline symmetries of these materials (Yi et al 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 054416), only the hexagonally packed phases (SCh) have been observed. Here the melting of the SCh phase is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. In addition to the usual measure of skyrmion density, chiral charge, a morphological measure is considered. In doing so it is shown that the low-temperature reduction in chiral charge is associated with a change in skyrmion profiles rather than skyrmion destruction. At higher temperatures, the loss of six-fold symmetry is associated with the appearance of elongated skyrmions that disrupt the hexagonal packing

    Masses of the physical mesons from an effective QCD--Hamiltonian

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    The front form Hamiltonian for quantum chromodynamics, reduced to an effective Hamiltonian acting only in the qqˉq\bar q space, is solved approximately. After coordinate transformation to usual momentum space and Fourier transformation to configuration space a second order differential equation is derived. This retarded Schr\"odinger equation is solved by variational methods and semi-analytical expressions for the masses of all 30 pseudoscalar and vector mesons are derived. In view of the direct relation to quantum chromdynamics without free parameter, the agreement with experiment is remarkable, but the approximation scheme is not adequate for the mesons with one up or down quark. The crucial point is the use of a running coupling constant αs(Q2)\alpha_s(Q^2), in a manner similar but not equal to the one of Richardson in the equal usual-time quantization. Its value is fixed at the Z mass and the 5 flavor quark masses are determined by a fit to the vector meson quarkonia.Comment: 18 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Klein-Gordon Equation in Hydrodynamical Form

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    We follow and modify the Feshbach-Villars formalism by separating the Klein-Gordon equation into two coupled time-dependent Schroedinger equations for particle and antiparticle wave function components with positive probability densities. We find that the equation of motion for the probability densities is in the form of relativistic hydrodynamics where various forces have their classical counterparts, with the additional element of the quantum stress tensor that depends on the derivatives of the amplitude of the wave function. We derive the equation of motion for the Wigner function and we find that its approximate classical weak-field limit coincides with the equation of motion for the distribution function in the collisionless kinetic theory.Comment: 13 page

    Massive Dirac particles on the background of charged de-Sitter black hole manifolds

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    We consider the behavior of massive Dirac fields on the background of a charged de-Sitter black hole. All black hole geometries are taken into account, including the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m-de-Sitter one, the Nariai case and the ultracold case. Our focus is at first on the existence of bound quantum mechanical states for the Dirac Hamiltonian on the given backgrounds. In this respect, we show that in all cases no bound state is allowed, which amounts also to the non-existence of normalizable time-periodic solutions of the Dirac equation. This quantum result is in contrast to classical physics, and it is shown to hold true even for extremal cases. Furthermore, we shift our attention on the very interesting problem of the quantum discharge of the black holes. Following Damour-Deruelle-Ruffini approach, we show that the existence of level-crossing between positive and negative continuous energy states is a signal of the quantum instability leading to the discharge of the black hole, and in the cases of the Nariai geometry and of the ultracold geometries we also calculate in WKB approximation the transmission coefficient related to the discharge process.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures. Macro package: Revtex4. Changes concern mainly the introduction and the final discussion in section VI; moreover, Appendix D on the evaluation of the Nariai transmission integral has been added. References adde

    Generalized geometric quantum speed limits

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    The attempt to gain a theoretical understanding of the concept of time in quantum mechanics has triggered significant progress towards the search for faster and more efficient quantum technologies. One of such advances consists in the interpretation of the time-energy uncertainty relations as lower bounds for the minimal evolution time between two distinguishable states of a quantum system, also known as quantum speed limits. We investigate how the nonuniqueness of a bona fide measure of distinguishability defined on the quantum-state space affects the quantum speed limits and can be exploited in order to derive improved bounds. Specifically, we establish an infinite family of quantum speed limits valid for unitary and nonunitary evolutions, based on an elegant information geometric formalism. Our work unifies and generalizes existing results on quantum speed limits and provides instances of novel bounds that are tighter than any established one based on the conventional quantum Fisher information. We illustrate our findings with relevant examples, demonstrating the importance of choosing different information metrics for open system dynamics, as well as clarifying the roles of classical populations versus quantum coherences, in the determination and saturation of the speed limits. Our results can find applications in the optimization and control of quantum technologies such as quantum computation and metrology, and might provide new insights in fundamental investigations of quantum thermodynamics

    Strong Orientation Effects in Ionization of H2+_2^+ by Short, Intense, High-Frequency Light Sources

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    We present three dimensional time-dependent calculations of ionization of arbitrarily spatially oriented H2+_2^+ by attosecond, intense, high-frequency laser fields. The ionization probability shows a strong dependence on both the internuclear distance and the relative orientation between the laser field and the internuclear axis.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum Master Equation of Particle in Gas Environment

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    The evolution of the reduced density operator ρ\rho of Brownian particle is discussed in single collision approach valid typically in low density gas environments. This is the first succesful derivation of quantum friction caused by {\it local} environmental interactions. We derive a Lindblad master equation for ρ\rho, whose generators are calculated from differential cross section of a single collision between Brownian and gas particles, respectively. The existence of thermal equilibrium for ρ\rho is proved. Master equations proposed earlier are shown to be particular cases of our one.Comment: 6 pages PlainTeX, 23-March-199

    Tetramixing of vector and pseudoscalar mesons: A source of intrinsic quarks

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    The tetramixing of pseudoscalar mesons π\pi-η\eta-η\eta'-ηc\eta_c and vector mesons ω\omega-ρ\rho-ϕ\phi-J/ψJ/\psi are studied in the light-cone constituent quark model, and such mixing of four mesons provides a natural source for the intrinsic charm ccˉc\bar{c} components of light mesons. By mixing with the light mesons, the charmonium states J/ψJ/\psi and ηc\eta_c could decay into light mesons more naturally, without introducing gluons or a virtual photon as intermediate states. Thus, the introduction of light quark components into J/ψJ/\psi is helpful to reproduce the new experimental data of J/ψJ/\psi decays. The mixing matrices and the Q2Q^2 behaviors of the transition form factors are also calculated and compared with experimental data.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Version for publication in PR