3,979 research outputs found

    Landscape Urban Structure Design - S. Romão Sportive Park, Leiria Polis, Portugal

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    It is due to the modern movement the loss of both landscape and open spaces multifunctionality. Consequently, it merges the term of “green spaces” amorphous and residual, often void and without any appropriation, so characteristic of the contemporary city. This study is a reflexion about and a practice result of the return to these spaces multifunctionality through a landscape structure on the urban space. We want this structure to be continuous, structuring and assuring biologic processes and fluxes that occur in the landscape systems. We present the casestudy of S. Romão Sportive Park included in Polis Program of Leiria City, in Portugal. It is a system of open spaces that constitutes itself as a landscape structure, continuous and multifunctional

    Super-replicating Bounds on European Option Prices when the Underlying Asset is Illiquid

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    We derive super-replicating bounds on European option prices when the underlying asset is illiquid. Illiquidity is taken as the impossibility of transacting the underlying asset at some points in time, generating market incompleteness. We conclude that option price bounds follow a Black-Scholes partial differential equation where the volatility term is adjusted to reflect different levels of illiquidity.

    Market Illiquidity and the Bid-Ask Spread of Derivatives

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    This paper analyzes the impact of illiquidity of a stock on the pricing of derivatives. In particular, it is shown how illiquidity generates a bid-ask spread in an option on this stock, even in the absence of other imperfections, such as transaction costs and asymmetry of information. Moreover, the spread is shown to be asymmetric with respect to the option price under perfect liquidity. This fact explains the appearance of a smile e$ect when the implied volatility is estimated from the mid-quote.

    Attachment, emotion regulation and coping in Portuguese emerging adults: a test of a mediation hypothesis

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    Although the quality of parent-adolescent emotional bonds has consistently been proposed as a major influence on young adult's psycho-emotional functioning, the precise means by which these bonds either facilitate or impede adaptive coping are not well-understood. In an effort to advance this inquiry, the present study examined interrelationships among measures of parental attachment, emotion regulation processes, and preferred coping strategies within a sample of 942 college freshmen. Structural Equation Modelling was used to test whether the link between attachment to parents and the use of particular coping strategies is mediated by differences in emotion regulation mechanisms. As hypothesized, differences in attachment to parents predicted differences in the use of emotion regulation mechanisms and coping strategies. More specifically, having a close emotional bond, feeling supported in autonomy processes and having (moderately) low levels of separation anxiety toward parents predict more constructive emotion regulation mechanisms and coping strategies. Additionally emotion regulation was found to (partly or totally) mediate the association between attachment and coping

    Towards automatic classification within the ChEBI ontology

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Appearing in a wide variety of contexts, biochemical 'small molecules' are a core element of biomedical data. Chemical ontologies, which provide stable identifiers and a shared vocabulary for use in referring to such biochemical small molecules, are crucial to enable the interoperation of such data. One such chemical ontology is ChEBI (Chemical Entities of Biological Interest), a candidate member ontology of the OBO Foundry. ChEBI is a publicly available, manually annotated database of chemical entities and contains around 18000 annotated entities as of the last release (May 2009). ChEBI provides stable unique identifiers for chemical entities; a controlled vocabulary in the form of recommended names (which are unique and unambiguous), common synonyms, and systematic chemical names; cross-references to other databases; and a structural and role-based classification within the ontology. ChEBI is widely used for annotation of chemicals within biological databases, text-mining, and data integration. ChEBI can be accessed online at "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/":http://www.ebi.ac.uk/chebi/ and the full dataset is available for download in various formats including SDF and OBO.

*Automated Classification*
The selection of chemical entities for inclusion in the ChEBI database is user-driven. As the use of ChEBI has grown, so too has the backlog of user-requested entries. Inevitably, the annotation backlog creates a bottleneck, and to speed up the annotation process, ChEBI has recently released a submission tool which allows community submissions of chemical entities, groups, and classes. However, classification of chemical entities within the ontology is a difficult and niche activity, and it is unlikely that the community as a whole will be able or willing to correctly and consistently classify each submitted entity, creating required classes where they are missing. As a result, it is likely that while the size of the database grows, the ontological classification will become less sophisticated, unless the classification of new entities is assisted computationally. In addition, the ChEBI database is expecting substantial size growth in the next year, so automatic classification, which has up till now not been possible, is urgently required. Automatic classification would also enable the ChEBI ontology classes to be applied to other compound databases such as PubChem. 

*Description Logic Reasoning*
Description logic based reasoning technology is a prime candidate for development of such an automatic classification system as it allows the rules of the classification system to be encoded within the knowledgebase. Already at 18000 entities, ChEBI is a fair size for a real-world application of description logic reasoning technology, and as the ontology is enhanced with a richer density of asserted relationships, the classification will become more complex and challenging. We have successfully tested a description logic-based classification of chemical entities based on specified structural properties using the hypertableaux-based HermiT reasoner, and found it to be sufficiently efficient to be feasible for use in a production environment on a database of the size that ChEBI is now. However, much work still remains to enrich the ChEBI knowledgebase itself with the properties needed to provide the formal class definitions for use in the automated classification, and to assess the efficiency of the available description logic reasoning technology on a database the size of ChEBI's forecast future growth.

ChEBI is funded by the European Commission under SLING, grant agreement number 226073 (Integrating Activity) within Research Infrastructures of the FP7 Capacities Specific Programme, and by the BBSRC, grant agreement number BB/G022747/1 within the “Bioinformatics and biological resources” fund

    Holistic approach in Integrated Landscape Design. - Case Study for Montalvão Urban Park at Castelo Branco – Portugal

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    This paper is the result of a theoretical research on the concept of landscape from a more comprehensive and general view, as an introduction to Mediterranean landscape, and more specifically, Portuguese landscape, which is included in the former. Some concepts are addressed by several national and international authors in order to get to the concept of landscape that we defend – holistic and multi-functional –, within which Mediterranean landscape, and within which Portuguese landscape is a paradigm. Since landscape is identity, the development of a nation, and a reflex of their culture, we deem it fundamental for landscape to continue being an identity and sustainable in spite of the general globalisation which we are witnessing, and to continue reflecting the will of the people. Hence, on this assumption, as well as bibliographic research, we have used the Portuguese common landscape as a concept for the construction of a space with contemporary landscape – Parque Urbano de Montalvão, in Castelo Branco –, which is the object of a tender. We hereby consider that the submitted bid recognises the value, character, and essence of this place, hence contributing with all that is necessary to safeguard the region’s identity

    Política e segurança : desafios aos fundamentos do estado democrático e visões globais da segurança para o século XXI

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    O tema da Segurança, primeiro fim do Estado, é indissociável da democracia e da liberdade, e é crucial na medida em que se trata de um desígnio dos homens (que amam a liberdade) e remete para o cuidado com a própria conservação do Estado, assim como com o bem-estar dos seus cidadãos e bens, independentemente do país e da conjuntura em que vivam. É ainda o desejo de sair daquela mísera condição de guerra que é a consequência necessária das paixões naturais dos homens, quando não há um poder visível capaz de os manter em respeito, forçando-os, por medo do castigo, ao cumprimento dos seus pactos e ao respeito àquelas leis, como ensinara Thomas Hobbes, no seu magistral Leviatã. Por conseguinte, o Estado tem a obrigação de regular a relação política com os diversos modos de entender a incerteza, o risco e a conflitualidade e, no limite, a própria violência no seio da polis, limitadora da própria liberdade, fundamento do rule of law. É esta íntima relação circular entre segurança, democracia e liberdade nas democracias liberais que impõe uma tal pressão sobre o aparelho de Estado, mormente nos organismos que têm por função e competência a segurança do Estado (nas suas vertentes interna e externa), que o obriga a reconhecer a impotência da sua tradicional supremacia.Apoio da FC

    The nature of communication and its influence on resistance to change :three radical change cases

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    PhD ThesisIt has long been established that communication supports organizational change management, but there remains a lack of understanding of the role played by the nature of communication (COM) and its impact on resistance to change (RTC). This research seeks to fill this gap by examining respondents’ sensemaking about change, considering either a predominant monologic or dialogic COM and its influence on RTC, in three case organizations. It adopts the principles of dialogic communication (Commitment, Risk, Empathy, Propinquity and Mutuality) as dimensions of COM as well as the Cognitive, Affective and Behavioural as dimensions of RTC. The research was set in organizations in Brazil that were subject to an acquisition, which were studied over a period of up to 18 months. The research adopted a mixed method approach in a comparative case study design that included 84 individuals involved in semi-structured interviews and questionnaires at two points of data collection as well as documentary and observational sources. The interview, observational and documentary data were analyzed through thematic analysis and the questionnaire through descriptive statistics. Findings reveal that perceived RTC extent can decrease in situations with a perceived predominant dialogic COM. Empathy and Commitment were the COM dimensions perceived as those contributing most to a reduction in RTC. The theoretical importance of these findings includes contributions to change communication and RTC theories and empirical evidence for a perceived inverted relationship between dialogic COM and RTC. The practical importance of these findings includes managers being able to manage change more effectively through the prioritization of communication efforts. Finally, this research challenges the widespread assumption that all communication minimizes resistance. This work sustains that by adopting a dialogic COM as an organizational change approach, change leaders are better able to embrace RTC, with the main support of two COM dimensions of Empathy and Commitment.Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), the business schoo

    Os pais e a importância do Brincar: perceções de um grupo de pais de crianças até aos seis anos – Uma descrição qualitativa

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    A presente descrição qualitativa visa compreender, a partir do olhar dos intervenientes nos contextos de vida da criança, nesta caso, os pais de crianças até aos seis anos, que importância atribuem ao brincar, enquanto promotor do desenvolvimento infantil. Os dados foram recolhidos por entrevista semiestruturada a 20 pais selecionados de forma não-probabilística intencional. A análise de dados recorreu à codificação aberta por dois investigadores independentes, sendo a codificação final obtida por consenso. Os resultados mostraram que os pais de crianças em idade pré-escolar dão maior importância às atividades de caráter estruturado e educativo em detrimento de um brincar livre e a substituição de um brincar ativo ao ar livre por outro mais sedentário, em contextos mais controlados. O tempo de brincadeira entre pais e filhos é reduzido, em função das densas rotinas familiares. Verificou-se a introdução, cada vez mais precoce, de dispositivos tecnológicos em detrimento de outras formas de brincar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio