48 research outputs found

    Characterization of ampicillin resistance mechanisms in clinical Haemophilus influenzae strains isolated in Portugal between 2009 and 2012

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    Introduction: Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) is mainly responsible for respiratory infections and empirical therapy is used most of times. Ampicillin resistance is a problem of concern since some strains have diminished susceptibility to β-lactams through a non-enzymatic mechanism that involves decreased affinity of β-lactams for altered penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). Strains exhibiting this resistance mechanism are referred as β-lactamase-negative ampicillin resistant (BLNAR). The aim of this study is to characterize ampicillin resistance mechanisms in clinical isolates of Hi in Portugal. Material and Methods: Two hundred and thirty-five isolates chosen according to their ampicillin MICs: 139 BLNAR (MIC≥1mg/L), 33 susceptible strains (BLNAS; MIC<1mg/L) and 63 β-lactamase producers (BLPAR) were analyzed. The ftsI gene encoding PBP3 was amplified and sequenced. MIC was determined for 13 antibiotics by a microdilution assay, according to CLSI guidelines. Results and Discussion: Of the 235 Hi isolates 199 had mutations in the ftsI transpeptidase domain as follow: 136 gBLNAR out of 139 BLNAR strains (98%) and 44 gBLPACR out of 63 BPLAR strains (70%). Of note, 19 out of 33 BLNAS (58%) presented mutations being designated as gBLNAR. Among gBLNAR and gBLPACR strains there were 43 different mutation patterns, that were included in the six previously described groups and subgroups (I, IIa, IIb, IIc, IId, III-like). The most common amino acid substitutions were located near KTG motif: N526K (160/199, 80.4%), V547I (140/199, 70.4%) and N569S (131/199, 65.8%). Strains with mutations were less susceptible to the β-lactam antibiotics studied. Comparing these results with previously ones, performed in our laboratory (between 2001 and 2008) we are assisting to an increase of susceptible strains (ampicillin MIC≤2mg/L) as well as resistant strains (beta-lactamase producers) with mutations in the ftsI gene, being so called gBLNAR and gBLPACR. CLSI breakpoints alone can’t characterize these strains as susceptible or resistant in the susceptibility tests performed routinely in the laboratory. In this way, a continuous research on breakpoints and methodologies to better define strains of this kind is of crucial importance. In conclusion, we emphasize the importance of continuing surveillance studies of this nature as essential tools to define trends in the antibiotic resistance of Hi

    Alteração à epidemiologia da Infeção a Haemophilus influenzae, após a introdução da vacina para o H. influenzae serotipo b. Análise de estudos realizados no INSA, 1989-2012

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    Resumo: O Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) é um microrganismo Gram negativo cujo nicho ecológico é o trato respiratório humano. Para além de colonizar a nasofaringe de pessoas saudáveis, o H. influenzae é normalmente responsável por infeções respiratórias e ainda infeções invasivas graves como a meningite e a septicemia, principalmente nas crianças (Tristram, 2007). As estirpes capsuladas, nomeadamente as de serotipo b (Hib) eram, até à introdução da vacina conjugada, responsáveis pela maior parte dos casos de infeção invasiva (Peltola, 2000). A vacina para o Hib foi licenciada em Portugal em 1994 e incluída no Programa Nacional de Vacinação (PNV) no ano 2000, para crianças até aos 5 anos de idade. Como consequência, as infeções invasivas de serotipo b foram praticamente eliminadas nas populações onde a vacina foi implementada (Wenger, 1998). No entanto, esta vacina não protege contra a infeção invasiva por estirpes não capsuladas (NC) ou de serotipos não b sendo, de momento, as estirpes NC as responsáveis pela maior parte destas infeções (Ladhani et al., 2010; Ulanova & Tsang, 2009). Desde 1989 que, primeiro no Laboratório de Resistência aos Antibióticos e, mais recentemente, no Laboratório Nacional de Referência de Infeções Respiratórias a agentes bacterianos, se têm realizado estudos em infeções por Haemophilus influenzae, nas várias vertentes, de vigilância epidemiológica, referência e investigação. Até ao momento contamos com uma coleção de isolados clínicos de mais de 12000 estirpes, isoladas de todas as infeções e de todas as idades, de vários Hospitais geograficamente distribuídos em Portugal. Colaboramos com a Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria, no que se refere à infeção invasiva na criança. Relativamente a projetos de investigação temos colaborado com alguns laboratórios de investigação, em Portugal e no Estrangeiro. É diversa a metodologia utilizada para estudar este microrganismo, recorrendo-se a diferentes técnicas para cada tipo de estudo, que vão desde técnicas fenotípicas para determinar a susceptibilidade aos antibióticos até técnicas de biologia molecular, como PCR e sequenciação para estudos genotípicos. Para além destas, e com o objetivo de estudar a clonalidade e disseminação das estirpes, utilizamos ainda duas técnicas de tipagem molecular: Pulsed-Field-Gel-Electrophoresis (PFGE) (Campos et al., 2004) e Multilocus Sequencing Type (MLST) (Meats et al, 2003). Serão apresentados resultados de alguns estudos, tanto de vigilância epidemiológica, como de investigação, realizados no nosso laboratório, e que demonstram a alteração na epidemiologia da infeção a H. influenzae após a introdução da vacina, em Portugal (Bajanca et al, 2004; Barbosa et al, 2011; Calado et al, 2011)   Referências Bibliográficas: • Bajanca P, Caniça M, & the Multicenter Study Group. J Clin Microbiol 2004; 42:807-10. • Barbosa R, Giufrè M, Cerquetti M, & Bajanca-Lavado, P. J Antimicrob Chemother 2011; 66:788-96. • Calado R, Betencourt C, Gonçalves H, Cristino N, Calhau P & Bajanca-Lavado, P. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 2011; 69:111-13. • Campos J, Hernando M, Román F, Pérez-Vazquez M, Aracil B, Oteo J et al, J Clin Microbiol 2004; 42:524-9. • Ladhani S, Slack M, Heath P, von Gottberg A, Chandra M. Ramsay M & EUIBIS participants. Emerg Infect Dis 2010; 16:455-63. • Peltola H. Clin Microbiol Rev 2000; 13:302-17. • Tristam S, Jacobs M & Appelbaum P. Clin Microbiol Rev 2007; 20:368-89. • Ulanova M, Tsang R. Infect Genet Evol 2009; 9:594-605. • Wenger D. Pediatrr Infect Dis J 1998; 17 (Suppl.9):S132-36. • Meats E, Feil EJ, Stringer S, Cody AJ, Goldstein R, Kroll JS, et al, J Clin Microbiol 2003; 41: 1623-1636

    Multilocus Sequencing Typing of Invasive Haemophilus influenzae strains Isolated in Portugal in the Pre-vaccination Period (1989-2001)

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    Introduction: Haemophilus influenzae can cause life-threatening infections in children and adults, such as pneumonia, bacteremia, and meningitis, despite de availability of the H. influenzae type b vaccine. Six capsular types, a-f, have been identified to date. Non-capsulated (NC) H. influenzae have also been described. Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST) is a powerful method that allows a precise and unambiguous characterization of H. influenzae genotypes. Aim: Identification of the major genotypes that characterize Portuguese invasive H. influenzae strains in the years before the implementation of the Hib vaccine (1989-2001). Comparison of results from this study with the ones from our previous published study with isolates from pos-vaccination period (2002-2010). Methods: Seventy invasive H. influenzae strains (38 Hib, 31 NC, 1 f) were randomly selected for analysis, isolated during 1989-2001 from cerebrospinal fluid (n=24), blood (n=43) and pleural fluid (n=3). Thirty-six strains (51.4%) were isolated from pre-school children. Capsular status was identified by PCR amplification of bexA gene and capsular type was determined by amplification of capsule-specific genes (for serotypes a-f) using primers and conditions described in the literature. MLST was performed by sequencing internal fragments of the 7 housekeeping genes (adk, atpG, frdB, fucK, mdh, pgi and recA). Sequences were analyzed and submitted to the MLST website (http://haemophilus.mlst.net) for assignment of the sequence type (ST). Phylogenetic estimations were conducted through MEGA5 by using the neighbor-joining method. Results: Thirty-four (89.5%) of the 38 Hib isolates analyzed were assigned to CC6, 4 of which were new STs, while 4 were single strains of different STs. Of the 31 NC isolates, 26 (83.9%) were single strains of different STs (12 new STs), 4 strains belong to CC395 and CC396 (2 strains each), and 1 was identified as CC6. The isolate type f was characterized as ST124. Discussion and conclusions: In this study we observed a high diversity of NC strains, in opposite to Hib clonality. Despite of the great decline of serotype b in the pos-vaccination period, with a concomitant increase of NC and non–b isolates, no significant differences were observed in the MLST characterization of pre-vaccination isolates. Of the 16 Hib studied, all but one were characterized as CC6 (94.7%). Among the 67 NC isolates, 42 (62.7%) were single strains of different STs; the remaining isolates were of 6 different CCs. In conclusion, there are no differences in molecular typing of H. influenzae strains isolated in the pre and pos-vaccination period, in our country. The majority of episodes of invasive disease occurring in Portugal are now due to fully susceptible, highly diverse, non-capsulated strains. Given the evolving dynamics of this pathogen and the increase in non-type b capsulated isolates, continuous surveillance is needed

    Haemophilus influenzae Carriage among Healthy Children in Portugal, 2015-2019

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Haemophilus influenzae: New Insights in Epidemiology of Disease.Haemophilus influenzae is an important cause of mucosal and invasive infections and a common colonizer of the upper respiratory tract. As there are no recent data on H. influenzae carriage in Portugal, we aimed to characterize carriage samples and investigate possible parallelisms with disease isolates. Between 2016–2019, 1524 nasopharyngeal samples were obtained from children (0–6 years) attending day-care. H. influenzae were serotyped and screened for β-lactamase production. Strains producing β-lactamase and/or those that were encapsulated were further characterized by antibiotype; encapsulated strains were also investigated for MLST and the presence of antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes (extracted from whole genome sequencing). The overall carriage rate was 84.1%. Most isolates (96.7%) were nonencapsulated. Encapsulated strains were of serotypes f (1.8%), e (1.1%), a (0.3%), and b (0.1%). MLST showed clonality within serotypes. Although the lineages were the same as those that were described among disease isolates, colonization isolates had fewer virulence determinants. Overall, 7.5% of the isolates were β-lactamase positive; one isolate had blaTEM-82, which has not been previously described in H. influenzae. A single isolate, which was identified as H. parainfluenzae, had an incomplete f-like cap locus. In conclusion, circulation of serotype b is residual. The few encapsulated strains are genetically related to disease-causing isolates. Thus, surveillance of H. influenzae carriage should be maintained.This work was partially supported by projects LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER (Microbiologia Molecular, Estrutural e Celular, funded by FEDER through COMPETE2020—Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016417 (ONEIDA co-funded by Fundos Europeus Estruturais e de Investimento, Programa Operacional Regional Lisboa 2020 and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)), WI230921 from Pfizer Portugal (to RSL), and National Institute of Health, Lisbon, Portugal. CC was supported by grant from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detection of the Hmw adhesins in clinical Haemophilus influenzae isolates from bacteraemic patients and association with biofilm formation

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    Background: Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) forms part of the normal nasopharyngeal microbiota in humans, but it is also an opportunistic pathogen causing respiratory infections and bacteraemia. Recently, high molecular weight (HMW1) proteins have been identified as a key factor for cell invasion, a feature implicated in persistence during chronic infection(a). Our aims were to identify the different allelic variants of the HMW adhesin and, given the characteristics of these surface proteins on bacterial adhesion capacity, the second objective was to check if their presence could be related to biofilm formation. Materials/Methods: A collection of 89 strains isolated from patients with bacteraemia from Spain and Portugal in the 2013-2014 period were used in this study. Strains were genotyped by PFGE (SmaI) and analyzed with the FingerPrinting software (BioRad). The allelic variants of the hmw gene (Hi375 and Hi86-028NP) encoding the high molecular weight adhesins Hmw1/Hmw2 were identified by PCR amplification. Biofilm formation was performed in a static biofilm assay with crystal violet staining. Statistical analysis was performed using the GraphPad Prism 5 software. Results: Forty-eight NTHi isolates (54%) were positive for the hmw gene. Only the allelic variants of the Hi375 strain could be identified, among them, one strain (1/48, 2%) had hmw-1A, 33 (69%) had hmw-2A and 14 (29%) had both allelic variants, hmw-1A and hmw-2A. Biofilm formation showed great diversity among the studied strains with OD¬570 values ranging between 0.06 and 1.4. Forty-three strains (48.3%) were classified as high biofilm formers and the remaining 46 strains (51.7%) were low biofilm formers. An inverse relationship was found between the presence of hmw genes and in vitro biofilm formation. The invasive NTHi clinical isolates presented high genetic diversity by PFGE, with no strain clustering observed linked to the presence of hmw genes or to biofilm formation. Conclusion: The allelic variants of the H. influenzae strain 375, especially the hmw-2A gene, were more commonly found among invasive NTHi clinical isolates, which despite having an important role on intracellular invasion, were not linked to in vitro biofilm formation. (a)Mell, JC et al. (2016). PLoS Pathogens 12: e1005576.N/

    Spatial and temporal genomic homogeneity among Haemophilus influenzae serotype f

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    Background: Haemophilus influenzae is an opportunistic pathogen highly adapted to the human respiratory tract which is often reported as the etiologic agent of infectious diseases. After the introduction of serotype b vaccine, non-typeable H. influenzae (NTHi) has become the most frequent cause of respiratory infection, followed in frequency by serotype f strains (Hif). The aim of this study was to analyze the genomic diversity among invasive and colonizing Hif isolates by whole genome sequencing (WGS).N/

    Identification of polysaccharide capsules among extensively drug-resistant genitourinary Haemophilus parainfluenzae isolates

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    The human commensal Haemophilus parainfluenzae is emerging as an opportunistic multidrug-resistant pathogen. The objectives of this work were to characterise a new capsular operon of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) H. parainfluenzae clinical isolates and study their resistance mechanisms using whole-genome sequencing. All strains were resistant to: ß-lactams, via amino acid changes in PBP3 (S385T, I442F, V511A, N526K and V562I); quinolones, by alterations in GyrA (S84F and D88Y) and ParC (S84F and S138T); chloramphenicol, through the presence of catS; macrolides, via the presence of mel and mef(E)-carrying MEGA element; and tetracycline, through the presence of tet(M) and/or tet(B). Phylogenetic analysis revealed high genomic diversity when compared to the H. parainfluenzae genomes available on the NCBI, the isolates from this study being closely related to the Swiss XDR AE-2096513. A full capsular operon showing homology to that of H. influenzae was identified, in accordance with the observation of a capsular structure by TEM. This study describes for the first time a capsular operon in H. parainfluenzae, a major determinant of pathogenicity that may contribute to increased virulence in XDR clinical isolates. Moreover, phylogenetic analysis suggests the possible spread of an XDR-encapsulated strain in Europe

    Comparative pangenome analysis of capsulated Haemophilus influenzae serotype f highlights their high genomic stability

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    Haemophilus influenzae is an opportunistic pathogen adapted to the human respiratory tract. Non-typeable H. influenzae are highly heterogeneous, but few studies have analysed the genomic variability of capsulated strains. This study aims to examine the genetic diversity of 37 serotype f isolates from the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain, and to compare all capsulated genomes available on public databases. Serotype f isolates belonged to CC124 and shared few single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (n = 10,999), but a high core genome (> 80%). Three main clades were identified by the presence of 75, 60 and 41 exclusive genes for each clade, respectively. Multi-locus sequence type analysis of all capsulated genomes revealed a reduced number of clonal complexes associated with each serotype. Pangenome analysis showed a large pool of genes (n = 6360), many of which were accessory genome (n = 5323). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that serotypes a, b, and f had greater diversity. The total number of SNPs in serotype f was significantly lower than in serotypes a, b, and e (p < 0.0001), indicating low variability within the serotype f clonal complexes. Capsulated H. influenzae are genetically homogeneous, with few lineages in each serotype. Serotype f has high genetic stability regardless of time and country of isolation

    Multilocus sequencing typing as a tool to investigate childhood Haemophilus influenzae invasive disease in Portugal

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    Background: Haemophilus influenzae is an important cause of serious childhood invasive disease despite the use of the vaccine against serotype b strains (Hib). Six capsular types, a-f, have been identified to date, although most of strains are non-capsulated (NC). Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST) is a powerful method that allows a precise and unambiguous characterization of H. influenzae genotypes. A partnership between the National Institute of Health and the Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases aimed to characterize invasive childhood infection in Portugal. The objective of this study was to genotype isolates by MLST to follow the epidemiology of disease. Material / Methods: This study was conducted between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2015. During this period 41 H. influenzae strains were analysed, mostly isolated from blood (88%). Antibiotic resistance was assessed by the microdilution assay and β-lactamase production was determined with nitrocefin. Capsular status was characterized by polymerase chain reaction using primers and conditions described in the literature. MLST was performed by amplifying and sequencing internal fragments of the 7 housekeeping genes (adk, atpG, frdB, fucK, mdh, pgi and recA). Sequences were analyzed and submitted to the MLST website http://pubmlst.org/hinfluenzae/ for assignment of the sequence type (ST). To display the allelic distances between the obtained STs, we applied the goeBURST algorithm implemented in the PHYLOViZ platform. Results: Antimicrobial susceptibility testing showed that most strains were susceptible to all beta-lactams studied, with only three strains being ampicillin resistant due to beta-lactamase production. Most of invasive disease was due to the presence of NC strains (27/41; 66%), while 14 isolates (34%) were capsulated and characterized as follow: two serotype a (5%), 10 b (24%) and two f (5%). As expected, MLST typing revealed high genetic variability among 27 NC isolates, which had 24 (89%) different sequence types (STs), with four new STs represented by previously unidentified allele combinations. In opposition, capsulated isolates were very clonal: all 10 Hib were assigned to CC6 (eight strains ST6, one ST 1149, one ST 190), the two Hia strains were assigned to CC 23 (ST 23) and the two Hif belonged to CC124 (ST 124 and ST 1188) (Figure 1). Conclusions: Our data indicate that invasive disease among Portuguese children is now due to highly genetically diverse, fully susceptible NC strains, suggesting that no particular virulent clone is responsible for epidemiological change of disease, after vaccine implementation in the year 2000. Nevertheless, we are concerned about Hib disease (24% of the isolates) despite the higher vaccine coverage. MLST typing continues to show a high genetic diversity among NC strains and clonal relationships among capsulated isolates. In conclusion, in order to monitor the evolving dynamics of this pathogen and the epidemiology of invasive disease, ongoing surveillance is needed to monitor the true magnitude of this problem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio