1,346 research outputs found

    Pragas com potencial quarentenário para a cultura da cana-de-açúcar.

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    Pragas com potencial quarentenário para culturas oleaginosas envolvidas na produção da agroenergia.

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    Egg Albumin as a Protein Marker to Study Dispersal of Noctuidae in the Agroecosystem

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    Knowledge of dispersal and spatial dynamics of pest populations is fundamental for implementation of integrated pest management and integrated resistance management.This study evaluated 1) the effectiveness of egg white albumin protein to mark larvae and adults of two polyphagous and highly mobile pests, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (fall armyworm) and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (corn earworm) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and 2) the sensitivity of polyvinylidene difluoride membrane (dot blot) in detecting albumin on marked insects. Laboratory and field experiments tested egg albumin as a protein marker, which was detected using two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), microplate, and dot blot. In the laboratory, 100% of the moths sprayed with 20% egg white solution acquired the albumin marker, which was detected through the last time point tested (5 d) after application. Egg albumin was not effective at long-term marking of larvae, detected only prior the molting to the next instar. Albumin application in field cages resulted in a high percentage of moths detected as marked at 24 h and 5 d for both species. Egg albumin applied in the open field resulted in 15% of the recaptured corn earworm moths marked with most of them collected 150 m from the application area, although some were captured as far as 1,600 m within approximately 6 d after adult emergence.The results indicated egg albumin is a suitable marker to study the dispersion of fall armyworm and corn earworm in the agroecosystem and dot blot was as effective to detect egg albumin as was indirect ELISA

    Immature development of Spodoptera dolichos (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: noctuidae).

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    We provide detailed temporal and morphological parameters of the immature stages of Spodoptera dolichos (Fabricius) larvae fed on artificial diet under controlled conditions (25?±?1°C, 70?±?10% RH, and 14 h photophase). The viability of the egg, larval, pupal, and prepupal stages was 97.5%, 97.0%, 93.1%, and 98.9%, respectively. The average duration of the egg, larval, prepupal, and pupal stages was 5.0, 23.4, 3.2, and 21.5 days, respectively. Females took longer at the larval stage than males, with 10.5% of them having seven instars. The growth rate of female larvae that developed through six and seven instars was 1.72 and 1.54, respectively. Female pupae were significantly larger, exhibiting slower development than males

    Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) updated host plants and new records.

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    Conteúdo do volume 2: Ácaros; Biologia, fisiologia, morfologia; Controle biológico com bactérias entomopatogênicas; Controle biológico com fungos entomopatológicos; Controle biológico com nematoides; Controle biológico com parasitoides; Controle biológico com predadores; Ecologia e biodiversidade; Educação e etnoentomologia; Entomologia florestal; Entomologia Forense; Entomologia médica e veterinária; Entomologia molecular; Manejo integrado de pragas; Organismos geneticamente modificados; Plantas inseticidas; Polinização; Pragas quarentenárias e invasivas; Resistência de insetos a táticas de controle; Resistência de plantas a insetos; Semioquímicos e comportamento; Sistemática e taxonomia; Tecnologia de aplicação; Controle biológico com vírus entomopatogênicos; Controle químico

    Utilização de proteases vegetais na fabricação de queijos coalho com leite de cabra.

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    Na indústria alimentícia, as proteases têm encontrado diversas aplicações, algumas bastante tradicionais, a exemplo da quimosina, amplamente utilizada na fabricação de queijos. Entretanto, o aumento do consumo de queijos e a diminuição na disponibilidade de estômagos de bezerro lactentes têm ocasionado a demanda por coalhos alternativos como os de origem microbiana e animal, obtidos muitas vezes por manipulação genética. Produtos de ocorrência natural, como proteases extraídas de vegetais e destinadas à fabricação de queijos, apresentam a vantagem de serem mais facilmente aceitos pelos consumidores e aprovados para comercialização. Em estudos anteriores na Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, observou-se que sementes de girassol (Helianthus annus) apresentaram atividade coagulante no leite. Baseados nestes estudos realizaram-se novos experimentos com objetivo de avaliar o potencial da utilização de extratos das sementes de girassol na fabricação de queijos de leite de cabra. Para alcançar este objetivo, queijos foram fabricados com enzima tradicional (quimosina) e comparados com os fabricados com extratos de girassol, com base em eletroforeses e análises físico-químicas. Apresentando semelhança entre as características físico-químicas e eletroforéticas entre os dois processamentos, mostrando ser possível a fabricação de queijos fabricados a partir de extratos de sementes de girassol

    Variabilidade de genótipos de mandioca indústria e mesa quanto a resistência de percevejo-de-renda.

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    Lepidoptera (Insecta) associated with soybean in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.

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    ABSTRACT:The present research updates the systematic position and nomenclature of Lepidoptera associated with soybean crops in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Scientific literature lists 69 species of Lepidoptera feeding on soybean plants. These species are representatives of the Superfamilies Noctuoidea (31), Pyraloidea (13), Hesperioidea (12), Tortricoidea (5), Geometroidea (5), and Bombycoidea (3). Diversity of Lepidoptera associated to crop, injury in different parts of the plant, and changes in species composition are discussed considering the changes in plant disease management, introduction of plants expressing Bt proteins, and the recent introduction of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) as a new crop pest. RESUMO: The present research updates the systematic position and nomenclature of Lepidoptera associated with soybean crops in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay. Scientific literature lists 69 species of Lepidoptera feeding on soybean plants. These species are representatives of the Superfamilies Noctuoidea (31), Pyraloidea (13), Hesperioidea (12), Tortricoidea (5), Geometroidea (5), and Bombycoidea (3). Diversity of Lepidoptera associated to crop, injury in different parts of the plant, and changes in species composition are discussed considering the changes in plant disease management, introduction of plants expressing Bt proteins, and the recent introduction of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) as a new crop pest

    Pragas com potencial quarentenário para a cultura envolvidas na produção de biodiesel.

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