27 research outputs found

    Un oiseau dans un corset : chansonnette créée par Mlle Paula Brébion [illustration Henri Lanos (1859-1929)]

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    Un oiseau dans un corset : chansonnette crĂ©Ă©e par Mlle Paula BrĂ©bion Ă  l'Eldorado ; (dĂ©dicace) “à Mademoiselle Dowe de l'Eden Concert” [Madeleine Dowe (18..-19..] ; illustration signĂ©e H. Lanos [Henri Lanos (1859-1929)] ; paroles de Jost [Adolphe Jost (1861-1940)] et Grim [Lucien Delormel dit Grim (1847-1899)] ; musique de GĂ©rald [Edmond GĂ©rald (1856-1939)] et Darthu [Paul Darthu (18..-1929 compositeur)] ; Emile Meuriot Ă©diteur, 18 boulevard de Strasbourg, Paris ; [intĂ©rieur : sans date, sans ©, cotage EM1196 ; mention artiste crĂ©ation salle intĂ©rieur id. recto - sauf prĂ©cision "Mlle"] ; catalogue verso :” RĂ©pertoire choisi des CafĂ©s-Concerts, crĂ©ations de Anna Judic, Anna Thibaud, Duparc, Yvette Guilbert ; Marius Richard, Mercadier...” ; incipit : "Le soleil brillait sur les eaux" ; refrain : "Et comme j'avais envie/ A l'oiseau de sauver la vie". Un exemple de chanson oĂč Lucien Delormel cosigne les paroles sous son pseudonyme Grim. Jost (Adolphe Jost, 1861-1940) est co-parolier ; le co-compositeur Edmond GĂ©rald (18..-1939 - dates BNF) serait selon plusieurs sources un pseudonyme (non-identifiĂ©) ; Darthu, co-compositeur : Paul Darthu (18??-1929). Datation par cotage 1895 (DevriĂšs/Lesure), 1887 par dĂ©pĂŽt lĂ©gal BNF (choix mĂ©dihal BNF)

    CT scan on admission (A) and under mechanical ventilation (B) of 4 patients presenting an abscess (1, 2, 3, and 4).

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    <p>We selected the most obvious lung abscesses. In the first place, CT scan illustrated that abscess occurred in the most contused area. Secondly, these images allowed us to appreciate the size and shape of the abscess. The thin-walled cavity and its surrounding consolidation appear.</p

    The multistep road to ventilator-associated lung abscess: A retrospective study of <i>S</i>.<i>aureus</i> ventilator-associated pneumonia

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    <div><p>Object</p><p>We observed some cases of lung abscess (LA) in ICU patients suffering <i>S</i>.<i>aureus</i> ventilator-associated pneumonia (<i>S</i>.<i>aureus</i>-VAP). We aimed to assess which of the host and/or bacteria-related features are associated with LA.</p><p>Methods</p><p>We conducted a retrospective study from January 2009 to July 2013 in a trauma surgical ICU within a teaching hospital. All adult patients presenting with <i>S</i>.<i>aureus</i>-VAP were included. We compared two groups of patients according to the formation or not of LA concomitantly to <i>S</i>.<i>aureus</i>-VAP.</p><p>Results</p><p>Seventy-nine <i>S</i>.<i>aureus</i>-VAP patients, predominantly males (85%) of rather young age (mean [SD]: 35yr [21–64]) with severe trauma (initial Simplified Acute Score II = 42 [32–52]) related-ICU admission, were included. Among them, 10 (14%) developed LA. Patient’s characteristics significantly associated with LA development were: a younger age (p = 0.003), road traffic accidents admission (p = 0.017), head injury (p = 0.002), lower Glasgow Coma Scale (p = 0.009), blunt chest trauma (p = 0.01) pneumothorax (p = 0.01) and lung contusions (p = 0.002). No microbiological factors were significantly associated with LA formation. Abscesses were mostly bilateral, ≄5 cm of diameter and with a posterior location.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Our results do not favor a specific virulence of <i>S</i>.<i>aureus</i>, but rather highlight the role of multiple insults to the lung, promoting LA formation. Despite a similar severity score, patients with LA had more serious trauma, combining severe both chest and head insults.</p></div

    Les ressources minérales profondes en Polynésie française / Deep-sea mineral resources in French Polynesia

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    La PolynĂ©sie française se caractĂ©rise par une immense zone Ă©conomique exclusive, constituant la moitiĂ© de la zone maritime française, elle-mĂȘme deuxiĂšme mondiale. Les enjeux de conservation et d’exploitation durable des ocĂ©ans et des ressources marines (objectif 14 de l’agenda onusien du dĂ©veloppement durable) y sont considĂ©rables. Dans un contexte international marquĂ© par une hausse de la demande en matiĂšres premiĂšres minĂ©rales et une « course Ă  la mer », nouvelle frontiĂšre d’expansion territoriale, la question des ressources minĂ©rales profondes en PolynĂ©sie française suscite aujourd’hui un intĂ©rĂȘt accru. L’État et la PolynĂ©sie française ont commandĂ© Ă  l’Institut de recherche pour le dĂ©veloppement (IRD) cette expertise collĂ©giale sur les ressources minĂ©rales marines profondes en PolynĂ©sie française. Cette expertise, rĂ©alisĂ©e par un collĂšge d’experts pluridisciplinaire (anthropologie, biologie, droit, Ă©conomie, gĂ©ographie, gĂ©ologie, technologie), recense les connaissances actuelles et construit un diagnostic nuancĂ©. Elle aboutit Ă  une sĂ©rie de recommandations utiles aux dĂ©cideurs politiques en matiĂšre de production de connaissances, de dĂ©veloppement de technologies et de gouvernance, contribuant ainsi Ă  la dĂ©finition d’une stratĂ©gie de dĂ©veloppement d’une filiĂšre miniĂšre sous-marine respectueuse des enjeux sociaux et environnementaux spĂ©cifiques Ă  la PolynĂ©sie française.French Polynesia has an enormous exclusive economic zone, half of the vast French maritime area which is the second largest in the world. Substantial issues surround the conservation of the oceans and sustainable exploitation of marine resources (Goal 14 of the UN agenda for sustainable development). In an international context marked by increased demand for mineral commodities and the ‘scramble to the sea’ that defines the new frontiers of territorial expansion, French Polynesia’s deep-sea mineral resources are attracting growing interest. The French government and French Polynesia commissioned the Institut de recherche pour le dĂ©veloppement (IRD) to conduct an expert group review on deep-sea mineral resources in French Polynesia. The review, which was carried out by a multidisciplinary panel of experts in anthropology, biology, law, economics, geography, geology and technology, summarises the current state of knowledge and reaches some qualified conclusions. It makes a series of recommendations that will assist policy makers in future efforts to develop knowledge, technologies and governance. The expert group review will help define a development strategy for the deep-sea mining industry that respects environmental and social issues specific to French Polynesia

    Flow chart of the study.

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    <p>Exclusion criteria: (i): pneumonias that were not associated with mechanical ventilation; (ii) patients with preexisting (ICU admission) major lung insult (e.g.; important emphysema or antecedent of lung abscess), (iii) patients suffering from α1-antitrypsin deficiency or cystic fibrosis, (v) VAP without microbiological documentation, (vi) all situations when futility of care within the first 48h following diagnosis was anticipated, (vii) and death within the first 48h. Cfu, colony forming unit; VAP, ventilator associated pneumonia.</p