32 research outputs found

    Feeding, mating, and fecundity data and analysis for T. eriodictyonis

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    Original data collected by Katherine Gould. Excel 2013 file (.xlsx). Clarifying notes can be found withing the spreadsheets. In general, Et refers to Eriodictyon trichocalyx and Ec refers to Eriodictyon crassifolium. Mating treatments (e.g. Et-Ec) use male's plant then female's plant code

    Habitat raster

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    A raster in ArcASCII format giving the habitat feature classes in the study area (Smoothstone-Wapeweka caribou range, Saskatchewan, Canada

    Summary of included level II studies: other/mixed settings.

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    <p>Summary of included level II studies: other/mixed settings.</p

    Clustering analysis results, indicating the number, configuration and distinctiveness (mixing probabilities) of clusters for each of the survey years.

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    <p>Clustering analysis results, indicating the number, configuration and distinctiveness (mixing probabilities) of clusters for each of the survey years.</p

    Key performance indicators derived from FBS statistics in order to compare the intensity of production and characteristics among farms.

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    <p>Key performance indicators derived from FBS statistics in order to compare the intensity of production and characteristics among farms.</p

    Trends in mean key performance indicator values for all identified clusters over the period 2001–2014.

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    <p>The number of farms in each cluster is represented by the size of symbol. Intensive systems are represented by triangles and extensive systems by circles. The solid black line represents the KPI annual average. The distance among all clusters in all years of study is represented by the colour scale MDS. This distance allows identifying which clusters are more similar.</p

    PCA results for all key performance indicator values across all years (2001–2014).

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    <p>Panels on the left show the PCA scores for individual farms, on the right loading for individual metrics.</p