7 research outputs found

    The Romanian cultural-sports scenery defined by volleyball competitions through structure, dynamics and systemic functionality during 2009-2016

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    The Romanian cultural-sports scenery results from the combination of a series of elements that are essential to such a system composed of a dynamic component (athletes, coaches, spectators) and a static component (infrastructure and competitions). By extending the spatial, geographic position, the structure, the dynamics and the functionality, such a scene can define an entire urban or rural (locality) area. Volleyball is an indoors team sport, practiced by different age groups and by athletes with a certain body structure, and it can determine a certain type of cultural-sports scenery that has its own specificity. The present study, based on the specialized literature and analytical methods validated by the scientific research, proposes an analysis of the elements emerging from volleyball at the level of the Romanian competitions during the period 2009-2016. In order to define this scene we conducted an analysis, at a local level, of the static component: infrastructure and the dynamic component: sports clubs, sports persons and their gender, age, level of professionalism, geographic distribution


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    Through sport activities, either as competitions or as a hobby, by spending free time in a pleasant and organized way, beneficial for health, can be satisfied the need for movement and also the desire to participate in competitions as spectators, which makes sports a social phenomenon. Sport activity develops the spirit of sociability, develops interpersonal relationship, becomes an opportunity to elate, to open yourself to the others and to know it. With this opportunity one can discover common activities, can make friends and can create groups. Moreover, it is noticeable that those who practice sports are more sociable outside the sporting field. REZUMAT. Sportul – un mod de socializare al copiilor. Prin activitățile sportive, competiționale sau de recreere, prin petrecerea timpului liber într-un mod plăcut, organizat, benefic pentru sănătate, se poate satisface nevoia de mișcare, dar și dorința de a urmări întrecerile sportive ca spectatori, ceea ce face ca fenomenul sportiv să devină fenomen social. Activitatea sportivă dezvoltă spiritul de sociabilitate, dezvoltă relațiile interumane, devine un prilej de a relaționa, de a te deschide către celălalt și de a-l cunoaște. Cu această ocazie se pot descoperi afinități, se pot lega prietenii și se opt închega grupuri. Mai mult, se observă că cei care practică un sport sunt mult mai sociabili și în afara domeniului sportiv. Cuvinte cheie: sport, socializare, educație, copii


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    The athlete is the main subject of performance generator and is being defined by a large number of attributes, some of which are characteristic for achieving it. He can develop only if certain conditions are met both in terms of correlating interdependent attributes, qualities – skills and the environmental factors, social, material, teaching. The relationships between members of a community are subject to numerous factors such as: psychological peculiarities of the athletes, the general orientation, the reasons of the proposed activity, attitudes "built" in life and the society in which they live. There are a few things to note: first, the game strengthens a child physically, it embodies the taste of performance and the means to achieve it. Secondly, the game creates teamwork skills to synchronize their actions with those of others to achieve a common goal. A third, the game causes a good mood, cheerful, giving the people the ability to clear their heads and have fun giving more lust for life. Rolul jocurilor sportive in dezvoltarea personalitatii copiilor. Sportivul care este principalul subiect generator al performanţei este definit de un număr foarte mare de atribute dintre care unele sunt caracteristice pentru realizarea acesteia. El se poate dezvolta numai dacă sunt îndeplinite anumite condiţii atât în privinţa corelării interdependente a atributelor –însusiri, calităţi –aptitudini, cât şi a determinatelor ambientale, sociale, materiale, pedagogice. Relatiile care se stabilesc între membrii unei colectivităţi sunt condiţionate de numeroşi factori . Există câteva lucruri de remarcat: în primul rând, jocul fortifică un copil din punct de vedere fizic, îi imprimă gustul performanţelor precum şi mijloacele de a le realiza. În al doilea rând, jocul creează deprinderi pentru lucrul în echipă, pentru sincronizarea acţiunilor proprii cu ale altora, în vederea atingerii unui scop comun. Un al treilea rând, jocul provoacă o stare de bună dispoziţie, de voie bună, oferindu-i omului posibilitatea de a uita pentru un timp de toate celelalte şi de a se distra, dându-i parcă mai multă poftă de viaţă.  Cuvinte cheie: sportivi, jocuri sportive, relatiile de joc, organizare

    Investigations concerning the influence of sports trainings carried out in a protected area (Natura 2000 site) on various physiological and biological parameters for athletes

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    The study propose a comparative analysis of biochemical and physiological parameters and their dynamics in athletes training in two different locations: the campus stadium in the Oradea University and a protected area- Valea Roşie Natura 2000 site. The research was conducted between 31st of May 2016 –9th of June 2016 on the players of a female volleyball team of Oradea’s University Sport Club, aged between 18 and 24. We used Polar RC3 heart rate monitor, monitoring: distance travelled in each exercise, duration, calories consumed, heart rate, minimum and maximum altitude. After the effort, biological samples were taken, analysing the following indices: Creatine kinase (CK), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and Sideremia; the data interpretation and the results highlighted that organizing outdoor trainings in sites like Natura 2000 has a favourable influence on the biochemical parameters, had a contribution to "breaking" the routine and being a motivating factor for athletes in their activity

    Move Healthy-The identification of current national injury prevention programs and beliefs of coaches and youth regarding injury prevention in 6 European countries

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    Background: Despite the importance of sports injury prevention in youth, no broad scale approaches that work in real-life situations with significant positive effects exist. Main reasons for this are poor uptake and maintenance of current sports injury prevention exercises. Objective: In order to improve uptake of sports injury prevention routines, this project set out to: 1. identify the specifics of current injury prevention programs within 6 European countries, and 2: to establish wishes and needs regarding injury prevention of the end-users (sport coaches, physical educators and youth) within 6 European countries. Design: Semi-structured interviews and focus group sessions. Setting: Youth sports teams and physical education (PE) classes. Patients (or Participants): Interviews and focus group sessions were performed within 6 participating countries (Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, Romania, The Netherlands, United Kingdom). National stakeholders were interviewed to identify injury prevention programs. The program owners of the identified programs were then individually interviewed. The focus group sessions were organized with youth basketball and soccer players and PE pupils. Separate focus group sessions were organized for basketball/soccer coaches and physical educators. Interventions (or Assessment of Risk Factors): This qualitative study provided input for the development of a freely available ICT based platform with video material of routines designed to prevent sports injuries in youth. Main Outcome Measurements: Overview of country specific results of interviews and focus groups. Results: This study will describe the current availability of national injury prevention programs within 6 European countries. The results of the focus group sessions will establish the differences in beliefs regarding injury prevention in 6 European countries regarding injury prevention. Conclusions: In the coming year, the Move Healthy project will use the qualitative results of this study to develop a freely available ICT based platform with video material of routines developed to prevent sports injuries in youth

    365 MOVE HEALTHY-: The identification of current national injury prevention programs and beliefs of coaches and youth regarding injury prevention in 6 European countries

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    Background: Despite the importance of sports injury prevention in youth, no broad scale approaches that work in real-life situations with significant positive effects exist. Main reasons for this are poor uptake and maintenance of current sports injury prevention exercises. Objective: In order to improve uptake of sports injury prevention routines, this project set out to: 1. identify the specifics of current injury prevention programs within 6 European countries, and 2: to establish wishes and needs regarding injury prevention of the end-users (sport coaches, physical educators and youth) within 6 European countries. Design: Semi-structured interviews and focus group sessions. Setting: Youth sports teams and physical education (PE) classes. Patients (or Participants): Interviews and focus group sessions were performed within 6 participating countries (Belgium, Denmark, Lithuania, Romania, The Netherlands, United Kingdom). National stakeholders were interviewed to identify injury prevention programs. The program owners of the identified programs were then individually interviewed. The focus group sessions were organized with youth basketball and soccer players and PE pupils. Separate focus group sessions were organized for basketball/soccer coaches and physical educators. Interventions (or Assessment of Risk Factors): This qualitative study provided input for the development of a freely available ICT based platform with video material of routines designed to prevent sports injuries in youth. Main Outcome Measurements: Overview of country specific results of interviews and focus groups. Results: This study will describe the current availability of national injury prevention programs within 6 European countries. The results of the focus group sessions will establish the differences in beliefs regarding injury prevention in 6 European countries regarding injury prevention. Conclusions: In the coming year, the Move Healthy project will use the qualitative results of this study to develop a freely available ICT based platform with video material of routines developed to prevent sports injuries in youth

    Microbiological, Health and Comfort Aspects of Indoor Air Quality in a Romanian Historical Wooden Church

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    Monitoring the indoor microclimate in old buildings of cultural heritage and significance is a practice of great importance because of the importance of their identity for local communities and national consciousness. Most aged heritage buildings, especially those made of wood, develop an indoor microclimate conducive to the development of microorganisms. This study aims to analyze one wooden church dating back to the 1710s in Romania from the microclimatic perspective, i.e., temperature and relative humidity and the fungal load of the air and surfaces. One further aim was to determine if the internal microclimate of the monument is favorable for the health of parishioners and visitors, as well as for the integrity of the church itself. The research methodology involved monitoring of the microclimate for a period of nine weeks (November 2020–January 2021) and evaluating the fungal load in indoor air as well as on the surfaces. The results show a very high contamination of air and surfaces (>2000 CFU/m3). In terms of fungal contamination, Aspergillus spp. (two different species), Alternaria spp., Cladosporium spp., Mucor spp., Penicillium spp. (two different species) and Trichopyton spp. were the genera of fungi identified in the indoor wooden church air and Aspergillus spp., Cladosporium spp., Penicillium spp. (two different species) and Botrytis spp. on the surfaces (church walls and iconostasis). The results obtained reveal that the internal microclimate not only imposes a potential risk factor for the parishioners and visitors, but also for the preservation of the wooden church as a historical monument, which is facing a crisis of biodeterioration of its artwork