12 research outputs found

    Presença de Trichoderma spp em composto e suas características para o controle de fitopatógenos.

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    Composto processado artesanalmente pode ser uma fonte de Trichoderma spp. O presente trabalho visou isolar Trichoderma spp de composto de uma semana, um e dois anos de maturação e do solo da mata adjacente ao pátio de compostagem e verificar características úteis dos mesmos para o controle biológico de fitopatógenos. Oito isolados de Trichoderma spp; três do composto de um ano (N1, N2 e N3), três do composto de dois anos (M1, M2 e M3), e dois do solo (S2 e S3); foram obtidos pelo plaqueamento direto de fragmentos de composto e solo em meio seletivo para crescimento de Trichoderma spp. Os isolados M1 e M2 foram identificados, respectivamente, como Trichoderma asperellum e Hypocrea lixii (teleomórfico de Trichoderma harzianum). Todos os isolados foram comparados com Trichoderma asperellum de formulação comercial (TC) quanto ao crescimento micelial, esporulação em BDA (batata-dextrose-ágar). Os isolados foram então, confrontados com Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Um dos isolados (M2) do composto de dois anos foi comparado com TC, em confrontação com S. sclerotiorum, Rhizoctonia sp. e Fusarium solani. O crescimento micelial entre isolados do composto e do solo foi semelhante. Isolados do composto de um ano apresentaram a maior esporulação. Isolados do composto de dois anos competiram melhor frente aos patógenos, por espaço e nutrientes, um dos possíveis mecanismos para a supressividade natural do composto

    Desenvolvimento rural e práticas tradicionais de agricultores familiares: o caso do milho no vale do Capivari, Santa Catarina, Brasil.

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    A diversidade genética do milho é importante para milhões de famílias de agricultores em todo o mundo. A existência de populações de milho crioulo tem forte relação com processos sociais específicos. Este estudo busca compreender estes processos sociais e sua relação com as políticas de desenvolvimento rural brasileiras. Entre junho de 2006 e novembro de 2009, 13 famílias de agricultores em 3 municípios do vale do Capivari foram entrevistados e visitados diversas vezes para a coleta de dados qualitativos. A partir da análise dos resultados, é possível afirmar que políticas de desenvolvimento rural contribuíram para modificar os processos sociais que historicamente promoveram a diversidade genética do milho. Apesar disso, algumas famílias de agricultores ainda mantém mecanismos que integram de forma complementar as técnicas de manejo e seleção de sementes de milho, a existência de redes de trocas e a coesão social

    Higienização de lodo de esgoto por compostagem termofílica

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a higienização do lodo de esgoto através do processo de compostagem em leiras estáticas termofílicas com aeração natural

    Frutos da palmeira-juçara: alimento de qualidade para os catarinenses

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    A espécie Euterpe edulis Martus –natva da Mata Atlântca e popularmenteconhecida como palmeira-juçara – produz frutos comestveis dos quaisse obtém uma bebida roxa conhecida como açaí ou juçara, nomes que variam conforme a região do País. Essa bebida sempre teve grande importância para a dieta de comunidades tradicionais no norte do Brasil devido a suas propriedades alimentares e, atualmente, o consumo do açaí por populações rurais e urbanas é crescente em todo o Brasil, com destaque para os estados do Sul. A produção de açaí a partr dosfrutos da palmeira-juçara já é uma realidade em diversos municípios deSanta Catarina e outros estados do Sudeste e Sul do Brasil

    Changes in Soil Acidity Attributes in Areas of Municipal Organic Waste Composting, Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Composting is an alternative for treating and recycling municipal solid waste. Composting directly on the soil changes the attributes related to soil acidity. The study aimed to evaluate the influence of municipal solid waste composting in a small scale system on the attributes related to the acidity of soils used for making compost piles. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm in four areas under composting (1C, 2C, 3C and 4C) and four adjacent reference areas with no history of composting (1R, 2R, 3R and 4R). The soil was submitted to evaluation of pH in water, total organic carbon (TOC), potential acidity (H+Al), aluminum saturation and base saturation. We found the composting in a small scale system with piles directly on the soil promoted the increase of soil pH values, TOC contents and base saturation up to 40 cm, regardless of the time of use. This shows the potential of the leachate to reduce acidity and aluminum saturation in the subsoil

    An empirical study on community based management : a case study of Bolivia on waste management

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    International audienceThis research investigates motivation related factors in low-income communities that underpin cooperation, collaboration and self-organization behaviors in resolving the challenge of communal waste management. Waste is defined here as household waste mostly composed of 3 categories: compostable, dry recyclables and sanitary waste. A Qualitative Research Technique with a Case Study approach was implemented and evolved through observations and interviews conducted with a sample size of 400 families. In the case studied, we found that factors driving motivation vary significantly, from fiduciary aspects to community values, and through peer pressure as well as individual generosity. We found that involving more stakeholders tended to enlarge the value chain in waste management, which in our case increased value creation outcomes such as direct jobs. In this regard, we also observed indications of raised social values such as hope and individual dignity through the job creation process and a greater sense of community respect for the work involved with waste from collection to transformation

    An empirical study on community based management : a case study of Bolivia on waste management

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    International audienceThis research investigates motivation related factors in low-income communities that underpin cooperation, collaboration and self-organization behaviors in resolving the challenge of communal waste management. Waste is defined here as household waste mostly composed of 3 categories: compostable, dry recyclables and sanitary waste. A Qualitative Research Technique with a Case Study approach was implemented and evolved through observations and interviews conducted with a sample size of 400 families. In the case studied, we found that factors driving motivation vary significantly, from fiduciary aspects to community values, and through peer pressure as well as individual generosity. We found that involving more stakeholders tended to enlarge the value chain in waste management, which in our case increased value creation outcomes such as direct jobs. In this regard, we also observed indications of raised social values such as hope and individual dignity through the job creation process and a greater sense of community respect for the work involved with waste from collection to transformation

    Fruit biometry and seed germination of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassm

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    Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassm. is a species native to Brazil that is of ecological and aesthetic importance. This study aims to describe the biometric characteristics of S. romanzoffiana fruits and to assess the effects that treatments meant to overcome dormancy and partial drying have on seed germination. For biometric characterization, each repetition consisted of 50 fruits from eight clusters (total, 400 fruits). To evaluate methods for overcoming dormancy, seeds representative of populations were treated by perforation of the operculum; perforation of the operculum and immersion in water for 24 hours; cracking; exposure to fire for three minutes; and non-removal of fibers. There was also a control group. In a second experiment, seeds were partially dried. We determined the proportional moisture content of newly harvested seeds (20.2%) and dried them down to moisture contents of 15.5% and 12.7%. All seeds were subjected to a germination test at 30ºC. The fruits showed biometric variations, with an average of 21.7 mm in longitudinal diameter and 19.7 mm in polar diameter, and a fresh mass of 5.61 g, of which 59.29% was pulp. The highest germination rates and vigor to overcome dormancy occurred after the operculum was perforated and the seeds were soaked in water for 24 hours. The results of the partial drying treatments did not differ sufficiently to discourage dormancy in any significant manner