6,869 research outputs found

    Sensory Difference of Bio-Dynamically, Organically and Conventionally Produced Wheat from the DOK Long-Term Field Trial

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    There is a need of scientific evidence on the differentiation of organic from conventional produce concerning health, nutrition and sensory related qualities (Leifert et al., 2007). Analysis of wheat from the DOK long-term system comparison trial near Basel, Switzerland (Mäder et al., 2002) showed that organic wheat differed in contents of 16 “diagnostic” proteins from conventional wheat (Zörb et al., 2009a), had higher concentrations of K+ and Mg2+ cations and lower concentrations of six amino acids, and a different seed ripening metabolism (Zörb et al., 2009b). In a previous sensory test with cooked porridge of wheat (cv. Tamaro) from the DOK trial (harvest 1999), the biodynamic samples had been preferred (Arncken et al., 2007). In the present work we aimed to corroborate these results with dry samples of three harvest years

    Replication study: a cross-country field observation study of real world PIN usage at ATMs and in various electronic payment scenarios:towards understanding why people do, or do not, shield PIN entry

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    In this paper, we describe the study we carried out to replicate and extend the field observation study of real world ATM use carried out by De Luca et al., published at the SOUPS conference in 2010. Replicating De Luca et al.'s study, we observed PIN shielding rates at ATMs in Germany. We then extended their research by conducting a similar field observation study in Sweden and the United Kingdom. Moreover, in addition to observing ATM users (withdrawing), we also observed electronic payment scenarios requiring PIN entry. Altogether, we gathered data related to 930 observations. Similar to De Luca et al., we conducted follow-up interviews, the better to interpret our findings. We were able to confirm De Luca et al.'s findings with respect to low PIN shielding incidence during ATM cash withdrawals, with no significant differences between shielding rates across the three countries. PIN shielding incidence during electronic payment scenarios was significantly lower than incidence during ATM withdrawal scenarios in both the United Kingdom and Sweden. Shielding levels in Germany were similar during both withdrawal and payment scenarios. We conclude the paper by suggesting a number of explanations for the differences in shielding that our study revealed

    Onboard sampling of the rockfish and lingcod commerical passenger fishing vessel industry in northern and central California, January through December 1995

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    The Central California Marine Sport Fish Project has been collecting angler catch data on board Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessels (CPFVs) fishing for rockfish or lingcod since 1987. The program depends on the voluntary cooperation of CPFV owners and operators. This fifth report in a series presents data collected in 1995, refers to historical data from 1987 to 1994, and documents trends in species composition, angler effort, catch per unit effort (CPUE), and, for selected species, mean length, and length frequency. Angler catches on board central and northern California CPFVs were sampled from 12 ports, ranging from Fort Bragg in the north to Port San Luis (Avila Beach) in the south. Technicians observed a total of 1829 anglers fishing on 218 CPFV trips. These observed anglers caught 26,197 fish of which samplers determined 22,888 were kept. Over 62% of these fish were caught at Monterey or Morro Bay area ports. Only 18 of 55 species comprised at least one percent of the catch. The top ten species in order of abundance were yellowtail, blue, olive, and rosy rockfishes, lingcod, and canary, widow, gopher, starry, and vermilion rockfishes. Blue and yellowtail rockfishes together comprised approximately 47% of the observed catch. Overall, rockfishes represented 35 species or 64% of the 55 identified species. By number, rockfishes comprised 91.9 % of the observed catch. All CPUE and length data collected since 1987 were partitioned into six location groups for each port area, based on a combination of location, bottom depth, and distance from the nearest port. This allowed examination of indicator trends without potential biases due to non-random trip selection or ontogenetic changes in depth distribution for certain rockfishes. Results indicate that the two primary species in the northern and central California CPFV fishery, blue and yellowtail rockfishes (accounting for 47% of all observed fish in 1995), are in reasonably good condition with no steady declines in either average catch per angler hour or mean length during the last 8 years. The primary species of concern are mainly shallow-water species impacted by a recently expanded commercial hook-and-line fishery or deep-water species (chilipepper and bocaccio) which are fished intensively by the commercial industry and have experienced recent statewide stock declines. Estimated total rockfish catch, adjusted by logbook compliance rates and on board sampling data, has declined significantly in all port areas since 1992. This is largely attributable to increased recreational fishing effort for salmon as well as coast-wide stock declines in several important commercially fished species. (112pp.

    Was Langzeitversuche fĂĽr die Biolandbau-Forschung bedeuten

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    Langzeitversuche können Systemzusammenhänge des ökologischen Landbaus erklären und ergänzen faktorielle Untersuchungen. Welchen Charakter sie besitzen und wie sie zum Kulturdenkmal werden, beschreiben die Leiter des DOK-Langzeitversuchs Paul Mäder und Jochen Mayer. Der Beitrag wurde im April 2014 in der Zeitschrift Ökologie&Landbau publiziert. Diesem Eprint-Eintrag sind Beitrag als auch ergänzende Informationen beigefügt

    Coaching Model of Performance Appraisal: A Local Case Study

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    The performance appraisal process is viewed by many as a key management tool that can enhance the development, communication, and implementation of an organisation's strategy, yet critics still debate the benefits. This paper uses a case study to explore the perceptions of staff of changing from a "Traditional" to a "Developmental" approach of performance appraisal.The case organisation updated their performance appraisal system by utilising technology, refocusing the performance appraisal competency areas and increasing the frequency of the appraisal process. The changes reflect the emerging trends of the performance appraisal process.Exploratory research was undertaken to determine whether these changes were viewed by staff and management as a positive improvement and whether the change supported contemporary performance appraisal initiatives commented upon within the literature

    Performance und Ertragsbildung von Winterweizen im DOK-Versuch

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    Wheat yield performance and bread baking quality was investigated in the DOK long term experiment in Switzerland. Yield and crude protein differed between biological and conventional systems but not between bio-organic and bio-dynamic systems. The same observations were made for yield components and baking quality parameters. Potatoes as preceding crops compared to maize performed much better than increased manure application in biological systems

    Nitrogen Budgets and Soil Nitrogen Stocks of Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems: Trade-Off between Efficiency and Sustainability of Nitrogen Use

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    Organic and conventional cropping systems differ in the nature and amounts of nitrogen (N) inputs, which may affect efficiency and sustainability of N use. In the DOK (bio-Dynamic, bio-Organic, Konventionell) field experiment, organic and conventional cropping systems have been compared since 1978 at two fertilization levels. Nitrogen inputs via manure and/or mineral fertilizers, and N exports from plots with harvested products have throughout been recorded. For all treatments, N outputs with harvests have exceeded the inputs with fertilizers. Over the past years, symbiotic N2 fixation by soybean and clover grown in the trial has additionally been assessed, indicating average annual inputs of about 100 kg ha-1 yr-1 of N fixed from the atmosphere. Soil surface budgets opposing N inputs via fertilization, symbiotic fixation, seeds and deposition to N outputs via harvested products have been computed at the plot level for the duration from 1985 to 2012. The resulting balances range from negative values of about -20 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (where outputs exceed the sum of said N inputs) to surpluses of about +50 kg N ha-1 yr-1. The budget based N use efficiency (NUE; N output via harvested products divided by sum of N inputs) in the case of negative balances suggests irrationally high NUE (>100%), while positive balances are related to lower NUE for treatments with inputs exceeding outputs. Negative balances, however, indicate soil N mining, while surpluses point to a risk of N losses, and/or N accumulation in the soil. Estimation of soil N stock changes based on yearly total N concentration measurements in the topsoil layer is currently ongoing. Preliminary results suggest that soil N stocks in the topsoil decreased under all treatments more than expected from the N balance, and that positive N balances are needed to maintain topsoil N stocks. An increase in soil N concentration was observed in none of the treatments. In conclusion, the results indicate an efficiency-sustainability trade-off. Treatments with a higher NUE lose more soil stock N than those with a lower NUE. Treatments with lower NUE indicate higher N losses from the studied crop-topsoil system. Sustainable soil N management in addition to organic fertilizer inputs might at this site require reduced soil tillage. The significance of N contained in deeper soil layers, and deep rooting crops in recovering leached N should as well be investigated
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